The correct way to do it is that the hand that "looks for the ball under the table" should have been the same hand with which the card was turned over. それを行う正しい方法は、「テーブルの下でボールを探す」手は、カードが裏返されたのと同じ手でなければならないということです。 Sore o okonau tadashī hōhō wa,`tēburu no shita de bōru o sagasu'-te wa, kādo ga uragaesa reta no to onaji-tedenakereba naranai to iu kotodesu.
This Tenyo effect is really not a fooler. No matter how smoothly it is done, the method by which the ball vanishes is obvious.
I've just figured this out after just 2 views!!! Won't reveal the method but lets just say that it includes the ball and the hand. ;)
The correct way to do it is that the hand that "looks for the ball under the table" should have been the same hand with which the card was turned over. それを行う正しい方法は、「テーブルの下でボールを探す」手は、カードが裏返されたのと同じ手でなければならないということです。
Sore o okonau tadashī hōhō wa,`tēburu no shita de bōru o sagasu'-te wa, kādo ga uragaesa reta no to onaji-tedenakereba naranai to iu kotodesu.
Some of Tenyo's stuff is pretty good...others not so much.
>ryuuiti mizunagaさん
最初はそんなに好きでもなかったグッズなのですが、演じれば演じるほど好きになってきますね^ ^
woww left hand wooww haha
LMAO not even gimicked!
Good idea, but I've understood
WoW much incredible I have an extreme wonders about how this works. I must unleashed my curiously interesting sweet prince daddy!
pay special attention to his left hand after he places card, the ball is concealed there.
terrible... this wouldn't fool a 6 year old.