4:33 the tanmk god's have choosen him to play test the next update due to come out during the year 2077, and therefor he has ascended to the waiting que for the next play test to the tune of -Crucified by Army Of Lover's, the one they use in the Pucci edits- .
6:11 naaaaaahhhh l3 done hit a combo on the poor chally
4:33 the tanmk god's have choosen him to play test the next update due to come out during the year 2077, and therefor he has ascended to the waiting que for the next play test to the tune of -Crucified by Army Of Lover's, the one they use in the Pucci edits- .
I also had some storage problems, but i transfered it all to another storage card, cool clips though, aspecially with the afg mk2
fresh video!
the holy mk2
6:12 Bro got hit by the L3 a double combo track to the belly
3:40 bro se robo mi tanque xd
4:20 Smii7y playing that wild west game? Is that you?
hi palanga
4:13 btw the channel of what is being heard is smi7y and kryoz if I’m right