If you've got a 4090 you don't need to do more on you computer. OW like WoW is not an especially high graphics game. I'm going to assume you have over 16 GB RAM so even streaming you shouldn't need any upgrades. If you're seeing frame drops at this point the only thing to look at is your ISP bandwidth or driver/firmware issues.
2:34 wtf you are nuts. you denied him high ground, drilled him with headshots, and then slammed him into the ground. brutal.
Zarya is so underrated in illari meta
I hate going against Illari as zarya
Guru zarya god damn
This guy knows how to play Overwatch
Yeah but did he pay attention during the tutorial? The true test of any OW player.
If you've got a 4090 you don't need to do more on you computer. OW like WoW is not an especially high graphics game. I'm going to assume you have over 16 GB RAM so even streaming you shouldn't need any upgrades. If you're seeing frame drops at this point the only thing to look at is your ISP bandwidth or driver/firmware issues.
I am Guruut
new vid 🎉