The State Diamond Fund in the Kremlin is one of the most impressive and well-done permanent exhibitions of jewelry & precious gems that I have ever visited.
I wonder what all was lost in 'Worlds Most Expensive Kevlar Vests' as in, sewn into OTMA's chemises and dresses shielding them from the first few wave of bullets. So before they died a horrific death they got to see their father,brother,and mother bleed out while whimpering in a corner. Drunken Bolshevik Psychopaths ...
I read somewhere when the Romanovs went into exile, the Tsarina and her daughters sewed some of the Imperial jewels into their corsets and other clothes. When the guards shot them, the jewels acted like bullet-proof vests and protected the grand duchesses. when they dragged them out after executed them the guards found some of the jewels.
Terry Bardy The Imperial family never got to exile, they were imprisoned in Tobolsk and then Ekaterinburg... whilst in Tobolsk the four GDss contracted measles, and were seperated from their parents, it was most likely during this time that they because concealing their gemstones in their undergarments with the hope of one day selling them, if they could leave Russia, Between the girls and their Mother they used the code-word "Medicines" when discussing the gems, and yes, sadly they meant that in the volley of shots fired in the basement of the Ipatiev House, they were 'protected' and ultimately bayonetted by the Reg Guard assigned to assassinate them. Tragic really....
I agree! Thank you for the information of their imprisonment. And you're right about the tragic part. At least the remains of all of the royal family are finally found. I hope now they are at peace. And for the "inhuman murdering monsters," who murdered them, may they rot and burn in hell and never rest in peace!
This is true -- the girls wore corsets sewn with diamonds they removed from their settings in Tobolsk, when their parents were taken to Moscow, by a double agent, who later tried to go east with them and the one daughter Maria. They were stopped by the Ural Soviet who imprisoned them in Ipatiev House.
Partly correct. They weren't in exile. They were prisoners of the Bolsheviks. They were kept in various places finally ending up in a town in Siberia called Ekaterinburg, where the final decision was made to end their lives. Some bullets did bounce off the girls because of the jewels sown into their clothes. When the guards realized the girls were not dying, they bayoneted them to death. All were eventually killed, dismembered, lime thrown on them and buried. A tragic end for those innocent children.
I collect very rare Russian gemstones including one of the rarest topaz on earth from the Russian royal mines brought to Eastern Europe in the 1990's as three large pieces of gem rough. The two incredible but smaller/less saturated pieces went to the, Imperial Japanese Jewelry Co. in the 1990's, (they make jewelry primarily for the Japanese royal family), and have never reemerged publicly, not unusual for Japanese royal jewels and they will probably never see an auction. These gems were brought out of Russia in the 90s' at great risk to the men who transported them via midnight train to Eastern Europe. After the two initial Green Topaz sold in the 90s' the "Ekaterina Topaz," the largest, most saturated in color and highest clarity of the three green topaz discovered was vaulted. It remained in the vault in rough form and was not removed until 2016 when it was sent to the Czech Republic's finest gem cutter to study and cut. Topaz is very difficult to cut, but after an amazing cut was formulated to accent all of the gems finest traits it was viewed as nervously elaborate. It would either emerge as an elaborately one of a kind cut gem or could crack or shatter in one misguided strike. Everyone was shocked when it produced a flawless, deep mint green gem of 80 carats. Because green topaz is so rare GIA talks and writes about green topaz but not one photo of a green topaz has been located in GIA's educational websites or accessible material. It is certain that the Royal Gem collection of Russia contained examples of this gem but the United States robber barons like J.P. Morgan who got with Tiffany & Co. prior to the auction of the Royal Gems (Tiffany & Co.had procured a vast amount of the Royal collection buying from palace guards, priests, maids and others who took advantage of the deaths of their former masters and many pieces are still missing,) and J.P. Morgan made offers they could not refuse. Rarely do gems emerge at auction from the still immensely wealthy families that owned America, or the royalty who bought furiously. The wealthiest people on earth descended on New York in 1919 for the Tiffany & Co. auction to procure pieces for their private and royal collections. These same people were furious after finding out prior to auction that many of the finest jewelry pieces (which many had been catalogued for auction,) were now mysteriously missing from the auction after J.P. Morgan's pre-auction shopping spree, (perhaps the most expensive "breakfast at Tiffany's ever), and albeit angry they went crazy buying up perhaps the most incredible jewel and gem collection in history. Some museums fought for the lesser pieces but there was no outbidding people with stores of wealth that are staggering even by todays standards when you adjust the currency to what a million was worth in 1919 to what a million buys today. Unfortunately many of the pieces had been melted down for the gold and precious metals by the thieves and pilferers and are gone forever. Occasionally a piece will appear in venues like the Antiques Road Show brought in by descendants of the Russian maids and military men who still lived in fear had not passed on the actual provenance of the jewels to their heirs. I can't help but think of the TV show Frazier episode when Marty crane brought in the "bear clock," to Antiques Road Show, "KACHING." But the pieces containing green topaz and the same Royal Mines, most now long sealed by the government located in the High Himalayan mountains that extend into Siberia having produced these beautiful green gems (they would have assuredly been used in jewelry for the Royal family), but are gone or vaulted away for a hundred years now. They are so rare virtually none have made it to auction at this quality and certainly none that come close to the Ekaterina. I will say that 99%+ of the green topaz on the market are heavily treated, mislabeled quarts or prasiolite, coated, dyed, diffuse and even irradiated and since GIA only shows fake or heavily treated gems to warn jewelers and gemologists of fakes and currently has no untreated specimens of green topaz displayed in any format. The "Ekaterina Topaz," being so rare there are no auction records to use to price the gem. So it fits the bill of the term "priceless," which has caused the current owners The Old Virginia Gem Company great stress in selling the gem and they finally put a price on the gem which may be pulled at any time since they have a plan now for possibly mounting the gem into a very high end necklace along with other rare gems from Russia they have procured. You may see a photo of the gem on their website. The owners feel they should add another 0 or two to the price but for now it is a "priceless gem," with a price, but probably not for long.
