Yep the older you get the more you realize that this life is not only meaningless but you will experience more hardship than joy....more stress than peace.... people are on their death beds thinking " dam all i did was work and pay bills and was never able to get ahead"
We chase money for no reason otherwise we are homeless. Yet one paycheck late and it's back on the streets outside. How is this not Hell on earth starving for food and shelter
@@ladariusrush8346 I agree that man makes this hellhole worse than it naturally would be but it’s rotten to begin with. Man didn’t make this system where living things have to attack and kill other living things in order to survive. Man didn’t create viruses and parasites either.
No, it's free will. As long as people can do evil they will do evil, which causes the suffering of others. This world was not created for the purpose of being paradise, a strange assumption that most people start with. This world is where life begins but for a few, it does not end.
And people thought I was crazy and full of nonsense when I saw things differently, but now I feel enthusiastic because I know there are others who share the same belief that the earth is not what it seems.
For every hard time we overcome the closer we'll get to feeling like heaven When I stopped using drugs I remember thinking how much I loved even just a drink of water and remember thinking this is all we need on life the simple things are so important God bless xx
Same. I started thinking this place was hell 3 months ago. Everything has to kill something else and eat it to stay alive. Purest, simplest definition of hell.
Prison planet! Rape and murder. Pain and suffering. Property and miserable death. Torture and more death! Oh! Hell! Curses, occult, spells, and witchcraft. Poisoned foods!
It isn't Torments ,or Hell ... that starts after 8 miles down 👇...Earth is not what you think it is , it isnt a planet . it's a realm in between a split Firmament surrounded by waters above and below doesn't rotate or spin . the only time it ever moves a little or shakes a after an Earthquake. sun is in our atmosphere , sometimes clouds are behind it ! not just in front of it ! Psalm 19 tells what the sun does , races around us, 1 Enoch book of the guardian watchers and the chapter called the Courses of the Heavenly Luminaries .read all of it and 1 Enoch , with the KJV Bible , and the old RH Charles translation . earth is a realm between the heavens and the underworld Hades , Torments (hell ) and Tartarus below .there are no aliens from other planets/ stars ..the planets and stars are Living celestial entities , created by the Holy Trinity ,through God the Son , Lord of Host ,armies of the heavens ...Lord of spirits , God the Son .
You must look within. ? Satan prince of the air. The battle you will fight is in the air. All fall short of the glory of God. So remember if you fall I will catch you. But if by. Chance you hit the ground I will be there to pick you up and dust you off. But if you save your life you will lose it. ? Therefore if you lose your life you will save it. You are within when all this happens. ? What am I telling you to do. ?
At a very young age ..... 4yrs old .....after being punished for something I thought was parental over reaction ..... I remember having a realization that this is the Upsidedown,backwards & flipped place I was born into It wasn't my home... “You are free … to do as we tell you! You are free … to do as we tell you!” Bill Hicks
Doesn't that give you the key clue? There's nothing wtong with the world. Is a gym to be condemned because of the equipment it houses for human benefit? Infantile "solutions" to our predicament won't get us anywhere. We embarked ona gauntlet. We have to remember why we did that. The gym we're in helps that process along, if we aren't too stupid to work things out. Stupidity is Hell, not all this nonsense about a Demiyrge and fallen angels. Let's work at getting out of this perpetual Kindergarten of the spirit. We've embarked on a new bout of Fascist insanity. That's OUR decision, not our environment's. Turn that pointed finger back on the real problem. We are our enemy.
Well if you havnt noticed doing whatever you want isn't always a good idea.....God has rules and you obey them, if we can do whatever we want then rape, murder, stealing and literally every other bad thing would be fine to do...where's your logic?
@@Tysandifer People need to have the freedom and resources to make their own decisions without needing to harm others to do so. Can't force people to do something then call it freedom, I dunno what the answer is but we cannot be free as long as we require laws. But that will probably never happen, or at least not any time soon.
When I was 4-5 I wanted to die and thought I was in hell because I was really sick. I knew I wasn't in a good place because we shouldn't suffer like that.
The Christian teaching does NOT say that this world is a Paradise. Rather, that is WAS a paradise that our forebears ruined by disobedience and outright rebellion against the One who had provided Life and Paradise to begin with. Since the Fall of Adam and Eve, Satan attained the right to be the 'god' of this world... and THAT's why this world is such a misery... but that is NOT God's original intention, nor will God allow the situation to continue. That's why God sent his son, Jesus, to pay our sin-debt and allow our souls the opportunity to come back into harmony with God... eternal life and eternal joy.
@@mikipope5140 Logic are rules. Rules are limiting our freedom. Therefore, logic is a bad thing, no? But that also sounds kinda logical... So never mind! Or do mind! I mean, sorry, what are the rules here?
The Christian teachings were edited by the Jews. This is why you are programmed to call this all Heresy. Your mind is not your own, you only think it is. An adversary has taken it over and filled it with propaganda that keeps you a slave. If you rebel against the Demiurge and this physical world, then you get it. If you're content to follow rigid, self-hating ritual dogma, remain a slave of mind body and soul. The rest of us choose freedom.
I was thinking a few months ago that we are actually living in Hell, and our duty is to get out. I definitely believe the words in this video. We have a hope through Christ Jesus to get out of Hell, but we must first come to the realization that we are living in Hell.
I did too, why else are we to learn "lessons". If not that we have to serve a pennence. Why else would a god allow such suffering to what we would see as innocent beings. And people to get away with such horrible crimes on another.
There is so much potential for humans to be better, but most people choose not to do the work. Most people are materialists who think the answers are external.
@@Tysandiferyou can if you remember what it means to be in heaven. You can never experience either at the same time you choose to suffer or be at peace every given moment
@@Tysandifer Psychological hell involves the contrast to allow hope. Hope keeps you going through suffering, which can be both good and bad. If we couldn't die, and there was no happiness, we'd eventually lay still and accept the suffering. The hope and happiness give use relief to suffer longer.
@briobarb8525 well it's simple bro. I've been saved by 2 saints when I got poisoned... the trick is there was a guy that is like ammm... he sees things... I think akashik records but I don't wanna judge if I'm not correct... anyway he told me that it's not a problem if I'm smoking jey but sometimes I don't know what I'm smoking and I might die... When it happened, I figured I'm gonna fall down on the ground and didnt wanna break my head due to collapse, it was not jey it was rolled incense and as I layer poisoned they showed like faces in white light in front of me and poof the poison was gone... I was alright. It reminded me of what he said (passed away), if I was under Divine protection, every1 can be! And my final judgment on all of that saints and holy stuff that we talk about is, they really are all alive!
@@osmanigonzalez7475 ppl tell me sometimes im possessed by the demons because im telling them we arw god experiencing this theater and death doesnt exist, if im possessed then im calling upon those demons to pray for them and talk about Jesus Christ to them xD imagine getting into a grp of 100 atheists and start about Jesus and how much he loves them all xD
It's Definitely a Prison Planet. Not paying for Car insurance In SO CALLED FREE NORTH AMERICA, And you'll GO TO JAIL, JUST FOR BEING POOR!!!! Talking about Fffd up- Guilty till Proven Innocent with No wrecks, alcohol, or drugs. Freedom my Arse. Prison Planet
Have you ever felt like there's something wrong with the world or there's something that they're not telling you? As a person that has love for everyone no matter what race creed or your sexual orientation but have you ever felt like the powers that be are keeping us all in the dark?
Yes, The higher-ups are sitting on the real truth, this is why we are in great despair 🌍my question is, if God is all-powerful how can he sit there in the clouds and do nothing about all the evil lies that keep us blind? What is the point? In the Bible, he claims to love us 🤔it does not make any sense.
