Thief’s was in Realestate business and asking crazy prices and now they stressed no one should buy till they get the price right like Nairobi. We can’t pay like Newyork for addis
It’s interesting that they don’t have a confident themselves to say their surname.This shows that they have no pride in their own identity. I wouldn’t trust them to buy anything from them.
ለምን ህዝቡን ማታለል አስፈለገ
In Ethiopia the most legally corrupt business is real estate almost 90% of them yes there is 10%0f them honest. It is high risk investment
How ? Can you explain ?
@@yonifirst9243 probably the new real estate law may solve the problems after this
It’s very expensive and unknown high risk with the current market and regime.
80% syders atshet debdeb
ሄሎ ትርታ ሪቪው፦ ለምሳሌ ለ ስቱዲዮ 46 ካሬ የተባለው
Net Area (ሙሉ በሙሉ ቤቱ ያረፈበት) ነው...?
Gross Area (የጋራ መጠቀሚያዎችን ለምሳሌ ኮሪደር፣ የመኪና ማቆሚያ ወዘተ) ጨምሮ ነው...?
ለሌላ ጊዜ Net Area እና Gross Area ብለህ ለይተህ ጠይቅልን።
ከዚህ በተጨማሪ ፕሮግራምህ ሙሉ እንዲሆን አፓርትመንቶቹ የሚገነቡት
በ SF (ከፊል ግንባታ) ነው ወይስ በ FF (ሙሉ ግንባታ) ነው የሚለውንም ብታካትት መልካም ነው።
እሺ! ለምትሰጡን አስተያየት ከልብ እናመሰግናለን።
በቀጣይ ጥያቄዎቻቹን እናካትታለን ፣ ለበለጠ መረጃ በተበመጠው ስልክ ይደውሉ ።
Net Area 35 ms
Thief’s was in Realestate business and asking crazy prices and now they stressed no one should buy till they get the price right like Nairobi. We can’t pay like Newyork for addis
God bless south africa 🇿🇦
3.6??????እባካችሁ እውነቱን ንገሩን
If you’re good financial stability, why don’t you compete the project and offer to the market? Don’t ask money before the completion of the project.
ፒያሳ ላይ ብቻ ስድስት ጨረታ አሸንፈናል አላለም ፡፡ ኧረ አታስቀኝ፡ የጨረታው መስፊርት ብሄር ና ሙስና ሆነው ቦታው ተሰጠን አትልም፡፡
Ya piassa Licey gar yalaw tajamrual?
I don’t believe after you collect your money is coming the problem
በ 2 ነጥብ ባላ ሁለት መኚታ ቤት ፈልጉልኝ
this realstate agency the more u shoutouts no one hard belive this agency
😂ኧረ እውነት የቤት ስዕል ነው? ጨዋታህ አይጠገብም " ቻርሊ ቻፒ"😂
Ayat kalah aqrabilgen
It’s interesting that they don’t have a confident themselves to say their surname.This shows that they have no pride in their own identity. I wouldn’t trust them to buy anything from them.
ዋጋ ቀንሱ
I don't want house in Ethiopia
Ethiopian real estate unreliable
Don't cheat citizens.
Oromo accent 😂