End of Video Question Context: I've heard a lot of rumors as of late that this could be the last DLC for Planet Zoo and that Planet Zoo 2 is possibly in the works. I have not heard any official announcements about either as of yet from Frontier. If I have missed such announcements, you are welcome to let me know the source of them! Personally, I think we will definitely see a Planet Zoo 2 at some point! What kind of additions to Planet Zoo 2 would you like to see? Certain animals? New features? New scenery themes?
Maybe Aquarium or Aviary exhibits and habitats. Maybe some extinct animals (atleast the realistic choices) And maybe some Spanish moss and cypress trees
I don't know about this second since Planet Coaster 2 and Jurassic World Evolution 3 are being made now. I am dreading the moment when it's official that the game is done and I'd really like to see animals like the secretary bird, howler monkey, tree kangaroo, echidna, and musk ox added since I'd like to add those to my zoos. South America deserves some more recognition. I know we will see more flying birds, more aquatic animals like manatees and dolphins, and small mammals in better developed exhibits. You know, why would Frontier give up on their biggest money-making game right in the middle, is this pack a thank you and goodbye for now, or just a celebration of 5 years of support. Plus, it's not on a timetable like the Jurassic games.
The fact that Jurassic World Evolution 2 and Planet Coaster 2 exist is enough reason for me to believe a Planet Zoo 2 is all but guaranteed. I think that birds (and possibly aquaria) will be the biggest selling points for the sequel; that’s probably why developers have held off on adding some of the notable highly requested species. I think this was the last DLC for Planet Zoo. People are using all sorts of conjecture to try and argue that more DLCs are on the way, but it’s worth noting that JWE2’s last DLC was a miscellaneous pack of fan requests. The celebratory theming for this latest pack is very telling, as well. Celebrating PZ’s 5th anniversary doesn’t necessarily spell an ending, but a big old party and giving the fans a gift in the form of some species they’ve been pining for sounds like a send-off to me. (Not to mention that PC2 has become Frontier’s priority, and will likely continue to be their priority for at least another year after its release.)
They shoud expand on the aviary aspect of the game as well as bringing in marine animals. And they should add every dlc they created in pz1 into the base game while having dlcs for the aviary and aquatic side of pz
@@BigDipperh Agreed. I think it would be insulting to the fans to launch PZ2 without the full roster of animals from the first game. I believe JWE2 launched with all but a few of the JWE species.
Sad that we never got to 200 animals, we were so close. Even some basic "clones" like Masai Giraffe, American Flamingo, Nile Crocodile, Bighorn Sheep and Blackbuck would have been amazing
I still can't help but think we need some more North American Animals. Something similar to a Bambi theme pack: North American Animals: White-Tailed Deer Cottontail Rabbit American Black Bear North American Porcupine North American River Otter Fisher Elk Black-Tailed Jackrabbit Rocky Mountain Goat Bighorn Sheep Coyote Virginia Opossum Great Horned Owl Blue Jay Burrowing Owl Californian Valley Quail Bald Eagle Red-Tailed Hawk Chuckwalla (Exhibit) Common Garter Snake (Exhibit)
Beach pack Elephant Seal Fur Seal Leopard Seal Harbor Seal Brown skua Black headed gull American herring gull European herring gull Kelp gull Gannet Red footed booby Blue footed booby Sea otter
I don't know if this DLC is going to be the last because I think Planet Zoo could still have potential and it would be great if the game was completed with at least 200 animals. Suggestions: 1. Gentoo penguins 2. Nile Crocodile 3. Tree kangaroo 4. Grevy's zebra 5. African crowned crane 6. Aardwolf 7. Black Howler Monkey 8. American flamingo 9. Elk 10. White-nosed coati 11. Père David's deer 12. European rabbit 13. Honey badger 14. Tamandua
hot take: I think that we should have at least 100 new exhibit animals (along with the existing ones) in the base game of planet zoo 2, along with others in dlcs, and also, I think that it will be the last dlc.
If this is the last pack i want to say thank you planet zoo and thank you frontier for making the best game ever! This game got me through the hard times of the pandemic i couldn't have done it without you!
Green Peafowl will be in the base game just like Indian Peafowl for 6th Anniversary and guests can interact with them by entering the habitats by gates for animal encounters
All I hope is that there's atleast one more pack. Just enough to get to 200, or 205. The most requested or atleast what were hinted at in the dictionary.
13:06 Reindeer/Caribou, guests can interact this deer by entering the habitats with alongside European Fallow Deer, Highland Cattle, American Standard Donkey and Red-Necked Wallaby and others with Red-Crowned Crane and Mute Swan
I may not know myself. But If the team at Frontier have made Jurassic World Evolution 2, then they would definitely make Planet Zoo 2. Planet Zoo might finally include Aviary Birds and Aquariums for either Marine or Freshwater Animals.