@RICHY8791 God didn't forsake us. He does love us! What we, understandably forget, is that God's time is diferent to ours. He's eternal, and our millennia suffering is only a second in His time. I know this thought doesn't seem to bring any kind of solace, but let's not forget that we are eternal, too! What do thousands, millions of years mean compared to eternity? NOTHING! He promised us that all tears would be dried, all suffering would be forgotten, and the faith in His promise of deliverance is what gives me hope and strength to carry on. An eternity of joy awaits us! This all shall pass! Let's rejoice! May God bless you! Peace & Light 🙏
@@RICHY8791it makes Sense when you realize we are in HELL. 😂. It's a punishment Realm. My only Hope is that at death we get out on Parole . And not recycled back in for More punishment. But yeah this IS hell.
Those babies are souls that choose to come back and if they're not, the creator is said to not make mistakes and sends for a purpose. I thought my husband couldn't really have babies with me. But I think I was confused and we had kids anyway, 6 and 16, love them and pray for them all thier lives...
If this is hell why do we have a Savior? Hell is forever. These are more like gnostic story"s try to make satan look like God and God look like a evil god.
Some souls are forced to come back here against their will. This video about a regressive hypnosis explains it deeper
@@zansaya144 This is not Hell because we still have innocent children being brought into the world...hell is the place with no hope..... You think this is hell.... Wait until you die with all your transgressions that drag you into the pit
This may be a type of hell but this isnt the worst place we could end up ... Look up hellish NDE'S and you will notice there are way worse places one could end up.
Agreed to all was said. One must be totally blind, stupid and completely out of their minds to think that suffering is "a natural part of life" and a "fundamental characteristic of our existence!' Only someone truly psychotic or at least very cruel can think that understanding suffering is the path toward achieving enlightenment (a state of inner peace and wisdom - Buddhism). Whether there is another hell or not may or may not matter. One thing is for certain, this world is Hell!
@@val7288-v4i I was thinking one day, 'why study humans?' psychology and such, they pimp us then give us happy pills to pimp us longer... iceberg slims book about his pimpage and how to get mileage from people.
@zansaya144 confusing yea but there is prophecy that says the earth will be turned into hell at a certain point in time - entering the diminishing timeline - anyways i believe we are there
No, sorry. Hell is FAR worse. Like FAR, far worse. I shudder at even the sound in that place. The demonic even hate it there and they try everything in their power to possess us to escape it for a while. 😬
@@LeoWatcher7 People that think this is "hell" don't really comprehend what hell really is...I can't even describe what it is completely... but I do know that is the absolute absence of good.... Good only comes from the God in the Bible...his Son.. and the Holy Spirit
The True divine creator who is love would not create a place for us to suffer in fire or multin lava or torcher. I pray for the True Divine light shines down on us and breaks all these mental chains and free us from the hand of this demiage
I join you in your thoughts and prayer! That concept itself is wrong at so many levels for a loving God and Creator! I cannot fathom that sadistic view as part of the loving Spirit of our CREATOR. ❤😢❤
The sad situation is that the Vatican have many of the books their pre decessors banned. The public needs access so we get all the background . Not just their version. I've researched this subject and I agree with much of what was said in this video.I find so much conflicting info it's impossible for me to come to a conclusion. Therefore the story is manipulated. Dishonesty is at the root of all our problems. Jesus said it was money so I'd trust him more than myself
Nicely done. The awakening is peace of mind, love, forgiveness, and being open-minded to the concepts presented in this knowledge. It's good to see responsible content that offers a hopeful existence. Thank you. Liked and Subscribed.
Know thy self, know thy creator. In a world absent of love I found it within myself. And that very frequency of light that was shown to me, I resonated with it, deeply. Like a forgotten knowing that was set forth by falsehood. I've discovered something of good report. This world will in slave you with doctrines of devil's and they start with our children. But sometimes, the world's systems will discard you and reject you out from the same codes that run this world. To be misunderstood in a world that thrives on familiar ways for all and of the same mind only stands if it's built upon Love not confusion and fear.
@@PaulDavies-x4z Hey Paul if you allow me? going inner first without being redeemed or sanctified by God directly shows us our true heart, and nature. We are condemned, so we must go to Jesus the savior and believe he died in our place. Then when you go inside God himself is there (Emmanuel) God in us. He is the light.
That is a testimony that really reverberates even though I know the feelings I have will grieve the absence of those I love I SEE PEOPLE GRIEVING THE PASSING OF THOSE THEY DIDNT LIKE MISSING THINGS THEY DIDNT LIKE WOW I HAVE an easy life in ways that others may not but to judge others is what the devil triggered and Adam's shame separated him I had lost my recognition of super natural existence but ran into these events where I was not suffering but I also wasn't stepping up to handle stuff I have those flaws to thank for being a part of my experiences with the spirit So SO BEAUTIFUL If I am sick I talk to my body and stay amazed about anything everything Thanks for sharing you touched my heart too Peace be with you
@@igorstein5616this is the realm where your energy, soul, takes on a physical body and feels pain. The animals tear into another to eat. Storms rage and the tiny , ant like humans forget they are slivers of light…part of the ONE, I AM. Be kind. Be love. 😊🤍🙏
@ it's for the true evolution (the espiritual one) conditions are set for it, just make sure to use the tools correctly, otherwise karma will be a teacher.
This is my least favorite of the lies. Do you know what they would call it as a teacher if you treated your students this way? Child abuse. Yet you think somehow that souls only learn in abuse and suffering.😊
That's circular reasoning. The only reason we need to learn in the first place is due to the limitations of this realm. "Why are we here? To learn. Why do we need to learn? Because we are here. And why are we here? To learn. Why do we need to learn? Because we are here." and so on.
The demiurge is the god of this world - Satan, the Father of Lies who has deceived the whole world. Gnostics don't follow Jesus. Jesus came to earth to show us who the true Creator is. Only those who repent from sinning and seek Jesus who is the Way, the Truth and the Life have hope in everlasting life in His heavenly kingdom.
But that's not what Jesus himself said lol Anyone who believes in Christ and died on a cross for the sins of the world then that is the only way to get into heaven is believing in Jesus Christ that he is the only begotten son of God and came to earth died and God the father rose him 3 days later for the sin of the world
Yes. I am happy to know many are waking up. Jesus, is not from this realm, Jesus came from the pure light of the ONE that gave you the next breath you do not doubt will be there. Be LOVE. 🤍🙏
Saying Gnostics don't follow Christ is incorrect. Some do and some dont. But it is almost certain that those who do follow Christ don't do so in the same way mainstream Christians do. I am a Gnostic Christian- a Cathar- and I follow the message he gave us in his Sermon on the Mount, which is a guide to returning to God's Presence in the spiritual realm.
I have a son who is non verbal autism who taught me to love unconditionally to see what the world didn’t. At first I wouldn’t accept and blamed myself and vaccines trying to heal his autism ti make him”normal” but I realised that it wasn’t my son that needed healing but myself, I learned to love and see a deep energetic connection to my son beyond words. I took years wanting to hear the words “ I love you, mum” but to know recognition of true love was that of a energetic soul connection - NOT WORDS has changed everything- he is one of most powerful creators of the matrix I have known those who work with these amazing youngsters are filled with light energy protecting them the most vulnerable do have guardians. Fear of loved ones vulnerability of a dark world can drive parents to take the lives of their child to avoid possible suffering ironically that fear causes that very suffering- I cannot express the gratitude enough to see through the matrix and I wish that clarity to be given to everyone ❤
Thats the biggest lie ever told do you like changing past punishments definitions especially Ceasars laws and Roman records and lets not forget the Vatican has all these Roman records of crucifixion which YOU have decided to overlook. #1 crucifixion denied your family and friends from burial rituals as they were left on their cross along the road for others to see and Roman soldiers stood guard over these decaying bodies see this punishment went way past death this punishment was reserved for Treasonous Traitors only so the other 2 criminals supposedly being crucified is again another lie this never happened its a lie that people keep overlooking remember the authors of new testament were not alive during this time. So all them words in red another lie but you can keep believing in a enslavers religion written by man remember your religion was dug up and pieced together with lots of parts not included that history proves exist yet somehow you believe you know God 😂 santan the father of lies is just so dumb yet your God is at war with yeah 😂and you believe you found the truth wake up man written religions are all ment to enslave your mind and keep you ignorant and not asking the right questions. As a American Fighting for Freedom and Justice is our way of life yet Christians cannot fight from Slavery or Justice your literature forbids you maybe you should open your mind and realize how evil your bible really is read about Slavery and who you should kill and how this is the family legacy killer ment to keep peasants poor and weak your mind has been imprisoned by false beliefs I was raised a Christian and I woke up and live with my Christian family constantly forcing their religion on me they dont care about what I feel or think and thats why America wrote our Constitution the waybit is nowhere will you find your religion also another thing Christians lie about see your religion has killed more people than most religions know your history look up 1775 bible cause king james was 1885 when was America founded and whyvwere people fleeing Europe hmmm yeah what happened with the mayflower who were these people remember they were dying you think their prayers and faith saved them yeah right thats why they were starving because your religion is based on fear mongering your kind has never been the self sufficient brave explorers. Keep praying and have faith that your God will perform miracles keep believing in lies because man wrote your religion and it has tons of holes science will tell you no way a person can survive in a fish for even 1 day they dont need air 😂 oh the great flood go visit the reproduction of the arkbask yourself 40 days and you saved all the animals currently on earth 😂 40 days of water and then what you got to eat all them plants just magically survived 😂 holes and more holes
I'm a long term Gnostic, and I approve of this message. You also have grasped the strategy to liberate ourselves, I thank you for presenting it so clearly.
