Largest Equipment In The World

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @JKwakulla
    @JKwakulla Місяць тому +85

    JLG needs to hire Gage.

    • @N_g_er
      @N_g_er 10 днів тому +1

      Let's make them

  • @YV5AUEO
    @YV5AUEO Місяць тому +11

    Laura proud of you for giving Cage air time!

  • @FreedomRock44
    @FreedomRock44 Місяць тому +34

    Laura and Grant what an Asset Gage is. Good young man and a good hard worker.

  • @davidkettell1073
    @davidkettell1073 Місяць тому +43

    Stellar sure knows a wonderful spokeswoman when they see one . Great job Laura . You sure do clean up nice .

  • @jrstrande4890
    @jrstrande4890 Місяць тому +53

    "I've never gotten stuck in this, and I've gotten stuck in a lot of stuff" Great endorsement! 👍

    • @sonoftheredfox
      @sonoftheredfox Місяць тому +5

      as they flash back to last video and him half submerged in the skidsteer lol

  • @rayeddy528
    @rayeddy528 24 дні тому +1

    Great content Laura !! Thank you!! I worked on a surface coal mine for 43 years as field mechanic. The last job I worked on had 797 CAT trucks in service. They were loaded by a CAT 994 wheel loader and a O&K hydraulic shovel. Wonderful machines to watch getting it done !!! You all be careful and God bless !!!! Eddy ( Virginia)

  • @oldgrizz8720
    @oldgrizz8720 Місяць тому +30

    I grew up in Pennsylvania where these GIANT trucks, cranes, bulldozers and steam shovels are used mining coal. The Steam Shovel had to be shipped in in pieces and built on sight, because the roads can't handle the weight or size. When it moved the whole town would shake. It is amazing technology. While I really like seeing you in your green Carhart coveralls, I have to admit you shine up really nice. You looked beautiful at the expo.

    • @Snarkapotamus
      @Snarkapotamus Місяць тому +3

      I too grew up in that world. I remember going into the Joy Manufacturing plant in Franklin, PA and looking down their assembly line. Looked like a mile long. Some of their gear was just other worldly..

    • @PaineStakingTruth
      @PaineStakingTruth Місяць тому

      Thanks for sharing that!

    • @RandThompson-dd3sk
      @RandThompson-dd3sk Місяць тому +1

      Two days out of school I was working in the strip mines.
      All big equipment!

    • @Wyomingchop
      @Wyomingchop Місяць тому +1

      Same in Wyoming, also for coal

    • @michaelmccasland9852
      @michaelmccasland9852 Місяць тому

      When I was a little kid I called the big excavators "Steam Shovels". I think it was from a kids book about a tiny steam shovel that the big shovels made fun of. of course as an older person someone loudly said that shovels are no longer operated using steam. Your post brought back memories lost for many years, thank you it made me smile. :)

  • @DaMouseKid
    @DaMouseKid Місяць тому +9

    We use are mid size Telahandler for everything from loading the feed truck with silage to grading the road, pulling stuck cattle out of mud, loading and unloading hay , lifting seed bags over our planter to fill it up, anything and everything. It fits perfect in the agricultural setting.

  • @thomaswhite8899
    @thomaswhite8899 Місяць тому +13

    Loved watching Gage come into his own in the video ...I'm sure he is a very valuable assett to Laura Farms

    • @KevinS-qj3en
      @KevinS-qj3en Місяць тому +2

      He does a fantastic job in narrating and recording!

    • @jzeff6250
      @jzeff6250 Місяць тому

      Great job, Gage! You are a natural in front in the camera.

  • @meru18329
    @meru18329 Місяць тому +8

    Just spent 18 minutes of my life watching Gage pull up trees mesmerized. I guess that's okay.

    • @sonoftheredfox
      @sonoftheredfox Місяць тому +2

      I was thinking the whole time, "I have so many trees on my land that I'd like to do this to."