29:07 Mute Swan, I hope they share with Highland Cattle, American Standard Donkey, Red-Crowned Crane and Sussex Chicken and I hope guests can interact this swan in the habitat
Brazil pack Peach fronted macaw Purple Martin White throated toucan Cocoi heron Scarlet ibis Tricoloured heron Golden conure Common marmoset Squirrel monkey Rosate spoonbill Fer de lance Spider monkey Wolf spider Two toed sloth Brazilian tapir Black caiman Spix's macaw Scarlet macaw Green winged macaw Toco toucan Keel billed toucan Wild canary Red crested cardinal Hoatzin Greater rhea Tiger mosquito Leaf cutter ant Ocelot Rusty spotted cat Amazon River turtle Amazon River Dolphin
Well, I can get a little carried away with multiple suggestions. But I still think we can get any of these animals, including aviary birds. African Animals: Topi Vulturine Guineafowl Greater Kudu Honey Badger Black-Backed Jackal Ground Pangolin Giant Forest Hog Common Impala Giant Eland Marabou Stork Ruppell's Vulture Southern Ground Hornbill Red-Billed Hornbill Cattle Egret Great White Pelican Secretarybird Jackson's Chameleon (Exhibit) Hildegarde's Tomb Bat (Exhibit) Black Mamba (Exhibit) Nile Crocodile William's Dwarf Gecko (Exhibit) Aye-Aye Greater Brown Bushbaby Vervet Monkey Patas Monkey Olive Baboon Kori Bustard Gerenuk
Domesticated Animal Pack Spring for March or April 2025 Siberian Husky Dog (Guests can Interact) Shiba Inu Dog (Guests can Interact) Siamese Cat (Guests can Interact) Himalayan Rabbit (Guests can Interact) Thoroughbred Horse (Guests can Interact) Shetland Pony (Guests can Interact) Shire Horse (Guests can Interact) Domestic Silk Moth (Walkthrough Exhibit Animal) Pet Shop and Petting Zoo Theme
Ocean pack Striped sugeonfish Clownfish Blue tang Moorish Idol Porcupine fish Yellow tang Common starfish Common spadefish Royal gramma Pacific cleaner shrimp Edible crab Sperm whale European lobster Common octopus Pacific giant octopus
Temperate Forest Animal Pack Autumn Fall for September, October or November 2025 Bobcat Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey White-Tailed Deer American Badger Coyote Spotted Skunk Roe Deer Common European Adder Autumn Holiday Theme
India Pack Summer for June or July 2025 Blackbuck Antelope Indian Leopard Gaur Mugger Crocodile Indian Python King Cobra Indian Cobra Indian Grey Mongoose Indian Red Scorpion Modern India Theme with Construction Pieces and Blueprints New Scenery for India Pack
India pack Nilgai Blackbuck Grey langur Rheasus macaque Golden langur Pig tailed macaque Lion tailed macaque Indian cobra Indian python Indian mongoose
Custom pack West African Pack Harnessed bushbuck West African giraffe Ebilan’s palm squirrel Roloway monkey Red river hog Bay duiker Dwarf crocodile Royal antelope White cheeked turaco Hinge back tortoise
Japan Pack for Winter 2025 Peregrine Falcon Gyrfalcon Eurasian Goshawk Okinawa Rail Golden Eagle Barn Owl Steller's Sea Eagle/Pacific Sea Eagle/White-Shouldered Eagle Crested Serpent Eagle Japanese Green Pheasant Masked Booby Copper Pheasant/Soemmerring's Pheasant/Yamadori Japanese Quail Tundra Swan Whooper Swan Taiga Bean Goose Tundra Bean Goose Steller's Eider Common Shelduck Eurasian Wigeon Ural Owl Sika Deer Japanese Raccoon Dog Japanese Marten Japanese Weasel Sable (Mustelid) Stoat Least Weasel Japanese Squirrel Japanese Giant Flying Squirrel Siberian Flying Squirrel Fraternal Myotis Hilgendorf's Tube-Nosed Bat Leopard Cat Iriomote Cat Ussuri Brown Bear Japanese Black Bear Japanese Badger Sea Otter Northern Fur Seal Ribbon Seal Bearded Seal Northern Elephant Seal Spotted Seal Ringed Seal Japanese Serow Japanese Pond Turtle Leatherback Sea Turtle Okinawa Habu Japan Theme
what if they added extinct animals and dinosaurs in there zoo and sea life including fish, dolphins, whales, sharks and sea turtles as well? this game can be like zoo tycoon.
