The price of duplicity: Baqer's bad faith in stealing Javad's property
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
- Dear viewers, welcome to the Eagle channel with us. Count the price of duplicity as Baqir's renegadeness in stealing Javad's fortune reveals the rottenness at the core of their shared history. Explore the intricate web of lies, manipulation, and betrayal that unfolds after this shameful act, shattering the bonds of kinship and honor. Witness the emotional breakdowns, feelings of betrayal, and profound loss that reverberate through their lives, casting a long shadow over the friendship they once cherished. Thank you for your attention...1. #BetrayalUnveiled
2. #TaleOfDeception
3. #PriceOfDuplicity
4. #DarkShadows
5. #BrokenBonds
6. #MoralityMatters
7. #TrustShattered
8. #EmotionalWreckage
9. #FriendshipLost
10. #ConsequencesOfGreed
I'm so happy that Medina got away. She did so much for this family. She and Shahab look so happy❤
I am also. I hope it stays all good for her. I just wonder why they have not had a visit there or back to them. These days I would much rather watch them. The baby is getting cuter every day
Yes, me too
Me too. Their show with their BABYGIRL is happy. She sure. Needed that and so good see him with his baby.
Как долго они притворялись добрыми и спокойными😮 Пока Шахаб все делал и решал все вопросы, был мир и все были довольны. Как только Шахаб захотел от них уйти и жить в городе, открылось истиное лицо этих людей. Бакир вор, деньги из кармана взял.Он не солдату хочет отдать деньги, а друзьям за наркоту. Украл один раз и дальше будет воровать. Позорные семьи. Акбара жалко, мальчик хороший не смотря на то, что драки каждый день наблюдает. Махин если хочешь умереть, то нужно это делать когда тебя никто не видит, а не на камеру😅.
Не забываем еще воровку Сакине.
Stop saying that sharab don't judge people every one have different life be respectful
and he is not on leave and his parents were suppose to call the authorities to report him and they are now going to be just as responsibility for him as well and the government is going to destroy that house as well and his parents doesn't even know who his friends are and where they are located and between the Army and police someone is going to go to jail or the Army is going to punish him for AWOL !
Todo este show lo asen por ganar dinero no les importa romperse un brazo o la cabeza
Ну вот Бакир стал вором, так что тюрьмы ему не миновать,а мать пособница раз не остановила и мужу не рассказала. Жаль что младшего сына в это втягивает
She told Medina not to leave until her sorry son have gone back to the barracks and that the reason she did not leave is because of his mother her aunt
I can't believe that you let Baqir steal Jarvad's money you invited him into the house even though he didn't want to go inside, fully knowing that the money was inside Jarvad's jacket. You all but gave it to him and to make matters worse you have now involved Akbar, think about what you did to Akbar yesterday, you involved in having to stop you trying to take your life and now you have got him lying by omission to his father. This boy is innocent in all this. Shame on you all. ☹☹☹☹
I know it’s really bad. This guy is bad.
Akabar vivendo nesse ambiente de brigas e vendo seu irmão fazendo o que está fazendo e sua mãe o protegendo não tem um bom exemplo familiar , infelizmente . Que Deus livre esse bom menino de se tornar como o irmão. A mãe está agindo errado como exemplo famíliar. A família está se acabando.
Al final con lo lindo que es es sé volverá igual,son lecciones aprendidas,Bakir era un niño estupendo y el ejército lo ha puesto como un bandido
Это безумная женщина...вчера травилась таблетками...вешаться собиралась.Ну а сегодня сама не дала коз Багиру без разрешения Джавада!!!!!😅 Оператор меняй сценарий...нам это надоело😊
AMEN to that!!!!!!!!
Что за кошка. Ест и не наедается. Орет без конца.
Ужасная кошка,видимо у неё что то с головой 😮
У неё глисты😅
" ايها الذين آمنوا ان من ازواجكم و أولادكم عدوا لكم فاحذروهم " صدق الله العظيم. الابن يطلب من ابيه نصيبه ونسي من كان يصرف عليه ماكله ومشربه كسوته وتعليمه ويرفع يده في وجه ابيه و أمه. تحياتي من ليبيا
Please remember The boy did help feed the goats and chase them down along with other chores. He paid well for what they spent on him.
