He's only on screen for like, less than a minute, but that officer who get's hit by what I'm assuming is a mortar seemed like a decent guy (for an imp). He recognized Solo from a glance and even answered his question. Gives me the impression he knew the names of all his troops.
It's a shame Mimban didn't become an official map in Dice's Battlefront II and the various Imperial uniforms (mud troopers, stormtroopers in ponchos, officers in trenchcoats) or the Mimban rebels weren't offered as skins
I like the idea of showing the "War" in star wars. Most of the space battles are pretty clinical, as awesome as they are. You don't really see the horror of war. I don't know how many ground engagements or down in the mud and blood actions there were during the Galactic Civil War - what would be the point, really, when the Empire can make planet-destroyers? - but I know there were some like that during the clone wars, where strategy, logistics, manpower and ground war tactics might have been a factor. Other than this film and to an extent, Rogue One, was there any Canon or Expanded U/Legends material that portrayed scenarios like this? Oh, and "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" by Alan Dean Foster is where the planetary name of Mimban first appeared. It's not canon, but it's also the first place where the Kyber crystal appeared, though it was spelled Kai'burr crystal; however it's nature was similar as it was a Force-related artifact. Highly recommend Alan Dean Foster's writing, the Humanx Commonwealth series and the first three books of the Spellsinger series.
He's only on screen for like, less than a minute, but that officer who get's hit by what I'm assuming is a mortar seemed like a decent guy (for an imp). He recognized Solo from a glance and even answered his question. Gives me the impression he knew the names of all his troops.
its cool to see ACTUAL impirial military in star wars, because all we used to see is their navy
More and more i get Warhammer 40k vibes from star wars movies. This is basically a normal day for the Imperial Gaurd. Maybe even an easy day.
Probably a light skirmish for them
Out of any faction, the vong are the most 40k faction in Star Wars and I would love to see them in live action
It never ends well for governments with "Empire" in the name.
Liberty save me!
I can't spread democracy with this broken leg!
It's a shame Mimban didn't become an official map in Dice's Battlefront II and the various Imperial uniforms (mud troopers, stormtroopers in ponchos, officers in trenchcoats) or the Mimban rebels weren't offered as skins
EA can easily revive BF2 but they refuse to. they're shit company
If the stormtroopers fought like that maybe the fight scenes would have been exciting to watch in the Star Wars movies.
I like the idea of showing the "War" in star wars. Most of the space battles are pretty clinical, as awesome as they are. You don't really see the horror of war. I don't know how many ground engagements or down in the mud and blood actions there were during the Galactic Civil War - what would be the point, really, when the Empire can make planet-destroyers? - but I know there were some like that during the clone wars, where strategy, logistics, manpower and ground war tactics might have been a factor. Other than this film and to an extent, Rogue One, was there any Canon or Expanded U/Legends material that portrayed scenarios like this?
Oh, and "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" by Alan Dean Foster is where the planetary name of Mimban first appeared. It's not canon, but it's also the first place where the Kyber crystal appeared, though it was spelled Kai'burr crystal; however it's nature was similar as it was a Force-related artifact.
Highly recommend Alan Dean Foster's writing, the Humanx Commonwealth series and the first three books of the Spellsinger series.
Remind me more of Warhammer than Star wars. I like it
then i do not like it because warhammer is for wierd people
@@rex-qo1eu sounds like you are the type of person that voted for last weeks loser
@@rex-qo1eu who
@@sockysol9599 trump of course
i am just fuking trolling please do not make me answer i was VERY drunk
The Wilhelm Scream at 0:46 made me feel like I was right there in the trenches of space Verdun.
The one at 0:06 almost sounded like one too ... almost.
0:33 a true democracy heroe
I need stiiiiiims!
The Solo movie is amazing, im so sad it was so ignored
Ignored? by 20 million+ people?
@@xlerosx yeah im being way too over the top lol, i mean in general it isnt as talked about as it should be, its a great movie
It was a disappointment
realistic star wars is an oxymoron
Don't be obtuse.
Best part of the movie, so awesome! I’d love a series about the 224th on Mimban
me too
That would be awesome
This is just another Tuesday on battlefront 2. But I did wish we had more movies and fights like this on the big screen
When you say "Battlefront 2" which one are you referring too? Choose wisely.
@ both, I won’t lie the parent still has much to teach the newborn. But I’ve had a blast waging war on any field of battle. This is the way
Remember Umbara
Be great if you could see anything.
people always talk shit about the solo movie. i always thought it was pretty good. this is proof...
although short this scene was my favorite
The movie wasn’t given a chance because The Last Jedi was fresh in everyone’s mind and fans were insanely pissed at the time.
I prefer Rogue One, but this is my second. From Disney movies.
@ old star wars is goatee
this movie is so good one of the best Star wars movies ever made don't know why people don't like it
it really is people were just jacked up on nostalgia like those movies were perfect
Not sure how you could compare this to Rogue One and come out thinking this is more "realistic" warfare.
This scene has the vibe of a world war 1 era trench warfare.
Extended cut?
Twirling pistols is realistic?
If you’re western
Wheres the lightsabers 😑🎉
this is not like a regular star wars movie
no lightsabers😕
You do know this movie is set after the time of the Jedi.. there are no Jedi around hence no lightsabers 🤣
Somewhere not soaking up all of the screen time with some force feud nonsense
What movie is this
@ Solo
😮 Shit first comment🎉😂🎉😂
Why the f*ck would anyone want a Star Wars realistic movie??????? If you do it means you missed the entire point SMH
I think you are mistaken on the way you are interpreting realism.... Ironically, it seems YOU missed the entire point.
@@H3nry2077 totally agree with you.
literally cuz why not