Augusto Ornellas
Augusto Ornellas
  • 16
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Animation Mentor Class 2 progress reel
Animation Mentor Class 2 progress reel
Переглядів: 122


Palestra Matthias Loibner Brasília 4
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Palestra Matthias Loibner Brasília 4
Palestra Matthias Loibner Brasília 2
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Palestra Matthias Loibner Brasília 2
Palestra Matthias Loibner Brasília 1
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Palestra Matthias Loibner Brasília 1
Palestra Matthias Loibner Brasília 3
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Matthias Loibner toca e canta "Der Leiermann", de Franz Schubert
Timelapses/Startrails 2013-14
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Ivri Lider - Zachiti Leehov (legendado / subtitled) - עברי לידר - זכיתי לאהוב
Переглядів 3 тис.12 років тому
DISCLAIMER: No copyright infringement is intended. This video was uploaded only as a means to provide subtitles in Portuguese and English made by myself publicly. I am a fan of Ivri Lider's and only wish his songs to be understood by a wider audience. Versão legendada em português e inglês / Version with Portuguese and English subtitles. Clique no botão CC para ativar ou alternar legendas / Cli...
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Snowstorm at Hebrew University dorms
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8:15 AM, Jan 30, 2008... First snowstorm of the winter in Jerusalem.
Climate Catastrophe Cancelled - PART 4/5
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Climate Catastrophe Cancelled: What You're Not Being Told About the Science of Climate Change At a news conference held in Ottawa, some of North America's foremost climate experts provided evidence demonstrating that the science underlying the Kyoto Protocol is seriously flawed. Contrary to claims that the science of climate change has been settled, the causes of the past century's modest warmi...
Climate Catastrophe Cancelled - PART 2/5
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Climate Catastrophe Cancelled: What You're Not Being Told About the Science of Climate Change At a news conference held in Ottawa, some of North America's foremost climate experts provided evidence demonstrating that the science underlying the Kyoto Protocol is seriously flawed. Contrary to claims that the science of climate change has been settled, the causes of the past century's modest warmi...
Climate Catastrophe Cancelled - PART 5/5
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Climate Catastrophe Cancelled: What You're Not Being Told About the Science of Climate Change At a news conference held in Ottawa, some of North America's foremost climate experts provided evidence demonstrating that the science underlying the Kyoto Protocol is seriously flawed. Contrary to claims that the science of climate change has been settled, the causes of the past century's modest warmi...
Climate Catastrophe Cancelled - PART 3/5
Переглядів 4,9 тис.17 років тому
Climate Catastrophe Cancelled: What You're Not Being Told About the Science of Climate Change At a news conference held in Ottawa, some of North America's foremost climate experts provided evidence demonstrating that the science underlying the Kyoto Protocol is seriously flawed. Contrary to claims that the science of climate change has been settled, the causes of the past century's modest warmi...
Climate Catastrophe Cancelled - PART 1/5
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Climate Catastrophe Cancelled: What You're Not Being Told About the Science of Climate Change At a news conference held in Ottawa, some of North America's foremost climate experts provided evidence demonstrating that the science underlying the Kyoto Protocol is seriously flawed. Contrary to claims that the science of climate change has been settled, the causes of the past century's modest warmi...
Opinião portuguesa
Переглядів 17 тис.17 років тому
Opinião portuguesa


  • @eliegerardelie9636
    @eliegerardelie9636 9 років тому

    2éme version , après Rita de ce chant-poéme magnifique : 'zakhiti léhéhov - j'ai mérité, j'ai gagné l'amour ...' paroles que je traduirai en français dans prochain commentaire : Lyrics (transliterated Hebrew): (part 1) Ve-kshe ha-shemesh nimkheket ba-shamayim Vehalev metaftef li derekh ha-einayim ha-khumot Az ani zokher she-yesh yadayim she-rotzot oti karov Ani yode'a she-zakhiti le'ehov - Vekshe ha-ruakh akharei ha-tzaharayim Mefazeret anafim ktanim, ve-bein'atayim ze na'im Az ani zokher she-yesh einayim she-ro'ot oti karov Ve-ani yode'a she-zakhiti le'ehov Ani yode'a she-zakhiti le'ehov Part2 : Vekshe ha-shemesh yotze't me'al ha-mayim Vematkhil od yom afor, ve-bein'atayim ein sibah Az ani zokher she-yesh sfatayim she-rotzot oti karov Ani yode'a she-zakhiti le'ehov . Ani zokher she-yesh sfatayim she-rotzot oti karov Ve-ani yode'a she-zakhiti le'ehov

    • @eliegerardelie9636
      @eliegerardelie9636 9 років тому

      n'oubliez pas l'interprétation de Rita : un peu plus haut dans cette page

  • @Stupidityindex
    @Stupidityindex 9 років тому

    This is a fantasy video for people who pretend burning does not produce heat, properties of CO2 have been faked for over a hundred years, the fossil fuel industries are too poor to influence politicians or the media, etc.

