TWICE "Merry & Happy" M/V
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
- TWICE(트와이스) "Merry & Happy" M/V
The 5th Mini Album "What is Love?"
iTunes & Apple Music
The 1st Album : Repackage "Merry & Happy"
Google Play Music
iTunes & Apple Music
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#TWICE #MerryHappy
ⓒ 2017 JYP Entertainment. All Rights Reserved
Sometimes simple MV productions are better than all out. And MERRY and Happy is a big example of that
ikr ❤️
so truee
same as The best thing I ever did
Ikr like they all look genuinely happy and not just posing for a normal music video like it feels like I’m in the room with them especially at 1:21 because you can hear their laughter and voices!
•Merry and Happy
•Knock Knock
•Heart Shaker
•Spring Day
•Save Me
These are the example of that..
Honestly this is my favorite MV. Why? Well...
-I love seeing them happy..
-and the thought that it's made on Christmas and for Christmas
-you can see the story on the MV itself
-No CGI, effects and
I'm crying on this MV since i saw the MV on 2017 up until now.
*CGI lmao
@@itsmepotatogrande9335 oh sorry haha
I am ONCE from Merry and Happy
They are so sincere :) And now i love them 🤗🤗🤗
i dont know but this makes me cry too HAHAHA
bru it makes my cry
Dumpling Soda 👍 👍
Dumpling Soda 原来彤彤姐也喜欢twice,他们超可爱的
I agree totaly
TWICEって良い曲たくさんあるけど個人的にはやっぱりこの曲は特別です。特にこのMV、7年前たまたまこのMVを見てONCEになった、こう言うとちょっと大げさかもですが、このMVで人生が変わったと言ってもいいかもw。もちろんTWICEは今もみんなかわいいけど、これは7年前のTWICEにしか表現出来ないこと。7年前のTWICEがお互いを大切に思う気持ちをプレゼント交換しながら伝え合う姿って、今見ると入れ子構造とゆうか、このMV自体がクリスマスプレゼントみたいになってることに今頃気づいた。これはたぶん時間が経ったからそう思える部分もあるのかもしれません。久しぶりに視聴したんだけど、なんだかプレゼントを開封したような気分になりました。すごくあったかいMV、泣きそうなくらい優しくて暖かい瞬間をそのまま箱に入れて閉じ込めたような作品。またこの曲は人が生きていく上でとても大事なことを歌ってくれてるとも思う。7年前の僕のように何だか人生上手くいかないなあって思ってる人とかにはきっとこの歌のメッセージは届くんじゃないかな、クリスマス嫌いだったけどでも今はそうじゃない、って。こうゆうクリスマスソングっていっぱいありそうで実はあんまりない気がする。最近のMAGICALも似た角度からのクリスマスソングでしたね、嫌いだった~から始まる感じで(メリハピの歌詞ではその『魔法』からずっと逃げてたって歌ってる)。あくまで個人的な印象だけど、Feel SpecialやI got youや他にもいくつか、TWICEの音楽は一貫してこのテーマに取り組んでるようにも思える、ざっくり言うと自分と会うってこと。自分と仲直りする、和解する、私を見つける、見つけてあげる、私自身と会って、本当の私を知る…みたいな。
I Got Youでは嵐の中でみんなとはぐれてしまいそうになった。絶対に手を離さなかったけど、でも冒頭の手のアップや後半のはしごのシーンとか見ると、本当は帆船には1人しか乗ってないような、そんなマルチバース的な描写もされている。TWICEは華々しい活躍をする一方で多くのヘイトやネガティブな出来事を経験してきた。IGYはそれを乗り越えたTWICEの絆を表現した曲だと思いますけど、MV全編通して荒涼としたロケーションを背景に、より普遍的な情景が立ち上がる瞬間もあった。各所に散りばめられた抱擁シーン、手と手、指と指。まるで無数の私の中ではぐれてしまった私(=I)が、風と帆だけを頼りに本当の私(=YOU)を見つける旅に出る。そんな1人の女性の物語として解釈することもできるMVでした。誰も手を離そうとしない、それは9人の物語であり、また1人の物語でもあるような。これを表現出来るのがTWICEの素晴らしさだなって個人的にはそんな感想を持ちました。I got youと You get me、TWICEの音楽の中では『I』は『YOU』でもあるのかも(I=YOU)。これもMerry&Happyのプレゼントを交換するシーンを見たからそう思えることです。彼女たちはとても距離が近くって、お互いのことを自分の一部(時には全部)のように思ってる感じがするから。赤い糸は人の宿命的な繋がりを表すと言われているけれど、モモとダヒョンが赤いロープに絡まって踊るシーンは1つの血の中の2つの存在のよう、まるで一緒に1つの体を共有するDAHMO(あるいはMODA,MOHYUN)みたいなw、これはメンバー同士の距離が近いTWICEだからこそそう思えたことかな、とか。