This is really REAL, THE EVIL GOD'S THAT ARE IN CONTROL IS REALLY SICK, humans came from different dimensions but this God separated us from where we originated from to rule ,beyond EVIL
Another possibility is that we became estranged from God when we took the first bite out of the apple. On this planet, the fallen angels are present. Some of these videos, I believe, have the potential to be our reality. That does not negate the existence of a God within each of us.
🌟 Hey everyone reading this! The Bible is a treasure trove of wisdom, filled with stories that resonate across generations. Whether you're searching for guidance, comfort, or just a new perspective, let these words inspire and uplift you. May you find strength and peace in every verse you read. Stay blessed! 🙏📖✨
@@richd2457 Please don't wait to pass to find out the careful deceptions laid out by the Devil who even knew Jesus was coming before he came (according to exorcist priests). Go to Jesus, he will help you find the path away from the "Ruler of this World" as Jesus himself, named him.
This might be a jail in hell, thought it many times in living my own hell without him, but thank God he sent Jesus to offer us Salvation and a "Get Out of Jail Free card".
This is something I pondered long ago. With humanity's inclination toward evil and selfishness, who could see this as paradise? Considering all the suffering and the deep dissatisfaction with the material world, it’s easy to view this existence as hell.
I agree, and in order to continue to survive we have to consume everything in our sight. A body that always needs to be fed, a mind that’s contradictory, never happy, never satisfied until we pass on.
That’s really disturbing. Why would I be ok with walking through the valley of the shadow of death when I supposedly have an all powerful genie that can just take away the evil and death in an instant?
We are Encouraged to fall in love and get Married. But those who do, live a Life of Servitude. You never get the Partner You Really Want ! Life is a load of Sh*t, even if you live a Happy Life like Me ! The Luckiest are those that were Never Born ! We are in Hell and the only Escape is Death !
I've known for a while now about myself that there are certain words that resonate within me deeply. Unity, Truth, Love. This channel resonates well with me and my beliefs. As one of the final points in the video for example, is about the unity of our community here on Earth.
Free will dumbass and sin is the cause of it from selfish evil pieces of shit , grow up how can u not know this , we are in a fallen state , Jesus redeemed that, u can live like a King and priest now but you'd rather serve e your flesh and desire and your lower nature then serve your spirit , u are the reason u suffer , get your head out of your ass
The demonic created Hell (this is from the demonic's lips in Catholic exorcisms when forced to speak truth with God's assistance). They drag people with them that have chosen, via freedom of will (gifted by God), to be with them in Hell. If WE keep refusing to follow God, he will allow us to follow another ruler that resides in Hell - it is as simple as that. God will not force us to live with him if we want nothing to do with him, he can only knock so many times at our door to follow him before he has to respect our decision not to follow him to the home he has prepared for us in Heaven. God bless 🕊
No God does not any torture you went through or others was directly or indirectly from other evil humans...and there choices effect other's like a ripple affect
But can you also see, the MORE aligned we are with truth, the more we will suffer...look at almost every master, high philosopher, etc...the more we see, well, the more we know where we are.
@@xray-wz3gw That is ridiculous man. U lose your ego your back to being 6 years old again but stil with all your normal responsibilities. U'd be done in a couple of days.
This is not hell. This is Neutral ground. The plasma beneath us is the Proton and the luminaries above us are the Electrons. Earth is a giant atom. As above, so below.
No, the bible says that God created the heavens and the earth. However, when the enemy fell from grace and ultimately convinced and deceived Adam and Eve to fall alongside him, evil entered, not only inside of the hearts of all men and women but into the fabric of reality itself. Thats why reincarnation here is also flawed and actually a terrifying prospect. Everything here suffers and dies. And if that was eternal, then reincarnation would be everlasting death. Or hell. Jesus said, come to me, and I will give you everlasting life and an escape from this world. Heaven. Let that sink in.
Note: 'Life' doesn't end in decay and death. The Driver does not become the vehicle. The Driver is released from polarization at the end of transition. The body returns to its material base. The Driver, ostensibly having learned the lessons, moves on.
I used to think that people that called earth a hell realm were just negative people but the more you take time to think about it the more it makes sense for example: 100% of people get traumatized during childhood, animals kill each other to survive, the people that speak truth are hated by the masses while fake people are approved by most, the people that rule the world are evil and want to keep people weak, powerless and ignorant, etc. That doesn't sound like a good place to me but i do think that the best way to go through this life is being grateful and optimistic because it reduces the suffering
Okay, but if this demiurge built this world to trap our souls here, where did he get hold of our souls? Where did our souls come from? Can this monster also create souls??
Yes, this is the realm where the soul, spirit, your energy takes on a mortal body and can feel pain. To add more injury to insult, mental anguish, emotional pain, also causes physical pain. Be kind, be love, remember you are all slivers of the ONE, I AM. I am glad we are remembering so we can make a change. 🤍🙏
@@ambconstrucao3770 right until final judgment where some will be without God and His Creation forever in the physical hell and those that choose Truth now will be in Gods new Creation without evil and these hellions running around causing destruction everywhere they go
The only problem with this theory is that not everyone here on earth is suffering. Some live a very good life, almost heavenly like. What about that? If this was hell, we should all have the same bad experience, since we are in a prison like punishment. Right? Why would some have a better form of suffering than others if we were all expelled from Eden?
Everyone has a bad life, some are just way worse than others. I have wondered the same thing, and believe it is because of karma and also they allow some people to have good lives so the rest of us become jealous. Everything hurts 100x more when you see someone else like you just coasting by and getting 100000x your success in much less time, with less hardship. They could also be demons or have sold their souls or made deals.
Let me tell you this a Saudi Arabian royal family member was born into richness his family owned oil and so he never had to work he had sex multiple beautiful wives money cars mansions and killed himself.....why because he was depressed because he knew he shouldn't be but was still...
I used to live in this so called life of plenty, as I aged it became clear to me that it was nothing but a cage. Everyone around me was obsessed with the disease of more. No true friendship, no trust and spiritual emptiness. Lots of drugs, alcohol and yes suicdes around . I walked away with nothing and started living the true warrior life. Never regretted it, I believe this planet is a soul training camp. Of course some of us can’t embrace this possibility and pursue useless trivial stuff. I have met just as many lost souls among the poor, the money is in the end just a stack of paper and the invisible chain to keep our spirit down and low.
So wait, if earth is hell, are a place of tumor is God plan to torture us? If he loves dearly what's the purpose of letting us experience hell? It's seems as though he hates us from all his actions ijs!!
