Carrera GO Ferrari 296 GT3 Slot Car TRACK TESTED!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @3roomsraceway612
    @3roomsraceway612 4 дні тому +2

    The Carrera Go cars have really good detail for the size they are Steve
    Some good tyres would turn it into a pocket rocket

    • @BSslotcars
      @BSslotcars  4 дні тому +1

      That's for sure! I don't know this new go cars feels like the tires they made a softer compound they feel more grippy?

  • @SlotCarLeagueOfChampions
    @SlotCarLeagueOfChampions 4 дні тому +3

    That Ferrari looks like a handful. Sweet looking car, SCFL!

    • @BSslotcars
      @BSslotcars  4 дні тому +2

      Thanks! It's a great car and a lot of fun to race!

  • @_Dave_S
    @_Dave_S 4 дні тому +2

    I have to do the same things to the GO guides for my Policar track, as they do bind sometimes. They are nice cars for the value, especially for kids getting into the hobby. They are simple yet effective cars, plus they are fairly rugged. Thanks for sharing!

    • @BSslotcars
      @BSslotcars  3 дні тому

      Thanks, can't beat em for the $ they are larger than HO but drive and handle kind of like a ho car!

  • @HaydadRC
    @HaydadRC 4 дні тому +2

    That’s a nice looking Ferrari!👍😊

    • @BSslotcars
      @BSslotcars  4 дні тому +2

      Thanks it is a great looking car!

  • @PNWSlotcarDad
    @PNWSlotcarDad 4 дні тому +3

    That car is definitely a winner brother! The Ferraris are some of the fastest cars on my track. Happy Sunday my man 🏁

    • @BSslotcars
      @BSslotcars  4 дні тому +1

      Yeah these new Ferrari's are really quick! Thanks and Happy Sunday to you too! The tires on these new ones feel softer than the normal go tires too!

  • @nobodyshome758
    @nobodyshome758 4 дні тому +2

    Good looking car Steve. Excellent stock time. Get it to hookup and she's easily in the 4's. Carrera Go cars can really haul the mail! Very nice video Steve! Later 🫡

    • @BSslotcars
      @BSslotcars  4 дні тому

      Yeah, they really can fly! Thanks! the tires feel softer on these new go cars?

  • @johnedmonds9370
    @johnedmonds9370 4 дні тому +3

    Yea, we need some better tires, wider stickier. I did use GUNK window cleaner on a set, helps a few races.

  • @douglascook258
    @douglascook258 2 дні тому +1

    My experience with the Carrera Go guides is that my worst handling cars do the best with the freshest and widest guides (on Carrera Go track). They will bind if the car swings too wide, but I think the car would have de-slotted anyway if the guide had been trimmed or worn. Carrera has really been making some beautiful models and your new Ferrari is no exception. I have some of the earlier models of Ferraris and they are good runners. Thanks for showing this to us.

    • @BSslotcars
      @BSslotcars  2 дні тому +1

      Thanks, these new Ferrari go cars are sweet! gobble one up if you don't have one!

  • @BasBoyRC
    @BasBoyRC 4 дні тому +3

    Nice looking car, but the gears do not sound as smooth as some of the other cars.

    • @BSslotcars
      @BSslotcars  4 дні тому +2

      Yeah these 1/43 go cars make a hell of a lot of noise! Thanks for watching.

  • @AlenDzinic-pj2uz
    @AlenDzinic-pj2uz 3 дні тому +1

    good friend 🟫

    • @BSslotcars
      @BSslotcars  3 дні тому

      Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the video!