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[song]Layla and Majnun-- A Love Story/ Originating from Persian and Arabic literature
The love story of Layla and Majnun is a classic and tragic tale of star-crossed lovers that has captivated audiences for centuries. Originating from Persian and Arabic literature, this story has been retold in various forms throughout the Middle East and South Asia, gaining prominence through the works of Persian poet Nizami Ganjavi in the 12th century.
The Story
Layla and Qays:
The story begins with Qays ibn al-Mulawwah, a young man from a noble Arab family. He falls deeply in love with Layla bint Mahdi, a beautiful girl from his tribe. Qays expresses his love for Layla through poetry, earning him the nickname "Majnun," meaning "possessed" or "mad" due to his obsessive love.
Separation and Despair:
Despite his genuine love, Layla’s family disapproves of the union due to the societal norms of the time. They refuse to let Layla marry Qays and instead arrange her marriage to another man. Heartbroken, Qays becomes a wanderer, living a life of solitude in the desert, where he continues to compose poems about his undying love for Layla.
Enduring Love:
Layla, although married, remains in love with Majnun. They never meet again, but their love persists through their words and memories. Layla eventually dies of sorrow, and when Majnun hears of her death, he visits her grave, mourning her loss until he too passes away, succumbing to his grief.
Themes and Significance
Unconditional Love:
The story of Layla and Majnun is often seen as an allegory for divine love, portraying the intense and unconditional devotion that transcends the physical world. Majnun's love for Layla is pure and unselfish, symbolizing a spiritual quest for union with the divine.
Cultural Impact:
This tale has had a profound influence on Persian, Arabic, Turkish, and Indian literature and art. It has inspired numerous adaptations in poetry, music, and visual arts. The story's themes of love, sacrifice, and the consequences of societal constraints resonate across cultures and generations.
Literary Legacy:
Nizami Ganjavi's rendition of "Layla and Majnun" is one of the most celebrated versions, highlighting his poetic brilliance and ability to convey deep emotional and philosophical insights. The story also reflects the rich literary traditions of the Middle East, where storytelling, poetry, and mysticism intersect.
Modern Adaptations
The story continues to inspire modern adaptations in various media, including theater, film, and literature. Each retelling brings a new perspective while preserving the core elements of this timeless romance.
For further reading and exploration of the story, you can refer to sources such as:
"Layla and Majnun" by Nizami Ganjavi: A classical Persian poem that provides one of the most detailed and poetic versions of the story.
"A History of Persian Literature": Offers insights into the impact and legacy of the story within Persian literary traditions.
Переглядів: 8


[song]The Arrival of a Human("Visitor" ("방문객") /Korean poet Jeong Ho-seung (정호승)/hedra/Lip Syncing
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[노래]시니어 모델/디자이너 우명희 패션쇼
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[노래]꼭딱!!! 한사람만 있었어도 /Hedra AI Lip sync/보호종료청소년/(사)맥지청소년사회교육원 익산키퍼트리
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[이코노믹데일리] 맥지 익산 키퍼트리, '꼭딱!! 한사람' 결의 박명섭 기자 2024-06-04 05:00:00 www.economidaily.com/view/20240604003829778 자립청년들이 쉽게 '꼭딱!! 한사람'을 가슴에 안게 만들자 진솔 지휘자, 12일 모차르트 레퀴엠 연주회에 '예나'의 진혼 예식 담아 맥지 익산 키퍼트리, ‘꼭딱!! 한사람’ 결의 [사진=맥지 익산키퍼트리] [이코노믹데일리] “우리 키퍼(Keeper)부터 나서서 ‘꼭딱!! 한사람’이 되자.” (사)맥지청소년사회교육원 익산키퍼트리는 지난 5월 31일 저녁 익산키퍼트리 유콘에서 응급 키퍼데이를 열고 “우리 키퍼부터 나서서 ‘꼭딱 한사람’이 되자”며 보호시설을 퇴소한 자립청년들이 쉽게 ‘꼭딱!! 한사람’을 가슴에 안게 만...