でも他者との繋がりを表すと言われる赤い糸もSet Me Freeではツウィ自身を縛りつけるだけの血の呪縛のようだったし、また赤い線はI CAN'T STOP MEの鏡面世界のことも思い起こさせます。ICSMでは鏡の中の自分との対峙、赤い線はもう1人の私とを繋ぐものではなく、私(=I)と私(=YOU)を隔てる境界線だった。その境界線を越える速度は…I can't stop me?!。また鏡面の世界といえばクローン、TWICEはクローンも好きですねw。Heart Shakerの分裂が有名だけどWhat is love?のSATZUのダンス対決の観客やScientistのラストでも無数のTWICEがいたり。どれも楽しいMVだけど、見ようによってはカオス、「どれが本当の自分かわからない」みたいな、そんな混乱しちゃってる状況に見えなくもなかったりする。もちろんこれらはぜんぶ勝手な解釈でしかないんですが、でもTWICEっていろんなコンセプトやってるようで実はすべての作品に通底してるところあるから面白いなあって。そういえばMoonlight Sunriseの冒頭や部屋を横切る場面とかもマルチバースを意識させる移行だったし、その後も結局最後まで9人で一連の行為をつないで「私は私たちでもあるよ」みたいな見せ方をしていた。まるで「もう1人の自分」が8人いるみたいなw。この「9人を1人のように見せる」TWICEのマルチバースで一番印象的だったのはTWICELIGHTSのオープニングVCR、あれはほんとに傑作だと思います。あのVCRはTWICEというグループだけが持ってる存在感と特異性を端的に表したような映像でした。
あとやっぱり声、多声性とゆうか、TWICEは9人とも声を持ってる、それぞれ違う声質でしかも広い音域をカバーできるってだけでなく、9人とも声に表情があり顔が浮かぶんです、これってほんとグループの強みだと思う。自分たちの音楽に上質で純度の高いハーモニーを取り込むこともできるし、複雑な感情を歌の中に込めることもできる。聴いてる側からしたら、9種類の声を曲の途中で躓くこともなくスムーズに聴き分けられるってほぼ奇跡だし、それがほとんど無意識に出来てるってことの驚きと喜びがある。たとえばHANDLE ITって曲はミナで始まり、断片のような短いパートをみんなで順に歌い継いで最後またミナで終わる構成だけど、あまりにもパートの移行が滑らかなので、何回か聴いてるとまるでミナの声が微妙に変化しながらまたミナの元に戻ってくるような、そんな錯覚が起こる。聴こえたのは9人の声なのに歌っているのはミナ1人のような。これはチェヨンが書いた「戻って来てくれるよね、ここで待ってる」って歌詞の世界と見事にリンクしてる。
Merry&Happyでは空から雪が降ってくる。クリスマスを好きになるって、案外自分のことをもう少し好きになってあげるってことでもあるのかなとか思ったり、そんなことを気づかされる曲です。‘’もう白い雪も寂しくない~いっぱい降ってね、今年の冬には‘’って歌詞がほんと素晴らしい、こんなにシンプルで優しい言葉で個人の救済の瞬間を表現した歌ってなかなかないかも。すべての人がこんなふうに思えたらいいな、Merry Christmas ONCE!🎄
Nayeon -> to Momo
Jeongyeon -> to Sana
Momo -> to Chaeyoung
Sana -> to Nayeon
Jihyo -> to Dahyun
Mina -> to Jihyo
Dahyun -> to Tzuyu
Chaeyoung -> to Jeongyeon
Tzuyu -> to Mina
#getwellsoonmina 😭😭
I m still thinking what nayeon told to Sana for make her go away so easy, wth
did they play Secret Friend ?
thank you Tzuyu
Is there any DaHyo shipper here? I feel like the only ONCE here who wants to talk about that scene
This has been a tough year for Twice and Once. Mina's anxiety, Jeongyeon, Jihyo, Chaeyoung health issues, Nayeon's sasaeng - overall it was a long year. Let's wash away all that and walk into 2020 together. Let's be together as a family. We are Twice's shield and sword. Let's do our best to give them what they deserve. I know it's early but Merry Christmas. Once Twice together forever.
