Actually Braum is quite boring lol Milio is just released today. Have you played him and do you think he is a OP support? I don't think so but good to against some champs with AOE CC. Please like, comment and subscribe. You can also find my other gameplay videos in the following: Support Role Playlist Thresh: Senna: Leona: Pyke: Lissandra: Seraphine: Braum:
Hi there, great vid and very informative. I can understand why most people would think Braum is an exclusively protective champion. He is actually a disengage champ, sure. Me and my gf (former rank 1 Braum SEA server) play duo lane and she mostly plays him as an aggressive diver with ignite + hexflash to complement my lane dominant playstyle. It's a rare variety of the champ's playstyle and is way MORE fun. Another key difference with my gf's braum is that she goes cd boots (to lower flash and hexflash cd) and go for either heartsteel or warmogs depending on range/melee ratio of the enemy team. The next items are mostly situational. In the late game she can tank Baron Nashor (to soak the dmg dealt reduction) and tower for days. We currently play in high Master/lower GM this season. The playstyle works on solo queue too, especially with egoistic aggressive random adcs. I've tried but not as good as gf's lol. Hope you can cover or try this Braum playstyle variant.
Hi 👋 thanks for your comment and info. Your info helps much as I didn’t play Braum much. In recent seasons, I only had reached Grandmaster once… seems really difficult to climb as support in solo queue. Wow seems you and your gf are at much higher level. Please share with me and watchers here about Braumif you don’t mind. Do you think Redemption is good to get as solo queue Braum? I guess your gf will not get it as duo, right? And do you mean warmog for ranged team and heartsteel for melee team? Also, any suggestion for the shoes’ enchanting? I think it is crucial to know if we want to play Braum in better way. Btw a little bit off topic, I hope my gf can play Wild Rift with me someday. Having a gf who loves to play the same game as you is kind of happiness, right? Jealous! XD
@@LOL_Support_Only Yes, I agree that climbing solo queue as support is hard asf. It's an entirely different game vs duotrio or full party. I would love to share a few more points about my last comment. Redemption for solo queue Braum? I can't say it's inherently good or bad. Your video perfectly demonstrates why it can be really good in the right situation (poke lane and peel-centered gameplay). Having the flexibility to identify the situation and know which build/playstyle is ideal per game is the hardest skill in this aspect. However, as a general rule of solo queue support in my experience, you will find more success on average if you are the one proactively making plays or decisions. That's why engage or hook supports are generally looked upon in solo queue. These are the points i can give on how my gf carries with her aggressive Braum: • you can jump on allied minions using skill 2. A cool tactic i often see her use is when the enemy adc tries to sneak autos to poke and gets really close to one of our frontline melee minions. This allows my gf to gap close using skill 2 to that minion and drop ignite and passive stacks. This commonly happens during level 2 in lane. Yes, my gf doesn't take her skill 3 shield until lvl 3. Skill 1 (you also max this first) then Skill 2 for the engage. The sudden aggression will usually take the enemy's flash or other spells, while she only drops ignite (to mitigate enemy heal spell). It is important to know that her Braum can still gap close with the same tactic, with flash or with hexflash inside a brush. My gf came up with this strategy by playing a lot of Irelia xd. • auto + skill 1 animation reset This maneuver will give the enemy 2 stacks of passive in the shortest amount of time. Useful when u get to do the skill 2 minion gap close. It has another variety with skill 1 + flash (really quick) to melee range, allowing you to add a quick auto with the slow. •heartsteel for melee, warmogs for ranged •for the enchants, my gf uses a wide variety: > Magnetron enchant, as it functions similar to Braum's skill 2 except u can also jump on jungle monsters. My gf uses this when we're ahead and enemy team has immobile carries. Using it to jump to an ally minionwave's backline and skill 2 to the front and engage with ult (i follow up from afar with kai'sa ult). > Gargoyle enchant - this is generally for hearsteel games where extended 5v5s are common. Great for stalling. > Some games when we're ahead, she takes Zhonyas for those tower dives and bait engages but only when we have another frontline tank or bruiser. This way, she can still have a lot of hp to peel for the backline despite starting the engage. •Speaking of peeling the ally backline... I noticed that she has a genius maneuver when the enemy has immobile adcs (like miss fortune ashe caitlyn jhin etc). Instead of peeling dmg for our teams backline, she decides to disable the enemy team's instead by literally shielding them off at melee range causing them to kite backwards away from the fight. She essentially becomes a tight lid to the enemy adc. Then our teams burst or engage champs can follow up to the dispositioned adc Ofc i take anti cc enchant or play safer adc champs like kaisa ezreal lucian vayne to compromise the lack of peel. Yeah, in most fights, i start to play the role of a bait for the enemy front or assasins, i don't look into dealing the most dmg as soon as the fight starts but prio survivability while my Braum and others finish off the enemy's ad. You simply don't get to have this synergy with a random adc in solo queue xd. Braum is one of the few champs that appear one dimensional (to protect) but can actually work wonders when played the other way. The unexpected aggressiveness is also another factor why we stomp lane. The enemy wouldnt be too careful as much when facing Braum vs like Alistar, when both can similarly engage. Anw it is actually peak happiness to have someone who enjoys the same hobby. We met way before we got into league and i thank the heavens that we found a home in WR.
