  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,2 тис.

  • @JuneroseMutezo
    @JuneroseMutezo 9 місяців тому +105

    Even we 2024 still love this girl well Zimbos say ane shine!!!@

  • @bc9153
    @bc9153 15 днів тому +3

    Zim got talent..well done guys! December 2024 anyone??❤❤❤

  • @fadzaimuzhuzha4131
    @fadzaimuzhuzha4131 8 років тому +49

    It's good that they used the Zimbabwean background and didn't divert too far from our country. Love it ❤️🇿🇼🇿🇼

  • @presh2011y
    @presh2011y 8 років тому +228

    Thank you Trace Africa...wouldn't have known this great song....All love from South Africa

  • @thalitha134
    @thalitha134 2 роки тому +70

    Am a South African Xhosa but Shona hits different (if that's the language she's singing in, I might be wrong) especially the fast parts I memorized all the lyrics 😊😊

    • @BigSamAviation
      @BigSamAviation Рік тому +4

      You're right. It's Shona

    • @tafaragadze6432
      @tafaragadze6432 Рік тому +2

      It is shone. As a Zimbabwean, I'm proud to know our music touches those beyond our boarders.

    • @CuppyDeFroggo
      @CuppyDeFroggo Рік тому +1

      It's part shona, and ndebele (zim ndebele)

  • @simba6698
    @simba6698 8 років тому +47

    I love the fact that she didn't try to be "American" but rather embraced the Zim Culture and the result is Amazing!!!!!!! Andy Brown would be proud

  • @mollyndloe7758
    @mollyndloe7758 8 років тому +9

    I am proud to be Zimbabwean and l think our artists will go far this song was so cool well dome Ammara and Tytan

  • @simbarashemupariwa2506
    @simbarashemupariwa2506 8 років тому +215

    this is wat happens wen ndebele n shona z fused nice track

    • @veemtg
      @veemtg 6 років тому +4

      well said...get the best from both worlds and be happy....

    • @khonahshangase1670
      @khonahshangase1670 6 років тому +30

      Ndebele is so Zulu guys yoooh i fully understand every word, much love from south Africa KwaZulu Natal in Durban

    • @Nhamo3
      @Nhamo3 5 років тому +7

      If we work together zvinofamba.

    • @faffylovely1260
      @faffylovely1260 4 роки тому +6

      Unity is beautiful Zimbabwe is ndebele and shona and we are amazing together. When we sing and when we marry its fireworks

    • @neonyanegwai9064
      @neonyanegwai9064 4 роки тому +6

      I'm Shona and Tswana and I'm very proud 😍

  • @deniseh8257
    @deniseh8257 8 років тому +322

    I'm Zim/American. Coming across amazing music like this makes me so happy because my mum's Shona. I can understand a word or two of what Ammara sings. I can't stop listening to this awesome song, the beat is incredible but mostly because the mix of English, Shona and Nbebele is just off the charts. Well done!!

    • @nothando8900
      @nothando8900 7 років тому

      Denise H right😂

    • @denny_d5
      @denny_d5 7 років тому +1

      Denise H please 🙄.

    • @mandyj2809
      @mandyj2809 7 років тому +4

      Denise H I'm Zim/English, and I barely speak Shona, and I honestly didn't even realise there was another language in this until I read some of the comments, but I still love listening.

    • @shonaboy7554
      @shonaboy7554 7 років тому +3

      Hakuna zim/American

    • @shonaboy7554
      @shonaboy7554 7 років тому +1

      What is your point kahle kahle ? What are your talents besides typing ?

  • @keonesephuthe
    @keonesephuthe 7 років тому +19

    Botswana loves this song and the video is lit 🇧🇼🔥🔥🔥

  • @MrJoeldube
    @MrJoeldube 8 років тому +41

    She brings something different, unique and fiesty. This is great music. And the use of the two languages Shona and Ndebele just this amazingly amazing. #Mukoko

  • @PatriciaDube-d7v
    @PatriciaDube-d7v 9 місяців тому +22

    Anyone 2024?