The Russian jewels before the revolution were the largest royal collection in the world.These jewels were priceless.The entire collection is today,is a mere shadow of the immense array.Heirloom suites,tiaras,crowns,sceptres,necklaces,rings,brooches,earrings etc.were broken up to hide easily. .Many of the world class stones that exist today were Russian in origin.The refugees and soldiers had nothing but what they carried when they left.They found eager buyers in both England and France.
I bet the scattered pieces are secretly in the hands of royals/collectors/bankers/rogue keepers & used as collaterals coz it must be returned once found or brought to light & questions to be answered.
One has to wonder how they slept at night following the asassination of the Romanovs,seriously.Czarina Alexandra was the granddaughter of Queen Victoria.Alix's mother was Princess Alice by Rhine Hesse-Darmstadt was the beloved daughter of Prince Albert and Queen Victoria.Coincedentally Alice died of diptheria on Dec.14 the 17th anniversary of Prince Albert's death.For Victoria to lose her adored husband and beloved daughter on the same day.
My point being there were many people of both nobility and peasantry that did not deserve to die.While the sumptuous palaces and royal lodges of the brightly scrubbed Romanovs.were romanticized and held as ideals.The huts and hovels of the working poor held precious life as well.Who weeps for the lives lost on Bloody Sunday???Why are those martyrs not canonized??
Thank you John and yes,I agree with the above.It was foolish of me to believe that George as solely responsible,of course not.they did send the Marlborough to the Crimea for Minnie and the family and nobility.The accounts of their farewell at the departure,knowing they would never go back again is particularly tragic.I'm not an admirer of the Romanov dynasty and the mandates they employed in regard to their people.
Correct. It must be secretly in the hands of collectors/royals/rogue keepers & most likely used as collaterals coz it's an embarrassment to admit & to face all the questions leveled once brought to light, &moreover, must be returned.
During King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra's of England reign, they were the first British monarch to visit Russia in June of 1908. Queen Alexandra and the Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna got along famously and was shown the Russian state jewel collection. After the revolution, the Russian aristocracy in Europe were selling their jewels to live. Queen Alexandra bought large amounts of these jewels at fire sale prices. They are now part of the British royal family jewels.
I believe that Queen Mary purchased some Russian royal jewellery as well but at very little cost if she paid anything at all. The Russian royals who managed to escape, sold what jewels they had to survive and lived on other people's grace and favour poor souls. I believe that a few years ago, a Faberge royal egg turned up very unexpectedly in America where the royals also escaped to.
My Dear...those who came after the last Tsar of Russia to lead Her left behind them more Death and Destruction than any Tsar before Them. Evil lies in the Heart of all Men..As long as they have the insatiable need to wage Conquer and to possess that which was not their's in the beginning..Children will starve and die..the Innocent will suffer..and the Guilty will remain free..only because of Man's Insatiable Need...
Minniebell Yes, that is correct. There are "complete" lists available of exactly what was purchased and what was returned to HIHs Olga and Xania. I don't recall having seen lists of what was purchased from HIM Maria, though she had fled Russia with a "small" jewel box in her possession. Obvious pieces worn now by Queen Elizabeth II were likely among them. Olga's sons later complained to Elizabeth about the low prices that her grandmother had paid and the Queen paid them an additional sum. I don't recall the amount but $60,000 comes to mind, though that may be completely wrong. Though she died in Canada in poverty, HIH Olga was apparently unaware that the treasures in her possession were valued at something like $2 million. I am surprised that her sons apparently did not know this.
Empress and Queen may have gotten along well, but it was Queen Mary, known as May, who bought much of the Dowager Empress's jewels. The Empress Marie loved jewelry, as did Queen Mary, and much of that collection, that the fomer kept under her bed in Denmark, May bought, the kokoshnik style tiara that Queen Elizabeth wears is an example. May also bought the GD Marie Pavlovna's superb emerald tiara, later on. A side note, her grandson is Prince Michael of Kent.
Sam Avery in this video the man is saying in Russian that the most of them ( Bolsheviks sold out to foreign governments banks to rebuild and restore the economy and their families lives. Everything was in ruins after The Civil war and people were starving.
Be careful what you wish for. Most people were dirt poor, diseased, and starving most of the time in Russia. There were no vaccinations against anything, minor infections could kill you. Life expectancy was less than 50 for men, on average and a little higher for women. Your station in life was determined by your birth and that is where you stayed. You had no rights or financial security. Women were chattled and could not own property. Women could be beaten by the husbands for the smallest of infractions. Diseases like TB, cancer, tetanus, typhus, measles, rabies, syphilis, hemophilia...all were usually fatal. So again, don't be fooled by what you see here. These were the rulers..not the people.
This wasn't a simpler time. There was widespread hunger and exploitation. This explains why so many were looking for an alternative and fell for slogans.
@@Handiman544 excuse me, but Catherine the Great introduced Vaccinces to Russia. But not all kind of Vaccinces just some type for small diseases like that
SupposedlyGeorgeVI was concerned about the unrest in England.he was worried about possible revolt.Afraid asylum would incite abritish revolution,he ignored requests to assist them.However,the HMS Marlborough was sent to the Crimea to rescue many many others.I believe at that time the Czar and Czarina were at Impatiev house under guard.