Hosea 4:6 - "My people perish for lack of Self-knowledge (Gnosis)." Gnosis = Self-Knowing = Delphic Oracle = Know Thyself All change for the better begins and ends (alpha and omega) at the still point of silence - simply being aware of being aware (Gnosis).
So...what does that mean for those people who happen to do well here in this reality and thrive in it? I know some very kind-hearted, generous people who have good lives with wealth, health, long lives, and have been blessed without having to stuggle or suffer for it. They aren't evil people. They are very charitable. Some are Christian; some aren't. So, not everyone is struggling. Any theories?
Jesus died for our sins and opened the door for us to be born again. Jesus is the truth and the life. He is the “ only way” to our father in Heaven as said in the Bible. We must repent of our sins, live a righteous life ( as described in the Bible) and accept Jesus as our savior. People need to read the Bible for the truth. God’s words need to be read and “ consumed” so we can be connected with God. His words can provide powerful protection from the evil spiritual world. Satan is the “ Prince of earth.” We our living in a “fallen state” in this dimension because of the sin of Adam & Eve. Hell is below the earth as mentioned in the Bible. There will be pain & suffering for externally there. Earth is our “ boot camp” and we must find our way back to our true home through Christ.
No, the punishment has always been eye for an eye, the thing some call karma. How else do you receive what you have given out, except by reincarnating here to do so?
Earth is also not a boot camp, it definitely is a Hell world. Otherwise everything is going according to plan and there was no reason for Jesus to come and do all that grueling stuff.
The demonic created Hell (this is from the demonic's lips in Catholic exorcisms when forced to speak truth with God's assistance). They drag people with them that have chosen, via freedom of will (gifted by God), to be with them in Hell. If WE keep refusing to follow God, he will allow us to follow another ruler that resides in Hell - it is as simple as that. God will not force us to live with him if we want nothing to do with him, he can only knock so many times at our door to follow him before he has to respect our decision not to follow him to the home he has prepared for us in Heaven. God bless 🕊
I think you are right. And that truth in itself is very frustrating for those (including me) ...whose capacity for knowledge (cognition, comprehension and memory) are impaired. 😢.
@@rollzolowell you see the thing is is sometimes you will see the forms of your own beliefs to help you. And the dark ones use technology to manipulate people into reincarnating over and over again it's a trick you see. So while some of them may have been saved others may have just been tricked so they can be tricked again later in life. If the Bible read the remotely true those people would probably still be going falling into hell.
Check Luke 17:1-2 for the original version of the saying. There's no references to eternal fire. Not to mention that's not what "eternal fire" means anyway.
Yep the older you get the more you realize that this life is not only meaningless but you will experience more hardship than joy....more stress than peace.... people are on their death beds thinking " dam all i did was work and pay bills and was never able to get ahead"
@@chestrockwell7023 sad reality, isn't it? tech, war, and medicine; what would we do if we didn't work though?
We chase money for no reason otherwise we are homeless. Yet one paycheck late and it's back on the streets outside. How is this not Hell on earth starving for food and shelter
You ask that to the elites to see if they think the same
God gives you what you need to survive in this world.
Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things will be added unto you.
The hell we live is was inspired by Satan but created by us. You’re only as enslaved as you let yourself think.
@@justhomas83 now imagine going through 400 yrs of rape, robbery and murder.
Earth could be paradise, it's the system that man made that makes it hell...
Very True my friend 😮
@@ladariusrush8346 I agree that man makes this hellhole worse than it naturally would be but it’s rotten to begin with. Man didn’t make this system where living things have to attack and kill other living things in order to survive. Man didn’t create viruses and parasites either.
No, it's free will. As long as people can do evil they will do evil, which causes the suffering of others. This world was not created for the purpose of being paradise, a strange assumption that most people start with. This world is where life begins but for a few, it does not end.
Exactly it's society and the human system we've created. The earth is beautiful.
Bingo all these gnostic are a crock of shit
And people thought I was crazy and full of nonsense when I saw things differently, but now I feel enthusiastic because I know there are others who share the same belief that the earth is not what it seems.
There will be always a bigger picture at large, in 5/10yrs from now folks who believe in the bible will be in a straight jacket or worse….
Nope. We have been in a cloudy soup for a long time.
For every hard time we overcome the closer we'll get to feeling like heaven
When I stopped using drugs I remember thinking how much I loved even just a drink of water and remember thinking this is all we need on life the simple things are so important God bless xx
truly man, truly. even getting to see the outside world when you get out of jail is huge.
We were given all we were to want for need. But butt butt, in fell Adams' dark analysis.
I have been thinking about this for years, thank you , I no longer feel alone.
You're welcome seek ye shall...
Me too, even as a child.
Same. I started thinking this place was hell 3 months ago. Everything has to kill something else and eat it to stay alive. Purest, simplest definition of hell.
come and watch my prison earth series, you are not alone who feels that
@@ricktheexplorer for humans its a choice, we have a choice and ofc our deepest problem is the same choice, majority is for ignorance is bliss!
Prison planet!
Rape and murder.
Pain and suffering. Property and miserable death.
Torture and more death! Oh! Hell!
Curses, occult, spells, and witchcraft. Poisoned foods!
I may be impaired...but this much I agree with!!! Namaste!
Yes, this is where the soul, your spirit, energy can FEEL pain.
It keeps me kind. Be love. Oh the rebellion 😂🤍🙏
Right on point
Finally someone who think earth is hell like me .
I think earth can be hell if you
It isn't Torments ,or Hell ... that starts after 8 miles down 👇...Earth is not what you think it is , it isnt a planet . it's a realm in between a split Firmament surrounded by waters above and below doesn't rotate or spin . the only time it ever moves a little or shakes a after an Earthquake. sun is in our atmosphere , sometimes clouds are behind it ! not just in front of it ! Psalm 19 tells what the sun does , races around us,
1 Enoch book of the guardian watchers and the chapter called the Courses of the Heavenly Luminaries .read all of it and 1 Enoch , with the KJV Bible , and the old RH Charles translation . earth is a realm between the heavens and the underworld Hades , Torments (hell ) and Tartarus below .there are no aliens from other planets/ stars ..the planets and stars are Living celestial entities , created by the Holy Trinity ,through God the Son , Lord of Host ,armies of the heavens ...Lord of spirits , God the Son .
I know this when I ws a child earth is hell and we will reborn and reborn circle
It‘s not just you.
Jesus says.
Neither am I!!!
Enki wasn't. Our Jesus is the Sumerian anunnaki enki.
@lunarminx Jesus got his teachings from Thoth actually not Enki.
You must look within. ?
Satan prince of the air.
The battle you will fight is in the air.
All fall short of the glory of God.
So remember if you fall I will catch you.
But if by. Chance you hit the ground I will be there to pick you up and dust you off.
But if you save your life you will lose it. ?
Therefore if you lose your life you will save it.
You are within when all this happens. ?
What am I telling you to do. ?
Y'all make my eye twitch thinking fallen angels are aliens from different planets that had hands in creating us annunki my ssa
At a very young age ..... 4yrs old .....after being punished for something I thought was parental over reaction ..... I remember having a realization that this is the Upsidedown,backwards & flipped place I was born into It wasn't my home... “You are free … to do as we tell you! You are free … to do as we tell you!” Bill Hicks
Doesn't that give you the key clue? There's nothing wtong with the world. Is a gym to be condemned because of the equipment it houses for human benefit? Infantile "solutions" to our predicament won't get us anywhere. We embarked ona gauntlet. We have to remember why we did that. The gym we're in helps that process along, if we aren't too stupid to work things out. Stupidity is Hell, not all this nonsense about a Demiyrge and fallen angels. Let's work at getting out of this perpetual Kindergarten of the spirit. We've embarked on a new bout of Fascist insanity. That's OUR decision, not our environment's. Turn that pointed finger back on the real problem. We are our enemy.
Well if you havnt noticed doing whatever you want isn't always a good idea.....God has rules and you obey them, if we can do whatever we want then rape, murder, stealing and literally every other bad thing would be fine to do...where's your logic?