  • @donrussell2017
    @donrussell2017 Місяць тому +10

    Great video. I liked your JLG video demo of their uses and capabilities. The mining equipment was huge. Wow! Laura, Grant, and Gage great reviews

  • @johnensminger7675
    @johnensminger7675 Місяць тому +7

    Gage, you should be a JLG salesman!
    Great job!

  • @chrisallen3388
    @chrisallen3388 Місяць тому +8

    Great segment Gauge

  • @tylinbrando5672
    @tylinbrando5672 Місяць тому +10

    Bravo Gage! You have a natural talent for content creation! Very very good narration to what you’re doing. Some of the biggest equipment operators with channels on UA-cam would do well to take a page from your book. 🔥🔥❤️💯🚜

  • @admranger
    @admranger Місяць тому +18

    As a 30 year Las Vegas resident, thank you for pronouncing Nevada correctly. Nebraska schools coming through again. #GBR
    Mine Expo is a cool show. Having worked in 7 underground facilities, I was able to attend Mine Expo and the machinery is amazing.

    • @aaronbritt2025
      @aaronbritt2025 Місяць тому +2

      I've lived here since '92, Nevada is a Spanish word. Not an American word. It should be pronounced as such.

  • @briancupp6767
    @briancupp6767 Місяць тому +6

    My dad retired from caterpillar I got to see and operate a lot of fantastic equipment. The best time was going to see the big Muskie the largest walking dragline ever.

  • @johnensminger7675
    @johnensminger7675 Місяць тому +4

    Thanks for sharing your life with us and taking us along!
    Cool equipment!!😊
    You are very comfortable as a show host, Laura!
    Great content.

  • @kroadie3936
    @kroadie3936 Місяць тому +4

    Cat’s quiet Achiever ,Gage thanks for the demo of the JLG, Larua grant . Great machines and attachments for farming and forestry.

  • @jerryfish1303
    @jerryfish1303 Місяць тому +2

    Absolutely great job gauge that’s unreal. What that thing can do and you sound so excited and you should be.

  • @rickwhite2567
    @rickwhite2567 Місяць тому +2

    Despite the massive and impressive equipment, Laura remains the most amazing.

  • @StevenHouchin-x1u
    @StevenHouchin-x1u Місяць тому +5

    Saw you on RFD TV. Promoting Tractor Tuesday. I grew up in rural central Nebraska. My sister and brother-in-law still live on the family farm/ranch. Enjoy your videos. Think of your family when driving by Aurora on my way out to the ranch.

    • @sonoftheredfox
      @sonoftheredfox Місяць тому

      I always find such interesting shows on there when I come across it.

  • @stevea9604
    @stevea9604 Місяць тому +4

    Laura…Elegance personified 👍🏻🤩😄

  • @BearlyOutdoors
    @BearlyOutdoors Місяць тому +18

    Classiest spokeswomen they ever had. Wonderful job.

  • @PaineStakingTruth
    @PaineStakingTruth Місяць тому +4

    To get rid of a mulberry tree sapling: I devised this method. Cut off the mulberry sapling about 6” above the ground. Put about a TBSP full strength roundup in a small sandwich bag with a paper towel inside, turn the bag over and place on the stump and wrap with a rubber band. Done! I earned that some people put roundup on stumps like this but rain will wash it off so, the baggy and towel keep it in place. I prep the baggy before I go out to the tree…

    • @mikewatson4644
      @mikewatson4644 Місяць тому

      Tordon RTU works super. Just pour a little out of the bottle to cover the cut on the stump. Done. Needs to be put on within a few minutes of cutting the tree. Tree will suck it in and it disappears within minutes.

  • @ryt2carry
    @ryt2carry Місяць тому +2

    I hope y’all get another one. Those things are so useful. We’ve rented them several times and Gage is right, they’re beasts

  • @MurrayEllis-ur6fq
    @MurrayEllis-ur6fq Місяць тому +1

    There has got to be a “Work Clothes Manufacturer” knocking on Gages door , getting him to test wear ‘Work Tough Clothes’ that does not rip or tear , every time Gage gets into tight spot !