  • @filmkonnex
    @filmkonnex 10 років тому

    google global earth dimming, if you want to know, why the earth is cooling. it´s all manmade. but one thing is impossible to create artificially: biodiversity. no biodiversity - no ecosystems - no humans. it´s that simple.

  • @filmkonnex
    @filmkonnex 11 років тому

    google global earth dimming.

  • @filmkonnex
    @filmkonnex 11 років тому

    yes. i also believe the atomic bomb never existed.

  • @jciljciljcil
    @jciljciljcil 11 років тому

    Thank you for your scientific precision!

  • @aornellas
    @aornellas 11 років тому

    Shlomi tov, Edhison. A tradução para português e inglês está disponível no vídeo já, é só clicar no botão de legendas (à esquerda da rodinha dentada, abaixo do vídeo) e escolher a língua.

  • @Nosihde
    @Nosihde 11 років тому

    Shalom, chaverim, mashlomha?! Augusto , gostei muito da transliteração acima. Eu estudo hebraico, você possui a letra desta música, bem como sua tradução para o Português? Caso tenha de outras me interessa também. Meu e-mail é . Todá Rabá! Edhison

  • @BrasilSensational
    @BrasilSensational 11 років тому

    Nada contra Portugal até porque sou um descendente deles, mas, sua declaração não prova muita coisa quando diz que todos os brasileiros que saem do Brasil não querem voltar, só que voce se esqueceu de mencionar também a quantidade enorme dos que estão voltando. Se comparar que aproximadamente 5 milhões de Brasileiros vivam fora do Brasil, isso não é quase nada se comparado com a sua população de quase 200 milhões. Abraço brazuca para o norte de Portugal de onde vieram meus ascendentes.

  • @TV_Douglas
    @TV_Douglas 11 років тому

    Portugays!!! kkkkkkkkkkk

  • @Dinuska
    @Dinuska 11 років тому

    Mas será possível que não há um único vídeo nos comentários do qual não entrem alguns idiotas (aposto que sempre os mesmos - dum lado e do outro) para se ofender mutuamente?? Já não dá vontade de ver nada.... :(( Cresçam e olhem-se ao espelho que isto já cansa. Vou embora que o meu lugar não é aqui.... :((

  • @RickardoBaptista
    @RickardoBaptista 11 років тому

    Eu Moro numa cidade no norte de Portugal, nunca vi nenhum tipo de preconceito contra algum cidadão estrangeiro, na minha cidade "Viana do Castelo" cidadãos Brasileiros são vistos como cidadãos Portugueses, não vou falar que em Lisboa seja a mesma coisa, pois eles até preconceito contra a gente do norte tem. mas Portugal não é só Lisboa, Portugal é mais que isso,

  • @xxxxxxx1090
    @xxxxxxx1090 11 років тому

    e isso que nos passam em filmes

  • @RickardoBaptista
    @RickardoBaptista 11 років тому

    vocês falam que Português é racista! estão redondamente engandos! Somos dos povos europeus mais acolhedores! Não temos nenhum complexo de inferioridade! Bem pelo contrario! Somos um povo orgulhoso! Não precisamos de postar videos a criticar outros países para nos sentirmos melhores, como vocês Brasileiros fazem! Eu tenho muitos amigos Brasileiros, olho para eles como se fossem Portugueses! não vou dizer que cá não ha racistas, claro que há! mas isso há em todos os países! enfim!

  • @RickardoBaptista
    @RickardoBaptista 11 років тому

    Quanta frustração vocês Brasileiros tem xD Bem diz o meu melhor amigo Roberto Menelli, que é nato de Rio de Janeiro, mas vive cá em Portugal. que o Povo Brasileiro, é frustrado! pois engraçado, que todos os Brasileiros que conheço dizem que não querem voltar ao Brasil, Porque será? e meu amigo se tens os dentes podres, vai ao dentista! O Português como qualquer outro Europeu, gosta muito de cuidar a sua aparência. Não como muitos por aí!