The Dowager Queen of England was the sister of the Dowager Empress and begged her son King George V to save her sister. They were very close throughout their lives,and as young girls - teens - would dress alike. When the boat arrived in the Crimea, there was a letter from Queen Alexandra begging her sister Empress Marie to get on the boat, which she did, along with GD Olga and others.
There are so many historians saying that Nicolas 2 was a good father and husband, but weak as a governor. We don't know really. But he stayed in Russia, and his family stayed with him, knowing it will be the end. He was a very proud person who didn't want to run and live in exile like his German cousin Kiser Willhelm who started the ww1 war, and after that war - the Revolution 1917.
The Romanov family are one of my favorite families to research. You could tell they all genuinely loved each other. Such a disgusting tragedy that the entire family was brutally murdered out of a tyrant's communistic fear. Thank you for sharing.
The Bolsheviks must of only kept them as trophies. They sold off or melted down much of the other jewels. Whatever the reason I am glad they survived at least.
Did Lenin & the guys remove all of the loose stones from jewels and just stockpile them! What’s the deal about that. I think it’s a little cheap to not not put the translations of the two people right in the vid. They didn’t show much, nor did they do descriptions of the things, who wore what when, etc. Geez.
To the people who think the crown jewels should be returned to the Romanov family, they never personally owned the jewels to begin with. The crown, therefore government, did. Just as Elizabeth II & the Windsors do not personally own Britain's crown jewels, neither did the Romanovs own Russia's crown jewels.
Robin Nobles You are totally and utterly wrong on that I'm afraid, The Romanovs were Autocrats, thereby ruling by will, and everything in Russia 'belonged' to them, even the possessions of others could be confiscated, withdrawn and absorbed into the Romanov/Imperial treasury.
(contd'),agree with you,the manner in which those poor children had their lives snuffed out so brutally is beyond imagination.After all they,just like everyone else on the planet,were 'accidents of birth'.They had no bearing on how the Czar may have treated his people.This discussion between you & I has spurred me into learning far more about this particular dynasty.
You're not 'foolish' to believe George was solely responsible.We can only guess as to what really occured between the King & his Ministers.No doubt there'll be documented proof of what actually happened tho' how much would be in the public domain I'm unaware.There are usually time constraints,30 years,50 years,100 years before certain information would be released for public viewing.And you seem better informed than I in relation to other family members/nobility.I'm in no way a royalist but I do
you just have to wonder how much money was taken from the people to feed their extravagant, lavish lifestyle of the russian royal family and they're court. the amount of diamonds, rubies and emeralds staggers the mind.
Many of the things you see here were gifts from other nations not from the people of Russia. Obviously, you do not know the Romanov history of how these valuables came about. You should ask the same question about Queen Elizabeth's jewelry. The English were taxed heavily to support your majesty.
@@daniella921 yes it was ridiculous and his delusions and not even seeing the famine around him, children skeletal and starving as he went on a Grand Tour giving heads of state lavish gifts, caused his family and himself to be murdered. The same situation as in France.
But shooting all of the children who were not the culprits was vicious and cruel and the result of yet another power mad dictator posing as a man of the people and a mob mentality.
Interestingly,I believe it was King Leopold of the Belgians who declined the offer of 'safe haven' in England,prefering to remain with his people! And yes,as you say,all royal dynasties have a history of murder & bloodshed in their history,& Britain certainly has sufficient empty palaces/castles that the Romanovs could've been brought here & many would've been none the wiser.I guess George Anglicising the family name meant he was determined to appease those with anti-German sentiments & to be
Much of the jewelry of the Romanovs were sold by the Russians to Americans, just think that they were also sold by the pounds as if it were fruit or similar stuff, a sale was 50 kg. And sold not only for the poor as it is written.
I'm always slightly reluctant to 'correct' someone for fear of being seen as a 'smart alec',lol.But of course you're correct when say they were 'cut from the same fancy brocade'.We have Queen Victoria to thank/blame for this.I myself was 'corrected' by someone when I commented on another video regarding the asylum question.I was informed it was the then Prime Minister,Lloyd George,who prevented the Romanovs from entering Britain.I believe it's fair to assume that it's 6 of 1 & half a dozen of
(contd'),I'd find it hard to believe that the average Brit' would wish the Romanovs harm & would likely be agreeable to them being given asylum here.If truth be told I feel sure they could've been secreted into Britain without the public's knowledge.After all,there wasn't the level of access to the royals as there is today.Something could've been worked out.
This jewelry newer belong to a Romanov family they where giving all this stuff go coronation only they could not give this stuff or sell it with all the respect to Czar Nikolay 2 and his family RIP SZAR OF RUSSIA
She fell in love with Rasputin.Although how beautiful that was is debatable;-} Alexandra felt shy and aloof too and never felt accepted.She then withdrew from the court and it's intrigues and gossip.Retreating to the safety of her maternal duties and that of Empress.Leaving the court to stew.Her mother-in-law beloved by the people and court was a formidable presence.Although Alexander had passed Minnie was a beloved Empress and viewed as The Mother of Russia.
Alexandra was not romantically in love with Rasputin. She felt that his prayers saved her son's life, as he was near death. Alexandra lost her mother and little brother to diphtheria when she was young and withdrew emotionally. Reports are that when she was with people she trusted, she was very jolly and gay. But, by her own admission she felt that that she was not borne to shine before a crowd. If you see the many public photos of her, you can see the shyness. Her g'mother Queen Victoria worried about her excessive shyness.
It was King George V,not the VI who decided against permitting his cousin Czar Nicholas & his family to come to England.Initially he DID communicate with Nicholas to offer the family assylum but once he learned of 'murmerings' of unrest in England he changed his mind.No doubt he was deeply upset once news of the family's murder reached him.But would he risk a revolution by allowing the family assylum.I think not.
