NCR when fighting the legion: no pls stop I wanna go home NCR Rangers when you've massacred McCarran: uuhhh, please fix this in 3 days pls NCR when they realize the wasteland hasn't paid their taxes in over 200 years: *showtime*
This mod needs updated. A huge swath of south eastern California is impassable, hellish, and radiation storm laden wasteland if Fallout 1 and New Vegas are anything to go on. The Divide in California-Nevada border and West Tek probably meeting the edge of that.
@@realEpicGold Writing a novel is a huge project to do and it seems like a single person can crap a passable one out without being complete trite. This mod was touted as having sophistication in story and I think it's completely fair and justified to judge it on that merit, or lack of it.
So the cool thing about fallout new vegas is that big mountains tech at the start of the 22nd century is released from big mountain and starts a sonic revolutionary war against the wasteland to take it over, the timeline basically ended there explaining that it was left up to the player so they could choose there path in the RPG table top version but by then the wasteland basically has a dozen factions and a whole lot of other wacky shit going on.
Is this canon for the series in terms of all tribe locations? As far as I know, the only real information about actual nations are NCR and Legion with some note about San Fran being controlled by Chinese ghouls and various tribes with unknown locations.
Arroyo Reno and Klamath are from fallout 2 The shi (which are not ghouls just Chinese people) do control San Francisco (also from fallout 2) The fiends, khans, mojave brotherhood, new Vegas are cannon so are the white legs, new canaanites, sorrow dead horses, and the Mojave raiders are basically the powder gangers, Nellis AFB, jacobstown are canonical locations, and there is supposed to be a major BoS chapter in Texas
@@Whatamievingdoing this might help a bit, Also I’m pretty sure there were a few factions that were thrown in here since I’m not to sure about them. Possibly lore from books and passing trader talk. Or it could be from mods.
@Egg T fallout Extreme, fallout board game, wasteland series. Fallout books, van buren. Also the future of the mod would show various other locations, perhaps metro in Russia. All roads,fallout Bible. New Vegas graphic novel. Roadside panic, Vic and blood, Amtrak wars sources of inspiration to fallout. Canticle of leibowitz inspired fallout 1. There are a lot of different things that could have lead to the factions in Mexico but I don’t have the answers, like I said they prolly came from a specific source of inspiration of the fallout series, or it was vaguely mentioned in some of the books or quests in the game/dlc.
Most of the nations are made up for the mod, they have a nation suggestion doc linked in their discord and they write a lot of lore for these made up nations
@@Whatamievingdoing That's the most common question asked on their Discord. It's something to do with you still having the legacy version on your computer. Uninstall it and then reinstall the up to date version.
The Legion was surprisingly passive
Sallow was busy dealing with his tumor
@@JB-xl2jc Plus he was likely also working to try and transfer the Legion from being an army of conquerors to an actual society.
NCR was lucky bc of the pocket
Let’s be honest, we all knew their were only two or three ways this could go
True statement. I'm glad it went to the NCR tbh. Bunch of jerks but compared to everyone else... Not the worst pick
@@irondude0611 NCR is definitely the least worst option
@@JB-xl2jc Better have a few corrupt officials who don't care about you than a psychotic warlord that cares about your head being placed on a pike.
"Truth is...the game was rigged from the start."
@@yourstruly4817 Never a more perfect statement
Can‘t wait till they make the entire US into a playable zone
Finnish the game in 12 hours because of game speed
@@corbinglenn2567 unexpected finland
NCR when fighting the legion: no pls stop I wanna go home
NCR Rangers when you've massacred McCarran: uuhhh, please fix this in 3 days pls
NCR when they realize the wasteland hasn't paid their taxes in over 200 years: *showtime*
5:01 NO! Texas can’t lose
This mod needs updated. A huge swath of south eastern California is impassable, hellish, and radiation storm laden wasteland if Fallout 1 and New Vegas are anything to go on. The Divide in California-Nevada border and West Tek probably meeting the edge of that.
