• @melanieglover4779
    @melanieglover4779 2 роки тому +230

    I want to say. Don’t you EVER stop coffee chats. I make myself laugh because one, I am genuinely laughing while you talk. Two, I find myself answering you, for example, you said stop if I’ve already told you this…I said you haven’t, go on. 😂😂😂 love ya

    • @sassiecassie
      @sassiecassie 2 роки тому +3

      Same lmao I was on the edge of my seat when she first started the story 🤣

    • @MsRaindropps
      @MsRaindropps 2 роки тому +2

      I do the same thing! 😂

  • @karenkingrey6142
    @karenkingrey6142 2 роки тому +286

    Yep. That’s New Orleans. And, I live here and Bourbon St bars are notorious for shady practices! PS: to anyone hearing this, let this be a PSA to never let anyone pour something in your mouth. I want to say anywhere, but for sure not in NO! You never know what might be in those drinks. Jessica, I’m sooooo glad you came out ok!!!

    • @cindytroxler2838
      @cindytroxler2838 2 роки тому +3

      Thanks for the tip 👍

    • @NoYeahNah
      @NoYeahNah 2 роки тому +13

      Tipping culture and no minimum wage really adds to staff being invested in these kind of practices, I still can't believe that kind of stuff is so prevalent in clubs and bars in the US. (By prevalent, I mean at licensed businesses in 1st world countries. Even the majority of brothels and strip clubs are safer where I live, because prostitution is legal and licensed and workers can be unionised & protected. They even got government help and social welfare all through the pandemic lockdowns here - just like any other service/hospitality worker. Plus free healthcare.)

    • @rachellepoirier3695
      @rachellepoirier3695 2 роки тому +10

      I lived there for years, and visited for years before I lived there. When I first started going to Bourbon St, it was the late 90's, and was never charged more than $4-5 for the test tube shots. Once I lived there, and started working on Bourbon, I never got charged, just tipped the servers. Now when I go back to visit, they'll try to charge outrageous prices, but because I know better, I just tell them I'm not a tourist, and if they want to sell any, and make any money, shoot me a realistic price. I can still get them for $5 20+ years later. Unfortunately, they prey on people who don't know any better.
      I know there's barely any liquor in the test tube, but I also know they're required to sell so many a night, so if they shoot me straight, I'll buy a round for friends, and tip them well.

    • @arsenicandlace7689
      @arsenicandlace7689 2 роки тому +6

      I'm also born and raised here and still live here now and I always tell anyone not from the area to be super cautious when in the city, let alone in the quarter or on Bourbon. It's literally a free for all of shady and dangerous activities.

    • @cheeky_lady
      @cheeky_lady 2 роки тому +12

      Came here to say the same thing about New Orleans! I love that city so much, so many fond memories but the hustling is real y'all! They will try every shady trick in the book to get money from you. Keep your wallet on your body (DO NOT CARRY A PURSE) & if you're on Bourbon St. anyone ever asks, "I bet you $5 I know where you got your shoes at", tell them "Bourbon St." & walk away. 😉✌️

  • @karennicholson4167
    @karennicholson4167 2 роки тому +175

    My husband and I do date night every month on the 19th of the month. We were married on the 19th of November and having a set date has helped us, especially with busy schedules. We will celebrate 44 years this year, and date nights are so important ♥️

  • @karlidomingo
    @karlidomingo 2 роки тому +70

    Hearing you talk about religion made me feel so much closer to you in so many ways. I love that you said you are searching and praying. You are faithful in the ways that matter in your daily life, praying and searching, without feeling the need to show anything outwardly and regardless of the outside religious world, and that is how I feel as well. Just thank for you sharing

    • @melslatt
      @melslatt 2 роки тому +9

      💚 One of the songs I grew up singing in church is "they'll know we are Christians by our love" and that's how I like to go through life. I don't need to talk about my beliefs (because a lot of the time, I'm not even sure what they are exactly). But if I try to be a good person and do good for others, that's what religion is really about. In my opinion. 😊

    • @laurabelle89
      @laurabelle89 2 роки тому

      @@melslatt wake up with that hymn in my head all the time!

  • @jessicalynn8104
    @jessicalynn8104 2 роки тому +64

    That’s ridiculous. My husband doesn’t drink and would be pissed if someone poured something down his throat. No one should ever do that without consent.

    • @erine7453
      @erine7453 2 роки тому +5

      Same! I don't drink and that would be such a huge violation of boundaries. I'd honestly consider pressing charges if someone did that to me

  • @daniellengarcia
    @daniellengarcia 2 роки тому +56

    I had a very similar experience in New Orleans with some friends recently. A woman approached us while we were walking on Bourbon street, not inside any particular club/bar, and offered the drink to my friend, no words could be heard and she never answered my friend’s question about price until after. She did the same thing, putting the butt of the shot in her mouth and then tipping it into my friend’s mouth. It was $20 a shot, for this little test tube of red or blue shots! Absolute madness. They didn’t ID either, and I’m used to being ID-ed, so I just thought it was so strange that they just assumed we were of age. We were really caught off guard with it all, and since my friend nor I carried cash, we were immediately pointed toward an atm nearby. Definitely strategic. Thankfully a friend of ours in the group covered the cost and we got out of there and stayed off Bourbon for most of the rest of the trip.