They were both incredibly straight-laced,only being able to declare how they felt about each other in letters! There does seem to be conflicting opinion about how May treated her children,especially Prince John who was 'hidden' away on the Sandringham estate because of his epilepsy.But given the era in which the children were born it's no susrprise that they would be expected to view their 'papa' as monarch 1st.Even given the supposed murmerings of unease at the royal family's Germanic links
very sad, though i am at the other end of the world.The Buddha said the greatest wealth is happiness, the greatest profit, is health, the best relative is one you can trust, and the greatest happiness is to attain the highest state of mind through complete eradication of greed, hatred anger, and pride-is the word i can come up with- what HE said is for all time and all places- life means always chaos.
VI or V...thank you for the correctionThey are however cut from the same piece of fancy brocade.My question however will always be this.If not England for asylum why not someother country?Certainly George# could have assisted them in finding refuge somewhere perhaps Denmark or Sweden?
most of russians jewels isnt really on here. loads went with his mom, some went with cousins running out of country. his mom sold stuff to queen liz of london
SYDNEY HI yes, there is a documentary about it. After Dutch Princess Dagmar died ( Nicolas 2 mother ) her box with crown jewels disappeared and later on end up on the auction. The rest we know.
How exquisite! For such antiquity these are brilliantly designed which makes the British crown jewels look crude & tacky in comparison. Mother Russia has her jewels & finery given back to her. It also brings to my mind the last Romanov family (Czar Nicholas II ?) that were martyred, murdered but the memory of their monarchy will never be forgotten.
Hahahaha,'lifting trinkets',lol.That's one way of putting it.She played it rather well in that she would turn up unannounced at houses so that the homeowners couldn't take time to hide away family treasures.She also had a habit of staying for as long as it took for her host to become worn down,sometimes till quite late in the evening when she eventually would be 'offered' whatever she'd got her eye on.Pity the poor homowners.
Problem was,Tsar Nickolas knew he was not able to run or manage such a large empire (his father not teaching him) Both Tsar+Tsarina knew they had not a single adviser they could trust & were aware of inside scroundrels working against them (Hence she wrote seeking advice/help from her grandmother- queen Victoria).Tsarina was by nature a stronger person & totally devoted to her husband+family.Pity she developed Panic Anxiety+PSTD due to continual tragies & stresses,not to mention strange country.
Peasants lived in squalor and death was a frequent guest.Many mourn the death of the Romanovs but who mourns for the peasants who died by the thousands?Mandates put forth by the Czar resulted in murder.No surprise then his end and that of his family reflected the choices he made as a man and as a ruler.Splendid Empire?Only to the wealthy and well connected.
Yes indeed,they were so devoted to their royal heritage from Victoria,(how cunning she was),yet when the 'chips are down' it is "Nicholas & Alex,who are they?".I noticed that Queen Sofia of Spain 'declined' to attend the Diamond Jubilee celebratory luncheon,( given by Queen Elizabeth for other Euro-Royals),in protest at Britain's 'hold' on Gibraltar.Seems not everyone in the extended Royal Family are enamoured of the British contingent! As with many families,blood ties come to nothing.
I wondering what kind of people put dislike? Not even one country in the entire world has that treasure!!!
Can you imagine the things not yet found.
The State Diamond Fund in the Kremlin is one of the most impressive and well-done permanent exhibitions of jewelry & precious gems that I have ever visited.
so very beautiful. they take your breath away. and thank you so much for the description and history.
Exquisite jewellery. Thanks for sharing.
It's amazing that these treasures survived.
And all of that is just the tip of the iceberg.Most of the most
expensive jewels were sold after the revolution.
I wonder what all was lost in 'Worlds Most Expensive Kevlar Vests' as in, sewn into OTMA's chemises and dresses shielding them from the first few wave of bullets. So before they died a horrific death they got to see their father,brother,and mother bleed out while whimpering in a corner. Drunken Bolshevik Psychopaths ...
thank you for taking the time and uploading :)
1:32 is that the pendant Emerald HIM Aleksandra Feodorovna wore to the 1903 Imperial Ball?
Amazing collection!!
Magnificent and well-presented
I read somewhere when the Romanovs went into exile, the Tsarina and her daughters sewed some of the Imperial jewels into their corsets and other clothes. When the guards shot them, the jewels acted like bullet-proof vests and protected the grand duchesses. when they dragged them out after executed them the guards found some of the jewels.
Terry Bardy The Imperial family never got to exile, they were imprisoned in Tobolsk and then Ekaterinburg... whilst in Tobolsk the four GDss contracted measles, and were seperated from their parents, it was most likely during this time that they because concealing their gemstones in their undergarments with the hope of one day selling them, if they could leave Russia, Between the girls and their Mother they used the code-word "Medicines" when discussing the gems, and yes, sadly they meant that in the volley of shots fired in the basement of the Ipatiev House, they were 'protected' and ultimately bayonetted by the Reg Guard assigned to assassinate them. Tragic really....
I agree! Thank you for the information of their imprisonment. And you're right about the tragic part. At least the remains of all of the royal family are finally found. I hope now they are at peace. And for the "inhuman murdering monsters," who murdered them, may they rot and burn in hell and never rest in peace!
This is true -- the girls wore corsets sewn with diamonds they removed from their settings in Tobolsk, when their parents were taken to Moscow, by a double agent, who later tried to go east with them and the one daughter Maria. They were stopped by the Ural Soviet who imprisoned them in Ipatiev House.
Partly correct. They weren't in exile. They were prisoners of the Bolsheviks. They were kept in various places finally ending up in a town in Siberia called Ekaterinburg, where the final decision was made to end their lives. Some bullets did bounce off the girls because of the jewels sown into their clothes. When the guards realized the girls were not dying, they bayoneted them to death. All were eventually killed, dismembered, lime thrown on them and buried. A tragic end for those innocent children.