End of Video Question Context: I've heard a lot of rumors as of late that this could be the last DLC for Planet Zoo and that Planet Zoo 2 is possibly in the works. I have not heard any official announcements about either as of yet from Frontier. If I have missed such announcements, you are welcome to let me know the source of them!
Personally, I think we will definitely see a Planet Zoo 2 at some point! What kind of additions to Planet Zoo 2 would you like to see? Certain animals? New features? New scenery themes?
Maybe Aquarium or Aviary exhibits and habitats. Maybe some extinct animals (atleast the realistic choices)
And maybe some Spanish moss and cypress trees
I don't know about this second since Planet Coaster 2 and Jurassic World Evolution 3 are being made now. I am dreading the moment when it's official that the game is done and I'd really like to see animals like the secretary bird, howler monkey, tree kangaroo, echidna, and musk ox added since I'd like to add those to my zoos. South America deserves some more recognition.
I know we will see more flying birds, more aquatic animals like manatees and dolphins, and small mammals in better developed exhibits. You know, why would Frontier give up on their biggest money-making game right in the middle, is this pack a thank you and goodbye for now, or just a celebration of 5 years of support. Plus, it's not on a timetable like the Jurassic games.
All I want are flying birds and tree kangaroos.
1 there is no african leopard at the base gfame list 2 the animals i want are jacksons chameleon mangrowe snake and desert rain forg
Marine animals. Here is a list below:
Bottlenose dolphin
Common octopus
Great white shark
Beluga whale
Whale shark
The fact that Jurassic World Evolution 2 and Planet Coaster 2 exist is enough reason for me to believe a Planet Zoo 2 is all but guaranteed. I think that birds (and possibly aquaria) will be the biggest selling points for the sequel; that’s probably why developers have held off on adding some of the notable highly requested species.
I think this was the last DLC for Planet Zoo. People are using all sorts of conjecture to try and argue that more DLCs are on the way, but it’s worth noting that JWE2’s last DLC was a miscellaneous pack of fan requests. The celebratory theming for this latest pack is very telling, as well. Celebrating PZ’s 5th anniversary doesn’t necessarily spell an ending, but a big old party and giving the fans a gift in the form of some species they’ve been pining for sounds like a send-off to me. (Not to mention that PC2 has become Frontier’s priority, and will likely continue to be their priority for at least another year after its release.)
They shoud expand on the aviary aspect of the game as well as bringing in marine animals. And they should add every dlc they created in pz1 into the base game while having dlcs for the aviary and aquatic side of pz
@@BigDipperh Agreed. I think it would be insulting to the fans to launch PZ2 without the full roster of animals from the first game. I believe JWE2 launched with all but a few of the JWE species.
Almost close to 200!🤩
Sad that we never got to 200 animals, we were so close. Even some basic "clones" like Masai Giraffe, American Flamingo, Nile Crocodile, Bighorn Sheep and Blackbuck would have been amazing
8:09 snow leopard
I still can't help but think we need some more North American Animals. Something similar to a Bambi theme pack:
North American Animals:
White-Tailed Deer
Cottontail Rabbit
American Black Bear
North American Porcupine
North American River Otter
Black-Tailed Jackrabbit
Rocky Mountain Goat
Bighorn Sheep
Virginia Opossum
Great Horned Owl
Blue Jay
Burrowing Owl
Californian Valley Quail
Bald Eagle
Red-Tailed Hawk
Chuckwalla (Exhibit)
Common Garter Snake (Exhibit)
Beach pack
Elephant Seal
Fur Seal
Leopard Seal
Harbor Seal
Brown skua
Black headed gull
American herring gull
European herring gull
Kelp gull
Red footed booby
Blue footed booby
Sea otter
I don't know if this DLC is going to be the last because I think Planet Zoo could still have potential and it would be great if the game was completed with at least 200 animals.
1. Gentoo penguins
2. Nile Crocodile
3. Tree kangaroo
4. Grevy's zebra
5. African crowned crane
6. Aardwolf
7. Black Howler Monkey
8. American flamingo
9. Elk
10. White-nosed coati
11. Père David's deer
12. European rabbit
13. Honey badger
14. Tamandua
Secretary bird, howler monkey, fishing cat, coati, honey badger, echidna, musk ox, walrus, sea otter, African crowned crane, golden pheasant, tree kangaroo, tamandua, elk, ocelot, rhea, mara, raccoon dog
Also Parrots, Birds of Preys, Seabirds, Walrus, more penguins and king cobra.
hot take: I think that we should have at least 100 new exhibit animals (along with the existing ones) in the base game of planet zoo 2, along with others in dlcs, and also, I think that it will be the last dlc.