  • @meganmeister2530
    @meganmeister2530 2 роки тому +138

    That New Orleans story JUST happened to me at a bachelorette party. Same thing offered the drink with no words but started with the bride and maid of honor so we thought FOR SURE it was free for them. Ended up being $30 a shot.

    • @BlondeAggie
      @BlondeAggie 2 роки тому +3

      Yes! Happened at my friend’s bachelorette in NOLA - person at the bar gave the shot to my friend who was the bride and we all thought it was on the house and then said $20 😡

    • @BlondeAggie
      @BlondeAggie 2 роки тому +1

      I wanted to fight it but it was my friend’s weekend and I didn’t want to ruin her night but it definitely made me v angry

  • @chiknlittle
    @chiknlittle 2 роки тому +4

    Jessica, loved your chat about religion. I’m 29 (no kids) but actually what really got me thinking deeply about the religion I’d believed in so long was the idea of having kids and raising them in that religion. Something about bringing kids into things made me really take a step back and consider what I actually believe to be good values and what’s unnecessary or harmful. I love those kinds of deep thoughts, that’s what life is about!

  • @sierraskye6779
    @sierraskye6779 2 роки тому +6

    I want to tell you how much I appreciate your transparency about post partum depression. As someone who is currently going through it, it’s comforting to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Even if I can’t see it yet. Thank you Jessica!!!

    • @ruthwilfong2342
      @ruthwilfong2342 2 роки тому +1

      I went through it many years ago when little was known or recognized about it. Basically people would say it’s just baby blues, get over it! 😔 The thing is, I continued to go through depression off & on for years after that until I finally found a doctor who had some knowledge & medicated me. So now it’s very rare for me. I wish you the best, & remember what Jess always says. Talk to a doctor. 💙💙💙

  • @staceyfinch8486
    @staceyfinch8486 2 роки тому +8

    Because of this video my kitchen got cleaned tonight. 😂 I was dreading doing it, and basically told myself if there was a new video to watch from one of my favs then I would push myself…and there was your video filled with funny stories, life updates, etc! Your videos always make my day/week better, the genuineness, openness, and the love you have for your family is so wonderful to see.

  • @catcart16
    @catcart16 2 роки тому +21

    I’m so glad you shared your story of breast feeding. I wish more people would embrace the fact that it doesn’t HAVE to be one way or another. You can breast feed and use formula. There is way too much stress put on moms already! You do what you can!

  • @tayloredbeautyedit
    @tayloredbeautyedit 2 роки тому +28

    My mom is what I've always called "build your own Christianity". She's nondenominational and picks and chooses what she likes and what makes her feel the closest to God. She's never been Catholic but does the rosary. We never went to church growing up because she's always believed you don't need to visit a specific location to talk to or honor God. Even though we don't share the same beliefs now that I've grown up, I've always admired that about her and been proud of her for that, for having a unique relationship with her religion that doesn't need a name or specific rules. She does what works for her. You and your husband have your beliefs and as long as you respect those beliefs, labels aren't important.

  • @NERE1223
    @NERE1223 2 роки тому

    My two sons attend catholic schools. I really like it and my son that is now 21, he thinks twice before doing something. The habit to donate, give to the need, to pray, to help and also do community hours that is what I like about it.

  • @amymetzger5369
    @amymetzger5369 2 роки тому +1

    That happens so much in New Orleans!! I always tell people do not take ANYTHING from those people not behind the bar. So happy that man came to your aid and paid, so sweet!

  • @liuwanzhu4227
    @liuwanzhu4227 2 роки тому +1

    I remember when I had my kid, for the first couple months, I could just look at him and tear would just pour down my face for no reason. I couldn’t explain it, I felt so down, so helpless, so anxious, so scared, there was so much emotion all packed in me, and I couldn’t deal with it. It was so sad. I appreciate your share about your PPD so much, it helped me understand myself and my life, and to move on. Love you.

  • @sarahstatt1242
    @sarahstatt1242 2 роки тому +3

    Watching this while in labour on oxytocin after being induced over 24 hours ago❤️ helping keep me calm thank you!

    • @mokachick
      @mokachick 2 роки тому

      Hope baby arrived ok ❤️❤️❤️

  • @dguillen1226
    @dguillen1226 2 роки тому +1

    That New Orleans story is wild! Good for you and Tyler for sticking up for yourselves! At 21 yo I also would have been super tearful and not known what to do. What a sweet family for having your back!

  • @katherineprisco7074
    @katherineprisco7074 2 роки тому +9

    New Orleans- I had a really similar story happen to me in Rome, except we were two women being bullied by the male owners of the restaurant to pay over 200 euros for a one course meal with a bottle of wine. We were conned into how much the main meal cost. We cried afterwards because we felt so stupid and so taken advantage of and really put a cloud over an otherwise lovely trip. I wish we'd had a guardian angel that day, so great to know there are protective people out there! I went to New Orleans over Mardis Gras in 2020 (just before it alll "kicked off") and we didn't have any kind of experience like that, luckily, it was all bizarre but wonderful. Just be careful wherever you go but don't let it put you off, the world is our beautiful lobster again!

