Best story, most definitely Black Ops, (original) best zombies, Black Ops 2 (in my opinion). The best Black Ops in my opinion is B02. It had the best zombies, one of the best campaigns, and one of the most fun multiplayer online games I’ve played (of cod). in my life other than, MW2. But, that’s just my experience/ opinion
"Commander's watching - Make him proud."
*Falls down and dies shortly after*
Thank you man for 10 hours
I can't wait till this game comes out
It is out already
@@vegeta5282 why do u reply 5 year old comment
Naksu Naattori cause I want to that’s why
@@vegeta5282 btw it wasn't even out 5years ago
This is great
i watched it all
That's why you now look like the photo on your profile 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
My ass
Cap 🧢
@@grandmastermadara4182 gucci bucket cap
I watched it all twice
i have watched this like over 5 times XD
"Made me proud"
Me: 6:12 XD
It’s make me proud
Then falls off ahaha
Man is watching
wow bo3 has changed
I’m downloading it and I’m killing time by watching this thank you for the video!! ❤️❤️❤️
Can I use this gameplay if I credit you?
There is no way you can play bo3 for 10 hours and have your final game go 23 kills and 14 deaths.
10 hours and no ads? bruh thank u
I watched the hole thing
Nova925 wow I watched 2 hours
Nova925 wow
you can't even spell whole
you are a lying bitch
Tyro aye a Luna fan
Really 10 hours
When u bought bo 3 and ur're waiting for all the modes to download
0:03 what's the name of that little song that plays in the loading screen
Thanks for not showing a person annoying the screen.
Brooo nice gameplay i love u
I Love Call of duty Black Ops 3
I love u
What’s ur gt hun
Multiplayer or story mode which would y'all say is better one blackops 1-4?
Best story, most definitely Black Ops, (original) best zombies, Black Ops 2 (in my opinion).
The best Black Ops in my opinion is B02. It had the best zombies, one of the best campaigns, and one of the most fun multiplayer online games I’ve played (of cod). in my life other than, MW2.
But, that’s just my experience/ opinion
Wow I can't believe you did that
SmoothWater • 6 yr ago
Thanks for 10 hour video :D
👍🏾89 👎🏾
ngl i listen to this to fall asleep
this my kind of asmr
lol i watched 8 hours before giving up
Joe does he have a maxed out razor back at level 27??
Can you do zombies and have the same guns
20:06 DEFEAT
Do you like black ops 3 so much wow 10 hours 😲
1:01 wtf is a ark 7🤨🤔
Sonny AFFA the kn 44 u dip
kn 44 old version suck nut
damn, keep it up guys
Que e o unico brasileiro deixa o like! Kkkk
Pure raw power
I watched it all night
Trickshot!! 10:00:53
Your a dumb fuck thats the end of the video
Hence the "trick"shot 😂
At 3:47:55 that sniper shot didn’t hit him and he still died 🤔
What the name of the song that plays while the screen in loading
2020 anyone
I've skipped like 9 hours and 45 mins and no ads
I wish the single player of Black Ops III was as good as the multiplayer.
Thx dude
starts at 6:34:22
Mum says bed time:me1 more vid plz
Sure this was in 2015 but still some slight work
Please do the same for other cod games (but not 10 hours)
Damn 10 hourssssss
is the beta out yet 4 xbox
+Carlisle Smith no idea
Carlisle Smith not sure, but i think xbox doesnt get the beta
+Carlisle Smith yes
i put the code in and i did not get it
Carlisle Smith it closed monday lol unlucky
I watched it to sleep
Good fucking shit man 🔥🔥🔥
2022 I'm watching it all
I whachet this in one go no stoping
Are you playing on ps3 or ps4
I do not like kill comfirmed I die alot and when I mean alot I do I like elemitnateion
Capture the flag at 1:16:55
How the Heck is this Guy doing it 10 hours and How Did He Get Many Storage?!
Bruh 6:13😂 it happens
That is one long video
Well somebody played zombies for the same amount of time to get to wave 100
Pin me or you will float too
That's not possible dumbnut
I've seen you in the zombie vid and the guy said anyone notice that when the zombie jumped over the bar it said 115
0:46 he dropped a ARK-7
Thats not in bo3 wtf
That's the beta version of the KN 44
It was a beta version I played since
Next big event a bunch of girls are gonna roll up and they are gonna be the women of their dreams. *bet*
Dont wallrun while your being shot at.
Game freak
True 😂😂
You make me feel like an man archie
At 3:57:14 he dies😂😂😂
they might aswell call this advanced warfare 2...
I can't wait till this game comes out
dFuZe SpaceMount this game already came out 10 years ago dumby
cora duck ten years ago was 2007, dumb fuck
This was the beta justin rose wood
Justin rose wood 10 years? Haha. They uploaded this game 3 years ago
dFuZe Space bro it already has. It’s been out for three years