Mom. U have did wrong and you dragging that young son in on all that i hope he tells his dad the truth cause you sure n̈ot going too.
Dulu aku liat video chenel ini dari awal sampai akhir tidak pernah aku skip tapi sekarang karena terlalu banyak sekali drama kekerasan selalu aku skip
Акбар масло льет не жалеет балуется.. Как воду.. И воду не экономят.. Все бесплатно дается..
Esse Bakir é um verdadeiro ladrão 😢😢, é outro Hojjat não quer trabalhar mais rouba o dinheiro para usar drogas 💉 com os amigos.
O pai tem que entregar ele para a polícia tem que ser preso e a mãe ainda acha que ele é bom.
Que Deus proteja essa família 😮
Ходжат уже сидит в Тюрьме ,из за всегда бьёт Мама и сын Хусейн , и даже Немат и Насибулла дома окно стекло сломать и вор все страшно , Пусть Ходжат в Тюрьме , Как будет Бакир поведение ужасно ,Надо вызвать в Полиция надо арест в Тюрьме , надо Три человек Полиция .😮
I haven’t been watching this for a while and just thought I see what they up to,and cannot believe that just maybe 6 months back I commented how lovely and peaceful this family was.No fights,no drama ,no violence,and they son Bakir didn’t even talk much ,hi just worked hard.Now suddenly there is violence,fights,and read that Javar even beat his wife,and I’m not sorry I don’t watch this anymore. I always knew this was not real but really enjoyed watching especially beautiful and well mannered young boy Akbar .I don’t know why they decided on this strategy but it’s not working,it’s awful.
I agree. This was my favorite show, I til the violence. I no longer watch. Just check in and then leave. Too bad. I always thought they were such a nice family. Not any more
Парня испортила армия. Там научился наркоте и, конечно, ему нужны деньги. Он сиотрит, сто Джавад оьдал за ЗЯТЯ. Мтолько овец, а он сын. Почему не дать 2 овцы?
У глухонемой Махин прорезался голос, да еще какой...!
Она хулиганка,преступная манимуляторша,то пальцем шевельнуть не может,то в драку лезет,её швыряют,а она поднимается и снова в бой😮откуда силы?Притворщица,она доиграется,что Акбар что нибудь совершит страшное,что бы остановить ЭТО,и тогда для матери наступит настоящая трагедия👆
Дура -она и в Африке дура😮😮😮😮
@@АнудаРахматуллина-п1лА, вы бы не полезли в драку, на защиту сына?
How come Baqir doesn't get leave from the military if his arm broken?
Q Bakir no ha ido al ejército,lo están buscando, a ver si lo encuentran y le dan una buena lección al olgazan,
he is running from the ARMY because he never went back , and he needs money for himself not for the soldier who broke his hand , this is all about him and he is now on some drugs with his so call invisible friends
Какой отпуск дезертиру?
فشل حقيقي مسكين جواد. واكبر يجب على جواد ان يبحث عن زوجه اخري
Mahin a inculqué des idées machiavéliques à Baqir au point de mettre sa main dans la poche de Javad et elle demande à ce dernier pourquoi traitait-il ses enfants différemment.Baqir n'arrive même pas à se tenir debout,il déambule à longueur de journée sans rien faire sauf bousculer les objets avec ses pieds. Dieu merci Shahab à prit Madina et sa fille pour ne pas vivre dans ce climat houleux.
Махин зажигает огонь, а концы платка болтаются, так недолго и загорется могут,
Gracias señor camarógrafo por atender al gatito y darle de 🥣 Comer 🙏♥️
Hay sra piense lo que cuesta una gallina no es nada lo que tiene que pagar el es mucho dinero le duele la cabeza pero no para de pelear x la joyita de su hijo
Вот херню показали с деньгами думаите больше лайков поставят надо вобще отписываться пошла такая ересть одна фигня и обман
Джавад семья у тебя наверно не главное,надо было поговорить с сыном по- хорошему, раньше ты и не особо его любил как отец Махин права, не надо делить их.