  • @jemsopp7125
    @jemsopp7125 2 роки тому +21

    I remember being devastated when I couldn’t breast feed my twins. It was like the death of this fantasy I had where I would be rocking them in my new rocking chair, bonding with them each in those quiet moments like only a nursing mother could. My Great-Grandma came to visit and said we were so blessed to have the option of formula. She shared that her mother lost 2 babies because she couldn’t produce enough milk for them. When she, once again had a baby she couldn’t nurse, the neighbor showed up with a mama goat who’d lost her kid. Apparently the goat milk did the trick and she had a total of 11 children, my Great-Grandma Mary being the oldest of 9 brothers & one sister.
    I still got to bond with my daughters during feeding time, I just had to shift my perspective a bit. It really is sad how much pressure we put on ourselves as new moms.

    • @rebeccawright9508
      @rebeccawright9508 2 роки тому +1

      I was able to nurse my twins til 8 months but supplemented from their birth. One would get a bottle and the other the breast then switch the next feeding. When I had to stop because I couldn't keep up with them (plus I had a 6 year old and a 2 year old) I felt like the worst mom in the world. Took me a while to shift my perspective too.
      You're a fantastic mother who did what was right for you and your babies.

    • @allye5949
      @allye5949 2 роки тому +3

      One of my twins said ‘no way’ to breast feeding at 3 weeks and was formula fed from then on and the other one I breast fed until 16 months with no supplementation. My third baby breast fed happily until 16 months too. Babies each have their own characters and as mothers we just have to go with what works and learn not to beat ourselves up about things being other than what we wanted.

    • @breeyawnahinton
      @breeyawnahinton 2 роки тому +2

      This is a great way to put this subject into perspective.

  • @kazooboo2431
    @kazooboo2431 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for talking about postpartum depression and shedding light on something so many people experience.
    You are such an inspiration to me. I love all your videos and love watching your beautiful little family 🥰
    Thanks for lighting up my days with your great content!

  • @audrey8261
    @audrey8261 2 роки тому +5

    This New Orleans story is absolutely crazy. I’m almost 21 the summer, and I know I would feel exactly how you did in that situation.

  • @stephaniedinardo6334
    @stephaniedinardo6334 2 роки тому +25

    The movie Somewhere in Time with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour was filmed on Mackinac Island. One of my all time favorite movies. Love the Coffee Chats💗

  • @ElinevanderLaan
    @ElinevanderLaan 2 роки тому +1

    Omg the New Orleans story had my jaw DROPPED.
    These are my favourite videos of yours, love when you're just chatting. Love from The Netherlands. X

  • @kaindra3006
    @kaindra3006 2 роки тому +17

    I NEEDED this today, just got some bad news about my grades and I need to relax, you always brighten up my day, you're my comfort youtuber

    • @peggyboyer7967
      @peggyboyer7967 2 роки тому +1

      g in there life usually gets better!

    • @Chronically_Kimberly
      @Chronically_Kimberly 2 роки тому +3

      I'm not sure what you're going to school for but I'd like to pass this along. I'm not saying to just barely ride the GPA line but my husband said something super important to me when I was in school. He asked me, "what do you call someone whole graduates nursing school with a 4.0?" "A nurse, right?" "What do you call someone who graduates nursing school with a 3.5?" "A nurse, right?" So, while yes you want to try your hardest, getting a couple of bad grades likely isn't going to stop you from graduating and becoming who/what you want to be. Try not to beat yourself up (I had a really hard time with this). You can do it. Just breathe.
      I ultimately had to drop a whole semester (4) classes, had to spend more money to take again and I graduated 1 semester late for Nursing with a 3.8 GPA. Was it what I wanted, No. But I still did it and a 3.8 is not something to sneeze at.
      Best Wishes.

    • @kaindra3006
      @kaindra3006 2 роки тому +3

      @@Chronically_Kimberly thank you so much for your kind words! I'm in school for Psychology and where I live, things are a bit different in terms of grades and graduation, but I'll do my best to stay positive and continue :) Thank you so much again!

    • @kaindra3006
      @kaindra3006 2 роки тому

      @@peggyboyer7967 yes, thank you so much!!

    • @Chronically_Kimberly
      @Chronically_Kimberly 2 роки тому +1

      @@kaindra3006 You're welcome, Love.
      Try not to beat yourself up. Just Breathe. You got this. 🙂

  • @hayleebaird-lira5558
    @hayleebaird-lira5558 2 роки тому +8

    Sitting down to watch with my iced coffee while my 6wk old and toddler nap. I was so excited when you announced you were pregnant when I was because I knew I’d get to watch your pregnancy journey along with experiencing mine. It just dawned on me that as long as you’re making videos and I’m watching UA-cam we’ll be like friends always going through similar life stuff with daughters the same age 🥰💖

  • @marshaanderson4756
    @marshaanderson4756 2 роки тому

    Jess! I LOVED your comments on religion. I'm a Lutheran pastor, and to me, the wrestling with what you do/don't believe is SO meaningful and important. That way, wherever you land, you own it. ✨

  • @MadisonGProductions
    @MadisonGProductions 2 роки тому

    Thank you for your honesty about religion! I grew up Mormon and fully left about 5 years ago and I've never been happier, but it definitely has tainted my experience with spirituality/religion in any regard. I relate to Tyler on that! My friends and family are much more spiritual than I am and it's hard sometimes to not match but it's nice to hear that a healthy couple can navigate their differences. It's also nice to hear other adults that are searching for what they believe in!