@@Tysandifer People need to have the freedom and resources to make their own decisions without needing to harm others to do so. Can't force people to do something then call it freedom, I dunno what the answer is but we cannot be free as long as we require laws. But that will probably never happen, or at least not any time soon.
When I was 4-5 I wanted to die and thought I was in hell because I was really sick. I knew I wasn't in a good place because we shouldn't suffer like that.
Amen, I agree, accept reality.
Imagine being imprisoned in an ugly prison cell of 2x2, now imagine the same but in the most beautiful house with gardens and all. Still a prison.
Exactly 💯
The Christian teaching does NOT say that this world is a Paradise. Rather, that is WAS a paradise that our forebears ruined by disobedience and outright rebellion against the One who had provided Life and Paradise to begin with. Since the Fall of Adam and Eve, Satan attained the right to be the 'god' of this world... and THAT's why this world is such a misery... but that is NOT God's original intention, nor will God allow the situation to continue.
That's why God sent his son, Jesus, to pay our sin-debt and allow our souls the opportunity to come back into harmony with God... eternal life and eternal joy.
@@v1e1r1g1e1 exactly ♥️🙏🏽
Dont spew that BS here. Your man just debunked all of this in this video. You understand logic right?
@@mikipope5140 Logic are rules. Rules are limiting our freedom. Therefore, logic is a bad thing, no? But that also sounds kinda logical... So never mind! Or do mind! I mean, sorry, what are the rules here?
The Christian teachings were edited by the Jews. This is why you are programmed to call this all Heresy. Your mind is not your own, you only think it is. An adversary has taken it over and filled it with propaganda that keeps you a slave.
If you rebel against the Demiurge and this physical world, then you get it. If you're content to follow rigid, self-hating ritual dogma, remain a slave of mind body and soul. The rest of us choose freedom.
@@Liescomefromtheright Cringe, mydude, cringe all over the place.
I was thinking a few months ago that we are actually living in Hell, and our duty is to get out. I definitely believe the words in this video. We have a hope through Christ Jesus to get out of Hell, but we must first come to the realization that we are living in Hell.
I had this realization when I quit alcohol and masturbation cold turkey. I was like I'm in a living hell and I need an escape.
I did too, why else are we to learn "lessons". If not that we have to serve a pennence. Why else would a god allow such suffering to what we would see as innocent beings. And people to get away with such horrible crimes on another.
That’s who trying to keep u there believe in yourself
@@DanMorgan-bh5fvwhat were ur symptoms after leaving masturbation aside cold turkey
@@DanMorgan-bh5fvwhat were they symptoms after going cold turkey on masturbation
There is so much potential for humans to be better, but most people choose not to do the work. Most people are materialists who think the answers are external.
Yes, this is hell. Were just going around the same loop over and over again. That is what hell really is.
Where is God? Where is the real truth? The answer is nowhere 🤔and nobody knows what this is all about 🌍I have no hope, no more faith. UK
That's exactly what the heretical gnostic teachings teach it's not Christian it's an insane cult.
If this was hell then youd never have happiness or experience fun....
@@Tysandiferyou can if you remember what it means to be in heaven. You can never experience either at the same time you choose to suffer or be at peace every given moment
@@Tysandifer Psychological hell involves the contrast to allow hope. Hope keeps you going through suffering, which can be both good and bad. If we couldn't die, and there was no happiness, we'd eventually lay still and accept the suffering. The hope and happiness give use relief to suffer longer.
Life, fail , death repeat until we find our right road then we will be with our father
And as I like to say, spirits are not among us, we are among them.
Hmmm....I think you are right!
@briobarb8525 well it's simple bro. I've been saved by 2 saints when I got poisoned... the trick is there was a guy that is like ammm... he sees things... I think akashik records but I don't wanna judge if I'm not correct... anyway he told me that it's not a problem if I'm smoking jey but sometimes I don't know what I'm smoking and I might die...
When it happened, I figured I'm gonna fall down on the ground and didnt wanna break my head due to collapse, it was not jey it was rolled incense and as I layer poisoned they showed like faces in white light in front of me and poof the poison was gone... I was alright. It reminded me of what he said (passed away), if I was under Divine protection, every1 can be! And my final judgment on all of that saints and holy stuff that we talk about is, they really are all alive!
We are them.
Demons don’t possess me I possess Demons.
@@osmanigonzalez7475 ppl tell me sometimes im possessed by the demons because im telling them we arw god experiencing this theater and death doesnt exist, if im possessed then im calling upon those demons to pray for them and talk about Jesus Christ to them xD imagine getting into a grp of 100 atheists and start about Jesus and how much he loves them all xD
Somehow I've always known that we are on the Prison Plant Earth
come and watch my prison earth series
We need to find the truth but unfortunately, we do not stand a chance because of the powers that be, the higher-ups are demonic 👹
Indeed. It's a knowing
It's Definitely a Prison Planet. Not paying for Car insurance In SO CALLED FREE NORTH AMERICA, And you'll GO TO JAIL, JUST FOR BEING POOR!!!! Talking about Fffd up- Guilty till Proven Innocent with No wrecks, alcohol, or drugs. Freedom my Arse. Prison Planet
live spelt backwards is EVIL! lived spelt backwards is DEVIL! says it all!
DEMO???, DEMOn, DEMOlition, DEMOtion, DEMOnstration, DEMOCRACY!🍻
@@7zngTdemocracy is freedom for everyone but like the evil in this story, Republicans want to control.
@7zngT DEMON!
When you only know one language 🤦♂️
Yup people say we'll Go to hell... But truth we are born in Hell.
Have you ever felt like there's something wrong with the world or there's something that they're not telling you? As a person that has love for everyone no matter what race creed or your sexual orientation but have you ever felt like the powers that be are keeping us all in the dark?
It's because of a certain group of chosen people doing chosen people things and undermining everything we do and working for evil.
Of course
We ALL have
Yes, The higher-ups are sitting on the real truth, this is why we are in great despair 🌍my question is, if God is all-powerful how can he sit there in the clouds and do nothing about all the evil lies that keep us blind? What is the point? In the Bible, he claims to love us 🤔it does not make any sense.
God didn't forsake us. He does love us! What we, understandably forget, is that God's time is diferent to ours. He's eternal, and our millennia suffering is only a second in His time. I know this thought doesn't seem to bring any kind of solace, but let's not forget that we are eternal, too! What do thousands, millions of years mean compared to eternity? NOTHING! He promised us that all tears would be dried, all suffering would be forgotten, and the faith in His promise of deliverance is what gives me hope and strength to carry on. An eternity of joy awaits us! This all shall pass! Let's rejoice! May God bless you!
Peace & Light 🙏
@@RICHY8791it makes Sense when you realize we are in HELL. 😂. It's a punishment Realm. My only Hope is that at death we get out on Parole . And not recycled back in for More punishment. But yeah this IS hell.
The sad part is people know this and keep bringing innocent babies into this world to suffer 😢
Those babies are souls that choose to come back and if they're not, the creator is said to not make mistakes and sends for a purpose. I thought my husband couldn't really have babies with me. But I think I was confused and we had kids anyway, 6 and 16, love them and pray for them all thier lives...
If this is hell why do we have a Savior?
Hell is forever.
These are more like gnostic story"s try to make satan look like God and God look like a evil god.
Some souls are forced to come back here against their will. This video about a regressive hypnosis explains it deeper
This is not Hell because we still have innocent children being brought into the world...hell is the place with no hope..... You think this is hell.... Wait until you die with all your transgressions that drag you into the pit
My child is the most beautiful thing ive ever witnessed in my life. I would lay down my life for her
the animals are peaceful again in the millenial reign of Christ read the book of Isaiah!
I feel that way man.
I'll stay on earth, it's beautiful. People are the real problem.
This may be a type of hell but this isnt the worst place we could end up ... Look up hellish NDE'S and you will notice there are way worse places one could end up.