  • @rodolpho979
    @rodolpho979 12 років тому

    Shoel... Muito obrigado... Já posso acompanhar cantando. Para mim, Zachiti Leehov e Bo são as melhores e me tocam profundamente, se quer saber já até pensei em aprender Hebraico pelas músicas do Ivri Lider. Isso é que é influência! Valeu...

  • @rodolpho979
    @rodolpho979 12 років тому

    Thank you so much for posting translations from Hebrew to English and Portuguese. I love Ivri Lider for the artist he is and the personality he has. I love his songs and this one is of my favourites but I don't understand Hebrew so... I appreciate your help. Greetings from Brazil!

  • @washingtonfigueiredo
    @washingtonfigueiredo 12 років тому

    “onde a opinião de todos os telespectadores são válidos, não é o caso deste telespectador... Vamos seguir em frente e ouvir opiniões um pouco mais construtivas...” kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Sujeito otário!

  • @395leandro
    @395leandro 12 років тому

    @rogerroginho Não sou nem de um nem de outro. Sou do Rio de Janeiro (capital). A diferença brasileira, está apenas no sotaque em si (exceto no Tupi, obviamente), mas em relação a Portugal existe uma diferença muito grande não apenas na fala, como na escrita, eu tenho um tio Português que tem que forçar o sotaque brasileiro para que entendamos o que ele diz. Até, o "e" por exemplo (conjunção aditiva) tem um som muito diferente, em Portugal parece "ê", já no Brasil parece "i".

  • @rogerroginho
    @rogerroginho 12 років тому

    @395leandro Isso depende do seu sotaque regional, como também há isso em Portugal. Vc provavelmente deve ser de S. Paulo ou do Sul, onde as diferenças são mais acentuadas. Não há apenas um jeito de falar tanto no Brasil quanto em Portugal. :D

  • @395leandro
    @395leandro 12 років тому

    @CoolNoize Obrigado!

  • @395leandro
    @395leandro 12 років тому

    @luiseduardo586 A diferença é enorme.

  • @395leandro
    @395leandro 12 років тому

    @rogerroginho A diferença é enorme.

  • @FlaBiU19
    @FlaBiU19 13 років тому

    LOL WTF ?

  • @rogerroginho
    @rogerroginho 13 років тому

    @luiseduardo586 Igual, no veo diferencia.

  • @395leandro
    @395leandro 13 років тому

    Eu sou brasileiro e gosto muito de Portugal, considero meu segundo país, mesmo nunca tendo ido lá, tenho muitos parentes portugueses, e não sei o porque da briguinha.

  • @luiseduardo586
    @luiseduardo586 13 років тому

    OH al portugués de Portugal no le entiendo! que diferente suena al portugués de Brasil!

  • @rafick100
    @rafick100 13 років тому


  • @A2001L
    @A2001L 14 років тому

    Em Portugal a má educação é normal e recorrente, vejam os comentários nos vídeos da Maitê Proença ou os espaços de comentários do site e vão ver a educação deste povo lusitano. Não acho nada estranho vindo de um "tuga".

  • @MrM3rcury
    @MrM3rcury 14 років тому

    nossa,, u cara deve ter feito isso de proposito XD

  • @keithmlarsen
    @keithmlarsen 14 років тому

    You might want to re-phrase that last part so it actually makes literary sense, I have a feeling most of your associates won't catch that though- Any luck on the Exxon proof yet? I could have saved you a lot of time by just pointing out the fact that you were lying in the first place, but that is much less fun than letting you figure it out yourself. You should practice abstract thinking before discrediting scientists in this, or any other, film- ciao

  • @keithmlarsen
    @keithmlarsen 14 років тому

    then it should be easy for you to prove, right? So let's take your logic a bit further... Who is funding the IPCC? Would that be the UN? Is the UN an unbiased group? Do they want world government and regulation? Do they select their scientists of choice for the IPCC? Why is it that agreeing with them is pre-requisite for the job? Ok, now who has more money, the UN or Exxon? Even if what you say is true, who gives a sh@$^?

  • @keithmlarsen
    @keithmlarsen 14 років тому

    Thanks Ian Clark- for having the courage to state your scientific convictions regardless of popularity-

  • @steam0001
    @steam0001 14 років тому

    @MarcusCardiff I see your point. After all what is a couple million dead around the world because of using food for fuel & there by driving up the cost of food starving the poorest of the poor to death. When oil production peeks & the price of oil goes up people will find alternatives & adapt. We don't need to be treated like sheep.