  • @jessicalowell8237
    @jessicalowell8237 2 роки тому

    I live and work in Holland, right on Lake Michigan and we LOVE IT! It’s so cool to hear you talk about Dutch village, I grew up going there and to Michigan’s Adventure.

  • @taylorjenkins4517
    @taylorjenkins4517 2 роки тому

    I just wanted to touch on your point that sometimes as kids you may have blindly accepted certain things but now you’re actively aware that you disagree with other points and I just related SO much and it made me feel seen. So thank you 🥰

  • @itsmedmm
    @itsmedmm 2 роки тому

    Please keep over explaining! We all love you for it, and I love learning from you and your stories/experiences. Just keep being you Jess!

  • @kerriganlemoine1513
    @kerriganlemoine1513 2 роки тому

    Listening to your story at the beginning heels so odd. I’m from Michigan, grew up in Ann Arbor, went to college in Grand Rapids and visited Holland often, have family in TC and Muskegon. So surreal to hear you talk about some of my favorite places!

  • @ArianaMichele123
    @ArianaMichele123 2 роки тому +9

    THANK YOU FOR MENTIONING STORY WORTH! I was looking for a gift for my grandmother for her 89th birthday. This is perfect

  • @cariebbaker
    @cariebbaker 2 роки тому

    I gave Storyworth as a gift to both of my parents for Christmas last year bc of your recommendations. They loved it and it snowball to being gifted all over the family over the past year. Thank you so much!

  • @jojomarch
    @jojomarch 2 роки тому +8

    Such a good suggestion re gift cards. I've noticed from various things that the US has a much more positive thing around giving gift cards than here in the UK. I've always loved them, and I think especially for people in your life/professionals etc who aren't paid well/well enough, they can really be a lovely treat even for small things like a coffee at Starbucks, target treat etc. Felicity is so gorgeous! She looks so much like Gigi it's so cute

  • @t.g5223
    @t.g5223 2 роки тому +1

    When you said you feel like you are friends with your favorite UA-camrs it explained exactly how I feel towards you! Followed you for years and literally find comfort in your videos. I truly feel like we would be such great friends in every day life🥰😂 so much love for you, Jess!🤍

  • @reynahemsworth7535
    @reynahemsworth7535 2 роки тому +1

    You really made me forget I was watching UA-cam. I felt like I was transported and you was just talking to me about your experience 🌺

  • @katherinej9617
    @katherinej9617 2 роки тому +5

    I visited NOLA with my husband in 2019 and nothing like that happened to us thankfully. We had such an amazing time. We love the food/culture/people. I hope you and Tyler give it another shot!😄

  • @cloudscarves
    @cloudscarves 2 роки тому +22

    Grew up Catholic like you, still practicing. I was always given the opportunity to question and test my faith and I was so blessed to be surrounded by teachers (homeschooled and not) and parents who welcomed the questioning and provided resources for me to research. I definitely went through a period of questioning, but my Philosophy and Logic teacher in HS showed me Aquinas’ five proofs for the existence of God and let me digest it, which was a huge watershed moment in my faith journey. Studying natural law and a lot of the ancient philosophers (and church fathers, whaddup St. Gregory of Nazienzen who wrote theological poetry about feeling like an imposter and depression that still hits fantastically today. And shoutout to Thomas Merton’s No Man is an Island which changed everything for me in College) really helped me understand what I believed and why. Hoping and praying for the best for you on your journey. I fully believe that those who earnestly seek truth will find it.

  • @taylorfranklin616
    @taylorfranklin616 2 роки тому

    I really appreciate you touching on the religious piece. My husband and I are definitely on the same page with a lot of it but grew up and completely opposite homes where his family was very religious and mine was not. I feel like a broken record when I say we are just trying to figure things out so it’s so good to hear you say that.

  • @bentleysmom8173
    @bentleysmom8173 2 роки тому

    I absolutely love the UP of Michigan. My family used to go up every single summer for years. Harbour Springs is my personal favorite bur I also love Mackinac Island too. So glad to hear someone on UA-cam talking about that region! ❤

  • @a49-n2o
    @a49-n2o 2 роки тому

    It's so admirable that you find importance of continuously searching - I pray you guys find what you need!

  • @brittypie8411
    @brittypie8411 2 роки тому +8

    “It all happened so fast!!” Lol Pam explaining to the IT guy 😂😂🤣🤣

  • @hconf
    @hconf 2 роки тому +56

    I’m so upset those people got the $50!!! They were wrong!! My principled nature hates that!

  • @Sadimc_beauty
    @Sadimc_beauty 2 роки тому

    Still here Jess! Loved this talk and it’s so relevant. Thanks for sharing all your mom experiences, it’s very appreciated! You never over share lol I cling to every word!