  • @kudason
    @kudason 8 років тому +6

    Its not every day that a child matches or surpasses their mega-talented dad in this industry. Well done. She definitely done her old man proud, big time! The legacy charges on.

  • @funananiluvhengo3642
    @funananiluvhengo3642 Місяць тому +1

    Zim people do you know how blessed you are by this angel Ammara ❤❤❤

  • @Shamyso
    @Shamyso 7 років тому +2

    Zimbabwe at its brightest... say what u want but we are on our way. Africa was never ready...

  • @alfrednyereyemhuka7274
    @alfrednyereyemhuka7274 8 років тому +15

    Arguably the best duet in Zimbabwe at the moment...lovely indeed. Unashorawo here apa. Proudly zimbo staff!

  • @rumbiechiige5450
    @rumbiechiige5450 8 років тому +17

    Like father like daughter,so cute to see young talents.....I can't stop playing Mukoko !!!

  • @tait_4691
    @tait_4691 5 років тому +84

    3 years later and I'm still in love with this song and video 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🇩🇪🇿🇼🇩🇪🇿🇼

    • @kerryobiri9508
      @kerryobiri9508 4 роки тому

      Hey... What does mbona kunaka mean? Parts of your language sounds like swahili.... Beautiful music listening from Nairobi

    • @weekdayz2495
      @weekdayz2495 4 роки тому +2

      It's "wona kunaka"...look @the beauty.... Swahili is indeed similar to most languages in southern Africa...

    • @kerryobiri9508
      @kerryobiri9508 4 роки тому +1

      Thank you

    • @destinysaunyama6087
      @destinysaunyama6087 3 роки тому

      @@kerryobiri9508 it's "hona kunaka" look she is beautiful

    • @kerryobiri9508
      @kerryobiri9508 3 роки тому

      @@destinysaunyama6087 thanks

  • @fadzaimugomba8287
    @fadzaimugomba8287 2 роки тому +8

    A historical song, what l mean is that its validity will last forever and forever, l promise u my grand children's children's will be jamming to this one💞

  • @joaomakiese5634
    @joaomakiese5634 7 років тому +4

    Algun Angolano por aqui???
    Cheers from Angola.....👌👌👌
    I didn't know Zimbabwe had great songs like this....😊😊😊

  • @thierrymala3149
    @thierrymala3149 6 років тому +3

    My Africa is the best confirm it again wooow congrat

  • @MissyPlicious
    @MissyPlicious 8 років тому +54

    tizonamatirawo avo vaita madislike kumsoro uko. vanhu vepi vasingagone kuAppreciater you did a good job guys Tytan and Ammara!! those dancers were amazing too

  • @oneafricaonenation9002
    @oneafricaonenation9002 Рік тому +27

    I wish these two can do another duet. This is still my favorite song. I predict a TikTok resurgence soon

  • @Zalkamkwizu
    @Zalkamkwizu Місяць тому +1

    From TANZANIA 🇹🇿 with love 😍😍🥰

  • @tawandajokonya5231
    @tawandajokonya5231 5 років тому +339

    this song is a bomb who is here 2020?

  • @chantie_cee
    @chantie_cee 8 років тому +15

    its artists like these that make me proud to be Zimbabwean. This is right here is pure Zimbabwean talent

  • @victormwanyumeka2781
    @victormwanyumeka2781 8 років тому +5

    Video quality, Choreography, lyrics, etc perfect.....this song deserves airtime on all African music channels....its in the calibre of (if not above) other popular African musicians like Davido, Kay Cee, Wizkid etc, fair analysis.