Once + Twice
we need more once like u bruh
Wow im in tears right now
I salute to those Onces who always stream this song everyday eventhough it's not Christmas, I hope y'all can go to their concerts and see them in person and I hope y'all can buy all of their albums and merch
Bc it's a good song!
I do but sadly I can’t rlly afford it 😔
Hi ONCES, please change your profile pic to their new logo. It would look nice if our fandom will have the same pic and we can make twice happy
@@hannahlibang1411 even if you can't you are stil by their side, don't worry about it, even I hope that i will get some when they will be gone so I will just listening to their song while crying like a idiot, but anyway
@@hannahlibang1411 sameee :(
the mv just feels good and I'm crying for their friendship here. It's Twice having fun, giving gifts, and spending time this Christmas. Merry Christmas ONCEs!!
Twice exchange gift
Nayeon - Momo
Momo - Chaeyoung
Chaeyoung - Jeongyeon
Jeongyeon - Sana
Sana - Nayeon
Mina - Jihyo
Jihyo - Dahyun
Dahyun - Tzuyu
Tzuyu - Mina
Welcome haha
Thanks !
Wew 😲
How to know that
Princess Bilon watch the behind
@@user-tq3jl5wk8z thats my sister
I can't never express in words how much I love them, just seeing them have a good time together makes me cry with happiness, they are one of the reason my Christmas is merry, just thinking of their disbanding makes me cry a thousand gallons, please God, may everyone reading this have a good holiday,and my nine precious girls, I hope you all have a good time in holidays too,you may think this is cringey, but these are sincerely my true feelings
love the aswell
I agree I am the same as you I love them soo much as well they makes me Happy when I am upset so I can relate with you
Merry Christmas Onces!
Merry Christmas... Love you channel btw
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas ( I'm late af )
Merry Christmas with TWİCE
Merry christmas ! (Later sorry)
That's what friendship looks like
multifandom _karida it’s what family looks like :)
It s what a bound for over 5 year, with sadness and happy moment looks like, at least there were only 2 year i guess , even so they were really close at that point
Imagine guys when twice is no longer in the industry (which is far far FAR AWAY in the future) and they're far away with each other and it's christmas and they watch this mv. And they'd miss each other. The feels I can't. I'm not crying you are😭😭
screw you for making me feel emotions I don't want to 😭😭
Ahh!!... This made me cry again, I just cried while watching TWICE THE BEST I EVER DID MV and I saw a comment like this about Twice future and it made me cry and now this, I'M NOT READY FOR THE FUTURE!!!!.
They will stay with each other They will remain history as Jungyeon said also they will never die in my heart they will remain forever
@@twicesaidiamaonce5003 mine too❤
@@altheabibi5222 Yeah TWICE is Amazing and will always be amazing
TWICE member fact:
Dahyun passed in SM, YG, and JYP auditions but went with JYP.
+ JYP was slowly falling out of the Big 3 so a friend asked her why in JYP, she said it's because JYP called her first.
I think she matches JYP a lot, and I'm also happy she didn't want to be in YG
No Face Jeong well good choice cuz YG sucks I mean look what he did to Blackpink
Dahyun is perfect in JYP
I’m so glad she didn’t go to YG, she made the right choice
@@korrasoul the Best choice
This actually made me tearing up? The most touching moment is when they were smiling to each other when they received the gifts. Chaeyoung, Jungyeon, Jihyo, and Dahyun's part touched me the most!
Video Fariz サムネワロタ
Thank you for everything,Nayeon
Thank you for everything,Jeongyeon
Thank you for everything,Momo
Thank you for everything,Sana
Thank you for everything,Jihyo
Thank you for everything,Mina
Thank you for everything,Dahyun
Thank you for everything,Chaeyoung
Thank you for everything,Tzuyu
Thank you for everything, TWICE
Thank you for everything, ONCEs
Love you everyone!💓🎉
Thank you too
thank you but u didn’t have to say this much..
Your welcome. And Thank you, So much.
Don't forget the views don't matter! This song is a gift to us ONCE's not an actual comeback. Let's stop worrying about views and just be happy they have worked so hard and achieved so much this year. Remember to tell your idol you love them,these last few days have been hell for me after finding out that Jonghyun has passed away. Thank you twice for making me smile :).
Kpop Is The Best finally someone said it!
Kpop Is The Best ❤❤
Yeah this is not a comeback so don’t worry about the views this is just for ONCE💖
@@ggooof1341 the views of these mv arent important the most important is memories and the happiness
This is twice's most underrated song . It's so healing
Yeah but this is beautiful music
this is a christmas song ofc it will be healing
I dont think this is an underrated twice song but an underrated twice m/v
Very healing!