Bonus: The best counter to this strategy, in case we get to play vs each other xd, is to ask your duo laner to play a waveclear champion (sivir or ziggs etc) and play a roaming support (ideally pyke) to either handicap our jungler or br lane with ur early game jungler (leesin xinzhao vi). With the waveclear duo lane, braum will not have the opportunity to threaten a tower dive and will he forced. Getting your other teammates fed will also force the Braum to play peel only and disengage. Play for picks and not teamfights.
Really really thanks for detailed guide of high ranking Braum :D From item build to laning tips as well as teamfight and Braum's tactics himself. I agree and experienced every section you wrote on the above, and you have also already taken care of both solo q and duo situation. I am sure watchers here including me have learnt a lot from your guides here. And yes, really grateful you can provide the way to counter this strategy XD Thanks again for giving us a very detailed and helpful guides for Braum support :) I am going to take this!
Hi welcome back. Agree, I tried several times of Redemption Thresh and now I am back to Emerald I, haha. I haven’t played Braum much but somehow I know what you meant about “Thresh is ok but Braum is best”. It may reveal Redemption is more suitable to “protective” support. And thanks again for your encouragement!
Hi, thanks for your comment. Because ADC and me were being poked for many years and we couldn't stay on lane long. We had to catch up the gold difference so I considered Redemption as 1st item in this case.
Actually Braum is quite boring lol Milio is just released today. Have you played him and do you think he is a OP support? I don't think so but good to against some champs with AOE CC.
Please like, comment and subscribe. You can also find my other gameplay videos in the following:
Support Role Playlist
Hi there, great vid and very informative. I can understand why most people would think Braum is an exclusively protective champion. He is actually a disengage champ, sure.
Me and my gf (former rank 1 Braum SEA server) play duo lane and she mostly plays him as an aggressive diver with ignite + hexflash to complement my lane dominant playstyle.
It's a rare variety of the champ's playstyle and is way MORE fun.
Another key difference with my gf's braum is that she goes cd boots (to lower flash and hexflash cd) and go for either heartsteel or warmogs depending on range/melee ratio of the enemy team. The next items are mostly situational.
In the late game she can tank Baron Nashor (to soak the dmg dealt reduction) and tower for days.
We currently play in high Master/lower GM this season. The playstyle works on solo queue too, especially with egoistic aggressive random adcs. I've tried but not as good as gf's lol.
Hope you can cover or try this Braum playstyle variant.
Hi 👋 thanks for your comment and info. Your info helps much as I didn’t play Braum much. In recent seasons, I only had reached Grandmaster once… seems really difficult to climb as support in solo queue.
Wow seems you and your gf are at much higher level. Please share with me and watchers here about Braumif you don’t mind.
Do you think Redemption is good to get as solo queue Braum? I guess your gf will not get it as duo, right? And do you mean warmog for ranged team and heartsteel for melee team? Also, any suggestion for the shoes’ enchanting? I think it is crucial to know if we want to play Braum in better way.
Btw a little bit off topic, I hope my gf can play Wild Rift with me someday. Having a gf who loves to play the same game as you is kind of happiness, right? Jealous! XD
@@LOL_Support_Only Yes, I agree that climbing solo queue as support is hard asf. It's an entirely different game vs duotrio or full party.
I would love to share a few more points about my last comment.
Redemption for solo queue Braum? I can't say it's inherently good or bad. Your video perfectly demonstrates why it can be really good in the right situation (poke lane and peel-centered gameplay). Having the flexibility to identify the situation and know which build/playstyle is ideal per game is the hardest skill in this aspect.
However, as a general rule of solo queue support in my experience, you will find more success on average if you are the one proactively making plays or decisions. That's why engage or hook supports are generally looked upon in solo queue.
