Secondo te conviene prendere un Honda hrv per fare 5km di andata a lavoro 5 km di ritorno e poi altri 5 di andata e altri 5 di ritorno... Avrò un consumo buono oppure meglio optare x altro?
In my opinion, HR-V’s consumption is lower than petrol or diesel for this kind of use in Northern Europe (colder weather). Here diesels are good for longer drive (highway). In Southern Europe diesel probably is very good even short distance (warm weather). Small battery capacity electric car would be good for short distances, probably beat option…but if you need to drive somewhere further, that is very problematic. If you really need to buy new car, HR-V is quite good price for quality and accessories, quite cheap to own (consumption and maintenance). If current car’s consumption and maintenance costs are still decent, might be better to keep that one…
Si a me piace tanto hrv solo che avevo alcuni mi dicevano che non ne valeva la pena per tratti così brevi o meglio non ne traggo chissà quale benificio a livelli di consumi
Nice noise isolation in my opinion
Secondo te conviene prendere un Honda hrv per fare 5km di andata a lavoro 5 km di ritorno e poi altri 5 di andata e altri 5 di ritorno... Avrò un consumo buono oppure meglio optare x altro?
In my opinion, HR-V’s consumption is lower than petrol or diesel for this kind of use in Northern Europe (colder weather). Here diesels are good for longer drive (highway). In Southern Europe diesel probably is very good even short distance (warm weather).
Small battery capacity electric car would be good for short distances, probably beat option…but if you need to drive somewhere further, that is very problematic.
If you really need to buy new car, HR-V is quite good price for quality and accessories, quite cheap to own (consumption and maintenance).
If current car’s consumption and maintenance costs are still decent, might be better to keep that one…
Si a me piace tanto hrv solo che avevo alcuni mi dicevano che non ne valeva la pena per tratti così brevi o meglio non ne traggo chissà quale benificio a livelli di consumi