If this is the last pack i want to say thank you planet zoo and thank you frontier for making the best game ever! This game got me through the hard times of the pandemic i couldn't have done it without you!
Green Peafowl will be in the base game just like Indian Peafowl for 6th Anniversary and guests can interact with them by entering the habitats by gates for animal encounters
All I hope is that there's atleast one more pack. Just enough to get to 200, or 205. The most requested or atleast what were hinted at in the dictionary.
@@filipporagazzi7555 lol
this is not the end of planet zoo! there are still *seven million seven hundred sixty-nine thousand eight hundred five* more species to add!
O my o.o
It’s a joke.
7,769,805 more species, boy that's a lot. Better rely on the mods
like 50% of those are beetles
13:06 Reindeer/Caribou, guests can interact this deer by entering the habitats with alongside European Fallow Deer, Highland Cattle, American Standard Donkey and Red-Necked Wallaby and others with Red-Crowned Crane and Mute Swan
I may not know myself. But If the team at Frontier have made Jurassic World Evolution 2, then they would definitely make Planet Zoo 2. Planet Zoo might finally include Aviary Birds and Aquariums for either Marine or Freshwater Animals.
Alaska pack
Bighorn sheep
Canada goose
Snow goose
Kodiak bear
American black bear
Musk ox
Sockeye salmon
Pacific walrus
Killer whale
Alpine marmot
Mule deer
Snowshoe hare
Arctic ground squirrel
Bald eagle
here's hoping they make one more 5 animal pack just to make it an even 200
I was still expecting more pinnipeds, tropical birds, and other species of penguins too.
29:07 Mute Swan, I hope they share with Highland Cattle, American Standard Donkey, Red-Crowned Crane and Sussex Chicken and I hope guests can interact this swan in the habitat
20:20 European Fallow Deer, guests can interact this deer in the habitat with alongside Highland Cattle and other animals in the habitat
Brazil pack
Peach fronted macaw
Purple Martin
White throated toucan
Cocoi heron
Scarlet ibis
Tricoloured heron
Golden conure
Common marmoset
Squirrel monkey
Rosate spoonbill
Fer de lance
Spider monkey
Wolf spider
Two toed sloth
Brazilian tapir
Black caiman
Spix's macaw
Scarlet macaw
Green winged macaw
Toco toucan
Keel billed toucan
Wild canary
Red crested cardinal
Greater rhea
Tiger mosquito
Leaf cutter ant
Rusty spotted cat
Amazon River turtle
Amazon River Dolphin
Well, I can get a little carried away with multiple suggestions. But I still think we can get any of these animals, including aviary birds.
African Animals:
Vulturine Guineafowl
Greater Kudu
Honey Badger
Black-Backed Jackal
Ground Pangolin
Giant Forest Hog
Common Impala
Giant Eland
Marabou Stork
Ruppell's Vulture
Southern Ground Hornbill
Red-Billed Hornbill
Cattle Egret
Great White Pelican
Jackson's Chameleon (Exhibit)
Hildegarde's Tomb Bat (Exhibit)
Black Mamba (Exhibit)
Nile Crocodile
William's Dwarf Gecko (Exhibit)
Greater Brown Bushbaby
Vervet Monkey
Patas Monkey
Olive Baboon
Kori Bustard
Taiga Animal Pack Winter 2024
Clydesdale Horse (Guests can Interact)
Tibetan Antelope/Chiru (Guests can Interact)
Canada Lynx
Wild Turkey (Guests can Interact)
Bighorn Sheep
Himalayan Monal Pheasant (Guests can Interact)
American Black Bear
Amur Rat Snake
Eskimo Arctic Alaskan Native American Theme
That's not the ending of the story of Planet Zoo Game with DLCs, the every Frontier Zoo Games have many beginnings
3:34 Formosan Black Bear, the subspecies of Asiatic Black Bear/Asian Black Bear
Domesticated Animal Pack Spring for March or April 2025
Siberian Husky Dog (Guests can Interact)
Shiba Inu Dog (Guests can Interact)
Siamese Cat (Guests can Interact)
Himalayan Rabbit (Guests can Interact)
Thoroughbred Horse (Guests can Interact)
Shetland Pony (Guests can Interact)
Shire Horse (Guests can Interact)
Domestic Silk Moth (Walkthrough Exhibit Animal)
Pet Shop and Petting Zoo Theme
April 2025
@@filipporagazzi7555 Alright on April 2025
Okay thanks on April 2025
21:24 Red-Crowned Crane, I hope guests can interact this Crane in the habitat
Ocean pack
Striped sugeonfish
Blue tang
Moorish Idol
Porcupine fish
Yellow tang
Common starfish
Common spadefish
Royal gramma
Pacific cleaner shrimp
Edible crab
Sperm whale
European lobster
Common octopus
Pacific giant octopus
I think there will be next dlc and must have the walrus
For Planet Zoo, it was not the end of the story for the future
Tibetan Pack for September or October 2025
Argali Sheep
Siberian Ibex
White-Lipped Deer
Himalayan Wolf/Tibetan Wolf
Tibetan Sand Fox
Cinereous Vulture
Himalayan Tahr
Bearded Vulture
Eastern Buzzard
Steppe Eagle
Domestic Yak
Tibetan Gazelle
Przewalski's Gazelle
Goitered Gazelle
Tibetan Blue Bear
High Himalaya Frog
Tibet Theme
October 2025
@@filipporagazzi7555 Okay on October 2025
5:14 Indian Peafowl/Common Peafowl/Blue Peafowl
Well, Frontier is making Planet Zoo 2 but the Zookeepers Animal Pack is NOT the last DLC, it will be used for MORE DLCs in the future.