@Dontshootthemessenger-l6h Yes! Anyone who notices this knows the Source!
This is why we pray thy kingdom come.
I think thee missed the point
Eden is at the North. The Axis of Mundi. The center of all creation. Earth is the floor of the Universe
You have to make the world with no king retard
This is not some strange idea, it is biblical. Jesus is the bridge back to our original state.
Agreed to all was said. One must be totally blind, stupid and completely out of their minds to think that suffering is "a natural part of life" and a "fundamental characteristic of our existence!' Only someone truly psychotic or at least very cruel can think that understanding suffering is the path toward achieving enlightenment (a state of inner peace and wisdom - Buddhism). Whether there is another hell or not may or may not matter. One thing is for certain, this world is Hell!
@@val7288-v4i I was thinking one day, 'why study humans?' psychology and such, they pimp us then give us happy pills to pimp us longer... iceberg slims book about his pimpage and how to get mileage from people.
earth is hell
it certainly is
It has to be, or apart of confusing.
confusing yea but there is prophecy that says the earth will be turned into hell at a certain point in time - entering the diminishing timeline -
anyways i believe we are there
No, sorry. Hell is FAR worse. Like FAR, far worse. I shudder at even the sound in that place. The demonic even hate it there and they try everything in their power to possess us to escape it for a while. 😬
Iz-Raileys are "demons."
People that think this is "hell" don't really comprehend what hell really is...I can't even describe what it is completely... but I do know that is the absolute absence of good.... Good only comes from the God in the Bible...his Son.. and the Holy Spirit
The True divine creator who is love would not create a place for us to suffer in fire or multin lava or torcher. I pray for the True Divine light shines down on us and breaks all these mental chains and free us from the hand of this demiage
I join you in your thoughts and prayer! That concept itself is wrong at so many levels for a loving God and Creator! I cannot fathom that sadistic view as part of the loving Spirit of our CREATOR. ❤😢❤
We will all find out when we pass away,but I want to find out now in this life. Amen.
The sad situation is that the Vatican have many of the books their pre decessors banned. The public needs access so we get all the background . Not just their version. I've researched this subject and I agree with much of what was said in this video.I find so much conflicting info it's impossible for me to come to a conclusion. Therefore the story is manipulated. Dishonesty is at the root of all our problems. Jesus said it was money so I'd trust him more than myself
Where is the RICH MAN (DIVES) and where is Lazerus.
Humanity was elevated, being born again. Mankind like you is too stubborn. You want to find out later.
I know now my redeemer lives.
Nicely done. The awakening is peace of mind, love, forgiveness, and being open-minded to the concepts presented in this knowledge. It's good to see responsible content that offers a hopeful existence. Thank you. Liked and Subscribed.
We are slaving just to eat and have shelter
I've always thought that....a truly evil!!!😢😮😢
I haven't always realized this truth...but I am certain of it now.
Man ,greed an government mad this world evil!
😢 sorry
Me too
Know thy self, know thy creator.
In a world absent of love I found it within myself. And that very frequency of light that was shown to me, I resonated with it, deeply. Like a forgotten knowing that was set forth by falsehood.
I've discovered something of good report. This world will in slave you with doctrines of devil's and they start with our children. But sometimes, the world's systems will discard you and reject you out from the same codes that run this world. To be misunderstood in a world that thrives on familiar ways for all and of the same mind only stands if it's built upon Love not confusion and fear.
Can you help me? Every time I go within, I get disturbing thoughts which are quite painful. How can I go in myself smoothly and painlessly
@@PaulDavies-x4z Hey Paul if you allow me? going inner first without being redeemed or sanctified by God directly shows us our true heart, and nature. We are condemned, so we must go to Jesus the savior and believe he died in our place. Then when you go inside God himself is there (Emmanuel) God in us. He is the light.
That is a testimony that really reverberates even though I know the feelings I have will grieve the absence of those I love I SEE PEOPLE GRIEVING THE PASSING OF THOSE THEY DIDNT LIKE MISSING THINGS THEY DIDNT LIKE
WOW I HAVE an easy life in ways that others may not but to judge others is what the devil triggered and Adam's shame separated him
I had lost my recognition of super natural existence but ran into these events where I was not suffering but I also wasn't stepping up to handle stuff I have those flaws to thank for being a part of my experiences with the spirit So SO BEAUTIFUL
If I am sick I talk to my body and stay amazed about anything everything
Thanks for sharing you touched my heart too
Peace be with you
Deep down i always knew earth was hell.
No need to be told by anyone or any religion earth is truly hell for mankind.
What if Earth is actually a prison designed to keep us trapped in suffering?
Thank you so much for the confirmation, I suspected as much.
Bon Scott was right
If you think this is Hell you Aint seen nothing yet
@@igorstein5616 & neither have 🫵🏽 😂🤣😂🤔
@@igorstein5616it has hell in it.
@@igorstein5616this is the realm where your energy, soul, takes on a physical body and feels pain. The animals tear into another to eat. Storms rage and the tiny , ant like humans forget they are slivers of light…part of the ONE, I AM. Be kind. Be love. 😊🤍🙏
Earth is a school for souls.
yea a school that you get WIPED how "useful" its like studying for a test jsut to be WIPED day before test......
It’s something, that much is for sure
@ it's for the true evolution (the espiritual one) conditions are set for it, just make sure to use the tools correctly, otherwise karma will be a teacher.
This is my least favorite of the lies. Do you know what they would call it as a teacher if you treated your students this way? Child abuse. Yet you think somehow that souls only learn in abuse and suffering.😊
That's circular reasoning. The only reason we need to learn in the first place is due to the limitations of this realm. "Why are we here? To learn. Why do we need to learn? Because we are here. And why are we here? To learn. Why do we need to learn? Because we are here." and so on.
The demiurge is the god of this world - Satan, the Father of Lies who has deceived the whole world. Gnostics don't follow Jesus. Jesus came to earth to show us who the true Creator is. Only those who repent from sinning and seek Jesus who is the Way, the Truth and the Life have hope in everlasting life in His heavenly kingdom.
But that's not what Jesus himself said lol
Anyone who believes in Christ and died on a cross for the sins of the world then that is the only way to get into heaven is believing in Jesus Christ that he is the only begotten son of God and came to earth died and God the father rose him 3 days later for the sin of the world
My thoughts exactly!
Jesus Christ The way the truth and the life ❤
Yes. I am happy to know many are waking up. Jesus, is not from this realm, Jesus came from the pure light of the ONE that gave you the next breath you do not doubt will be there. Be LOVE. 🤍🙏
Saying Gnostics don't follow Christ is incorrect. Some do and some dont. But it is almost certain that those who do follow Christ don't do so in the same way mainstream Christians do. I am a Gnostic Christian- a Cathar- and I follow the message he gave us in his Sermon on the Mount, which is a guide to returning to God's Presence in the spiritual realm.