  • @Simplytee.o
    @Simplytee.o 8 років тому +21

    I love this girl .Shes likeable and talented. You go girl. Dance moves on point

    • @preetyinpink9364
      @preetyinpink9364 2 роки тому

      Yeah. Her and yemi alade are the best singers of africa

  • @phathisiwebhudaza9552
    @phathisiwebhudaza9552 8 років тому

    yebo sqabhobho......... Tytan omg guy u hot lol........ n e way u guys blended n med the song a hit.... loving yo song..... i dnt see t eva gettn outa my playlist

  • @dudleymutero169
    @dudleymutero169 8 років тому +14

    Congratulations in reaching a million views. Zim music is going far views wise

  • @victormtemeli9336
    @victormtemeli9336 8 років тому +4

    Ammara ka. Yah zveshuwa the apple does not fall far away from the tree. As beautiful and talented as her mum. Number 1 dear. Mmmmh keep it moving. Hats off!!!

  • @ptmutsau
    @ptmutsau 8 років тому +11

    Beautiful song -well done Ammara! The spirit of Andy Brown lives on!

  • @benhildamatavire1272
    @benhildamatavire1272 4 роки тому +295

    Who's here 2021..... playingg this with my 3 year old son...singing along...sooo hilarious😂😂😂

  • @calexwasili9437
    @calexwasili9437 2 роки тому +1

    From Malawi kufarira nziyo dzako. handizivi seiko ndasangana nadzo late BUT all the same ndunjoya nazo ( am enjoying ur songs zvekuti dhuuuu) 💪💃💃💃

  • @fmmakate
    @fmmakate 8 років тому +18

    I must admit, this song is sooo nice and addictive. Good job guys, hope you guys can have some shows in the U.S, New York, at some point...!

  • @musangolungu3095
    @musangolungu3095 2 роки тому +3

    I would really love to learn Shona. I am Zambian but my mom's family is originally from Zim. My grandparents came and settled in Zambia many many years ago. Still have an uncle and a few distanct relatives in Harare.

  • @Chikuniprince
    @Chikuniprince 9 місяців тому +21

    Ok who is also here to watch her moves again😂😂😂😂😂❤2024 anyone here

  • @devonabrown6504
    @devonabrown6504 8 років тому +9

    love this video!!the song,ammaras outfits,makeup on fleek!but the dancing maiwe kani!!!so proud of my lil sis doin her thing!!this song gives me life!!well done ammara and tytan!!!

  • @Blissful8640
    @Blissful8640 4 роки тому +3

    Heard this song on Zambezi magic channel on Top 10 Zimbabwe. Was with my young brother, we found it ending and didn't see the title. Oh how we googled it and played it nonstop. The way we scream the mukoko part. Beautiful song

  • @MinenhleDaughterOfGodAlmighty
    @MinenhleDaughterOfGodAlmighty 7 років тому +7

    I love these two the talent is indescribable❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Minenhle from Zimbawe said it. Will join you soon🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼👌🏾👌🏾

  • @tinodasheshoko2365
    @tinodasheshoko2365 8 років тому +8

    This is just out of this world.internet bundle rangu rakutopera ndichingodzokorodza video yenyu

  • @nicole5495
    @nicole5495 8 років тому +20

    Guys I can't get enough of this track. I've playing it over and over again. #Mukoko# magic.

  • @ashleychimhanda9174
    @ashleychimhanda9174 8 років тому +4

    dope video, good lyrical content n errthang....and Ammara hehe more like Shakkira

  • @africanstoriesfortunetazvi3718
    @africanstoriesfortunetazvi3718 8 років тому +1

    Tytan😍hmmm one fine guy! Amara is Über amazing. Fantastic song. Love it Love it Love it. Thumbs up.

  • @popperdre3734
    @popperdre3734 7 років тому

    great entrance Ammara Brown , goood one .....pawakazondoti NYOKA on wachu want song , haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wakanyira ma fanz akooo wenna !!!

  • @ewm4266
    @ewm4266 3 роки тому +3

    Kenya approves, such beautiful people......mukoko means beauitiful girl????