@@-woozworldsubliminals1112 Very true
Who loves chaeyoung in long hair 😍😍
She's my bias, and I like her with any hairstyle
Ariful Islam WHO DOESN’T?!?!
I mean Chaeyoung in general
Even short hair!
Merry Christmas Onces
you too!
Thank you! You too! “Merry & Happy” Christmas!
Dương Dương Merry Christmas:)
Merry Christmas to you too. I love you. ♡
진짜 몇년째 너무 좋은 노래..☺️
"if you're loving twice you're loving the real twice, you're not being fooled" - J Y P
No fakeness indeed
no "camera persona" all pure like angels
Daniel and Heechul: Indeed.
That's why I love them
please vote for twice !! 💗
one formula for being successful? - is to have this kind of friendship within the group. I stan the right group. They are eqaully kind and they love each other so much.
We not only feel the Christmas joy and vibe thru this MV and song, but the happiness, sincereness and friendships among TWICE and ONCE
Well said. No other fandom can compare to 'The Feels'' ONCE has for TWICE and vice versa. We love our 9 Angels 🕊.
HAPPINESS FOREVER 💃🌠🌌🕊🎶🎤🐧💯🍭💖💚💙💛💜
I love you twice once
JOSH MARRYOU the family money 💰 🤑 💸 💯 😎 in 💐 NATHANMARIANAGIRLFRIEND and myfavorite movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 in 💐 😀 Jisoo was born with an angel 😇 of experience to the family and then go NATHANMARIANA girlfriend home 🏡
Feels like Christmas every day because of TWICE.
I just think The Best Thing I Ever Did is the sequel of Merry And Happy. In Merry and Happy they happily celebrate Christmas together, exchange of gifts. Like it's their teenage years, where they are free to do what they want, crazily do things. And as time goes by, they went into their adulthood, went to their individual careers and track. They always been busy unlike their teenage years. So they all have a ticket in their hands while in different places. Reunited again and reminisce their teenager life and memories (Merry and Happy). The Best Thing I Ever Did is to have a Merry and Happy memories with you guys.
Chaeyoung Son good!!
Don't know why, but this made me teared up ❤
well saying❤❤❤
Wow, exactly 100% 😲😲😲
Why is this so underrated? I mean this is the best Christmas song!
Yeahhhh me eheheh too
Yesterday a few hours ago it was December 25th and I couldn't stop listening to this all day, it's my first Christmas with Twice 💖
So sweet
What I love about this MV is that there's no dance, no choreography, no stress. Just TWICE being TWICE and that is the best gift of all to ONCE. Thank you for your hard work you 9 beautiful angels, ONCE will be here for you always :)
Wallace La we are same..I think so like that..this Music video so cool..and relaxing
Wallace La The M/V have no dance. But in stage, there is☺
To us onces it's not matter how good the set of the M/V was..the important is the message of the lyrics what's the importance of a good set if the message are meaningless?All TWICE's song has a DEEP meaning if you can't understand or accept this it's your problem not I JUST WANT TO TELL YO THIS
Thank you TWICE and jype for all the years of tears and laughs. This song means so much to me every Christmas. 💕
This is one of the reason why I love them, their friendship is unstoppable, they treat each other as one family.
This M/V is one example of friendship, love for family and etc. This friendship cannot be seen in some K-pop groups, the friendship they have is the strongest chemistry I've seen.
I want to share you something, before I start K-pop life I only knew Bts, but Ohh-Ahh just pop out in my recommendation, then.. I watched, I see 9 girls singing and dancing their song, I then research and suddenly.. I fall for them. Then I watched some K-pop Girl Group M/v's, but no one can beat my love for Twice, like it's not easily to break my love for them, I watched their funny moments and every moments I watched I just fall for them deep and deep.
I'm not type of girl who likes Girl Group but Twice, they are really unique, they have the talent, the looks and everything. But that's not the thing why I love them. I love them cause they are being themselves and they are not acting infront of people. I also don't know why Thrice's hate Twice, because of some shitty Mr Remove? Because they have no talent? But I know why, cause when you heard Twice all you remembered is to hate them only, you don't have the time to give Twice a space cause all you see is hate. Being a K-pop Idol is not all about talent, it also about personality. And I hate Thrice's for not seeing the angelic personality of these 9 girls, while they love groups who has the perfect talent but not giving all the personality they have. I'm not hating some groups but I'm just saying the truth.
