"Living in a world of Fear" - David Herring

  • Опубліковано 18 тра 2024
    Luke 21 v 25 - 31 is an oft-quoted passage where the Lord clearly foretells a time in world history when great fear will be a major international feature. In verse 26 the NIV states that men will faint from terror, while the AV describes men’s hearts failing them from fear. This warning comes in the middle of a lengthy answer Jesus gave to the disciples as they sought to know what signs would indicate the end of the age (which we now know as the Church Age). Matthew and Mark, as well as Luke, include excerpts from the Lord’s response.
    The context shows that the events that will generate such extreme fear will be worldwide, and that suggests this will happen at a time when communications will be much as they have become today - instant and universal. Verse 28 would also seem to place the timing in the present day because we, the Lord’s people everywhere, are to be fully aware of these signs beginning to take place. Accordingly, we must “stand up and lift up our heads”, knowing that the completion of God’s redemptive plan for the Church is drawing near. The fulness of that redemption purpose is our bodily resurrection to glory as described in 1 Thessalonians 4v 13-18. Therefore, the development of great worldwide fear is a sign that should produce the totally opposite effect on us. We lift up our heads because we are looking for His glorious appearance (Titus 2 v 13), and also because we should be experiencing a steadily growing confidence and excitement that the Lord’s return for us is getting very close. Certainly, we should be looking up from all the traditional circumstances that we have embraced in our Christian lives over the years and rise to the great challenge that we now face, whatever changes that demands of us, as we shall see in this study.
    There is much going on that is generating great fear in the world today. Indeed, the depth of fear is sadly leading to many people seeing suicide as the only escape, especially among a younger generation. Fear seems to be a growing cause of mental health problems all over the world. The list below is not exhaustive, but these seven issues indicate the scale of the problems the world is now facing. We also note three issues that are causing a fair degree of anxiety among Christians.
    1. Climate change and subsequent environmental disasters.
    2. Attacks on Earth from space.
    3. The growth of powerful autocracies.
    4. Artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computers. T
    5. The impact of social media.