Акбар придет из школы голодный.Для матери не имеет значения,это как?А Акбар почему должен страдать из-за ваших разногласий.Вот это мать,а такой казалась доброй ,любящей.Махин твой сын Бакир ,к сожалению наркоман.Его лечить надо ,а не долги его платить.Вы думаете раз заплатите и на этом всё,да нет, это только начало.У вас беда в дом пришла ,а ты мужу претензии предъявляешь ,любит его или нет.
These people know nothing about DRUGS , they are from the mountains , neither one of them can read or write .
А, причем здесь Шахаб, он же сам виноват, пойдет в полицию, его там и арестуют,
I am very disappointed then you you are not a good mother you teaching your kids how to steal and lies you cause every drama in this family you put baqir faces his father like he doesn’t like him ,javad is a good husband baqir will be a bad boy shame on you nahin
Пришел, взял и ушел, а эти думают, что будет, когда Джавад узнает,
I hope Mr. Java don't have a nervous breakdown because he's working constantly all day long. I don't think he get any relaxation. I don't see him having fun. Just go just going somewhere and having a good time other than working 24/7. Seven days out of a week
ลูกคนใด ทำร้าย และเนรคุณ ต่อ พ่อ แม่. จะถูก. พระเจ้า ลงโทษ. เป็นบาป ร้ายแรง. ,....👺👺👺👺
Что сучилось с Бакиром превратился в чудовище, не ужэли такое может быть Жалко Акбара он смотрит на все это и становится страшно за него.
Esto q essss?? Los mismos guionistas ,q deoora tustic ,y huseim, q falsos todos ,solo para obtener dinero de la audiencia ,😂🤮🤮🤮🤮
0perator give happiness Mahin and their Family I was a little sad watching this time .
Estes canais só mostram brigas porque nunca a paz. Este rapaz era tão gente boa e hoje virou um rebelde .
It's all fake with these people and Javad with his own stole money from selling the goats to bail out Shahabb😅😂
Anne babanın yanında olarak onu keçi vermeye razı edebilir. Bir de böyle denemelidir.Ama oğluna da keçi isterken olumlu davranışlar göstermesini söylemelidir anne.
انا اللي اريد اعرفه كيف ان باقر هارب من العسكرية وتعارك مع العسكري الذي جاء ليعطيه البلاغ والحكومة عايفة باقر يسرح ويمرح ويذهب ينام ببيت صديقه هذا أي صديق يقبل بعدين والله ذبحنا بهاي الملابس وبدون جواريب ويروح ويجي كلها افلام يعني معقولة جواد يترك هذا المبلغ في جيبه
Warte baqir bis Karate Tiger Javad kommt😂
Qué agresividad, la de este chico!!!
I think it's a shame that you guys always use your money to build your house, but don't buy permit.And you do all that labor and work only to get it knocked out because you don't do first things
Бакер такой же как отец все на пути рушет
Javab, espero que estés bien de la espalda después del batacazo, mucho ánimo y estás haciendo lo correcto 👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Yes i'm angry with your son but I understand Him also He comes on Java, got rob.Where's the money and shopping in building is Sold and And medina and Shabba gone
Жалко за Акбар че живее в такава среда ,
아크바르야 지금은 여름이 아니고 겨울이란다 왜 여름옷을 입고 있는지 보는사람도 불편하구나
The load is really heavy on himister. Java, why don't you go into the city and relax? Take yourself out to dinner away from home.❤
Отец почему не помогает своему сыну когда он в беде, толкает сына на кременальные поступки.
Why should the father help giving money to a son that didn't go back to the army and don't want to work, coming back home and keep asking for money and sheeps but when did he once shovel a cement to help his father so he earn his trust and he will definitely help if he was doing good. He has put his hands on his mum, sister, brother and even the father. We all parents and alot of parents hides their love so they can learn a lesson. This mother is the 1 who encourage him, one minute she tells him to go next minute he want him to get a sheep etc while his already do wrong. If my son ever disrespect me like this his ass will be out the door even though I will always love him. But you can't let them get away with everything. The father put food on their table l, the father build a house to have a roof on their head, the father get to sheeps fed so that when they are in need of important stuff for the family. No Bagir don't deserve anything yes he use to help before the army but everyone else did, and who stop their older sister from going to her husband that they are supposed to be together because they are married, Bagir and Hojjat
Не судите ,да не судимы будете
When everything.