    • @godsown7947
      @godsown7947 3 роки тому +1

      Means Beehive... but in the context of the song means sweet -honey..

  • @LeahBanda-dq6wj
    @LeahBanda-dq6wj 9 місяців тому +243

    Anyone here 2024?

  • @Beautarie
    @Beautarie 8 років тому +93

    Hair on point, style on point, love you to bits Amara!!!!!

  • @moiponesetloboko9975
    @moiponesetloboko9975 7 років тому +1

    Amma Brown, mukoko, wow I love it and I can't stop dancing to it.....can anyone please translate it English for me please

  • @phoenixrising888
    @phoenixrising888 7 місяців тому

    I love how this song sounds like a fusion of cultures yet gives homage to the distinctive sounds of Zimbabwe! 🇿🇼 Been living in USA for past 27 years. Ammara, you make us all very proud 👏 ❤❤

  • @shoniwashingirai4820
    @shoniwashingirai4820 2 роки тому +5

    An amazing collabo still enjoying it. The guitar work there does it for me. It drives the song

  • @elizabethgwekwerere7853
    @elizabethgwekwerere7853 8 років тому +33

    this song actually bangs I feel like zims stepping up thumbs up

  • @cessnhapata5819
    @cessnhapata5819 8 років тому +13

    WOW!!!! Congratulations it's a million views!!!

  • @rosarioreginaldo1524
    @rosarioreginaldo1524 7 років тому +1

    I am from mozambique right now living in India, i really love this song and i am starting play this song in indian club they loved it .Congratlutions.

  • @eniakatsvete6529
    @eniakatsvete6529 8 років тому

    wooow mkoko #1 paStar FM wooow kip it up Amara

  • @juliano19995
    @juliano19995 8 років тому +3

    i love this song.. ndibate ruoko baby!!!! #mukoko

  • @Lordphoenix1000
    @Lordphoenix1000 Рік тому +2

    Amara you have a fan in me 🇿🇲🇿🇲

  • @AlexanderTinashee
    @AlexanderTinashee 8 років тому +4

    woow this girl though omw this is what all zim artists need to resemble from her natural admirable talent

  • @muzim-productions3131
    @muzim-productions3131 4 роки тому +1

    2020 ngisase lana u guys niyangibusisa shame you are the best ever you bring life yazi this is more than talent 💖💝💖💝💖💖👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏you guys you were born for this nginishayelihlombe shame nginithanda blind 💖💝💖💖💖💝💖💖💖💖may God bless your carriers shame bocutie cutie nibahle shame am so proud of you zithandwazami🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @mirriamchijikwa2300
    @mirriamchijikwa2300 3 роки тому +1

    Africa to the world,thanx Amara for gracing us with good music,keep soaring higher much love from zambia 🇿🇲🇬🇭💪🙏

  • @kambolensakashalo0365
    @kambolensakashalo0365 Рік тому +4

    2023 and I’m back 😫 love from Zambia 🇿🇲

  • @marg86
    @marg86 8 років тому +5

    Ammara and Tytan this is a tight track and video, I think it deserves to go international #mukoko to the world. Excellent work guys, you did an amazingly great work. #MukokoCrazyForDays👌❤

  • @lm97070
    @lm97070 8 років тому +42

    Ammara and Tytan just put Zim music to the 8th gear.....they killed it.

    • @thandiwemutara6101
      @thandiwemutara6101 2 роки тому

      Hesi Larry

    • @lm97070
      @lm97070 2 роки тому

      @@thandiwemutara6101 Ndakoshiwa but zita still rings a bell

  • @RecklessBun
    @RecklessBun 8 років тому +2

    OMG, I just found my wedding song and made bae my partner in MUKOKO ADDICTION!!! I just have to watch this video 66789 more times so that it reaches 1Million views. Lol *hides*

  • @zibusisoxjtshabalala1964
    @zibusisoxjtshabalala1964 8 років тому +1

    woooow bomb from Zimbabwe. Tamara has music in her genes. .............