Once, we need to support Twice no matter what, we need to feel them special cause they treat us once special too. They communicate with us even they have hectic schedules, they give us time to communicate with them. Fighting!! Once!
Jung Shookt wow.. I love you comment. Lol😘😘😍😍💪💪
Jung Shookt yes.. Fighting... Once always stand by Twice💜💙❤😍😘😙
I love your comment
It doesn’t matter how many other Christmas songs Twice releases in the future. This is and will always be their best Christmas song 🎄
try to listen to 'wondeful day' it also sang by twice and in japanese. It's like merry and happy lil sis
@@kpop_slay3837 I know I know they released it last year with Doughnut. But still this is better.
@@Ana-19An do u like it?? I'm just saying that merry and happy & wonderful day gives off the same vibes that's why maybe u can like it too
@@kpop_slay3837 Well they don’t give the same vibes to me. I like M&H more and it’s the best Christmas song they have. If you like the other one than good for you
Even now is not Christmas, we still get the Christmas vibe by this song.
And now it's almost Christmas!
merry christmas
I am the horseman from the bible. "The end of the world" will be this year. Tell people
Christmas is near but this song feel likes its christmas everyday
Trust me to be blasting this on Christmas even tho my family yells me to stop
1. WHAT IS LOVE - 500M
2. TT - 600M
3. KURA KURA - 50M
4. FANCY - 450M
6. CRY FOR ME - 70M
7. I CAN'T STOP ME - 400M
What is love ✅
Next goal : 550m
I really don't know what I'm gonna do with my life when TWICE disbands they brought me Happiness, Helped me through my anxieties, basically made my life better. 😭❤️
Don't listen to some saying TWICE is disbanding in 2022. Their contract is up. That's it and JYP would be crazy not to resign them. Our 9 Angels 🕊 are so talented they could even chose to create their own production company. Dubu can play keyboards and guitar. And Baby Beast is a force writing Strawberry and other lyrics, rap and songs. They would have no problem collaborating with others in the music industry too since they are the most recognized kpop gg in the World 🌎.
@@twiceland4ever yeah I thought that too TWICE brought success to jyp there's no way he's gonna disband them in 2022 he's probably just gonna milk them with profit until he gets what he wants
My christmas playlist in 2021:
1) Merry and Happy
2) The Best Thing I Ever Did
3) Melting
4) Doughnut (new)
Nayeon - Santa tell me (cover)
@I got the feels for you yeah yeah yeah yeah HEY of course now it's on my playlist😙
And Mina just covered Snowman..
Nayeon - Love is Everything (cover)
Don't forget dahyun - the first noel cover
Attendance Check:
Dec 1- ✅
Dec 2- ✅
Dec 3- ✅
Dec 4- ✅
Dec 5- ✅
Dec 6- ✅
Dec 7- ✅
Dec 8- ✅
Dec 9- ✅
Dec 10- ✅
Dec 11- ✅
Dec 12- ✅
Dec 13- ✅
Dec 14- ✅
Dec 15- ✅
Dec 16- ✅
Dec 17- ✅
Dec 18- ✅
Dec 19- ✅
Dec 20- ✅
Dec 21- ✅
Dec 22- ✅
Dec 23- ✅
Dec 24- ✅
Dec 25- ✅
Dec 1- ✅
Count me in
Check it twice
Yes I thought to do this too but here you are😁
@@shutuptwiceisthebest186 Should I check it Twice from Dec 1 to Dec 5??
Why no one senses how deep it's lyrics are... This mv shows what twice actually is we never feel alone because they are with us our Christmas is merry and happy because of these nine angels.. No more to say or else I'll cry out of happiness
Mritunjay Kumar yeah
They are really deep and I can relate to them😳😢 which is why I love the song so much
I feel you on that.
The amount of work twice have done this year is crazy, they've released 5 Korean M/Vs plus the One More Time Japanese comeback, and if you include the Japanese ver of TT that's a total of 7 M/Vs this year. Honestly I'm so proud of them, I hope they get more recognition for all their hard work because tbh these girls get so much hate for no reason. They work so hard and try their hardest all the time so I really hope they get as much appreciation as they deserve, and rest up well now, it's been a busy year for them. TWICE FIGHTING, ONCE FIGHTING.
Important Businesseu i think they kinda sacrifice quality for quantity....the mvs are not bad but they look very similar
That's their concept and a lot of people like it, that's why they are so popular
Purple brownies I don't think they look similiar at all tho, if there is anything similar it's the dance moves for signal and likey, there are some similarities between the point move, however the M/Vs are still completely different and over all, pretty different concepts
Tzuyu bae Important Businesseu I get that their concepts are like that but Im talking about the way they show it. Like they can have more creative ideas for mvs. They keep doing or something like that . They could do like a story telling one or something else, maybe a different way of filming.
what's your favorite k-pop gg?