Looks like is falling apart Mr. Java.Have Endurance Throw it all.He's trying to hold together.What he owns that is the right thing to do❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊 I applaud him for that and i'm glad he didn't try to hold medina back from leaving with her husband that was the right thing to do too
Ребенок пришел, чай попил и за работу,
❤❤🎉🎉 كيف الحال
Yo he estado viendo este canal desde antes que atacaran los bandidos a baker,, cuando el y akbar cuidaban las. Cabras solos en la montaña. El trabajo mucho para la familia y ahora que vendieron las cabras el ya perdió porque se queda sin nada, no le quieren dar ni una cabra de las que quedan, por eso el ha cambiado en cambio su padre vendió las cabras y se quedó con el dinero y lo más probable es que tiene una segunda esposa escondida por el modo como se comporta. ( el tiempo nos dirá)
I still admire Mr. Java because he is doing all the work trying to make these work and trying to keep things going around. You guys place if he stops nothing will get done. So Wife son you guys need to back off your daddy Before you pack it stuff leave you all
OMG What has happened to this close nit family. I have been way for some time to return to see it is shambles. Bakir was the poster boy and coud no wrong know he is stealing money from his Father what ever happened to him . Maybe drugs since he is home from the Army.
ليش جواد مايبيع الماعز ويشتري بيت مرتب ويعيش هو وأسرته حياة نظيفة بدل البهدلة زوجتو مريضة وتغسل بماء بارد تحت المطر والتلج حياة كلها تعب وقذارة وبامكانهم العيش حياة حلوة متل مدينة وشهاب لأن رغم وجود الماعز لانرى حليب ولاجبن وسمنة وزبدة على سفرة الطعام لماذا يحتفظون بالماعز اذا
He's still angry because the building next dooresent is no longer yours.It was and he worked to help build it so he's helping was in vain
دوباره این دیوانه اومد
Прошу ,Джавад нельзя избил свои Жена можно в Тюрьме .
Your oldest son is not staying there.To contribute to do and work around the house are helping because of his ugly attitude.Life is not perfect.Will we must forgive and turn and help each other
Mr. Java, you need to take your money and Bury it somewhere.Don't keep it in the house.Hide your money from your wife and your family.Since you are the main supporter of the house, I wouldn't keep my money.In there's places you can hide your money outside the house
The mother sat there and saw him took the father’s money and did not move an inch to take it back. When he is out the door she proceeds to go after him. I am not sure which arm is broken because it changes in some highlights. What I do know the story line is getting boring. Everyday he comes open the door to let out the goats, don’t have a buyer, don’t have transportation, pretending his arm is broken and wants some goats. What a joke.
Yes,few days ago it was right arm ,I’m sure it changed.Unless hi broke left first and now right 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I think that's the reason why your son is upset. Because he keep helping you guys build without a permit. And he still don't have his own bedroom. And now you guys want to beat. He asked for his portion, his inheritance a goat give it to him. So
Poor Akbar, he was love by Shahab before
Shabab is his father , Javad and his wife are his grandparents,they all family ,it’s all fake and this people like all this fake nomads are scammers.
I know it’s not fair. To him. I really only watch for him now. The rest is ridiculous My love for this channel has changed so much.
Kok seorang prajurit jadi pencuri di rumahnya sendiri Bagir bener2 jadi orang tak bermoral apa kah itu yg kamu pelajari dari bekajar seorang prajurit sungguh mengecewahkan pak Javad dan Mahin.
Он, что считает Джавада дураком,
Не зря он проподал неделю как продал коз это не знаем все шито крыто дальше смотрим кино!!!!❤❤❤
I am so sorry to see what is happening to the family. Shahab the operator of this channel has ruined this family to promote his new one with Madina and Elena. I am still not going to watch it as much as love Madina and Elena. What’s happening is almost a copy and paste to what’s happening in Rustic Echo his brother’s channel. Greed has a way of getting the best of people. There is 2 another channels I watch at night that didn’t listen to their viewers and one ended up losing the majority of their viewers going from over 30 views to barely a few hundreds the other one hadn’t uploaded content for several months now lately I noticed they just started again with again barely a few hundred views. This who don’t Listen to their viewers will also learn. Again greed will be your downfall because remember there are hundreds of nomads channels and with a click of my finger I can unsubscribe and move on. I for one started watching these nomads to see a different lifestyle and one thing o remember Shahab saying was that he fell in love twitch the nomads and how he loved their way of life and who he would stay with them all of a sudden it’s not good enough blah blah the same way Madina grew up and is fine the same way the younger daughter is studying in University if that is what Elana wanted to do she can but don’t belittle the nomads now because you want to make new content. I happen to like the goats the outside cooking and the constant building seeing them go from dirt to a complete building is wonderful to me. Just my opinion.❤
Eu sei que filho só tem herança quando os pais falece mais neste país os filho acha que te direito a parte isto .