How do you know that?
he's right there will be more dlc in december later
@@willardwalrusboggs4821 I mean like did you know some leaks or did you hear from an announcement or something?
Awesome I wonder what animals we will get in the dlc pack this December.
Hopfully Flying Birds
Temperate Forest Animal Pack Autumn Fall for September, October or November 2025
Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey
White-Tailed Deer
American Badger
Spotted Skunk
Roe Deer
Common European Adder
Autumn Holiday Theme
November 2025
@@filipporagazzi7555 Oh okay thanks
Desert pack
Black tailed jackRabbit
Elf owl
Borrowing owl
Four toed jerboa
Kangaroo mouse
India Pack Summer for June or July 2025
Blackbuck Antelope
Indian Leopard
Mugger Crocodile
Indian Python
King Cobra
Indian Cobra
Indian Grey Mongoose
Indian Red Scorpion
Modern India Theme with Construction Pieces and Blueprints
New Scenery for India Pack
June 2025
@@filipporagazzi7555 Yep, thanks on June 2025
India pack
Grey langur
Rheasus macaque
Golden langur
Pig tailed macaque
Lion tailed macaque
Indian cobra
Indian python
Indian mongoose
Are all these packs coming to consoles
Custom pack
West African Pack
Harnessed bushbuck
West African giraffe
Ebilan’s palm squirrel
Roloway monkey
Red river hog
Bay duiker
Dwarf crocodile
Royal antelope
White cheeked turaco
Hinge back tortoise
31:31 Zookeepers Animal Pack
Japan Pack for Winter 2025
Peregrine Falcon
Eurasian Goshawk
Okinawa Rail
Golden Eagle
Barn Owl
Steller's Sea Eagle/Pacific Sea Eagle/White-Shouldered Eagle
Crested Serpent Eagle
Japanese Green Pheasant
Masked Booby
Copper Pheasant/Soemmerring's Pheasant/Yamadori
Japanese Quail
Tundra Swan
Whooper Swan
Taiga Bean Goose
Tundra Bean Goose
Steller's Eider
Common Shelduck
Eurasian Wigeon
Ural Owl
Sika Deer
Japanese Raccoon Dog
Japanese Marten
Japanese Weasel
Sable (Mustelid)
Least Weasel
Japanese Squirrel
Japanese Giant Flying Squirrel
Siberian Flying Squirrel
Fraternal Myotis
Hilgendorf's Tube-Nosed Bat
Leopard Cat
Iriomote Cat
Ussuri Brown Bear
Japanese Black Bear
Japanese Badger
Sea Otter
Northern Fur Seal
Ribbon Seal
Bearded Seal
Northern Elephant Seal
Spotted Seal
Ringed Seal
Japanese Serow
Japanese Pond Turtle
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Okinawa Habu
Japan Theme
Frontier said that a new animal pack DLC will come next year (2025)
27:40 wth why call it somali wild a##
Because thats the name
Hay 194 animales en total
You should do mods !
I would love to check out and share some modded animals someday! Sadly I just haven't been able to find the time for it right now.
쿠두나 토피영양 론영양도 출시하지 아님 사향노루나 너구리 삵 닐가이영양도 있는데
what if they added extinct animals and dinosaurs in there zoo and sea life including fish, dolphins, whales, sharks and sea turtles as well? this game can be like zoo tycoon.