*Why is this song underrated? This is about happy and love and having fun with each other, this deserve a lot of respect for this song.*
@@zulfiqarkhorrami6647 but. this special song need to get more views to let all their MV too. all their MV deserve high views.
its like my favourite twice song 😊
Holidays are becoming harder and harder for me as the years go. Sometimes I don't even feel the Christmas season, I see the lights twinkling everywhere and I'd still feel empty, same even when I feel the cool breeze that hits my skin. But _this_ makes me feel that somehow there are things worth to feel joy for. This MV warms up my heart and I thank TWICE and sir JYP for this for so many reasons.
Same! This made me in the festive mood :p
Dinosaur Park im not sure wts going on in your life but stay positive life is beautiful cheer up, if you ever need to talk to some one look for us we are virtual family. Happy Holidays.🎄
Actuallythats the point of the song xD the meaning is if youre sad not only on christmas but everytime, you still have people that care for u. :)
𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔♡ 大好きな曲〜!
This is exactly why I love Twice: how the heck are you supposed to not be happy when you hear their songs so cheerful and alive?! MY QUEENS!
I know! you don`t even have to see them too feel it, their energy seeps through in their singing, sure they are all capable singers, and sure their songs are both innovative and catchy, but I think this bubbly positivity, is the true source of their magic, this more than anything makes us love them
*stream tt*
YES YOU'RE NOT A COMEBACK MV. ONLY A GIFT TO ONCES. But I Love You for being a Chrustmas Song. You'll someday reach that 100M more than you deserve.
From a Once streaming this Christmas song even if its isn't x-mas
Im not crying 😭
Yes, we are. 😭
i watch this once a day 😭
idk why but this song makes me happy😂
_I didn't expect a music video from twice today, but I'm not complaining!_
_Chaeyoung and Mina are looking HELLA _*_ADORABLE_*_ HERE OML_
ChuppyDuh are you a MiChaeng shipper?
Who s here after nayeon told us it’s time to listen to merry nd happy
Merry lol
@@michaeng3523 hahah
Lmao it's merry not marry 😭
@@rflxhsn maybe if u looked at the first comment
December 24, 2020(just wanna put it here:)))💛✨9:15pm
Twice worked so hard this year making 5 comebacks.
They really did deserve their Daesang.
I feel so happy for them :D
1. Knock Knock
2. Signal
3. TT Jap Ver.
4. One More Time
5. Likey
6. Heart Shaker
It's really just 5?
Sally 5 korean comebacks
+Sally TT isn't a comeback
Once Moon tt is their debut in japan, so yes, is a comeback
Theo Lilbe no, just 4 korean comebacks, Merry & Happy mv isn't a comeback, just a gift for fans, the real comeback is Heart Shaker, and One More Time is a japan comeback together with TT Jap ver their japan debut
Playlist for once Christmas:
- Merry and Happy
- The best thing i ever did
- Confession song cover by twice
- Santa tell me (Nayeon)
- Love is everything (Nayeon)
Heart shaker also
I'm thinking of all the things I'm grateful about and TWICE is on the list. I just want to thank TWICE for everything.
Thank you, Nayeon!
Thank you, Jeongyeon!
Thank you, Momo!
Thank you, Sana!
Thank you, Jihyo!
Thank you, Mina!
Thank you, Dahyun!
Thank you, Chaeyoung!
Thank you, Tzuyu!
You girls gave me so much motivation to continue what I'm doing right now. They're inspiration to many people. A gift that I didn't expect to receive. TWICE, not just the best girl group, but the best group in general.
Who is here to celebrate Christmas this year with twice's 3yrs ago Christmas song🎄🎅🔔❄
Me me me me mee, im here whit you
@@briannatapparodriguez2640 thnq 😃
Dear Nayeon, Jungyeon, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu,
Thank you for being part of my 2015, 2016, and of course, 2017.
You never fail to make me happy. You always make me feel loved. You girls keep working hard to give us the best. You always practice hard despite busy scedules and lack of sleep. You always find time to talk and catch up with us even though you're all tired. I appreciate every thing you've done, you do, and you will do for our sake. Thousands of people may hate you for lacking what they think you don't have, but there are millions of people who see the good in you and are ready to support you whenever. You are not just idols to us, you are our best friends. Thank you for always making us smile, TWICE. Thank you for existing. Always remember that we will always be here for all of you. We will always support your music and your happiness. We are all here for you.