It's not Tsarina, its Tsaritsa
This collektion is very BEATIFUL!!!!
I hope they are in good hands.
Thanks you for all the wonderful videos.
This video should be in High Definition with descriptions.
@freedomseaker1 are you crazy? these will never go to ordinary people,they must be kept safe in the Kremlin,they of great historical importance
Many were stolen and taken apart o some went to none royalty.
Lordsebastian101 should the communists have possession in the Kremlin ? I think not because they are in the Kremlin due to murder .
Wow so amazing and very beautiful.
I collect very rare Russian gemstones including one of the rarest topaz on earth from the Russian royal mines brought to Eastern Europe in the 1990's as three large pieces of gem rough. The two incredible but smaller/less saturated pieces went to the, Imperial Japanese Jewelry Co. in the 1990's, (they make jewelry primarily for the Japanese royal family), and have never reemerged publicly, not unusual for Japanese royal jewels and they will probably never see an auction.
These gems were brought out of Russia in the 90s' at great risk to the men who transported them via midnight train to Eastern Europe. After the two initial Green Topaz sold in the 90s' the "Ekaterina Topaz," the largest, most saturated in color and highest clarity of the three green topaz discovered was vaulted. It remained in the vault in rough form and was not removed until 2016 when it was sent to the Czech Republic's finest gem cutter to study and cut. Topaz is very difficult to cut, but after an amazing cut was formulated to accent all of the gems finest traits it was viewed as nervously elaborate. It would either emerge as an elaborately one of a kind cut gem or could crack or shatter in one misguided strike.
Everyone was shocked when it produced a flawless, deep mint green gem of 80 carats. Because green topaz is so rare GIA talks and writes about green topaz but not one photo of a green topaz has been located in GIA's educational websites or accessible material. It is certain that the Royal Gem collection of Russia contained examples of this gem but the United States robber barons like J.P. Morgan who got with Tiffany & Co. prior to the auction of the Royal Gems (Tiffany & Co.had procured a vast amount of the Royal collection buying from palace guards, priests, maids and others who took advantage of the deaths of their former masters and many pieces are still missing,) and J.P. Morgan made offers they could not refuse.
Rarely do gems emerge at auction from the still immensely wealthy families that owned America, or the royalty who bought furiously. The wealthiest people on earth descended on New York in 1919 for the Tiffany & Co. auction to procure pieces for their private and royal collections. These same people were furious after finding out prior to auction that many of the finest jewelry pieces (which many had been catalogued for auction,) were now mysteriously missing from the auction after J.P. Morgan's pre-auction shopping spree, (perhaps the most expensive "breakfast at Tiffany's ever), and albeit angry they went crazy buying up perhaps the most incredible jewel and gem collection in history.
Some museums fought for the lesser pieces but there was no outbidding people with stores of wealth that are staggering even by todays standards when you adjust the currency to what a million was worth in 1919 to what a million buys today. Unfortunately many of the pieces had been melted down for the gold and precious metals by the thieves and pilferers and are gone forever. Occasionally a piece will appear in venues like the Antiques Road Show brought in by descendants of the Russian maids and military men who still lived in fear had not passed on the actual provenance of the jewels to their heirs. I can't help but think of the TV show Frazier episode when Marty crane brought in the "bear clock," to Antiques Road Show, "KACHING." But the pieces containing green topaz and the same Royal Mines, most now long sealed by the government located in the High Himalayan mountains that extend into Siberia having produced these beautiful green gems (they would have assuredly been used in jewelry for the Royal family), but are gone or vaulted away for a hundred years now.
They are so rare virtually none have made it to auction at this quality and certainly none that come close to the Ekaterina. I will say that 99%+ of the green topaz on the market are heavily treated, mislabeled quarts or prasiolite, coated, dyed, diffuse and even irradiated and since GIA only shows fake or heavily treated gems to warn jewelers and gemologists of fakes and currently has no untreated specimens of green topaz displayed in any format.
The "Ekaterina Topaz," being so rare there are no auction records to use to price the gem. So it fits the bill of the term "priceless," which has caused the current owners The Old Virginia Gem Company great stress in selling the gem and they finally put a price on the gem which may be pulled at any time since they have a plan now for possibly mounting the gem into a very high end necklace along with other rare gems from Russia they have procured. You may see a photo of the gem on their website. The owners feel they should add another 0 or two to the price but for now it is a "priceless gem," with a price, but probably not for long.
A few facts mixed with fictional history & propaganda.
The Russian jewels before the revolution were the largest royal collection in the world.These jewels were priceless.The entire collection is today,is a mere shadow of the immense array.Heirloom suites,tiaras,crowns,sceptres,necklaces,rings,brooches,earrings etc.were broken up to hide easily. .Many of the world class stones that exist today were Russian in origin.The refugees and soldiers had nothing but what they carried when they left.They found eager buyers in both England and France.
England and france are marodeurs
I bet the scattered pieces are secretly in the hands of royals/collectors/bankers/rogue keepers & used as collaterals coz it must be returned once found or brought to light & questions to be answered.
In the uk vaults its obvious
No mention of the Orlov Diamond in the text. There it is in the video, at 0:38 - 0:43
Thankyou for this fabulous video.
Fabulous Video!!!! Thanks.
One has to wonder how they slept at night following the asassination of the Romanovs,seriously.Czarina Alexandra was the granddaughter of Queen Victoria.Alix's mother was Princess Alice by Rhine Hesse-Darmstadt was the beloved daughter of Prince Albert and Queen Victoria.Coincedentally Alice died of diptheria on Dec.14 the 17th anniversary of Prince Albert's death.For Victoria to lose her adored husband and beloved daughter on the same day.
