Thank you very much for your practical related questions. As I have seen these practical questions, more than 98% they read it normal speed, normal pause in comma and full stop. So, can we read it in these procedures for our real exam ? How many words can we skip in one reading paragraph if it is too difficult to read but without making down our score or to score 90 ? Please release any updates, not only in reading paragraph but also in all aspects of sections. Thank you all teams, The highest score of our desire will be, the strength, effort, endeavor, kindness and consistency of your golden family team. We are waiting your responses enthusiastically .
Thank you very much for your practical related questions.
As I have seen these practical questions, more than 98% they read it normal speed, normal pause in comma and full stop.
So, can we read it in these procedures for our real exam ?
How many words can we skip in one reading paragraph if it is too difficult to read but without making down our score or to score 90 ?
Please release any updates, not only in reading paragraph but also in all aspects of sections.
Thank you all teams,
The highest score of our desire will be, the strength, effort, endeavor, kindness and consistency of your golden family team.
We are waiting your responses enthusiastically .
Read aloud