Again, THANK YOU TWICE. Wishing you the merriest and happiest Christmas!!
now emotional Once
Thank You Twice ❤
My 2017 will be very boring and lonely if i don't have Twice and Onces.Thank you so much😍
Love TWICE forever, thank you JYP for giving us these angels. 🙏💓💖😍
We need english version so that we can play this in the streets and at our houses during Christmas
@@julietorralba3568 opo
@@jokbalngbayan7996 haii
trueee huhuhuhuhu
sana pwede mangaroling tapos ito kantahin HAAHAHAHAHAHA
This has to be their most aesthetically pleasing mv 🙏
im 1 day after this comment
When it’s More and More era but your still obsessed with Merry And Happy
Truu 😂
@@samxany yup
Why does this makes me so happy?! Ofc because they are twice, but their cheerful and positive faces make the mv really beautiful and happy. I freaking love them!
This song is so nostalgic, I’m literally crying 😭
Same :''D
Chaeyoung is aging so gracefully that I feel like JYP is realizing it and is giving her so much screentime she could bee the undercover visual and with time win the slot because she deserves it shes so gorgeous and so unique from other idols
Jose Reyna TRUEEE
Yes and she is just too talented to not be featured more, she has it all
i believe she will have a really successful future when they all debut as solo artists.shes already writing her own stuff and is incredibly versatile when it comes to concepts.she will probably take on composing as well soon.
Christmas is not Merry without listening to TWICE's ‘Merry & Happy’. Merry Christmas to TWICE and to all of you, ONCEs! 🎄☃️💗
Stop talking about the views guys. This is a Christmas song. And a gift for all ONCEs.
This can have less than 10m views and IT DOESN'T MATTER.
Twice won't be affected, JYP won't care.
True!! Just talking about the MV and the girls!! :)
Skyfire the views dont matter now, this video is for once and twice
I'm so god dang merry and happy when I hear this song! 😄
AZWZ aww that was cute
love your remixs
it’s not even Christmas and i’m listening to “Merry and Happy”, seriously what an underrated song along with “The best thing i ever did”
Ikr 🙂😭😭
오랜만에 향수 젖어서 트와이스 검색했더니 나오는 추억노래;; 괜히 코 끝 찡해지고 왠지모른 뭉클함 때문에 눈물 날뻔..
It's now Alcohol-Free era and I still can't get over this one. Lol.
In September, TWICE will make their comeback with their 1st English single entitled "The Feels" 💌
Popular fact: This masterpiece deserves more love. It’s the best
I shed tears while watching this... thinking that they have worked so hard to come this far and that they have gone through a lot the whole year with Knock x2, Signal, One More Time, Likey and Heart Shaker comeback . 5 comebacks in total, 5 comebacks. They flew from one place to another for many times, for us Onces. For us Onces, they did a lot, put a lot of effort, to make the best stages for us, giving us the best music and to entertain us. Onces are very Merry & Happy, and we hope that all 9 of you are Merry & Happy too.
I love you Nayeon, I love you Jeongyeon, I love you Momo, I love you Sana, I love you Jihyo, I love you Mina, I love you Dahyun, I love you Tzuyu and my one and only, forever favourite rapper cub, Chaeyoung, I love you so much. All of you, did well this year. May 2018 be another successful year for Twice.
Stay Healthy. Stay Happy.
~ Love from a Hong Kong fan, 永遠支持你們
Danielle Chan 4 comebacks is waaay too much... Those girls overwork, they need a break, to rest a bit!
Danielle Chan 2017 was the year they shine the most. We will never forget this year they worked so hard
and they still have to get ready for japanese comeback beginning of next year and full Japan concert tour. And who knows if they already filmed other mvs that we dont know about
Don’t forget One More Time. So...5 comebacks? 😢
Danielle Chan ..,righttt😭💕
This song deserves a hundred million views :(
@@bryanmaccarone let's get this song to 100m.
Yeah, and I just liked your comment now its 100..
You're welcome
a billion views*
@@unkpopermas8231 most viwed video in yt
The aesthetic in this video makes me merry and happy in all ways possible
Gosh, Chaeyoung looks so beautiful!
How many onces still watching this?
From 🇯🇵
Its_Gacha Wolf Christine OMG SAME!
2017 taught me that perfection comes in 18 small syllables:
Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu
For those childish fans saying TWICE flopped this “comeback”
1) This is not the main comeback of TWICE , it’s just released on the same day with the main comeback HEART SHAKER .
