Wish for your country best ;) We have to build new future for our nations. But first we have to deal with past. Pray for me Im gonna pray for u to sort it out
@@bartoszstefaniak2279 You see, I moved to UK in 2005, and come back 2016, and in my 100k city NOTHING change. OK. "Apartment Blocks" change colours :) and they've built a new swimming pool (11 years !!!! thats a huge improvement lol) OMG. Do I swim in milk and honey now. No Im not. Im leaving again. Soon.
I lived in Warsaw for a short period in the 70's. A totally different time and place. It was a dirty place with no hope for the future. Look at it now. WoW ! ( A time traveller from Australia ).
@@bullet1544 Ale jesteś zakompleksiony! Pod każdym komentarzem tylko ten jad na temat Polski! Naucz sie historii, może wtedy bardziej docenisz nasz kraj!
@@grace52-X Ale gdzie tu jad. Zapytałem co robił w latach 70 w PL, była wtedy u nas głęboka komuna, o ile o tym wiesz i niewielu ludzi przyjeżdżało. Ty chyba szukasz dziury albo i nie bo masz 2.
@@grace52-X Ja prdl pajęczyna między twymi nogami uderza ci na głowę kobieto. Wstań powiedz nie jestem sama i się ogarnij. Hamką to ty jesteś ze masz czelność do dorosłego faceta takie głupoty wypisywać. Jest równość podobno, nie ma już księżniczek i książąt od dawna. Kompleksy to ty masz. Zwróć uwagę do czego się doczepiłaś i pomyśl. Wytęż szare komórki, jeśli takowe posiadasz.
Warsaw is nowadays the City in Europe with the higer potential in terms of development. No other one is developing like Warsaw currently - and the process will still go on in the next years -. Warsaw is just an amazing City, and somehow is taking a revenge in front of its terrible history. No doubt that in a short future, Warsaw will belong to the most popular Cities in Europe, and it deserves it ! Varso VIE !!!
meanwhile Bucharest has the chance to become the most important city in south-eastern europe but the local and national gov was trash for most of the time until now
@@Anna-wie A czy jest to złe? Patriotyzm polega w głównej mierze na realnej lecz subiektywnej ocenie zalet i przede wszystkim wad państwa, i dążeniu do naprawienia ich. Niestety polacy mylą patriotyzm z nacjonalizmem, a nawet z szowinizmem (patrz ---> hasła na wrocławskim marszu niepodległości). Nie wiem co robiłaś na Wos'ie, bo ja mam 13 lat i właśnie mamy ten temat. Pozdrawiam, miłego dnia.
It is not only Warsaw. Wrocław, Gdańsk, Kraków, Poznań, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Toruń, Częstochowa, Katowice, Kielce, Rzeszów, Łódź. When I came back from Germany to Poland for a vacation, I was shocked that in one year my village had fallen completely to its feet from a complete fall. New roads, sidewalks, bicycle paths, new stops, new rail and tram networks and renovated cemeteries, schools .... One year and my village is at a higher level than a small town in the western part of Germany. And what is the best? There is not even one store in this village. All these are forests, fields, meadows. Clean, ecologically, everything tidy, cleaned up .... My eyes have experienced a positive shock!
@@danielrupert106 Too much credit. Everyone in Poland constantly talks about the EU. I've checked the facts. The EU contributes 10% or less to Poland's GNP. So it's 90% our own work. Starting from a Martian landscape left over by the socialists of PRL, and the German / Russian invasion of 1939. And no Marshall Plan for Poland. We have done most of it all by ourselves.
Warszawa dzisiaj jest pięknym i wspaniałym miastem. Odwiedziłam niedawno i widziałam te wieżowce i inne inwestycje i budynki. Robią wrażenie! Dziękuję za wspaniały film.
It's so exciting to imagine how this city will look in 25 years from now! Hoping massive infrastructure projects like Silk Road 2.0 will also hit this city one day.
@@ChillDudelD Ups we have here a man on a mission here! Look, these blocks were and are homes for hundred of thousands people. Yes they are ugly but it was the best and most effective way to give people (so many people) a place under the roof. If you don't understand this, better do not take a space here. Slowly and hopefully wisely, they will be replaced and modernized, so be patient. Another thing. Don't blame only 'commies' for it. Firstly blame Germans for the destruction of our Capital. Not only Warsaw had this problem. Take for instance London. Areas destroyed by bombs weren't rebuild in previous fashion. In most places they just build blocks of flats. And pretty they aren't at all. And remember also, that pre war Warsaw wasn't that great either. Lots of poverty and bad architecture were present everywhere.