  • @johnnysechrist6313
    @johnnysechrist6313 Місяць тому +5

    When I was still a tadpole my Granny raised Manx cats, they were great hunters and companions and got along fine with our bear dogs and other pets, even my pet duck RINGO.

  • @pauljoseph8338
    @pauljoseph8338 Місяць тому +1

    Nice JLG demo Gage! Love your enthusiasm! Pull them trees!!!

  • @willthornsbury2913
    @willthornsbury2913 Місяць тому

    My first job was working on a coal mine, 5th generation. I mostly ran the small swivel Bell trucks but I did get to drive a CAT 777 once and it was mind blowing. They're all automatic transmission and have power steering, so very easy to drive actually, just frightening because of how far up you are. Driving on mountain tops is something unique too. We once got permits to drive them on the highway to move them from one mine site to another. They easily did 45 mph on paved roads and take up both lanes of the highway. The Euclid trucks have electric rear dive and the noise they make when it engages can be heard a mile away. Watching such big machines never gets old.

  • @bunkabob1
    @bunkabob1 Місяць тому +6

    Really enjoyed Gages dialogue..

  • @BobbyT595
    @BobbyT595 Місяць тому +1

    Until you see this stuff in person you cannot fully appreciate the size of these beasts. Great job guys.

  • @murraymitchell4871
    @murraymitchell4871 Місяць тому +2

    Gage, holy crap! Excellent demonstration video! You handled the mudhole like a boss. Now if you can break Laura from spilling corn and Grant from stealing batteries.

  • @JulianKeller-om6wz
    @JulianKeller-om6wz Місяць тому +1

    Who put a nickle in Gage?? Holy crap! You are da man Gage! You are a natural at promoting and marketing! You probably did that better than someone from JLG could have done! And off script. Just off the top of your head! Great job buddy! JLG probably has a job opening for you! Laura better give you a raise!

  • @allenmason1098
    @allenmason1098 Місяць тому

    I had to watch the 1st part a 2nd time to see the equipment.
    Stunning as always Laura.

  • @WilliamKaye-qq1br
    @WilliamKaye-qq1br Місяць тому +2

    Great commentary Gage!

  • @FarmGearInnovators
    @FarmGearInnovators Місяць тому +1

    Those JLG telehandlers were game-changers! You all showed exactly how versatile they are, from pulling trees to shop projects 👏🚧

  • @jerryfish1303
    @jerryfish1303 Місяць тому

    I have a hard time wrapping my head around how big that equipment is holy cow I’ve never seen such equipment like that. Thanks Laura Grant very interesting. I really appreciate it.

  • @russellbowman8051
    @russellbowman8051 Місяць тому

    Thanks Laura For Taking Us All Along It Was A Blast!! Keep Smiling On!!

  • @brianmee5398
    @brianmee5398 Місяць тому +2

    I got to ride in one of those big mine dump trucks at a copper mine in Baghdad AZ. It is like sitting on a porch roof and driving a three story house around.

  • @craiggoodwin9704
    @craiggoodwin9704 Місяць тому

    Laura, I think Josh is having way too much fun. Thanks for Sharing! 🙃🙂

  • @ron827
    @ron827 Місяць тому +5

    Great job Gage! If you ever leave farming, I am sure JLG will have a sales job waiting for you.

  • @kenkre1212
    @kenkre1212 Місяць тому

    I can't help it but your are gorgeous in that out fit. I must say you are magnificent in your day to day gear as well. I have been following you and family for quite some time. I have learned a lot about farming and what it takes to keep all the equipment running.

  • @True-Farm
    @True-Farm Місяць тому

    Awesome content as always! Great job, Laura, Grant, and Gage-such a great team.

  • @generationll
    @generationll Місяць тому +2

    FYI:If you want to see a piece of mining equipmment there is a BE Bucyrus Erie 1850-B stripping shovel that weighs 10 milion pounds,stand about 160 feet tall & has 90 yard dipper currently sitting in West Mineral,Kansas.Or Sparwood,B.C where the only 350ton Terex 33-19 ever built is sitting

  • @CrisHazzan
    @CrisHazzan Місяць тому +2

    My god, those tires o.O how do they make something so big...what an impression they must make when you're up close....Great video lau!!