2) This MV was released earlier in Naver & VLive
(12 HRs early) . So many ONCE already watched it
3) This MV is just for ONCE , this is ONCE special Christmas gift by TWICE .
4) This is a Christmas song , not an actual comeback .
Please do some research before bashing, TWICE are NGG . If you bashed them , what’s your fave place in Korea ?? Who are them ?
BangTan Twice PREACH
BangTan Twice they jealous we ONCEs got an MV as a Christmas present! 💖🍭😊
BangTan Twice Nice comment you got there, Fam.💖
원스 마잌
Haters only know how to jealous 😂👏
Jealous cause twice be feeding us with tons of music
Wow... The journey with TWICE always impresses me. I still remember back in 2017, signal promotions were ending; that is the year I met TWICE and this wonderful community of ONCE.
Tue constant memories I made with you guys has me tearing up. Merry Christmas ONCE. You guys had supported a group that saved my life from a dark place. Ever since 2017, I had become the complete opposite. Me listening to Metal music, hating myself, and dressing dark. And nkw, I love bright colors; favorite color from being black to pink; favorite genre from metal to K pop; from hating life to loving life.
I will never forget this community and how much TWICE has changed me as a person. This year is for you ONCE.
Merry Christmas,
Happy New Year,
I love you ONCE,
I love you TWICE,
And I love you.
As we open our presents,
As we flip over the calendar to the new year 2025,
I will be happy to slend another year with you guys. My friends, My second family.
-Sean H.
The only Christmas song I'll listen to all year long
yes ma'am
Thats what i exactly did(along with tbtied & santa tell me cover by nayeon too uwu) and mah neighbors aint complaining😌
me too
Same lol
Same. Huhu
queens of serving bops throughout the entire year
2020 is been a pain in our life but Twice fixes everything with their comebacks, i can't wait for their christmas comeback :D
Will they? ✧\(>o
@@onceee924 i hope :DD
@@Ray-yx3cs hey but fake and true mv is a total spoiler for three comeback! They got 'more and more' and 'icsm' and at the very end we get the spoiler of snowy like things so i think this will be perfect!
+Watch at dahyun scenes, the paintings
-Idk maybe it's fake and maybe it's true😭
@@onceee924 IKR!
@@Ray-yx3cs i think they need rest cause they came for 2 comeback and remember when they come back they come back in Japanese songs to so i think they need some rest!!!
merry and happy may not be the best mv from twice, but merry and happy is different with another mv because we can watch their togetherness.✨❤
Jen Soo i font know why but the best thing i ever did and merry and happy makes me go emotional.💓😢
Be as one is even more emotional especially if u watch the documentary
Omaigawd yesssss :D
best mv imo i would prefer natural vibes instead of fake photoshopped backgrounds which twice uses a lot in mvs://
This is one of the K-Pop songs that came to my mind because Christmas is coming and listening to this song will make my Christmas merrier and happier
건강관리 잘하고 내년에도 개발자과 챙겨주시는 모든분들이 행복해 질수 있도록 외국에 가서도 건강히 콘서트 잘 하고 돌아보길 바랄게요😍🙏👍✌❤❤❤
I really love how this MV is made , just plain and simple. Twice enjoying their day nothing to rush about , not everything has to be perfect. Just show themselves in their personalities. Very beautiful ❤️
Edwin Santiaguel coz this MV is one of their b_side songs lol for Christmas and they just made a simple MV for us Once's that's the reason why once's are not streaming but instead watching it happily & feeling proud of them
Yup an MV that reminds you of the many reasons we love em, they're so endearing
The most underrated twice song ever
Finally someone who realises that this MV is too underrated lmaoo
Very! 💓
I don't understand why! This is a really good song :,
guide for new onces:
note: most of these timestamps don't have the girls' faces while they're singing, but it's their voices.
1. im nayeon 0:56 (lead vocalist, lead dancer, center)
2. yoo jeongyeon 0:29 (lead vocalist)
3. hirai momo 1:31 (main dancer, sub vocalist, sub rapper)
4. minatozaki sana 0:41 (sub vocalist)
5. park jihyo 1:08 (leader, main vocalist)
6. myoui mina 1:20 (main dancer, sub vocalist)
7. kim dahyun 0:48 (lead rapper, sub vocalist)
8. son chaeyoung 2:45 (main rapper, sub vocalist)
9. chou tzuyu 0:17 (lead dancer, sub vocalist, visual, maknae)
Jihyo is nayeon ;)
Thanks 😘
Nayeon is face of the group
@@boomishap9008 its the same as center :))
@@genman07 see this..