This is he'll unless you have plenty of money and a easy life but most people have to work hard until you drop down dead
I have a son who is non verbal autism who taught me to love unconditionally to see what the world didn’t. At first I wouldn’t accept and blamed myself and vaccines trying to heal his autism ti make him”normal” but I realised that it wasn’t my son that needed healing but myself, I learned to love and see a deep energetic connection to my son beyond words. I took years wanting to hear the words “ I love you, mum” but to know recognition of true love was that of a energetic soul connection - NOT WORDS has changed everything- he is one of most powerful creators of the matrix I have known those who work with these amazing youngsters are filled with light energy protecting them the most vulnerable do have guardians. Fear of loved ones vulnerability of a dark world can drive parents to take the lives of their child to avoid possible suffering ironically that fear causes that very suffering- I cannot express the gratitude enough to see through the matrix and I wish that clarity to be given to everyone ❤
Thes children I believe will be redeemed of this place
Jesus Christ showed us the way.
and there is where we all make choices for truth hopefully -
and Jesus is Prophecy and told of everything we see manifesting in our time
Thats the biggest lie ever told do you like changing past punishments definitions especially Ceasars laws and Roman records and lets not forget the Vatican has all these Roman records of crucifixion which YOU have decided to overlook. #1 crucifixion denied your family and friends from burial rituals as they were left on their cross along the road for others to see and Roman soldiers stood guard over these decaying bodies see this punishment went way past death this punishment was reserved for Treasonous Traitors only so the other 2 criminals supposedly being crucified is again another lie this never happened its a lie that people keep overlooking remember the authors of new testament were not alive during this time. So all them words in red another lie but you can keep believing in a enslavers religion written by man remember your religion was dug up and pieced together with lots of parts not included that history proves exist yet somehow you believe you know God 😂 santan the father of lies is just so dumb yet your God is at war with yeah 😂and you believe you found the truth wake up man written religions are all ment to enslave your mind and keep you ignorant and not asking the right questions. As a American Fighting for Freedom and Justice is our way of life yet Christians cannot fight from Slavery or Justice your literature forbids you maybe you should open your mind and realize how evil your bible really is read about Slavery and who you should kill and how this is the family legacy killer ment to keep peasants poor and weak your mind has been imprisoned by false beliefs I was raised a Christian and I woke up and live with my Christian family constantly forcing their religion on me they dont care about what I feel or think and thats why America wrote our Constitution the waybit is nowhere will you find your religion also another thing Christians lie about see your religion has killed more people than most religions know your history look up 1775 bible cause king james was 1885 when was America founded and whyvwere people fleeing Europe hmmm yeah what happened with the mayflower who were these people remember they were dying you think their prayers and faith saved them yeah right thats why they were starving because your religion is based on fear mongering your kind has never been the self sufficient brave explorers. Keep praying and have faith that your God will perform miracles keep believing in lies because man wrote your religion and it has tons of holes science will tell you no way a person can survive in a fish for even 1 day they dont need air 😂 oh the great flood go visit the reproduction of the arkbask yourself 40 days and you saved all the animals currently on earth 😂 40 days of water and then what you got to eat all them plants just magically survived 😂 holes and more holes
It's all about the free will that God has given to choose for oneself
I'm a long term Gnostic, and I approve of this message. You also have grasped the strategy to liberate ourselves, I thank you for presenting it so clearly.
you're welcome
This is really REAL, THE EVIL GOD'S THAT ARE IN CONTROL IS REALLY SICK, humans came from different dimensions but this God separated us from where we originated from to rule ,beyond EVIL
Yeah. The blind don’t see that they all say AMEN. 😂 I just shake my head.
Another possibility is that we became estranged from God when we took the first bite out of the apple. On this planet, the fallen angels are present. Some of these videos, I believe, have the potential to be our reality. That does not negate the existence of a God within each of us.
I can truly agree with that!
@@IamHumanWomanwhat are we saying wen we say amen 🙏
Children of God! We people here who believed in Jesus, we will turn this place upside down, will turn this place into Heaven
I pray to God that whoever watches this video will always be in peace and be blessed with many blessings and good health.
hail Sophia, full of light, the Christ is with thee. Blessed are you among the aeons, and blessed is the liberator of thy light, Jesus
Sophia is an archon ⭐
🌟 Hey everyone reading this! The Bible is a treasure trove of wisdom, filled with stories that resonate across generations. Whether you're searching for guidance, comfort, or just a new perspective, let these words inspire and uplift you. May you find strength and peace in every verse you read. Stay blessed! 🙏📖✨
No it's not its remix and plagiarism of ancient tablets😮
@@richd2457 Please don't wait to pass to find out the careful deceptions laid out by the Devil who even knew Jesus was coming before he came (according to exorcist priests). Go to Jesus, he will help you find the path away from the "Ruler of this World" as Jesus himself, named him.
The Bible is a cage
This might be a jail in hell, thought it many times in living my own hell without him, but thank God he sent Jesus to offer us Salvation and a "Get Out of Jail Free card".
In budddism, craving is the root of all suffering
“Hell is other people.”
~Jean Paul Sarte.
This is something I pondered long ago. With humanity's inclination toward evil and selfishness, who could see this as paradise? Considering all the suffering and the deep dissatisfaction with the material world, it’s easy to view this existence as hell.
I agree, and in order to continue to survive we have to consume everything in our sight. A body that always needs to be fed, a mind that’s contradictory, never happy, never satisfied until we pass on.
Hell is other people. That's how Earth is Hell.
Found this trying to confirm my findings.
It's not hard to tell.
A prison has wings
The earth has continents.
The point of morals and the Bible was to create people who don’t cause suffering. To create a peaceful society
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me
That’s really disturbing. Why would I be ok with walking through the valley of the shadow of death when I supposedly have an all powerful genie that can just take away the evil and death in an instant?
This makes so much sense
old age , alzhiemers and the next episode
The devil is crafty. Very deceptive. The Bible has the answers.
Nope sorry. Hell is the stuff of nightmares. You will NEVER get peace there - just constant suffering and torture.
@ like pow
@LeoWatcher7 There are different levels of hell
We are Encouraged to fall in love and get Married. But those who do, live a Life of Servitude. You never get the Partner You Really Want ! Life is a load of Sh*t, even if you live a Happy Life like Me ! The Luckiest are those that were Never Born ! We are in Hell and the only Escape is Death !
This world has become so crazy and insane and expensive, and corrupt that people are starting to refuse to have children!!
I've known for a while now about myself that there are certain words that resonate within me deeply. Unity, Truth, Love. This channel resonates well with me and my beliefs. As one of the final points in the video for example, is about the unity of our community here on Earth.
Don’t understand why God allows so much torture .
Free will dumbass and sin is the cause of it from selfish evil pieces of shit , grow up how can u not know this , we are in a fallen state , Jesus redeemed that, u can live like a King and priest now but you'd rather serve e your flesh and desire and your lower nature then serve your spirit , u are the reason u suffer , get your head out of your ass
The demonic created Hell (this is from the demonic's lips in Catholic exorcisms when forced to speak truth with God's assistance). They drag people with them that have chosen, via freedom of will (gifted by God), to be with them in Hell. If WE keep refusing to follow God, he will allow us to follow another ruler that resides in Hell - it is as simple as that. God will not force us to live with him if we want nothing to do with him, he can only knock so many times at our door to follow him before he has to respect our decision not to follow him to the home he has prepared for us in Heaven. God bless 🕊
you beLIEve God is a wizard.
God/Satan are the 'two dogs' in every human.
the one you serve/feed is the one who wins.
No God does not any torture you went through or others was directly or indirectly from other evil humans...and there choices effect other's like a ripple affect
Because the God your taught is not real
Earth is hell but God never design it to be hell the devil corrupt mankind we must serve the creator God no matter what.
No, hell is not a place but a mindset when you're not aligned with the truth and the true teachings.
But can you also see, the MORE aligned we are with truth, the more we will suffer...look at almost every master, high philosopher, etc...the more we see, well, the more we know where we are.
@@GoddessStone No, once your Ego is out of the way you don't suffer anymore. You purge everything.That's the principle of ego death.
@@xray-wz3gw That is ridiculous man. U lose your ego your back to being 6 years old again but stil with all your normal responsibilities. U'd be done in a couple of days.
the problem is we still dont understand anything, it just becomes another memory.
Going against the Bible but quoting scriptures…… thy will be done
This is not hell. This is Neutral ground. The plasma beneath us is the Proton and the luminaries above us are the Electrons. Earth is a giant atom. As above, so below.
Adam being the first of humanity is synonymous with an Atom being the basic building block of reality.
Exactly you understand this. It's all mostly symbolic. The emerald tablets is more accurate and the law of attraction.