  • @zcat752
    @zcat752 2 роки тому +2

    Love your coffee chats sm, I always watch them when getting ready in the morning and it feels like catching up with a friend!

  • @marykleinheksel8890
    @marykleinheksel8890 2 роки тому

    Jessica, Jessica, I live in the Holland, MI, area and I can't believe you were right here! I hope you had a great time in our town...we grew up here [I am 62] and we STILL love living here in this community and also love living near Lake Michigan, a true gem!! Love your content and these videos!! Also love how you are humble, fun and compassionate!! ❣️ personality

  • @redrope022
    @redrope022 2 роки тому

    Because of you we got my father in law Storyworth and so far we can already tell it’s the best gift ever! For us and him.
    I looked but didn’t see anyone ask, where did you get this shirt?!?

  • @cjdippo
    @cjdippo 2 роки тому

    Thank you so much for shedding light on your PPD journey and comparing baby #1 and baby #2. I also suffered from PPD/PPR and didn’t get on meds for months and I feel like I was slightly robbed of the blissful newborn phase. We want another child but that is what’s stopping me in my tracks bc I *remember* how bad it was. Our first is just now 18months so I think we are going to wait at least another year before trying again but thank you for shedding light on this and giving me hope that it can be better. I also function better on routine and schedules and that was a HUGE adjustment when we had our little guy

  • @whitney1677
    @whitney1677 2 роки тому +8

    My husband (that religion), and mine (a calmer little less rigid one). Rough experiences tainted it for him as well. It's tough but I think if you share morals and values you are good!

  • @ParisianSkies12
    @ParisianSkies12 2 роки тому +1

    happy 4th birthday gigi!! so crazy to think she’s 4 already ♥️

  • @bethab2
    @bethab2 2 роки тому

    Love that you love Michigan. It’s so fun to hear you talk about where I live 😍

  • @gritty_fam
    @gritty_fam 2 роки тому

    I love your videos they really inspire me to get ready everyday and feel good about myself. Thank you 🙏

  • @melodiebrown6727
    @melodiebrown6727 2 роки тому

    Your makeup is beautiful and I enjoyed your stories from your trips. You need to keep a journal so when you reach my age (62) your children will so enjoy hearing or reading them. I do enjoy my kids telling me their stories and I share with them. It makes family gatherings enjoyable. Keep up your great work 👍. You are awesome!

  • @morgan6404
    @morgan6404 2 роки тому +1

    I'm SO glad you mentioned Traverse City. I was actually looking to vacation there and would LOVE to hear your recommendations on what to do there, where to eat, etc.

  • @ImaTChure
    @ImaTChure 2 роки тому

    I grew up in Michigan! Your stories about Mackinac Island & Michigan's Adventure are bringing back core memories from my childhood!

  • @hannitabeautysison
    @hannitabeautysison 2 роки тому

    Also Chicago summer is the best! We have such a short live summer but so much to do! 💕

  • @Christian-is-thriving
    @Christian-is-thriving 2 роки тому +17

    Okay. The New Orleans story. I live and used to work in the Florida equivalent of the French Quarter (Ybor City in Tampa). Yes that was a scam. You were targeted because you were young and more because you were obviously tourist. Locals in areas like that can spot a tourist a mile away and some will sadly scam people because of that. Yes that bouncer was gonna get a cut and if there was alcohol at all in those shots it was probably schnapps which has very little alcohol and is dirt cheap. I've watched many bartenders up charge tourist double or more on very basic drinks. The club I worked at didn't do it but regulars would often get free drinks because they spent a lot and supported the club. If this happens to anyone reading this, make them call the cops. 99% of the time they will fold because the cops usually side with the tourist, especially if you are not drunk.

    • @Chronically_Kimberly
      @Chronically_Kimberly 2 роки тому +3

      My husband and I love Ybor City. We lived in St. Pete. There are definitely some shady things that happen there but you learn where to stay away from. I swear tourists must have blinking signs on their foreheads. Cause we have definitely been caught up at a few places.
      Anyway, I second and third this statement and all the others. Tourists beware ESPECIALLY if you're super young. There are some very scary things that happen in some places like, drugging, robbery, r@pe. Please be careful out there.

    • @Christian-is-thriving
      @Christian-is-thriving 2 роки тому +2

      @@Chronically_Kimberly You get a feel for who's not from around here pretty quickly. It's very noticable if you pay attention and people that are trying to harm you in some way always are.

    • @Chronically_Kimberly
      @Chronically_Kimberly 2 роки тому +1

      @@Christian-is-thriving that's true because I can almost always tell when someone isn't a local. But I never really thought about it til now.

  • @mistysmith4012
    @mistysmith4012 2 роки тому

    I'm from Michigan- 45 minutes from Traverse City. The island is beautiful, too! Glad you enjoyed your trip here!

  • @samanthalutson8155
    @samanthalutson8155 2 роки тому

    I’m from south west MI and let me tell you, it’s so easy to forget how beautiful it is here. I grew up across the railroad tracks from Lake Michigan and run a restaurant 10 mins down the road that’s even closer to the beach. We get so many travelers and it just reminds you that we’re a beautiful vacation spot.

