Even so; amen. My prayer is that whoever would take the time out to listen to this would actually listen to the words and not just move to the rhythm because it appeals to their senses and realize that you have to worship The Lord in Spirit and in Truth. Listen to the words of the song and hear what God is saying to YOU. The Son of God is surely coming and VERY SOON; let the mockers mock and let the jeerers jeer; one day we will all stand before Him and take account of everything. Glory to The Lord Jesus Christ 🎉
Behold a white horse, and He that sat upon him is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war, His eyes are like flames of fire, with many crowns on His head, He hath a name no one knows but He Himself, His venture dipped in blood, His name is called The Word Of God.
Amen!! 🔥🔥
He's coming in the clouds and all eyes will see Him!!
Even so; amen. My prayer is that whoever would take the time out to listen to this would actually listen to the words and not just move to the rhythm because it appeals to their senses and realize that you have to worship The Lord in Spirit and in Truth. Listen to the words of the song and hear what God is saying to YOU. The Son of God is surely coming and VERY SOON; let the mockers mock and let the jeerers jeer; one day we will all stand before Him and take account of everything. Glory to The Lord Jesus Christ 🎉
Behold a white horse, and He that sat upon him is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war, His eyes are like flames of fire, with many crowns on His head, He hath a name no one knows but He Himself, His venture dipped in blood, His name is called The Word Of God.
One of my Favorite gospel artist now for sure praise God🙌🏽🤣❗️
@Quezzquezz God bless u much love soldier!!!