Büntetés volt ! amit tehettek volna nem tették meg- Victoria.
bijoux merveilleux et presentation parfaite.Congratulations
the first one is just too much. im in love.
Extremely Beautiful and Delicate
Our Imperial Highnesses the Romanov Family
awesome thank you for showing them
My point being there were many people of both nobility and peasantry that did not deserve to die.While the sumptuous palaces and royal lodges of the brightly scrubbed Romanovs.were romanticized and held as ideals.The huts and hovels of the working poor held precious life as well.Who weeps for the lives lost on Bloody Sunday???Why are those martyrs not canonized??
Thank you John and yes,I agree with the above.It was foolish of me to believe that George as solely responsible,of course not.they did send the Marlborough to the Crimea for Minnie and the family and nobility.The accounts of their farewell at the departure,knowing they would never go back again is particularly tragic.I'm not an admirer of the Romanov dynasty and the mandates they employed in regard to their people.
Were most of these pieces made by the famous jeweler who made the jewelled "Easter eggs"?
"Easter eggs" lol
...well, the expression was written in brackets and they were Easter gifts //-)
Increíblemente preciosas!!!!
What they are showing here amounts to NOTHING compared to what "went missing"
Correct. It must be secretly in the hands of collectors/royals/rogue keepers & most likely used as collaterals coz it's an embarrassment to admit & to face all the questions leveled once brought to light, &moreover, must be returned.
@@graceantonio3573 maybe, but you can blame only communists for that, they sold all the goods to them
I’ll bet.
Александр Грибоедов, чтобы быть точным, отдал свою жизнь защиты лиц, нуждающихся в безопасной небо.
During King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra's of England reign, they were the first British monarch to visit Russia in June of 1908. Queen Alexandra and the Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna got along famously and was shown the Russian state jewel collection. After the revolution, the Russian aristocracy in Europe were selling their jewels to live. Queen Alexandra bought large amounts of these jewels at fire sale prices. They are now part of the British royal family jewels.
I believe that Queen Mary purchased some Russian royal jewellery as well but at very little cost if she paid anything at all. The Russian royals who managed to escape, sold what jewels they had to survive and lived on other people's grace and favour poor souls. I believe that a few years ago, a Faberge royal egg turned up very unexpectedly in America where the royals also escaped to.
My Dear...those who came after the last Tsar of Russia to lead Her left behind them more Death and Destruction than any Tsar before Them. Evil lies in the Heart of all Men..As long as they have the insatiable need to wage Conquer and to possess that which was not their's in the beginning..Children will starve and die..the Innocent will suffer..and the Guilty will remain free..only because of Man's Insatiable Need...
James Kicklighter I couldn't have said it better my friend
Yes, that is correct. There are "complete" lists available of exactly what was purchased and what was returned to HIHs Olga and Xania. I don't recall having seen lists of what was purchased from HIM Maria, though she had fled Russia with a "small" jewel box in her possession. Obvious pieces worn now by Queen Elizabeth II were likely among them. Olga's sons later complained to Elizabeth about the low prices that her grandmother had paid and the Queen paid them an additional sum. I don't recall the amount but $60,000 comes to mind, though that may be completely wrong. Though she died in Canada in poverty, HIH Olga was apparently unaware that the treasures in her possession were valued at something like $2 million. I am surprised that her sons apparently did not know this.
Empress and Queen may have gotten along well, but it was Queen Mary, known as May, who bought much of the Dowager Empress's jewels. The Empress Marie loved jewelry, as did Queen Mary, and much of that collection, that the fomer kept under her bed in Denmark, May bought, the kokoshnik style tiara that Queen Elizabeth wears is an example. May also bought the GD Marie Pavlovna's superb emerald tiara, later on. A side note, her grandson is Prince Michael of Kent.
when i click for something I prefer to see what i click for not a circle endlessly revolving over and over and over again!
The extravagence of long, deep history.
The Queen on England has a few pieces a necklace some rings and a tiara, But only god knows what she has that she hasn't worn in public.
No such thing as the Queen of England
She's a damn thief, the British royal family are German and have been stealing from the Russian royals over the centuries.
Amen to that
@@psychicoutlawchanel7430 stealing from the Russian royal family how?
A much simpler time ! If only I could travel in time .........
Sam Avery in this video the man is saying in Russian that the most of them ( Bolsheviks sold out to foreign governments banks to rebuild and restore the economy and their families lives. Everything was in ruins after The Civil war and people were starving.
Be careful what you wish for. Most people were dirt poor, diseased, and starving most of the time in Russia. There were no vaccinations against anything, minor infections could kill you. Life expectancy was less than 50 for men, on average and a little higher for women. Your station in life was determined by your birth and that is where you stayed. You had no rights or financial security. Women were chattled and could not own property. Women could be beaten by the husbands for the smallest of infractions. Diseases like TB, cancer, tetanus, typhus, measles, rabies, syphilis, hemophilia...all were usually fatal. So again, don't be fooled by what you see here. These were the rulers..not the people.
This wasn't a simpler time. There was widespread hunger and exploitation. This explains why so many were looking for an alternative and fell for slogans.
@@Handiman544 excuse me, but Catherine the Great introduced Vaccinces to Russia. But not all kind of Vaccinces just some type for small diseases like that
Спасибо.., все здорово..
WOW! The Russian Imperial Royal Family's jewels are beautiful!
By right should it be returned?I know the Vladimir emerald suite was sold .
SupposedlyGeorgeVI was concerned about the unrest in England.he was worried about possible revolt.Afraid asylum would incite abritish revolution,he ignored requests to assist them.However,the HMS Marlborough was sent to the Crimea to rescue many many others.I believe at that time the Czar and Czarina were at Impatiev house under guard.