  • @dpragain
    @dpragain Місяць тому +3

    Great video, keep covering this kind of stuff please.

  • @davidmiller6010
    @davidmiller6010 Місяць тому

    JLG has always been my Go-To for man lift equipment. Once you JLG, you never go back!

  • @michaelbaumgardner2530
    @michaelbaumgardner2530 Місяць тому

    I've always been a big fan of JLG working in the trades I've been on almost all there equipment and it's all been quality.

  • @stevecrombie5357
    @stevecrombie5357 Місяць тому +1

    Fun and awe inspiring video of all this equipment. We don't get to see you dressed up like this often Laura and you look absolutely beautiful.

  • @hammerslamper4125
    @hammerslamper4125 Місяць тому +27

    Laura cleans up nice

    • @Tracker7266
      @Tracker7266 Місяць тому +8

      She's beautiful even in her farm entire working the fields. The beauty shines from within.

    • @darenleclair9247
      @darenleclair9247 Місяць тому +1

      Ya she does

    • @prof1982
      @prof1982 Місяць тому

      I've never seen her in farm a​ttire ,always in casual .

    • @Tracker7266
      @Tracker7266 Місяць тому

      @@prof1982 I meant her work attire. Laura is a beautiful young lady no matter what she's wearing. She's such a sweetheart and very kind. Brought up right.

    • @prof1982
      @prof1982 Місяць тому

      @Tracker7266 😂🤣😂🤣

  • @timpedraza2085
    @timpedraza2085 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you for showing us all that amazing machinery!😮😊

  • @Jeffrey-Flys
    @Jeffrey-Flys Місяць тому +8

    Those huge dump trucks etc… are the toys in my hometown in Northern MN… “mining equipment”

  • @arthura.applegatejr.7145
    @arthura.applegatejr.7145 Місяць тому

    Hay Laura, my Dad and Grandpop were the 2nd largest potato producers in the north east from 1936 to 1968 when Grandpop passed away and dad quit in 1969. I farmed on shares with the neighbor who leased our farm for 6years. I got my commercial driver’s license on the farm and went trucking after I left the farm. Fast forward 38 years, my wife had a stroke so I quit trucking and applied at the coal mine where we live now in North East Pennsylvania and now I drive a 100 ton haul truck in the Anthrasite mine here in town.

  • @nealkonneker6084
    @nealkonneker6084 Місяць тому +3

    What happened to tree windbreaks to reduce soil erosion?

  • @aaronbritt2025
    @aaronbritt2025 Місяць тому +1

    I've run heavy equipment in Vegas for 23 years. Mostly loaders and dozers. I've run every sized loader from the smallest 4-series Bobcat to Cat 999's at a mine site. Dozers up to a Cat D11. I run big stuff, but some of the mine stuff is truly massive. I really would love to get on some of the massive stuff. It's great to have a job you love that pays very well ( Local 12 ).

  • @kevinsterner9490
    @kevinsterner9490 Місяць тому

    My Dad worked for Cummins back in the Day. He worked on those huge haul trucks. The Cummins powered a generator which powered the electric motors on each wheel. They were used at the open pit mines here in Arizona

  • @bripslag
    @bripslag Місяць тому

    Great job, Gage! I'm sure being the camera man/narrator at the same time as trying to do your job is not as easy as it looks.

  • @rondriggers2755
    @rondriggers2755 Місяць тому +1

    Thanks Gage. Well done

  • @brianluhtala6150
    @brianluhtala6150 Місяць тому

    I hope you guys will be able to get a jlg of your own, they looked like a God sent. Yiu guys are young and have a long ways to go, you don't wanna blow your backs and knees.

  • @daviddipasquale5479
    @daviddipasquale5479 Місяць тому +6

    The contrast of your beautiful femininity and the massive earth movers is quite captivating. Love your enthusiasm as well

  • @douglasbrooker5834
    @douglasbrooker5834 Місяць тому

    Gage is really great at demonstration of things.

