It broke my heart but I steal like it I really like the song and it make me cray my name is Elizabeth I am 11 years old 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😫😫😫 i love you and Boruto to so match
0:35 -- 0:48 Naruto makes me wish I had a dad who cared about me and let me have a peaceful childhood when I think about it I kinda had a childhood like Naruto's
I love Naruto he protects his family and his village now the kids protects him to not get hurt because he don't have anymore Kurama but even if he don't have he will always protect he almost died😢
Je regarde naruto depuis que je suis bébé j’ai grandi avec naruto aujourd’hui je lis boruto two blues vortex mais j’ai regardé aussi boruto naruto nex génération mai naruto restera toujours mon préféré Jaime les autres personnages de naruto et boruto mon perso préféré de boruto c’est himawari
جامد ❤❤روعة ا😊😊
A childhood song with an anime… So perfect!
Borushiki is finally here also this amv is fire
❤️thank you
Thank you for the support of our cover with an amazing AMV!🔥
You're welcome^^
I love your style too✨💙✨💙✨
I really can’t stop watching your videos
Te quedo hermoso 😍😎
Nice amv and song to ✌🤩
😭😭😭 trop émouvant
You choose the perfect song
Thanks ❤️❤️
I’m just saying the truth
Why did this made me cry 😭
Amazing edit btw ❤️
Si al fin harumi otra mas de tus obras maestras no podia esperar 😍😍
Amazing 🔥💖
Boruto is my favourite anime ❤
El mío también ❤❤❤
so u haven't watched naruto😅😅
@@jamunasubedipokharel5514 I have seen whole Naruto and Naruto Shippuden plus all movies 😙😙
I love Boruto but more i love Naruto no hate who you love the most?@@B0RUT0uzumaki
Топчик ♥️🥰
Yay super 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Thats niceeeeeee look at amazing
Thank you ❤️
Lindo demais ❤❤❤😊
boruto is the best 🤗😘😍💗❤️💝💓💖
Trop triste Naruto 😭😭😭 Mais
bonne chanson😅😅😅
It’s fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Hey Kawaki
It broke my heart but I steal like it I really like the song and it make me cray my name is Elizabeth I am 11 years old 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😫😫😫 i love you and Boruto to so match
The Best and most beautiful song I have ever seen or hear!!❤❤❤♡♡♡
I love naruto. He is amazing.
0:35 -- 0:48 Naruto makes me wish I had a dad who cared about me and let me have a peaceful childhood when I think about it I kinda had a childhood like Naruto's
Awsome bro
Himawari has so much potential
At 3:26 he actually looks like youndaime sama.
I love it
I love Naruto he protects his family and his village now the kids protects him to not get hurt because he don't have anymore Kurama but even if he don't have he will always protect he almost died😢
Je regarde naruto depuis que je suis bébé j’ai grandi avec naruto aujourd’hui je lis boruto two blues vortex mais j’ai regardé aussi boruto naruto nex génération mai naruto restera toujours mon préféré Jaime les autres personnages de naruto et boruto mon perso préféré de boruto c’est himawari
انا معجبة بهاذه اغنية
❤😅😊 0:17
❤😅😊 0:17
Solo puedo desir hermoso
This is buruto👿😎😎😎🤗
Nobody will know how much naruto suffer
Boruto and friends help him get his dad back
On the poll you did didn't BoruSara win.
We are waiting for the new video
I am borushiki
Nice. editt bro what do you think about my editss