These are the points i can give on how my gf carries with her aggressive Braum:
• you can jump on allied minions using skill 2.
A cool tactic i often see her use is when the enemy adc tries to sneak autos to poke and gets really close to one of our frontline melee minions. This allows my gf to gap close using skill 2 to that minion and drop ignite and passive stacks. This commonly happens during level 2 in lane.
Yes, my gf doesn't take her skill 3 shield until lvl 3. Skill 1 (you also max this first) then Skill 2 for the engage. The sudden aggression will usually take the enemy's flash or other spells, while she only drops ignite (to mitigate enemy heal spell). It is important to know that her Braum can still gap close with the same tactic, with flash or with hexflash inside a brush.
My gf came up with this strategy by playing a lot of Irelia xd.
• auto + skill 1 animation reset
This maneuver will give the enemy 2 stacks of passive in the shortest amount of time. Useful when u get to do the skill 2 minion gap close.
It has another variety with skill 1 + flash (really quick) to melee range, allowing you to add a quick auto with the slow.
•heartsteel for melee, warmogs for ranged
•for the enchants, my gf uses a wide variety:
> Magnetron enchant, as it functions similar to Braum's skill 2 except u can also jump on jungle monsters. My gf uses this when we're ahead and enemy team has immobile carries. Using it to jump to an ally minionwave's backline and skill 2 to the front and engage with ult (i follow up from afar with kai'sa ult).
> Gargoyle enchant - this is generally for hearsteel games where extended 5v5s are common. Great for stalling.
> Some games when we're ahead, she takes Zhonyas for those tower dives and bait engages but only when we have another frontline tank or bruiser. This way, she can still have a lot of hp to peel for the backline despite starting the engage.
•Speaking of peeling the ally backline...
I noticed that she has a genius maneuver when the enemy has immobile adcs (like miss fortune ashe caitlyn jhin etc). Instead of peeling dmg for our teams backline, she decides to disable the enemy team's instead by literally shielding them off at melee range causing them to kite backwards away from the fight. She essentially becomes a tight lid to the enemy adc. Then our teams burst or engage champs can follow up to the dispositioned adc
Ofc i take anti cc enchant or play safer adc champs like kaisa ezreal lucian vayne to compromise the lack of peel. Yeah, in most fights, i start to play the role of a bait for the enemy front or assasins, i don't look into dealing the most dmg as soon as the fight starts but prio survivability while my Braum and others finish off the enemy's ad.
You simply don't get to have this synergy with a random adc in solo queue xd.
Braum is one of the few champs that appear one dimensional (to protect) but can actually work wonders when played the other way. The unexpected aggressiveness is also another factor why we stomp lane. The enemy wouldnt be too careful as much when facing Braum vs like Alistar, when both can similarly engage.
Anw it is actually peak happiness to have someone who enjoys the same hobby. We met way before we got into league and i thank the heavens that we found a home in WR.
The best counter to this strategy, in case we get to play vs each other xd, is to ask your duo laner to play a waveclear champion (sivir or ziggs etc) and play a roaming support (ideally pyke) to either handicap our jungler or br lane with ur early game jungler (leesin xinzhao vi).
With the waveclear duo lane, braum will not have the opportunity to threaten a tower dive and will he forced. Getting your other teammates fed will also force the Braum to play peel only and disengage.
Play for picks and not teamfights.
Really really thanks for detailed guide of high ranking Braum :D From item build to laning tips as well as teamfight and Braum's tactics himself. I agree and experienced every section you wrote on the above, and you have also already taken care of both solo q and duo situation. I am sure watchers here including me have learnt a lot from your guides here. And yes, really grateful you can provide the way to counter this strategy XD Thanks again for giving us a very detailed and helpful guides for Braum support :) I am going to take this!
I think braum has been the only tank i loke redemption on, thresh is okay too but braum is best, grat video as always 👍🏻
Hi welcome back. Agree, I tried several times of Redemption Thresh and now I am back to Emerald I, haha. I haven’t played Braum much but somehow I know what you meant about “Thresh is ok but Braum is best”. It may reveal Redemption is more suitable to “protective” support. And thanks again for your encouragement!
Swain good too with it
Yes, I agree and so I have another Swain gameplay on my channel, redemption+heartsteel=good!
why u dont buy boots first?
Hi, thanks for your comment. Because ADC and me were being poked for many years and we couldn't stay on lane long. We had to catch up the gold difference so I considered Redemption as 1st item in this case.