  • @cecef824
    @cecef824 2 роки тому

    My dad worked on Mackinac Island when I was a kid. I spent summers up there. I absolutely loved it. 🥰

  • @victoriaandersonn
    @victoriaandersonn 2 роки тому +5

    I’m a Michigander so I loved hearing you talk about your experience there! Michigan’s Adventure is so fun! You have to go sometime.

  • @arsenicandlace7689
    @arsenicandlace7689 2 роки тому +5

    I'm born, raised and still live in the New Orleans area and I always tell anyone not from the area to be super cautious when in the city, let alone in the quarter or on Bourbon. It's literally a free for all of shady and dangerous activities. It's crazy to think that for us locals, or at least for me, grew up going to the French Quarter since I was a baby and was bar and club hopping on Bourbon since the age of 14 and have just always known what to beware of there. As an adult now, Bourbon's just not my scene, but I will always love the mystery and history of the quarter and just love walking around.

    • @amyjohnson5839
      @amyjohnson5839 2 роки тому

      I will make sure if I ever get to NOLA to stay away from those areas. I dont drink or go clubbing, but I like music, jazz, but this story makes we want to avoid all of that.

  • @debbiebrower7780
    @debbiebrower7780 2 роки тому +13

    When my children were young the school they went to did not have a lot of extra money. We started a teacher wish list for their classrooms games flash cards out door games so the teachers wouldn’t have to buy it themselves. It became a great idea and it is useful items!

    • @trace9657
      @trace9657 2 роки тому

      That is great idea. It is so depressing that teachers have a paltry salary and have to buy their own classroom supplies.

  • @sarahvechery4589
    @sarahvechery4589 2 роки тому

    Our journies with our babes are so so similar! I had horrible ppd/ppa with my oldest, sobbed when I couldn’t nurse and when I bought formula for the first time, I now realize that my oldest was for SURE colicky. And then my youngest came along and was completely opposite! I nursed full time but gave formula here and there and I felt so much more relaxed about it all. Thank you so so so much for speaking out about ppd ❤️. I remember I was going through it around the same time as you and it’s SO hard. Much love ❤️❤️❤️.

  • @hollid_makeupandreviews
    @hollid_makeupandreviews 2 роки тому +3

    Hey Jess. My husband, father in law and I were in Indianapolis this past weekend for the Indy 500 race. We left Friday morning from Tulsa Oklahoma which was a long 10 hour drive but was so worth it. We had a really great time! We went downtown Indy on Saturday to the Canal walk. It was so beautiful down in that area. There was over 300k people at the race on Sunday. I’ve never seen so many people in one place it was pretty crazy but a lot of fun! Then another 10 hour drive back home on Monday. Hope you and your family had a great time on your trip. Much love girl. ❤❤❤❤

  • @mrsdarcy80
    @mrsdarcy80 2 роки тому +4

    I grew up in a specific religion and I don’t always agree with everything either but also enjoy, appreciate and even love many aspects of that religion. I think one thing to consider is I don’t leave that religion because people like me who are the ones who can help bring small but important changes to a religion. It does happen, it has happened. No religion is perfect. They are run by humans who make human errors. But finding a church in your religion can be helpful sometimes.

  • @neon.anissa
    @neon.anissa 2 роки тому +1

    I'm glad you told the new Orleans story. I've been thinking about going there with friends and this is something that would happen to me.

  • @nataliewenzke8110
    @nataliewenzke8110 2 роки тому

    There is a gas station on Mackinac! Most of the year round residents use snow mobiles all winter and need access to gas. And there are a few emergency vehicles and the Fort/state park owns at least one maintenance truck - or did 13 years ago when I was a summer employee ❤️❤️. One of my favorite places on earth and I love hearing you rave about it!

  • @maggierose1197
    @maggierose1197 2 роки тому +19

    Agree completely it is sooo hard finding your place religiously. I grew up in a very religious household and was definitely hurt by individuals inside the church. In that hurt, I found my clarity really came when I just sat myself down, read the Bible and prayed - nothing more. It’s so easy to feel over whelmed by the Christian faith because we put SO MUCH unnecessary stress on ourselves to be perfect. It’s not about going to church and ticking those brownie point boxes, it is simply just a relationship with God. The church was never supposed to be a building. The church is his people and the building was meant to be a place where believers could go and lift one another up. The right fellowship element got lost in translation. It’s so sad because that’s what we desperately need in todays world - a place we can go and understand we are all sinners but God loves us anyway.

    • @jojogalaxia79
      @jojogalaxia79 2 роки тому +6

      Very well put. It's not about the "religious" aspects, it's all about our relationship with God. Much more simple than we tend to make it 🙂

  • @amyjoley950
    @amyjoley950 2 роки тому

    My husband and I got married on Macinac Island. It is one of my favorite places in the world. The Inn at Stone Cliff is our Heaven on Earth. ❤💖💝I have been to all of the places that you mentioned, and love them all. Traverse City is another of my favorites! This was the most fun coffee chat you've ever done, in my opinion. So nostalgic for me!😍

  • @StarleighMae
    @StarleighMae 2 роки тому +5

    Sooo cool!!! I live in Ludington!! I've lived in Michigan nearly my whole life. I love hearing you talk so highly of these beautiful Michigan cities! Mackinac is one of my most favorite places to visit! The UP is incredible everywhere you go too! Yayyy! ❤

  • @kylierussell0207
    @kylierussell0207 2 роки тому +27

    I’d be pissed if someone poured a drink in my mouth without asking! And then to give you guys crap for not paying? I’d be livid but, also at that age definitely would’ve been terrified to stick up for myself. Oof what a nightmare.

