《我爱你中国--全球华人一起唱》“I love you, China - a Paean by All Chinese People around the World”

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2019
  • 在新中国成立 70 周年之际,为传递全球华人对祖国母亲的深情祝福,展现侨团力量在推动发展中国同全球各国沟通交流的积极贡献,浙江广播电视集团国际频道与浙江省归国华侨联合会联合主办,特别策划推出全球近百个浙籍侨团共庆新中国成立 70 周年主题活动。截止目前,共有 200 多万浙江籍华人华侨遍布全球 180 多个国家和地区,他们努力融入当地社会,积极发挥桥梁纽带作用,推动中国与住在国在人文经贸科技等诸多领域的交流合作。
    To declare the deep, passionate love of all Chinese people around the world for their native soil and highlight the positive contributions that overseas Chinese groups have made to the communication and exchange between China and the rest of the world, ZTV-World, the international channel of Zhejiang Radio & TV Group (ZRTG), and Zhejiang Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese jointly launched a specially planned themed event involving nearly 100 overseas Chinese groups with Zhejiang lineage to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Up to now, more than 2 million Chinese with Zhejiang lineage have settled down in over 180 countries and regions around the world, playing a constructive role in promoting cultural, trade, and scientific exchange and cooperation between China and the local community.
    This themed celebration, in which “all overseas Chinese are to dedicate a paean to China,” is the longest, biggest and most influential event ever launched by the overseas Chinese circles in Zhejiang and ZTV-World.
    自 2019 年 4 月开始全球征集以来,本次活动共收集到近 40 个国家和地区 90 余个浙籍侨团发来的歌唱与祝福视频百余条。5 月至 8 月期间,浙江广播电视集团国际频道还与省侨联在浙江安吉、良渚等地策划举行了多场归侨快闪庆祝活动,记录精彩瞬间、传递海外真情、讴歌新中国新时代。
    Since the global solicitation in April 2019, the organizers of the event have received more than 100 music videos of blessings from more than 90 overseas Chinese groups with Zhejiang lineage in nearly 40 countries and regions. From May to August 2019, ZTV-World and Zhejiang Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese organized multiple short-lasting returned overseas Chinese celebrations in Anji, Liangzhu and other places in Zhejiang province to capture memorable moments, convey love from overseas and eulogize China’s tremendous achievements in the new era.
    “My dear motherland, please allow me to dedicate my youth to you.” “I love you, China” is a passionate song recorded in this video. It expresses the overwhelming love of overseas Chinese for the motherland, their fierce pride in the rapid development of China, and their fervent wish for a great future.
    After six months of preparation, the themed event “I love you, China - a Paean by All Chinese People around the World” kicked off successfully and came to a perfect conclusion. ZTV-World has edited the music videos, elaborately made by all participating overseas Chinese groups, into the MV “I love you, China - a Paean by All Chinese People around the World” for global view during the National Day.