  • @brendonruzha15
    @brendonruzha15 8 років тому +5

    song of the year if you ask me
    zim has talent
    hokunaka mukoko uuuuuuuuuu

  • @tkay025
    @tkay025 8 років тому +40

    True the video is amazing n Ammara is also lovely but lets give it for Titan, the guy did it too

    • @busimutendi8713
      @busimutendi8713 8 років тому +1


    • @TytanTheOne
      @TytanTheOne 8 років тому

      Thank you bro

    • @tkay025
      @tkay025 8 років тому +2

      +Njabulo Tytan Nkomo anytime, #mukoko on repeat

    • @chipomuchena3588
      @chipomuchena3588 8 років тому +2

      Amazing Zim talent keep up the good work guys!!

    • @favorateben1153
      @favorateben1153 7 років тому +1

      that Is such an amazing sing makanaka me muri wako

  • @didie6732
    @didie6732 Рік тому +22

    6 years later I'm still loving the song

  • @yolandasibanda1062
    @yolandasibanda1062 7 років тому

    l cant help but comment all your videos ammara..kip it up, yu so gud...........l ddnt kno tytan but now l do and listening to him tytan wen l see yu ndoita penge penge

  • @sydneympita9326
    @sydneympita9326 8 років тому +1

    Nice beat and tune,beautiful lyrics and dance true African beat well done Ammara & Tytan,can't help watching it over and over.

  • @girliethamsanqasibanda2667
    @girliethamsanqasibanda2667 8 років тому +4

    Beautiful track dance moves...

  • @eddynyanz
    @eddynyanz 8 років тому +4

    a real Zim gem of a song...truly outstanding stuff guys.U certainly rock,hit us with another gem!!!!

  • @natalietikiwa8621
    @natalietikiwa8621 8 років тому +104

    To tell you the truth Ammara and
    Tytan slayed

  • @terrymab
    @terrymab 8 років тому +2

    awesome ..
    nice work AMMARA BROWN & TYTAN

  • @Tycee97
    @Tycee97 9 місяців тому +1

    after 7 years im still here
    pakabuda song iyi who else ayifunga kuti vanochimhanya AMMARA BROWN & TYTAN

  • @Tresorrumenesa
    @Tresorrumenesa 5 років тому +7

    Ahh team iri kaa, who's here with me 2019...
    Titan wacho ndakumudawo sei haa

  • @mafunisamulaudzi1361
    @mafunisamulaudzi1361 2 роки тому +3

    2022 am here 🔥❤all the way from South Africa❤i love you Amara ❤

  • @tomgarama3401
    @tomgarama3401 8 років тому +14

    Mad jam....amazing sound amarrah...reminds of the idols in should do a collabo with sauti soul of kenya....much love from kenya

  • @natalietikiwa8621
    @natalietikiwa8621 8 років тому +3

    +ammara brown congratulations with 1million views I luv this video 😘😘

  • @jelikagumbo4255
    @jelikagumbo4255 7 років тому

    l don't get tired ukulalela lingoma Tytan, we need more songs ulo Ammara she is one of the best laye.

  • @harare767
    @harare767 6 років тому +3

    This tune is so hot ,my wife is crazy about it ,but she is not fluent in shona or ndebele ,so I bought a shona and ndebele dictionary for better understanding ,hey we are learning ,although ndenogona shona and minanyakuluma ndebele all the lingos are rich and makes me think multi dimentional ,and the slang of the lingos.I used to call my wife chimoko,but now she tells me ndrimukazi chaiye.WELL done this tune is to hot'o

  • @natasham4309
    @natasham4309 3 роки тому +8

    Ammara is like an extra shining light ....

