Sleepless Seconds
Sleepless Seconds
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  • 143 150


Metrocenter Mall (September 28th, 2019)
Переглядів 54 місяці тому
Practically unusable footage taken from the final Halloween event happening at Metrocenter Mall in Arizona. I was suffering from a temporary paralyzed ankle during this time, so unfortunately lot of my walking was very shaky and uneasy. The footage reflects that, unfortunately. If any of this is useful to you, please let me know! Feel free to use it! Just credit me as Sleepless Studios or Bridg...
Footage of Big Surf (May 21st, 2019)
Переглядів 74 місяці тому
Feel free to use this footage in any videos documenting the fall of Big Surf Waterpark located in Tempe, Arizona! Please credit me under the name Sleepless Studios or Bridget Lloyd.
Bluetooth Headphones Glitch with iPad
Переглядів 64 місяці тому
This has been a consistent problem with my iPad and three different brands of Bluetooth headphones. I will connect my headphones to my iPad, and as soon as I open anything that plays audio, the quality will become muffled and the audio will automatically go full without me touching anything. This often occurs after I upload something to UA-cam. However I have noticed this issue with my VideoVer...
i asked the tf2 cosplay community to send me their best spy moments..
Переглядів 346 місяців тому
I asked my cosplay community to send me their best spy moments, with a sense of urgency in my messages.. which led to the dumpster fire you see here…
Alan being my favorite character for 2 minutes and 43 seconds
Переглядів 187 місяців тому
watched the barbie movie on my way to and from salt lake city this weekend here's a haha funny moment lol i don't own anything used
Singing “Still Alive” with Ellen McLain and John Patrick Lowrie | Meet the Mercs
Переглядів 1438 місяців тому
Everyone singing along to “Still Alive” from the Portal games at the Meet the Mercs event in Seattle!
Does anybody recognize this melody? (Sewerslvt Sample)
Переглядів 46Рік тому
Been trying to figure out this one for days. I’m so close! I just can’t figure out what the song is!
KL Theatre Co. performs “Have You Ever Begun to Wonder?” from James and the Giant Peach
Переглядів 65Рік тому
Kentlake Highschool’s theatre club has been working hard on their production of James and the Giant Peach! Edit later I do not own the music used. It belongs to its rightful owners.
Seattle Thunderbirds Opening Ceremony | T-Birds vs Americans | 2/14/23
Переглядів 251Рік тому
I’ve been going to the local WHL games lately since Seattle Kraken (NHL Team) is almost $300 a ticket at the moment. To my surprise, the Thunderbirds are actually pretty good and have a big community surrounding them! So now I’m proud to say I’m a Thunderbirds Fan! Go T-Birds! I do not own the music used. It belongs to it’s rightful owner. Any logos or imagery shown is not mine. I only recorded...
Feel Good Inc but I replaced the opening laugh with mutahar laughing because the comments told me to
Переглядів 553Рік тому
Heheheeheheeahah Laugh from Mutahar’s most recent video: I do not own the music, clips, or audio used. They all belong to their respective owners.
the softest woah
Переглядів 52Рік тому
finally found a hilarious segment i had memed on with my friend at a sleepover like a year ago figured i should post it here too Credit: Moomin (1990) - Episode 75 I do not own the clips used. They all belong to their rightful owners.
Lavender & Pink Speedpaint (My Melody x Kuromi)
Переглядів 25Рік тому
Just a Speedpaint of a digitally redone doodle I did in class today It’s me wearing my My Melody x Kuromi jacket I got. I’m very happy with it and I’m relieved to finally feel comfortable wearing a little bit of pink. Song: Lost by Cosmic Latte I do not own the music used. It belongs to it’s rightful owner.
Sonic CD “Majin” Screen US vs EU/Japan Release
Переглядів 1,3 тис.Рік тому
Today I discovered there were two totally different versions of the Majin screen from Sonic CD. Not so bad when you know the original now, huh? I do not own the music or clips used. They all belong to their rightful owners.
Stalemate (Uncommon TF2 Control Points Match Ending)
Переглядів 255Рік тому
Stalemate (Uncommon TF2 Control Points Match Ending)
cracker island but it’s just noodle slowly losing her patience
Переглядів 3,4 тис.Рік тому
cracker island but it’s just noodle slowly losing her patience
copy of minus8 videos
Переглядів 296Рік тому
copy of minus8 videos
a recreation of the first time i saw the eas warning
Переглядів 142 роки тому
a recreation of the first time i saw the eas warning
your name will be pinocchio
Переглядів 3,2 тис.2 роки тому
your name will be pinocchio
they’re coming home (moominvalley s3 spoilers)
Переглядів 1192 роки тому
they’re coming home (moominvalley s3 spoilers)
oh boy my favorite seat
Переглядів 362 роки тому
oh boy my favorite seat
ephemeral rift asmr but it’s out of context
Переглядів 5862 роки тому
ephemeral rift asmr but it’s out of context
this is a professional cosplay competition
Переглядів 302 роки тому
this is a professional cosplay competition
weird glitch i dunno
Переглядів 112 роки тому
weird glitch i dunno
tf2 fans be like (snotty boy glow up meme)
Переглядів 1,1 тис.2 роки тому
tf2 fans be like (snotty boy glow up meme)
a forgotten vent about my failing health from november 2018
Переглядів 292 роки тому
a forgotten vent about my failing health from november 2018
a wot
Переглядів 982 роки тому
a wot
this is the most lightning i’ve ever seen
Переглядів 342 роки тому
this is the most lightning i’ve ever seen