The Dowager Queen of England was the sister of the Dowager Empress and begged her son King George V to save her sister. They were very close throughout their lives,and as young girls - teens - would dress alike. When the boat arrived in the Crimea, there was a letter from Queen Alexandra begging her sister Empress Marie to get on the boat, which she did, along with GD Olga and others.
There are so many historians saying that Nicolas 2 was a good father and husband, but weak as a governor. We don't know really.
But he stayed in Russia, and his family stayed with him, knowing it will be the end. He was a very proud person who didn't want to run and live in exile like his German cousin Kiser Willhelm who started the ww1 war, and after that war - the Revolution 1917.
The Romanov family are one of my favorite families to research. You could tell they all genuinely loved each other. Such a disgusting tragedy that the entire family was brutally murdered out of a tyrant's communistic fear. Thank you for sharing.
The Bolsheviks must of only kept them as trophies. They sold off or melted down much of the other jewels. Whatever the reason I am glad they survived at least.
Did Lenin & the guys remove all of the loose stones from jewels and just stockpile them! What’s the deal about that. I think it’s a little cheap to not not put the translations of the two people right in the vid. They didn’t show much, nor did they do descriptions of the things, who wore what when, etc. Geez.
To the people who think the crown jewels should be returned to the Romanov family, they never personally owned the jewels to begin with. The crown, therefore government, did. Just as Elizabeth II & the Windsors do not personally own Britain's crown jewels, neither did the Romanovs own Russia's crown jewels.
Robin Nobles You are totally and utterly wrong on that I'm afraid, The Romanovs were Autocrats, thereby ruling by will, and everything in Russia 'belonged' to them, even the possessions of others could be confiscated, withdrawn and absorbed into the Romanov/Imperial treasury.
I cannot get over 1:41 its just so ridiculously beautiful
romanovs have more than what was being shown, some of the pieces were scattered and sold during early part of communism
(contd'),agree with you,the manner in which those poor children had their lives snuffed out so brutally is beyond imagination.After all they,just like everyone else on the planet,were 'accidents of birth'.They had no bearing on how the Czar may have treated his people.This discussion between you & I has spurred me into learning far more about this particular dynasty.
The Romanovs ruled Russia for 300yrs! Fascinating series on YT titled The Romanovs, documenting their times.Peter the Great is a marvel!!
are there any Romanov family jewels that might be identified as belonging to the tsarina or as a gift to the children?
You're not 'foolish' to believe George was solely responsible.We can only guess as to what really occured between the King & his Ministers.No doubt there'll be documented proof of what actually happened tho' how much would be in the public domain I'm unaware.There are usually time constraints,30 years,50 years,100 years before certain information would be released for public viewing.And you seem better informed than I in relation to other family members/nobility.I'm in no way a royalist but I do
you just have to wonder how much money was taken from the people to feed their extravagant, lavish lifestyle of the russian royal family and they're court. the amount of diamonds, rubies and emeralds staggers the mind.
Many of the things you see here were gifts from other nations not from the people of Russia. Obviously, you do not know the Romanov history of how these valuables came about.
You should ask the same question about Queen Elizabeth's jewelry. The English were taxed heavily to support your majesty.
wow. it's akin to ballet and real music.
Где законные владельцы?
weren't these hidden in Ireland
Is it the original crown? 😱😱😱
How did these pieces survive??? I understood that all were destroyed during the revolution..
Wouldn't surprise me at all,lol.One poor homeowner 'lost' a full set of dining chairs 'cause May had a dining table by the same furniture maker!
All that wealth, whilst your country is in famine. A revolution was inevitable.
What the Czar did to the Russian people was horrible but murdering the children and women was unthinkable and not just cruel but savage.
@@oldvirginiagemsrarestgems606 exactly very cruel. Sometimes listening lqq
@@oldvirginiagemsrarestgems606 very cruel. If only the tsar cared for his countrymen enough, things may have been different.
@@daniella921 yes it was ridiculous and his delusions and not even seeing the famine around him, children skeletal and starving as he went on a Grand Tour giving heads of state lavish gifts, caused his family and himself to be murdered. The same situation as in France.
But shooting all of the children who were not the culprits was vicious and cruel and the result of yet another power mad dictator posing as a man of the people and a mob mentality.
Who made these jewels ?
French jewellers, British ones, Italian maybe ?
Interestingly,I believe it was King Leopold of the Belgians who declined the offer of 'safe haven' in England,prefering to remain with his people! And yes,as you say,all royal dynasties have a history of murder & bloodshed in their history,& Britain certainly has sufficient empty palaces/castles that the Romanovs could've been brought here & many would've been none the wiser.I guess George Anglicising the family name meant he was determined to appease those with anti-German sentiments & to be
Much of the jewelry of the Romanovs were sold by the Russians to Americans, just think that they were also sold by the pounds as if it were fruit or similar stuff, a sale was 50 kg. And sold not only for the poor as it is written.
It's a shame no one ever wears these stones and the only place you see them is in a museum.
There should be pictures of this be used and worn.
It was indeed an unfortunate tragedy... In 1914 the collection in it's entirety was worth nearly 80 million....
I'm always slightly reluctant to 'correct' someone for fear of being seen as a 'smart alec',lol.But of course you're correct when say they were 'cut from the same fancy brocade'.We have Queen Victoria to thank/blame for this.I myself was 'corrected' by someone when I commented on another video regarding the asylum question.I was informed it was the then Prime Minister,Lloyd George,who prevented the Romanovs from entering Britain.I believe it's fair to assume that it's 6 of 1 & half a dozen of
(contd'),I'd find it hard to believe that the average Brit' would wish the Romanovs harm & would likely be agreeable to them being given asylum here.If truth be told I feel sure they could've been secreted into Britain without the public's knowledge.After all,there wasn't the level of access to the royals as there is today.Something could've been worked out.