  • @ashleymjoness
    @ashleymjoness 2 роки тому +1

    Just started this video and I’m SO thrilled it’s such a long one! I thoroughly enjoy long ones just “hanging out” with you 🥰

  • @cynthialang3119
    @cynthialang3119 2 роки тому +48

    Holy cow the picture of Felicity smiling looks just like GiGi!

  • @connleaa
    @connleaa 2 роки тому

    My kids are quite a bit older than yours, but here is what we do when we travel : whenever we stop for gas, if we are in a safe area, I have the kids run around the car 5 times before they get to go get snacks or whatever. Of course I make sure to supervise. They think it is fun, and people around us always seem to get a big kick out if it.

  • @territrabert1201
    @territrabert1201 2 роки тому +20

    That New Orleans story is crazy. So glad that couple rescued you, there are good people out there! , We also say Reesies. Everytime!😁

  • @laurenmay437
    @laurenmay437 2 роки тому +20

    Jess!!! That same thing happened to us in NOLA!! They just shove it in your mouth and force you to pay. You just have to walk away, its so frustrating. My husband said some choice words and just left. There are so many cons in New Orleans you have to watch out.

  • @saraheddy4211
    @saraheddy4211 2 роки тому +2

    One of my favorite early memories is when my aunt and uncle brought me to the navy pier childrens museum! I'm sure its changed a bit in the 20ish years since we went but I know if you end up taking Gigi you all will have a great time ☺

  • @carolmsepulvedasoto3607
    @carolmsepulvedasoto3607 2 роки тому

    Love that you shared your beliefs. God is not taken aback by our questions, it can lead us to find him in new and a personal way. Will just encourage you to keep the faith and pray. I grew up in a Catholic Church. Always believed in God. Found a Christian nondenominational church as a grown up. Met Jesus in a radical new way. Felt like I belonged and really saw him. Today i am a youth pastor with my husband, but above all, the most important thing is that personal relationship with God. That is the foundation of it all. Blessings to you and hope you guys found what works for you and your family 🤍

  • @mariar3715
    @mariar3715 2 роки тому

    I went to Michigan as a small child, which i barely remember. I went back in 2019 to a few different areas of Michigan and fell in love. It was the best vacation, especially the UP was so beautiful.

  • @laurak96
    @laurak96 2 роки тому +15

    Isn’t it interesting that we feel attached or friends with the UA-camrs we watch on a regular basis?! It’s something that wasn’t experienced while I was growing up without the internet…that’s for sure 😂😂 Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I agree with your observation and I feel like you and I could be friends 🤍🤍🤍 I truly enjoy your personality and your laugh is contagious 😉

  • @cassd307
    @cassd307 2 роки тому +19

    My daughter is 14mo and 6 days after I gave birth I ended up in the hospital and needed heart surgery due to a rare pregnancy related issue. Because of meds I then had to be on I could no longer breastfeed and it put me in a really bad place. I had remembered your video when you had talked about it with Gigi and it helped me more than you'll ever know. You always think you overshare but you saved me in that moment when I rewatched it and I really wanted to thank you for that. You are an amazing person. I live in Chicago, if you come here to visit I hope you have a wonderful time and let us know how Gigi likes the museum, haven't done that yet with our daughter. Also...Bob's Burgers The Movie...are you and Tyler as excited as my husband and I are?! 😄

  • @cloiejennings6832
    @cloiejennings6832 2 роки тому

    The Children's Museum at Navy Pier is incredible! I used to go for classes (Go Special Education major!), and they were literally the most fun. Lot's of space for kids to be creative and explore. The tinkering area is top tier, if Gigi is old enough to go.

  • @alliedyke6825
    @alliedyke6825 2 роки тому +20

    That’s the most New Orleans story EVER!!

  • @MaryAIbanez
    @MaryAIbanez 2 роки тому +7

    My FAVORITE series of yours!!! You’re the most genuine UA-camr and these are the videos that make me feel the most connected to you 💕

  • @carmenmefford6116
    @carmenmefford6116 2 роки тому

    Love this and I’ve missed you even though I’ve seen you! So nice to hear how you are doing in real time. My boys are 5 and 7 now and I remember how rough that first year was after my youngest. So happy you are doing well!💗

  • @robinnieto2703
    @robinnieto2703 2 роки тому

    Jess, thank you so much for what you shared. I’m 60 and I totally agree with what you said about so many things. My first pregnancy was very hard, sick the entire 9 months. The birthing classes never covered the possibility of a C-section or the possibility of not being able to nurse. I was 14 days past my due date, was induced and had 30 hours of hard labor before the doctor decided I needed an emergency C-section because my son was in distress. The epidural didn’t work for me so they had me on a morphine drip and when he was delivered they had to put me to sleep. They pushed the tube down my throat and told me to swallow causing me to throw up.when he was delivered several people, friends, saw and held him before I even had a chance. To top if all off, I wasn’t able to nurse more than 3 months. I felt like I had failed in all aspects….pregnancy, delivery, nursing, all failures. There are still times I’m bothered by it but I have a wonderful son and realize it’s not important anymore.