You know this mod has like 3 devs and this is a huge project to do? Also the next big update focusses on California, so lucky for you then👍
@@realEpicGold Writing a novel is a huge project to do and it seems like a single person can crap a passable one out without being complete trite. This mod was touted as having sophistication in story and I think it's completely fair and justified to judge it on that merit, or lack of it.
@@MalleusSemperVictor yeah ofc
Don't the Fallout games take place hundreds of years after the war? Fallout: NV specifically?
@@dylanm.6601 in FO1 you can meet Tandi in Shady Sands who is the founder and first president of NCR
So the cool thing about fallout new vegas is that big mountains tech at the start of the 22nd century is released from big mountain and starts a sonic revolutionary war against the wasteland to take it over, the timeline basically ended there explaining that it was left up to the player so they could choose there path in the RPG table top version but by then the wasteland basically has a dozen factions and a whole lot of other wacky shit going on.
Texas can no longer yee their haws.
6:10 and now, the final battle
I once played a game and towards the end it was just the enclave Caesar’s legion Mexico and the broken coast
"Press Conference is over. Calculating Evects..." @3:38
And I thought this is an easter egg by you :/
Where is the Republic of Dave from Fallout 3?
Gone, reduced to atoms
Washington brotherhood can unite the wasteland if you do it right.
The bear roars!
Is this canon for the series in terms of all tribe locations? As far as I know, the only real information about actual nations are NCR and Legion with some note about San Fran being controlled by Chinese ghouls and various tribes with unknown locations.
Arroyo Reno and Klamath are from fallout 2
The shi (which are not ghouls just Chinese people) do control San Francisco (also from fallout 2)
The fiends, khans, mojave brotherhood, new Vegas are cannon so are the white legs, new canaanites, sorrow dead horses, and the Mojave raiders are basically the powder gangers, Nellis AFB, jacobstown are canonical locations, and there is supposed to be a major BoS chapter in Texas
@@Whatamievingdoing this might help a bit,
Also I’m pretty sure there were a few factions that were thrown in here since I’m not to sure about them. Possibly lore from books and passing trader talk. Or it could be from mods.
@Egg T fallout Extreme, fallout board game, wasteland series. Fallout books, van buren.
Also the future of the mod would show various other locations, perhaps metro in Russia.
All roads,fallout Bible. New Vegas graphic novel.
Roadside panic, Vic and blood, Amtrak wars sources of inspiration to fallout.
Canticle of leibowitz inspired fallout 1.
There are a lot of different things that could have lead to the factions in Mexico but I don’t have the answers, like I said they prolly came from a specific source of inspiration of the fallout series, or it was vaguely mentioned in some of the books or quests in the game/dlc.
Most of the nations are made up for the mod, they have a nation suggestion doc linked in their discord and they write a lot of lore for these made up nations
God bless the NCR !
In which Kimball has a wet dream.
NCR gang.
Just call it the West Coast Republic at this point
Los is just in chaos
How did you make this work? When I tried the battle Royale mod with OWB it didn’t work
No east coast?
Es una pena que perdiera Tlalocan tenía toda la bantaja
Lo que si es una pena es que la Hermandad de Texas perdiera luego de derrotar a César en el norte...
music name?
In the description
The songs in this video are "Despair and Triumph" by Kevin MacLeod, "No. 4 Piano Journey" by Esther Abrami, and "American Frontiers" by Aaron Kenny
Can you do this again
long live democracy and incompetence
NCR Was going to win. like come on.
Tecasganaxo un suscriptor siempre busco a quienes poseen este mod
This mod is outdated?
Yes and even when it wasn’t outdated and I used it it was like no mod was installed
No, the mod's still up to date.
@@BrianFlyingPenguin then why when I used it today why did the mod not work it just played out the way if there was no mod
@@Whatamievingdoing That's the most common question asked on their Discord. It's something to do with you still having the legacy version on your computer. Uninstall it and then reinstall the up to date version.
@@BrianFlyingPenguin thank you so much