  • @Tapecutter59
    @Tapecutter59 14 років тому

    "Friends of Science" is double-speak for "anti-science lobby group". Dr Tim Ball is a Canadian journalist who acts as their chief propogandist.. This sort of anti-science propoganda is childs play to debunk but there are still plenty of people (mainly parochial americans) who think Al Gore invented AGW in 2005. They explify the arrogant american, they simply cannot comprend that the rest of the world are not buying into their domestic politics.

  • @factorniner
    @factorniner 14 років тому

    Al Gore and Goldman Sachs own N. America's only climate trading exchange in Chicago, CCX. They are set to make billions. AGW's a SCAM Suckers...

  • @ggmorvaj
    @ggmorvaj 14 років тому

    No, the graph presented here(the Vostov Ice Cores) is very clear.....Did you look at it carefully? Just look at the peaks & the plummets on that graph. CO2 consistently lags the temperature increases...that falsifies the idea of "positive feedback loop" in this instance.

  • @moomintroll1963
    @moomintroll1963 15 років тому

    the goverment is making so much money from 'green' taxes that they cannot be seen to now do a u turn on this issue,its become to political

  • @markmatt4161
    @markmatt4161 15 років тому

    Good information.

  • @subbvert
    @subbvert 15 років тому

    to verify how ineffective carbon is we use atomic absorbtion spectometry and find if the entire atmosphere was carbon it would absorb no more than 8% of heat radiating from earth thus 20 years of AGW theory has produced no signature

  • @selti1
    @selti1 15 років тому

    To verify the validity of global warming, we need to do the following experiment: Put in a vessel 0.03% carbon dioxide , 1 % Water vapour, 78% Nitrogen & 21% Oxygen. We next expose the vessel to a given amount of solar radiation and we record its temperature. On another identical vessel, we repeat the same procedure except we change the proportion of carbon dioxide to its current proportion of 0.04%.

  • @subbvert
    @subbvert 15 років тому

    welcome Zedollydots to the hegelian mindtrap you know, all those sceptics are sponsored by big oil! here's a suggestion for u-- play the rockefeller game type in your fave enviro group followed by the word rockefeller and see if you can find one that hasnt taken his money . after that check out maurice strong the multi billionaire oil man who ran UNEP for 20 yrs the one who wrote the cheques yes he's also in on GM,Uranium etc if u control both sides u control the outcome-wake up!

  • @felixthefoxMEXICO
    @felixthefoxMEXICO 15 років тому

    this vid is ancient...

  • @stama9
    @stama9 15 років тому

    Tim Ball has published 4 peer-reviewed studies over the entirety of his career. His work with "Friends of Science" has also been funded by the petroleum industry. I started watching this one with an open mind, but I don't find anything he's in credible. I have watched The Great Global Warming Swindle, too and a couple of scientists from it were misrepresented or mislead by the director. Frend Singer was also a "scientist" hired by the tobacco indstry to create doubt the smoking-cancer link.

  • @numbers93
    @numbers93 16 років тому

    Amen! And for those who do agree to this video: If it's somehow a whole lie that global warming is man-made, what do you think is right for our atmosphere? That we just keep on relying on pollution and oil? I don't see al gore's campeign for clean energy as something that could be detrimental to the world's future. Just because global warming "MAY" be false, it does not mean that the actions theorized to lead towards it are not harmful.

  • @rhobert13
    @rhobert13 16 років тому

    kkkkkkkkkkkk que cara doido

  • @JCRossnCo
    @JCRossnCo 16 років тому

    this make so much more sense. which I dont find in al gore's fiction book

  • @edinhobrother
    @edinhobrother 16 років тому

    boa profissional!

  • @mcamavel
    @mcamavel 16 років тому

    Alfredo Barreiros é lojista!!! hahahahaah!!! Que cara idiotaaaa!!! Muito engraçado! Será que é assim que se aproximam das gajas lá em Portugal?

  • @jakehr3
    @jakehr3 16 років тому

    yes CO2 is "plant food," but so is water, and what is water vapor, water. So, yes it is plant food, but that doesn't mean that it will be beneficial because you need water as well with the plants to make them grow: 6CO2+6H2O=C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6O2. So, you need water, as rain, river, or ocean to effect the roots as well as CO2