Series 1, it still has the same ls2 as your ve, the series 2 is all ls3. That's the difference a quality camshaft package and a,good tune can deliver. They're a lot more thirsty, but how addictive is extra power. It's probably around 80 to 100 hp, depending on what is done.
Love the arse end on the vf
Beautiful car!
Series 1, it still has the same ls2 as your ve, the series 2 is all ls3. That's the difference a quality camshaft package and a,good tune can deliver. They're a lot more thirsty, but how addictive is extra power. It's probably around 80 to 100 hp, depending on what is done.
Not LS2.... Only HSV had the LS2 in VZ and E1.
6.0 L77 in the S1 VF SS
Last of the V8s.... You've seen it, you've heard it etc etc...
Damn the EHs have gone
Noice noice, what cam she got?
I’ll have a guess, crow 871777 judging by dyno figures and the tuner
Mr and Mrs average is the best way to get a good classic car from because they don't know how much they are really worth
Can I ask the investment $$