No, the bible says that God created the heavens and the earth. However, when the enemy fell from grace and ultimately convinced and deceived Adam and Eve to fall alongside him, evil entered, not only inside of the hearts of all men and women but into the fabric of reality itself. Thats why reincarnation here is also flawed and actually a terrifying prospect. Everything here suffers and dies. And if that was eternal, then reincarnation would be everlasting death. Or hell. Jesus said, come to me, and I will give you everlasting life and an escape from this world. Heaven. Let that sink in.
said perfectly
Exactly 💯
Sounds like political agenda for social control 😊He'll and heaven is state of conscious the soul never dies it transcends 😏
Note: 'Life' doesn't end in decay and death. The Driver does not become the vehicle. The Driver is released from polarization at the end of transition. The body returns to its material base. The Driver, ostensibly having learned the lessons, moves on.
And you know this for sure exactly how???
I used to think that people that called earth a hell realm were just negative people but the more you take time to think about it the more it makes sense for example: 100% of people get traumatized during childhood, animals kill each other to survive, the people that speak truth are hated by the masses while fake people are approved by most, the people that rule the world are evil and want to keep people weak, powerless and ignorant, etc. That doesn't sound like a good place to me but i do think that the best way to go through this life is being grateful and optimistic because it reduces the suffering
Okay, but if this demiurge built this world to trap our souls here, where did he get hold of our souls? Where did our souls come from? Can this monster also create souls??
gnosis, a transformative insight that reveals this world for what it is: a prison we can escape only by awakening our divine nature?
That is right, Revelations talk about was war in heaven, those that lost, where were they sent to? That is right, to earth as a punishment.
Yes, this is the realm where the soul, spirit, your energy takes on a mortal body and can feel pain. To add more injury to insult, mental anguish, emotional pain, also causes physical pain. Be kind, be love, remember you are all slivers of the ONE, I AM. I am glad we are remembering so we can make a change. 🤍🙏
right until final judgment where some will be without God and His Creation forever in the physical hell and those that choose Truth now will be in Gods new Creation without evil and these hellions running around causing destruction everywhere they go
Thank you! I feel a bit better now, after this video! Have a Wonderful Day !
Thank you! You too!
A very precise and enlightening video. Well done to whoever produced it.
The galaxy is huge and we're trap here on this little planet
Earth is stationary flat and trapped under a dome. There is no galaxies. We are surrounded by water. The Great Deep.
Sin is why we have fallen. Only by acccepting the truth , the savior Jesus Christ can we transcend this fallen existence.
The only problem with this theory is that not everyone here on earth is suffering. Some live a very good life, almost heavenly like. What about that? If this was hell, we should all have the same bad experience, since we are in a prison like punishment. Right? Why would some have a better form of suffering than others if we were all expelled from Eden?
Everyone has a bad life, some are just way worse than others.
I have wondered the same thing, and believe it is because of karma and also they allow some people to have good lives so the rest of us become jealous. Everything hurts 100x more when you see someone else like you just coasting by and getting 100000x your success in much less time, with less hardship. They could also be demons or have sold their souls or made deals.
Let me tell you this a Saudi Arabian royal family member was born into richness his family owned oil and so he never had to work he had sex multiple beautiful wives money cars mansions and killed himself.....why because he was depressed because he knew he shouldn't be but was still...
I used to live in this so called life of plenty, as I aged it became clear to me that it was nothing but a cage. Everyone around me was obsessed with the disease of more. No true friendship, no trust and spiritual emptiness. Lots of drugs, alcohol and yes suicdes around . I walked away with nothing and started living the true warrior life. Never regretted it, I believe this planet is a soul training camp. Of course some of us can’t embrace this possibility and pursue useless trivial stuff. I have met just as many lost souls among the poor, the money is in the end just a stack of paper and the invisible chain to keep our spirit down and low.
you can’t equate wealth with levels of suffering only levels of comfort. First define suffering.
Good question and I was thinking the very same thing after reading this title.
So wait, if earth is hell, are a place of tumor is God plan to torture us? If he loves dearly what's the purpose of letting us experience hell? It's seems as though he hates us from all his actions ijs!!
Hosea 4:6 - "My people perish for lack of Self-knowledge (Gnosis)."
Gnosis = Self-Knowing = Delphic Oracle = Know Thyself
All change for the better begins and ends (alpha and omega) at the still point of silence - simply being aware of being aware (Gnosis).
Nope, the earth is a theater and there is an underworld dimensions and upper dimensions. Your the one who chooses what side you draw energies from
Not saying the guy is fake, this is mostly true and I say mostly since I don't know everything for sure right...
I know that this planet is hell,but we will turn it in heaven and good earth, the nostic is important to the human race 👆
It will never be heaven
We fell with the fallen angels but God has kept us from knowing so that we might be redeemed
this isn't true but some religions will teach this
Hell is empty all devils are here
So...what does that mean for those people who happen to do well here in this reality and thrive in it? I know some very kind-hearted, generous people who have good lives with wealth, health, long lives, and have been blessed without having to stuggle or suffer for it. They aren't evil people. They are very charitable. Some are Christian; some aren't.
So, not everyone is struggling. Any theories?
I ask the same, then there's people who get hurt/victimized and never get any justice and it seems the criminals live long happy lives.
There is a HELL!! We are in PURGATORY!!😢😢😢😢
Jesus died for our sins and opened the door for us to be born again. Jesus is the truth and the life. He is the “ only way” to our father in Heaven as said in the Bible. We must repent of our sins, live a righteous life ( as described in the Bible) and accept Jesus as our savior.
People need to read the Bible for the truth.
God’s words need to be read and “ consumed” so we can be connected with God. His words can provide powerful protection from the evil spiritual world.
Satan is the “ Prince of earth.” We our living in a “fallen state” in this dimension because of the sin of Adam & Eve.
Hell is below the earth as mentioned in the Bible. There will be pain & suffering for externally there.
Earth is our “ boot camp” and we must find our way back to our true home through Christ.
No, the punishment has always been eye for an eye, the thing some call karma. How else do you receive what you have given out, except by reincarnating here to do so?
Earth is also not a boot camp, it definitely is a Hell world. Otherwise everything is going according to plan and there was no reason for Jesus to come and do all that grueling stuff.
What's the difference from he'll and working? None you lose only your lifetime and existence.
It sure did. Makes complete Sense. I thought that Earth was a prison and I felt controlled. Not anymore, I am awake. I am Free.
I think that hell is here and now, on earth.
The demonic created Hell (this is from the demonic's lips in Catholic exorcisms when forced to speak truth with God's assistance). They drag people with them that have chosen, via freedom of will (gifted by God), to be with them in Hell. If WE keep refusing to follow God, he will allow us to follow another ruler that resides in Hell - it is as simple as that. God will not force us to live with him if we want nothing to do with him, he can only knock so many times at our door to follow him before he has to respect our decision not to follow him to the home he has prepared for us in Heaven. God bless 🕊
the Creator is not tge one causing ignorance, the devil is
Knowledge is everything
I think you are right. And that truth in itself is very frustrating for those (including me) ...whose capacity for knowledge (cognition, comprehension and memory) are impaired. 😢.
And I wonder if any of my comments get through
@@briobarb8525But still smart enough to watch videos and learn new people's perspectives.
What about drug addicts OD and found themselves falling in the pit of hell and came back to tell us about Jesus saving them?
@@rollzolowell you see the thing is is sometimes you will see the forms of your own beliefs to help you. And the dark ones use technology to manipulate people into reincarnating over and over again it's a trick you see. So while some of them may have been saved others may have just been tricked so they can be tricked again later in life.
If the Bible read the remotely true those people would probably still be going falling into hell.
I wish everyone in the world could watch this video, not to convert, but to open their eyes. I thank the divine that my eyes are. Thanks for the video
I have felt this can be our hell for many years. Thank you for this insight.
You're welcome
This is more and more inline with buddhism belief O.O
Matthew chapter 18 verses 6 thought 9 Eturnal Fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥 KJV Written in Red.
Check Luke 17:1-2 for the original version of the saying. There's no references to eternal fire. Not to mention that's not what "eternal fire" means anyway.
I came to that conclusion years ago.
It said be happy when someone pass away and cry when someone born. I can understand that now 5:45
What about the animals? They have pain too
The decorations are everywhere