My Pah-rum-pah-pah-Pummelvision

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Made at


  • @cambridgee
    @cambridgee 13 років тому

    a great many photos
    have a great holiday season

  • @timido66
    @timido66 13 років тому

    Very cool. I had to watch several times and pause a lot. I may have to watch several more times to catch everything.

  • @Elaina43
    @Elaina43 13 років тому

    It is really fun to occasionally pause this vid to see what shot you get to look at.

  • @BradThunder
    @BradThunder 13 років тому

    That was the most enjoyable pummeling I've ever had.

  • @andymooseman
    @andymooseman 13 років тому

    I'm liking these Pummelvision videos. I might have to give it a go myself.

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @ItalianStallionette was fun! (love when you only have to click 'ok' )- love yours - you have so many more photos!

  • @Blinkazoid
    @Blinkazoid 13 років тому

    Nicely Pummelled! I liked how at the 18 second mark when you were doing an air bite that the music matched it perfectly.

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @cooksterz you should definitely do it - your beautiful photography will be perfect for this!

  • @GreatGig1
    @GreatGig1 13 років тому

    That looks like fun!! I'll have to check that out! I just don't see mine turning out as interesting of a flash of life, but....I just might have a go anyway...LOL
    Hi Les! Miss ya!! xoxoxoxo

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @andymooseman oh Andy, you really should, your photos would make a superb collage.

  • @myrnaukelele
    @myrnaukelele 13 років тому

    An amazing array of images~you have some great pics~

  • @bugsinrug
    @bugsinrug 13 років тому

    Awesome! hugs, Chris

  • @lazmalt
    @lazmalt 13 років тому

    Interessante and se molto ma molto veloce LOL
    Ciao Lesley e tantissimi auguri di Buon Natale :))

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @cambridgee the digital age, so many pictures, so little time!

  • @Elaina43
    @Elaina43 13 років тому

    Luv the gap-toothed you. OK, I love all the yous.
    Happy Wednesday!

  • @CooksterzLittlefield
    @CooksterzLittlefield 13 років тому

    Wow i love how that felt, even though i wish i could freeze frame some parts! Im so going there!! :D

  • @greggfla
    @greggfla 13 років тому

    Very cool vid! This is the third one I've seen like this today. TU!

  • @bearchay889
    @bearchay889 13 років тому

    Great Job!

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @BradThunder short and sweat. or sweet. One of those.

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @VictorTheGr8 LOL the action figure for 2011 is coming out in one month- with a wheel chair!

  • @phekwig
    @phekwig 13 років тому

    Interesting... I'm not going to do one but I like yours. That's a lot of photos to find and scan :)

  • @Elaina43
    @Elaina43 13 років тому

    I just got your collarbone.

  • @ajdpadbury
    @ajdpadbury 13 років тому

    It only goes to reaffirm what I have always known about you, what an interesting person you are!

  • @bemuzic
    @bemuzic 13 років тому

    oooh I like it...think I'll do one : -)

  • @EdEditz
    @EdEditz 13 років тому

    Well, that made for quite a cool video :)

  • @Elaina43
    @Elaina43 13 років тому

    @LeSaMilano connected to the funny bone

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @MrRandomWritings yes, only not enough time to count to three

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @EdEditz I especially like it because I didn't have to do anything other than two clicks- pummelvision did it for me. Nice!

  • @crosspecans
    @crosspecans 13 років тому

    what a great bunch of photos. you really saw the mona lisa??

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @truckingsonofagun better pull over!

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @GreatGig1 I saw a couple of people did it so I did two clicks and voila! a video (easiest editing job I've ever done ! LOL)
    miss you too. Happy Winter Solstice! xox

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @woosteria shhhhh! xx

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @profwaldo I saw a couple of people who had done this and before I knew it I clicked 'ok' and pummelvison did it for me. Perhaps you should be a spokesman for them - sounds like you had the response they were looking for! LOL

  • @profwaldo
    @profwaldo 13 років тому

    MEDIC !!!..." it may be an epileptic seizure, here Wally...bite down on this..."
    Now my brain hurts, but it's not very wide-spread. (as might be expected)
    I saw a lot of cool images there I just wish I had a speed control, I'm too old for this.
    Still, a cool idee'er. Okay, puttin' on protective eyewear...I'm goin' back in. ;o)

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @stanwull keeping you on your toes

  • @CooksterzLittlefield
    @CooksterzLittlefield 13 років тому

    Ah its cool, i need to make an album specifically for this project. Till then i let it use Vimeo, for the tester! Neato!!

  • @EdEditz
    @EdEditz 13 років тому

    @LeSaMilano Yeah I checked out the site. I don't have enough pictures online otherwise I would try it too.

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @Elaina43 hahaha I really had a big gap a few years back so got braces (again) - thankfully now only black eyeliner!

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @billyCtv Job done.

  • @profwaldo
    @profwaldo 13 років тому

    @LeSaMilano Oh that's just great. So, if I drown the last thirty seconds of my life will be spent watching YOUR life flash before my eyes !?! What da' hell's up wit dat ?

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @lazmalt il montaggio e' fatto con 'pummelvision' utilzzando le tue foto da facebook: due 'click' ed e' fatto!
    grazie Laz e buone feste anche a te.

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @BasicModelling haha, next time I'll make a flasher video ;)

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @phekwig I didn't have to do anything but click ok to access my facebook photos - they did the rest! (else I'd stil be scanning!)

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @greggfla was fun.easy and made me realise there might be some photos that need to be deleted! LOL

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @ajdpadbury ha! I like this edited version of my life - I don't look half as dull as I really am! LOL

  • @Sandguy99
    @Sandguy99 13 років тому

    Around your world in 0:49!

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @bemuzic love yours. (I swear I replied to this comment already!)

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @liz1060 hahaha yes, I had to pause a couple of times because I forgot where some of those pics came from! (and need to be deleted lol)

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @bemuzic I didn't choose - just clicked 'ok' to use faceboook pics and then got a message when it was ready. Did you get to choose your photos?

  • @bemuzic
    @bemuzic 13 років тому

    ah yes I see yours is only 49 secs long!!...very cool photos tho : -) Did you choose them for this or were they just random ones from Facebook or something?

  • @BasicModelling
    @BasicModelling 13 років тому

    I see.. I made a flash video, so now you had to make one too.. :) :)

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @bugsinrug especially since I did nothing! Lazy is good sometimes!

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @EdEditz (It did make me think about the fact I spend TOO much time online! lol)

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @timido66 ...or yuo go look through my facebook pics at a leisurely pace. Add your own music. hehe

  • @andymooseman
    @andymooseman 13 років тому

    @LeSaMilano I've taken your advice & gone & done it :)

  • @profwaldo
    @profwaldo 13 років тому

    @MrRandomWritings - Voted best comment...,by an impartial panel of one.

  • @bemuzic
    @bemuzic 13 років тому

    @LeSaMilano no I didn't, just did it like you did : -)

  • @bearchay889
    @bearchay889 13 років тому

    @LeSaMilano Haha well I know alot of ppl that wouldn't make it that far.

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @Elaina43 connected to the thigh bone

  • @lesamilano
    @lesamilano  13 років тому

    @bearchay889 thanks - but I didn't do anything except click 'ok'! LOL cheater hehehe

  • @CooksterzLittlefield
    @CooksterzLittlefield 13 років тому

    @LeSaMilano so done. i may hv to do a few of those! thanks for the reccommend: check vimeo .com/18904760

  • @Elaina43
    @Elaina43 13 років тому

    It is really fun to occasionally pause this vid to see what shot you get to look at.