  • @ItumelengMoloi-jf3iv
    @ItumelengMoloi-jf3iv Рік тому +3

    Love from south Africa

  • @takunda78
    @takunda78 Рік тому

    Girl you got the talent you were born to be a Zimbabwen star
    I am 9 years old one day I want to be like you I try to make songs like you

  • @lmoyo25
    @lmoyo25 8 років тому

    Song on repeat at my friend's part today.
    Love from England -Wakefield.
    Happy Babyshower Tendai....

  • @Keithzee
    @Keithzee 8 років тому +28

    Been a fan since the Idols... splendid job done here..

    • @AmmaraBrown
      @AmmaraBrown  8 років тому +11

      +Seth Gor oh wow! An ammartian since '08?!! Thats amazing! thank you for your support!!

    • @Keithzee
      @Keithzee 8 років тому +1

      +Ammara Brown Always. keep that star shinning.. looking forward to your next hit.

    • @nicolenyakubaya9438
      @nicolenyakubaya9438 8 років тому

      Me my mother and sister love this song

    • @sandrarmadimutsa7049
      @sandrarmadimutsa7049 8 років тому


    • @clairemutapiri9588
      @clairemutapiri9588 8 років тому +1

      +Ammara Brown best song ever when I grow up I want to be like u and u are so beautiful

  • @slilekandigal
    @slilekandigal 8 років тому +13

    Uyayishaya into yakho Ntwana. The way oRapper ngakhona boy, yooooh Thats out of this world. Nalesi sqabhobho osphethe she has great vocals. Well done guys.

    • @sakhemzamo1139
      @sakhemzamo1139 5 років тому

      Slile Lee sengase bengi understanda le language boy

  • @randonfrancis1992
    @randonfrancis1992 5 років тому +4

    I think ammara brown is the best singer in the world i have listened to her ever since I was a little kid even though im white i love ammara brown

  • @danieldube6147
    @danieldube6147 7 років тому

    Kadance ako kakapenga iwe hauite hauite kip it up guyz well done

  • @jessietchihota6276
    @jessietchihota6276 7 років тому +1

    Zim's got talent! Ammara is beautiful guys and she's quite the song bird too! my word im so proud to be Zimbo right now.

  • @pamelasillah7257
    @pamelasillah7257 8 років тому +3

    what a fun and vibrant video! full of energy! great dance moves

  • @meltahvimbai9753
    @meltahvimbai9753 5 років тому +168

    Anyone who is still here with me?🔥

  • @mayirialcala6395
    @mayirialcala6395 8 років тому +30

    I'm dominican and love this song! 😍

  • @daarealbaby_Kay
    @daarealbaby_Kay 2 роки тому

    Ndine rudo runatapira kunge rwabva mumukoko🥰🥰
    I'm in love with the tuckshop and everything
    You killed it Ammara

  • @kenbuck9995
    @kenbuck9995 6 років тому

    Thats a don't buy talent..much love miss Brown

  • @shellylowell7006
    @shellylowell7006 8 років тому +5

    I'm actually obsessed with this Song Ammara! Seeing people all over my snapchat singing it & Twitter talking about it. I hate to say this but I thought Zim music wasn't going to properly be recognised the way other countries have been but🙌🏾 hands down great job. You look beautiful too. I love it!

    • @Estherc91
      @Estherc91 8 років тому +1

      Lool sisi shelly ndeipi

  • @sammyjo3300
    @sammyjo3300 8 років тому +5

    yup definitely adding you two to my fav artist list... Very impressed and well done, yall keep it up.

  • @kudzaimari
    @kudzaimari 4 роки тому +8

    Here in 2021 ......this track still slaps!!!💙
    Who else is here 2021

    @IAMJALLOWPICTURES 8 років тому +1

    you are so blessed with energy ooh my gosh girl u are good well connected with urself got mukoko on replay more time if you ever perform in england i would be ur number one fan keep that african in u shinning stay well and bless

  • @talentmandebvu3248
    @talentmandebvu3248 5 років тому

    handizi chimokoooo ndiri mukadzi chaiye,Thumbs up Guyz