The truth about what actually happened is quite different from what has been written in the bible. Jesus didn't die from crucifixion or the longinus lance. Instead he controlled his physical body, stopped his heart, reduced the blood flow dramatically and avoided bleeding to death. He was later nursed back to health by the Santinians. He then went back to india, even had his own family and died there of old age.
0:50 0:52 I love these podcasts. I am glad I found your Kriya Yoga teachings.
Love this. What book do you recommend on the yoga sutras?
Do you believe Jesus died ,resurrected and his teachings? Thoughts on the bible?
The truth about what actually happened is quite different from what has been written in the bible. Jesus didn't die from crucifixion or the longinus lance. Instead he controlled his physical body, stopped his heart, reduced the blood flow dramatically and avoided bleeding to death. He was later nursed back to health by the Santinians. He then went back to india, even had his own family and died there of old age.
@JediStockTrader The Anthrposophical system might provide you with answers about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
I'm a yogi.