  • @gonuts1
    @gonuts1 Місяць тому +1

    Must be something watching them bring all that equipment into the buildings for the show.

  • @FreedomRock44
    @FreedomRock44 Місяць тому +7

    Laura and Grant those MACHINES at the MINE EXPO......Holy smokes!!!!!! Huge!!!!!

  • @keith11783
    @keith11783 Місяць тому +5

    hi laura! i love your videos and you are so cool!!!

    • @keith11783
      @keith11783 22 дні тому

      @ you arent the real laura…

  • @markknister6272
    @markknister6272 Місяць тому +4

    Fun tour.

  • @GuyRutter
    @GuyRutter Місяць тому

    Great vid. Well timed as in UK our national motorcycle show starts this weekend definitely smaller but just as cool lol, and it’s my annual trip with my son. So now I’m super excited. Gage did a great job. I can see a Gage-Ag channel in his future as he continues to polish his presentation skills. We all love machines !!!

  • @Ding_Bat
    @Ding_Bat Місяць тому +1

    My dad used to maintain those behemoths. Logistics aside, they are actually relatively easy to work on because of their size, but you don't want to go bumping your head on any surface on those things!

  • @MarkShesrer78
    @MarkShesrer78 Місяць тому +2

    Just think how much corn 🌽 you could transport on the back of that dumper truck 😮 cracking video as usual

  • @johnnyrichter963
    @johnnyrichter963 Місяць тому +1

    Laura is the GOAT

  • @brianbennett6978
    @brianbennett6978 Місяць тому

    75 gallons for a oil change. Something like 12 filters for a service. Wait till you see one of those coming down a hill loaded and sideways. I used to have those 777 pull my drill rig out when I would get stuck.

  • @jeromesmith6449
    @jeromesmith6449 Місяць тому

    Great Video Laura,Grant & Gage they are nice pieces of equipment to have around I'm sure !

  • @Владимир-э7э1щ
    @Владимир-э7э1щ 26 днів тому +1

    Thank you very much ❤❤

  • @AlanSanderson-u4t
    @AlanSanderson-u4t Місяць тому +1

    We went to a celebration at then Cortez Gold Mine near Elko. They had just received a fleet of Liebherr diesel-electric haul trucks that can haul 400 tons. They were powered by a 3600Hp diesel generator and could climb out of the pit at 30mph fully loaded. One of my friends got to drive one.

  • @thomascruff786
    @thomascruff786 Місяць тому +1

    Awesome video Laura.

  • @paulpierson2137
    @paulpierson2137 Місяць тому +1

    Gage would make a great salesperson. I like his safety awareness too, not digging near a natural gas line.

  • @tomdunn7147
    @tomdunn7147 Місяць тому +2

    I must say you look stunning young lady. Great video. That equipment is HUGE, I could not imagine driving that dump truck. Not sure how you could see around the outside of that thing. You could run something over and never have a clue. JLG needs to hook Laura up for all her Promotion of their product.

    • @mitchscat773
      @mitchscat773 24 дні тому

      Its happened before a worker parks his pickup behind the haul truck without radioing the operator and the operator backs over the pickup killing the guy.

  • @longboardguy
    @longboardguy Місяць тому

    Big fan Laura and Grant of the channel even though I don’t know a lot about farming I always enjoy what you guys do and appreciate the hard work you put into to fixing the equipment, towing, and the crops of course. Here in 🇨🇦 I work in a mine and work on the CAT 797 and Komatsu 980’s as well as others. It’s a great job and was cool to see this video. When they break down or get stuck they actually have a Tow Haul truck made out of a 797, it’s pretty cool and hooks up to the front to pull

  • @NeilMaclachlan
    @NeilMaclachlan Місяць тому

    I really liked the video of the telehandlers...very interesting indeed......stay safe and see you soon

  • @robertstibz9506
    @robertstibz9506 Місяць тому

    It's easy to get used to operating those big trucks, in a big open area, they don't seem as big when you drive them. I used to drive big machines in mines. Best time of my working life.

  • @jimclester4754
    @jimclester4754 Місяць тому +1

    Stellar is a big company doing big work with big machines.