  • @slaterjl
    @slaterjl 2 роки тому

    Wow that New Orleans story. I was on the edge of my seat lol! That was craziness!!!

  • @carathompsonbeauty
    @carathompsonbeauty Рік тому

    Oh my goodness!!! I live in Holland and my family is from Mackinac Island too! We used to own two bed and breakfasts there too - Pine Cottage and Château Lorraine. We also have a lot of Irish history. So wild. I watch most of your videos and never comment, but I just had to shout this out. Michigan is amazing! Especially on the lake!!

  • @cindyhughey1153
    @cindyhughey1153 2 роки тому +1

    I know what you mean about being raised on religion then you get older and don't agree on everything. I grew up Catholic, for me I just never felt anything and thought it was me. I went to Catholic school, CCD, and Church. I am 62 and when I was around 50 I went seeking God again. I found a non-denominational, Bible believing, spirit filled church and it was all the difference for me. I think it's the relationship with God that he wants! It doesn't matter what denomination you are! I used to fight with depression and since I figured out it's a relationship that is what matters my life is so much better. I hope this helps you!

  • @orladdin
    @orladdin 2 роки тому

    I barely ever watch beauty videos these days (I'm trying to reduce temptation to buy things because I never use them) but I'm glad I watched this because it was like catching up with an old friend. Thanks for doing what you do, I'm so glad things are going well for you and your family.

  • @chloesismey731
    @chloesismey731 2 роки тому

    I had a similar act of kindness from a stranger on a plane. Coming home from our trip, in the window seats, with a stranger in the row seat. We asked the air hostess for 2alcoholic drinks & 2mixers. She made the drinks, then informed us it was cash only. Which left is in a tough spot as our cash was in our suitcase in the overhead area. Getting our cash would have ment moving a lot of people, cases, the drinks trolley etc, & the lady was standing waiting with the drinks made. Without hesitation, the stranger next to us paid for our drinks, got himself one & even regularly asked if we'd like any more drinks or any food. It was such a nice gesture & he really helped us out of a tough situation. Ment more than he'll probably ever know!x

  • @mialyon1357
    @mialyon1357 2 роки тому +2

    Love how open and honest you are on your channel

  • @dw9463
    @dw9463 2 роки тому +1

    OMG You pronounce Zydeco in the cutest way!!! Congrats on the new baby❤️

  • @jamieramirez6532
    @jamieramirez6532 2 роки тому

    Jess you are killing me I’m in nursing school while working in the operating room and barely have time to eat but guess what I seem to have time for? Oh yeah that’s right all 44min of Jess vlog 🤦🏻‍♀️ but I guess it’s a testament of how engaging you are. Thanks for giving me a break from my stress. Love watching your channel.

  • @chrysalisashton8883
    @chrysalisashton8883 2 роки тому

    Native Michigander here…Traverse City and Mackinaw Island are two of my favorite places too! I’m glad you kept driving down the coast to Holland and didn’t just stop in Muskegon-Muskegon is NOT the best lakeshore town here, lol. Next time, check out Grand Haven, Saugatuk, or South Haven!

  • @wheresyourhousekey
    @wheresyourhousekey 2 роки тому

    my heart was pounding with anxiety listening to your New Orleans story 😭😂 that man was a saint !! thank goodness he was there ! ❤️

  • @jmarie1959
    @jmarie1959 2 роки тому

    Hey Jess! In case you haven't found them yet - Frankenmuth and Ann Arbor are really nice places to visit in Michigan too. Both are smaller so if you want to add them to the list of stops on your way up to Mackinac Island. Born and raised in the Metro Detroit area (North FL currently). Take care!

  • @AngelaDianneMiller83
    @AngelaDianneMiller83 2 роки тому

    It’s so funny listening you talk about your breastfeeding journey with Felicity because I gave birth to my son a couple weeks after you delivered her and his weight issues have been the same. I also felt the same way about formula because I just want other mamas to be able to feed their babies. Another funny thing about hearing you talk about it is that you had Gigi 8 months before I had my older son. I struggled with PPA and my oldest was the colicky one. Anyway I appreciate you sharing your stories and experience. Makes you feel less alone ya know? Love to you all! 💕

  • @lornalexdun
    @lornalexdun 2 роки тому

    I love Mackinac Island! And Mackinaw City and the whole area. Joanne's is my very favorite fudge shop, I can't go near that area of Michigan without getting some of their fudge! Although of course all the fudge in the area is good and you can't go wrong. Scalawag's Whitefish and Chips in Mackinaw City , and Bessie's Pasties and/or Suzy's Pasties (I think both are great, but each family member has a preference out of the two) in St. Ignace are also must stops. Love your videos Jessica, happy to be a subscriber!