4k60p(頤和園)NHK世界遺產中國北京皇家園林 慈禧太后居所。Beijing Royal Garden (Summer Palace), China

  • Опубліковано 22 чер 2022
  • 北京皇家園林 世界遺產頤和園是清朝的皇家行宮和大型皇家園林,中國北京市海淀區西北,頤和園修建於清朝乾隆年間(原名清漪園)、重建於光緒年間,曾屬於清朝北京西郊三山五園之一。頤和園素以人工建築與自然山水巧妙結合的造園手法著稱於世,是中國園林藝術頂峰時期的代表,頤和園被評為世界文化遺產。
    北京皇家園林Beijing Royal Garden World Heritage Summer Palace is the royal palace and large-scale royal garden of the Qing Dynasty. It is located in the northwest of Haidian District, Beijing, China. The Summer Palace was built during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty (formerly known as Qingyi Garden) and rebuilt during the Guangxu period. It once belonged to the Three Mountains and Five Gardens in the western suburbs of Beijing in the Qing Dynasty one. The Summer Palace is known all over the world for its ingenious combination of artificial buildings and natural landscapes. It is a representative of the peak period of Chinese garden art. The Summer Palace is rated as a world cultural heritage.
    Beijing Royal Garden


  • @chenisikymoh
    @chenisikymoh 4 місяці тому +1


  • @chenisikymoh
    @chenisikymoh 4 місяці тому +1

    當時代 , 清朝是外國種族統治 中華民族地區 期間 , 中華文化關他們遼金女真滿清 族人何事 ?
    何來由他們推廣發展中華五千年文化之說 ?

    • @user-vz9bq4fm2u
      @user-vz9bq4fm2u Місяць тому