  • @greghamann2099
    @greghamann2099 Місяць тому

    Holy cow. Who got you ready for this gig. You look fabulous.

  • @MartinBisig-e1t
    @MartinBisig-e1t Місяць тому

    Good job gage keep up the good work on the farm

  • @FreedomRock44
    @FreedomRock44 Місяць тому +1

    Even Pepper wants some LMNT!!!

  • @Mark-n2q9i
    @Mark-n2q9i Місяць тому

    Wow Laura Fantastic Video !00% to you for your content in all your Vlogs,

  • @EricMiller-s2p
    @EricMiller-s2p Місяць тому

    Great video. Gage now has a good backup career salesman.

  • @douglashomrighausen9010
    @douglashomrighausen9010 Місяць тому

    I really like the different content in your latest videos. I like and am very interested in all kinds of machinery; and all three of you are very good at demonstrating and showing equipment.

  • @KeithRoadblock
    @KeithRoadblock Місяць тому +1

    That's what I used to do is move that equipment they only use that equipment for mining and with the effort it takes to move something like that when it arrives to it's location it usually stays there for years

  • @497Dante
    @497Dante Місяць тому

    I have seen one massive dump truck as display at Diamond Valley Lake near the museum building. It was used for creating a large water reservoir with man-made dams that was built several years ago. Yeah, it is so huge that I could swear it is a good place to live in “permanent”. Don’t know if it is allowed but I could visualize it.

  • @edwardh1591
    @edwardh1591 Місяць тому +4

    It’s really neat to see this big equipment in person. Until you walk up to the equipment a person can’t grasp how big it is. Laura I hope you and your husband have a great vacation. You will love the telehandler. Personally I would go with the larger models for capacity. Stay safe!😊

  • @mave4456
    @mave4456 Місяць тому +1

    I was there 2 months ago when they started setting up for that. It takes weeks to set up that trade show

  • @lambofgod-v5c
    @lambofgod-v5c 22 дні тому

    Stellar job, thanks.

  • @LaurelJohnston-w5b
    @LaurelJohnston-w5b Місяць тому

    Good afternoon from Alaska. Just wanted to let you know that I have seen this kind of equipment before my boys work at Fort Knox Goldmine north of town here and they have that kind of equipment that they work with. Have a good day and we’ll see you next

  • @colinhayward9184
    @colinhayward9184 Місяць тому

    It’s amazing what a fresh coat of paint will do

  • @JerrySmith-pe9lj
    @JerrySmith-pe9lj Місяць тому

    Gage did a good job showing that tellahandle

  • @barrygrant2907
    @barrygrant2907 Місяць тому

    That dump truck and excavator is just what you need when you want to dig your new swimming pool with one scoop and carry away the dirt in one load. Scoop, dump, done!

  • @cantwellron11
    @cantwellron11 Місяць тому

    I worked on bigest hydraulic P&H shovel made in USA here in Aussie at Mt Newman that was 1975 gess there much bigger now at time couldnt reach top of pad stand next to lay on pass with arms stretched out couldn't touch sides but RIPPA LAURA you & Grant rock

  • @jeffreydye181
    @jeffreydye181 Місяць тому +2

    Great video!!

  • @erickbartlett6671
    @erickbartlett6671 Місяць тому +1

    I say amazing demonstration and the great performance you guys have performed with the equipment with your permission to use your clips from your videos for a commercial JLG should allow you guys to keep the equipment if you shall choose . It would definitely be a good business decision on their part to continue to partner up with you as you use their equipment they would continue to get advertisement. Thank you for your amazing videos. Stay safe and may you continue to be blessed.

  • @Warbs76
    @Warbs76 Місяць тому

    We have 2 JCB telehandlers on the farm her in the UK and probably get used more more than anything else on the farm .I have only ever had JCB but a telehandler of any make is a very useful piece of equipment.

  • @WonderlandAlps
    @WonderlandAlps Місяць тому +1

    How many times has Gage's optimism about mud and water gotten him into trouble? 😂