首先I am not sure if someone here can be really be the 導師 of Lyman. Partner would be a more appropriate term. 從partner角度睇,大家嘅建議,其實本質上係需要Lyman通過改變自己去迎合翻香港個expectation。Rather than 真係睇到Lyman確切需要突破嘅地方。坦白講我覺得目前為止,無人做到過呢一點(由節目同網路可以睇到嘅信息來講)。大家只係將自己嘅expectation投放到Lymam嘅pieces上,然後話畀Lyman知,呢個pieces需要你點樣改變。而唔係point out到Lyman可以improve嘅地方。改變同improve完全係兩件事。後者對Lyman自己先係真正嘅好事,前者係對真人show,團隊生活,甚至包括在港發展,係‘好事’/需要的。 But i am not sure if it is really good for Lyman himself. 包括留港發展本身。儘管我真係好想好想,真係好想有更多機會睇到Lyman…… 但又怕在港發展反而會限制咗距自己,甚至令距懷疑自己。 如果感覺香港係無辦法同Lyman相互成全嘅話,都真係希望Lyman好好同夫人、屋企人坐低霖翻,邊度發展會令你真正更光更亮。 越欣賞你,越希望你有更好嘅發展機會。即使咁意味著唔一定太容易關注到你,都依然希望。 對於我來講,知道有香港人,講廣東話嘅人原來可以咁叻,而我又有幸目睹你一路走來嘅風采,其實真係好夠。 希望你一切都好。
Because this is what he wants, he said that being an Asian has limitations in New York, 🇺🇸 After the epidemic, I believe he can be more famous in Asia.
this show is a good show, there has no doubt, but which scare me, sometime too true to be scare... may be...Hope you are enjoy the show and would like you to stay in Hong Kong to do more performance to us. Thank you
lyman你最charm就係做返你自己,唔使有壓力,多謝你嘅表演,令到我們睇到舞台上唔同嘅藝術表演,雌雄同體好正,加油,祝福你攞到冠軍,做返你自己,你係我呢20年見過最charm嘅星,唔使收埋你嘅光芒,我們鐘意睇真正嘅你,all the best❤❤
Lyman 太出色鋒芒太露,要降低自己水準去遷就個標準。老實講評判都唔識評,唔係佢個範疇。雖然呢個舞台相對Chicago係唔可以比較,但係可以將佢推到另一個層次,令更多人認識佢,亦可由此再跳返出去國際, Lyman一舉手一投足都好吸引,絕對是星。Crazy for you😍😍😘😘❤❤
因為專業你已經習以為常,只是真人show ,想你有D嘢比觀衆睇增加收視, Lyman 非常專業表演者,❤❤❤💯👍👍
Lyman You are so charming and talented! Looking forward to seeing more of your performance in HK.
Your charm is being by yourself! We are so lucky that having chances to watch u performed.
Lyman is very charming! Dont stress out that might trigger your immune system
Lyman 我們支持你❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
Lyman, You Stunning !!! 😍😍😍😍😍
Lyman be yourself we love you whatever you are
首先I am not sure if someone here can be really be the 導師 of Lyman. Partner would be a more appropriate term.
從partner角度睇,大家嘅建議,其實本質上係需要Lyman通過改變自己去迎合翻香港個expectation。Rather than 真係睇到Lyman確切需要突破嘅地方。坦白講我覺得目前為止,無人做到過呢一點(由節目同網路可以睇到嘅信息來講)。大家只係將自己嘅expectation投放到Lymam嘅pieces上,然後話畀Lyman知,呢個pieces需要你點樣改變。而唔係point out到Lyman可以improve嘅地方。改變同improve完全係兩件事。後者對Lyman自己先係真正嘅好事,前者係對真人show,團隊生活,甚至包括在港發展,係‘好事’/需要的。
But i am not sure if it is really good for Lyman himself. 包括留港發展本身。儘管我真係好想好想,真係好想有更多機會睇到Lyman…… 但又怕在港發展反而會限制咗距自己,甚至令距懷疑自己。
Because this is what he wants, he said that being an Asian has limitations in New York, 🇺🇸 After the epidemic, I believe he can be more famous in Asia.
你講得非常好,同意你的講解,最重要不要阻礙Lyman 的潛能.
Of course, vote for Lyman 👍💪he is a star already.
I love Lyman 😍
我剛剛已去投Lyman 一票, 因為一直都覺得你是冠軍🏆
Lyman is the best.👍👍👍👏👏👏
Lyman加油🎉🎉🎉you are the best
Lyman 好charm❤️❤️❤️
such an artist!!
U ar the best, enjoy the moment with us (hk)
🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤ beautiful 🎉🎉.enjoy seeing your performance that you present 💝 everytime
Just becoz of Lyman ,I keep looping 造星V🍇🫶🏻
this show is a good show, there has no doubt, but which scare me, sometime too true to be scare... may be...Hope you are enjoy the show and would like you to stay in Hong Kong to do more performance to us. Thank you
香印,我等緊看你拍廣告! 拍廣告已經可以係成就。 你可以向大家展示 你也是hongkonger, 回到 香港! 現在香港 需要你這種跟國際標準接軌的人才!
lymam, if not you, l won't watch TV
其實if ni oversea 參赛者,全民造星V , 無物new idea, ,because of oversae participate, lead to more creative show , but finally some are out 😢
霆祗俾冠軍打敗... 這賽制就有問題. 可能佢仲比第2,第 3名更好? God know!
成日覺得泳兒唔多適合做評判, grace仲有point過佢
Too dramatic facial expression and movement, I'd wanna see more natural confident you