This jewelry newer belong to a Romanov family they where giving all this stuff go coronation only they could not give this stuff or sell it with all the respect to Czar Nikolay 2 and his family RIP SZAR OF RUSSIA
они принадлежат России, а не какой-то там семейке
She fell in love with Rasputin.Although how beautiful that was is debatable;-} Alexandra felt shy and aloof too and never felt accepted.She then withdrew from the court and it's intrigues and gossip.Retreating to the safety of her maternal duties and that of Empress.Leaving the court to stew.Her mother-in-law beloved by the people and court was a formidable presence.Although Alexander had passed Minnie was a beloved Empress and viewed as The Mother of Russia.
Alexandra was not romantically in love with Rasputin. She felt that his prayers saved her son's life, as he was near death. Alexandra lost her mother and little brother to diphtheria when she was young and withdrew emotionally. Reports are that when she was with people she trusted, she was very jolly and gay. But, by her own admission she felt that that she was not borne to shine before a crowd. If you see the many public photos of her, you can see the shyness. Her g'mother Queen Victoria worried about her excessive shyness.
She did not fall in love with Rasputin. She did think he could save her son’s life. No romance.
It was King George V,not the VI who decided against permitting his cousin Czar Nicholas & his family to come to England.Initially he DID communicate with Nicholas to offer the family assylum but once he learned of 'murmerings' of unrest in England he changed his mind.No doubt he was deeply upset once news of the family's murder reached him.But would he risk a revolution by allowing the family assylum.I think not.
They were both incredibly straight-laced,only being able to declare how they felt about each other in letters! There does seem to be conflicting opinion about how May treated her children,especially Prince John who was 'hidden' away on the Sandringham estate because of his epilepsy.But given the era in which the children were born it's no susrprise that they would be expected to view their 'papa' as monarch 1st.Even given the supposed murmerings of unease at the royal family's Germanic links
I guess these rappers trying to catch up on centuries of ordinary life for some elites 🤣
No words. Speechless.
very sad, though i am at the other end of the world.The Buddha said the greatest wealth is happiness, the greatest profit, is health, the best relative is one you can trust, and the greatest happiness is to attain the highest state of mind through complete eradication of greed, hatred anger, and pride-is the word i can come up with- what HE said is for all time and all places- life means always chaos.
harsha weeraratne buuuuum well said
harsha weeraratne Jesus said the same thing. Blessed are the poor for their’s the kingdom of heaven.
VI or V...thank you for the correctionThey are however cut from the same piece of fancy brocade.My question however will always be this.If not England for asylum why not someother country?Certainly George# could have assisted them in finding refuge somewhere perhaps Denmark or Sweden?
Jewels of san gennaro in naples very much important whit russian jewels royals 2019 from chile thanks very much.
most of russians jewels isnt really on here. loads went with his mom, some went with cousins running out of country. his mom sold stuff to queen liz of london
SYDNEY HI yes, there is a documentary about it. After Dutch Princess Dagmar died ( Nicolas 2 mother ) her box with crown jewels disappeared and later on end up on the auction. The rest we know.
How exquisite! For such antiquity these are brilliantly designed which makes the British crown jewels look crude & tacky in comparison. Mother Russia has her jewels & finery given back to her. It also brings to my mind the last Romanov family (Czar Nicholas II ?) that were martyred, murdered but the memory of their monarchy will never be forgotten.
The Orlov looks as if it could smash a skull.
В описании упоминается брильянт Шаха. Этот дипломат не кто иной как Грибоедов.
Hahahaha,'lifting trinkets',lol.That's one way of putting it.She played it rather well in that she would turn up unannounced at houses so that the homeowners couldn't take time to hide away family treasures.She also had a habit of staying for as long as it took for her host to become worn down,sometimes till quite late in the evening when she eventually would be 'offered' whatever she'd got her eye on.Pity the poor homowners.
I meant better descriptions.
Problem was,Tsar Nickolas knew he was not able to run or manage such a large empire (his father not teaching him) Both Tsar+Tsarina knew they had not a single adviser they could trust & were aware of inside scroundrels working against them (Hence she wrote seeking advice/help from her grandmother- queen Victoria).Tsarina was by nature a stronger person & totally devoted to her husband+family.Pity she developed Panic Anxiety+PSTD due to continual tragies & stresses,not to mention strange country.
gossshhhh wishhhh even one piece
@downwithisrael1 Sweden has some great ones does Holland.
what a beautiful waste of rocks to just sit there..
Opposed to do what with?
I am surprised they haven't been sold.
Peasants lived in squalor and death was a frequent guest.Many mourn the death of the Romanovs but who mourns for the peasants who died by the thousands?Mandates put forth by the Czar resulted in murder.No surprise then his end and that of his family reflected the choices he made as a man and as a ruler.Splendid Empire?Only to the wealthy and well connected.
только идиоты скорбят о смерти узурпаторов
I hope the family get their belongings back
Yes indeed,they were so devoted to their royal heritage from Victoria,(how cunning she was),yet when the 'chips are down' it is "Nicholas & Alex,who are they?".I noticed that Queen Sofia of Spain 'declined' to attend the Diamond Jubilee celebratory luncheon,( given by Queen Elizabeth for other Euro-Royals),in protest at Britain's 'hold' on Gibraltar.Seems not everyone in the extended Royal Family are enamoured of the British contingent! As with many families,blood ties come to nothing.
Unable to speak the language was a huge barrier for Alexandra.How much of it she even understood also hindered her effectiveness as Empress.