Why are you guys hating each other?
Like thit's good.
That Medina is not there with her baby and she's with her husband because look what she would be going through living with you guys. She's living like a Queen now with her husband. No daughter and they are not fighting like you guys are fighting
Джавад мог деньги убрать подальше,
Так, все тихо прошло,
مهین چرا به اکبر دورغ یاد. می ده از اکبر. که خیلی جوان هست کار. می کشه ولی به باقر. نمی گه باید کار. کنی همش میگه بهش سهم بده سکینه هم مثل مادرش بود که همش سهم می خواست حالا هم به جوادی نمی خواهد بگوید باقر پول گرفت رفت چون مهین خیالش راحت شد او پول داره اصلا جولش را نگرفت 😡😡
So your son is still depressed about all of that. So me I would just give him the goat and let him do whatever you want.Because he's the's discouraged he's son is discourand he feels he don't have a future
سلام خسته نباشید آقا جواد الهی همیشه خوش ارم باشید همراه با فامیل عزیز تان واقعا خیلی زحمت کشیدی است ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
You guys go and spend money , buy materials To bill your house, but you don't get a permit.So you waste money, you prefer to waste your money building without a permit.That's probably why your son is so upset.You guys do things backwards
Your son feels like everything. He contribute to the family as far as helping working and building.
He still have nothing because.
The government taking things away from you guys because you guys don't ever permit.
Чужую беду руки разведу а своей ума не дам
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂كل قنوات البدو الايرانيه مزيفه اقسم بالله
للضحك عالمتابعين الاغبياء
اكو مصور يصور وامامه واحد يضرب الاخر😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
كلها اكشن 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Hola. Bueno la verdad que Baquir ahí se pasó , eso no se hace🤦 . Porfavor señor Javad tranquilícese , y no haga de esto una tragedia hágalo por Akbar y Mehin que a pesar de todo se que lo quiere y respeta.🤷. Bendiciones 🙏
Qué bien puesto estaba el fajo de billetes para que llegara Baquir y se lo llevara verdad? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.
И что он топчется туда-сюда....!?
Senora baquir es un adulto y no sirve para nada,si les da muchos problemas ,además el niño les ayuda en todo ,le ayudo a usted hasta para que no se suicidara usted si hace la diferencia
Your son is really a good person.
But is you guys doing things the wrong way? That's bringing out the worst in him.
He was really happy and helping you guys a lot. But you guys don't get A permit don't be mad at him.Be mad at yourself.He has nothing
Зачем таблетки пьет лечиться. все равно вешаться хотела
هذا تصوير قديم
Yo quisiera que alguien me explique si un padre le da golpes a su hijo los defensores del menor dicen que es abuso infantil y cuando los hijos golpean a los padres como se llama eso? Alguien sabe porque yo no sé. La verdad que nunca pensé que los menores en ese país tienen el control y son los que tienen el mando
Таблетки разве пьют на голодный желудок,
Вот теперь действия наркомана проявились, украсть деньги, теперь можно говорить что он наркоман. Салам алейкум родители, получайте...
Когда, он гипс снимет,
Nasi yang dimasak mahin kelihatan perah nasinya keras tidak pulen
Почему мать не отобрала деньги у сына как сидела даже не шелохнулась зачем в дом звала а потом ныть будет
جوادی يکی از بزها را بفروشد يک ماشین لباسشویی سطلی بخرد نه اینقدر آب مصرف میشود نه اینقدر عذاب میدهد چرا بعضی آدمها فکر ندارد بخدا راحت تره😢😮
What a dumb.story take boy. Turn him into a villian.and expect people to need.viewers but you went about it in the.wrong way