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[Song] Shhh...Just You and I /K-pop
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This late '90s/early 2000s K-pop track exudes an alluring blend of mystery and intimacy. The song opens with a repetitive "Shhh" sound, immediately establishing an atmosphere of secrecy and seduction. A deep house beat and groovy bassline lay the foundation, while a catchy melody weaves throughout, creating a captivating soundscape. The lyrics, sung predominantly by a male voice, focus on a hid...
[노래] 일장기 말소사건/손기정 선수 베를린올림픽 마라톤 우승/ 고개 숙여 눈물 흘린 우승자/ 월계수로 가슴의 일장기를 가린 손기정 선수/동메달 남승룡 선수가 부러워 한 건 월계수
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동아일보 일장기 말소사건 1936년 베를린 올림픽에서 손기정 선수가 마라톤에서 우승한 사건은 대한민국 역사에서 큰 의미를 가진다. 하지만 당시 손기정 선수는 일제강점기 아래 일본 대표팀으로 출전해야 했으며, 시상식에서 그의 가슴에 있는 일장기를 가리고 고개를 숙여 울었다. 이는 많은 한국인들에게 깊은 상처와 분노를 안겨주었다. 이 사건은 손기정 선수의 승리가 단순한 스포츠 경기를 넘어 식민지 조선의 민족적 자존심과 연결되었음을 보여준다. 특히, 한국의 언론들은 이 사건을 계기로 민족의 자긍심을 고취시키기 위한 움직임을 보였다. 그 중에서도 가장 주목받는 사건이 바로 "일장기 말소사건"이다. 사건의 배경과 전개 손기정 선수의 마라톤 우승 소식이 전해지자, 동아일보와 조선중앙일보는 그의 업적을 널리 알리기...
Переглядів 1114 днів тому
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[song]The Twilight Path/"Twilight" ("황혼")/Lee In-ho/ a Korean poet
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Introduction to "Twilight" by Lee In-ho "Twilight" ("황혼") is a poignant poem by the Korean poet Lee In-ho (이인호). This work stands out in contemporary Korean poetry for its introspective exploration of the themes of aging, memory, and the passage of time. Through evocative imagery and reflective tone, Lee captures the essence of the twilight years of life, making this poem resonate deeply with r...
[노래] 황혼/이인호 시인
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[Song]One Warm Soul /"If Only There Had Been One Person"
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[노래]꼭딱!!! 한사람만 있었어도 /보호종료청소년/(사)맥지청소년사회교육원 익산키퍼트리
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[노래]꼭딱!!! 한사람만 있었어도 /보호종료청소년/(사)맥지청소년사회교육원 익산키퍼트리
[자동 PPT생성기]감마 사용법
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[자동 PPT생성기]감마 사용법
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suno 사용법/다른 사람 프롬프트를 재사용(Reuse)해서 노래 만들기
[노래]진솔 지휘자/고전음악부터 현대음악, 게임음악을 넘나드는 지휘자 진솔, 제15회 홍진기 창조인상 수상/ 마에스트라
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[노래]진솔 지휘자/고전음악부터 현대음악, 게임음악을 넘나드는 지휘자 진솔, 제15회 홍진기 창조인상 수상/ 마에스트라
[Animal Love Song]A Love Song for Klepetan and Malena The Journey Home#AnimalLove#Croatia#Storks
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[Animal Love Song]A Love Song for Klepetan and Malena The Journey Home#AnimalLove#Croatia#Storks
[Love Song]Rainy Day
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[Love Song]Rainy Day
[노래/댄스]즐기편 함따오, 덕감사, 봄봄봄/ 전대길 (주)동양EMS 대표이사
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[노래/댄스]즐기편 함따오, 덕감사, 봄봄봄/ 전대길 (주)동양EMS 대표이사
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[노래]웃어요/소중한 미소/AI미소녀캐릭터 동영상
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[노래] 샹그릴라의 영원한 메아리
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[노래] 샹그릴라의 영원한 메아리