@@adamme8369 I know why they were built, because of necessity but also ideology. That's what I'm talking about, concrete blocks (especially the one from the 60-70s) wont last forever, the question is by what will they be replaced by. Of course I don't blame only the commies for it, but the commuist leadership decided to raze whole sections of even little damaged tenemens just because of ideology. That could be said for literally almost every big city, be it Berlin, Paris or New York.
@@aurora2537 even as a third world country Germany is 10x better then Poland. And don't forget, germany took your small country out once and it could do it again.
Zobacz Lipsk, Drezno, Mannheim, Ludwigshafen czy Darmstadt. Samo gówno, nic tam nie ma. A najlepsze jak w Darmstadt idę i patrzę ruiny.... A tam co? Tabliczka z informacją, że kościół był zniszczony podczas 2WŚ. I miasto jak sama nazwa wskazuje (Jelitowo), wygląda jak kupa. Nic, nic i nic. Zwykłe bloki, domy, ulica, brud syf i śmierdzi. Nazwa trafna do realiów. Niemcy się skończyły. A co do polskich miast to Wrocław, Gdańsk, Kołobrzeg i wiele innych również były podobnie zniszczone jak Warszawa. A dziś wyglądają pięknie. Samo się nie zrobiło. Wielkie brawa dla tamtego pokolenia, co nie dość że walczyło z komuną, to jeszcze taką pracę wykonało.
@@martyrologiapolski5007 Co do zniszczeń Wrocławia po Wojnie się nie wypowiem. Nie mam takiej wiedzy, ale pamiętam jak Wrocław wyglądał w latach 90 przed i po powodzi. Niesamowita kująca w oczy szarość i wszechobecny brud. Mieszkam tu całe swoje (30 letnie) życie i nie poznaje tego miasta, zmieniło się na lepsze! Dzisiaj jest naprawdę pięknie. Ale z drugiej strony od 2 lat coraz zadziej na ulicach słyszę Polski a coraz częściej Rosyjski, lub upadliński.
Great Video! Thank's :) Don't forget about some other projects in Rondo Daszyńskiego area: 180 m high Generation Park with 38.000m2 and 180m2 high Spinnaker with 55.000m2. Other buildings: 150m City Tower, Praski Port with two towers 160 meters high each. I'm sure that in the few years Warsaw will be have best skyline in EU! Greetings from Warsaw :-)
Great, great job !! But this what was said is what is happening already. The questions is what will be the next step ? Where Warsaw will go. If it become European style capital with Financial, IT, Bank centers like Frankfurt or London (after Brexit) or it will become European tiger like Asian cities ? There are other cities in Europe more developed but here in Warsaw you can be part of the development and watch it every day. And that's just wonderful.
@@player_182 Dlaczego myślisz, że żyd by tak nie napisał? nie wszyscy są syjonistami. W każdym kraju znajdziesz ludzi, którzy bedą mieli jakieś uprzedzenia i tacy, którzy bedą mieli je w dupie chcąc spokoju. Wyjdź do życia poznaj ludzi.. Znasz jakiegoś żyda, że tak mówisz ? Internet głosi, ż e telewizja to propaganda a w nim też jest jej sporo. Zamiast myslec samodzielnie przeszczepiacie sobie cudze myśli. WYJDZ DO ŻYCIA
Rebuilding of Saxon Palace... that idea is a mistake. Luckily this will never happen. (I know the gov't just announced it) I bet you 5PLN that soon this idea will be pushed off again.
@@Sebastian-dx9qg Why do you think, that the Saxon Palace shouldn't be built? It was a remarkable and historical building, which could be another tourist attraction. You didn't give any logical arguments, so shut up...
@@JanKowalski-hk8wy It was purposefully left out when rebuilding Warsaw. As a reminder of sad history. That money will be better spent fixing potholes or put towards new metro lines.
@@Sebastian-dx9qg fragment kolumnady czyli grób nieznanego żołnierza został zostawiony ponieważ brakowało pieniędzy na wszystko w tamtych czasach więc woleli na tym zaoszczędzić a że grób jest symbolem to uznano to za sensowne rozwiązanie. czasy sir zmienily, pieniądze są, nie widzę przeciwwskazań aby odbudować pałac tylko może w innej formie niż byl przed wojną
You're right, all of these concrete modernist buildings should never be built, they look very ugly and dull!! Look at Sinfonia Varsovia as well, a beautiful building, is blocked by a big ugly wall.... Who designed such an ugly building? This is Warsaw, it should be built the way it was before, classic beautiful buildings, not this ugly modernist architecture!
When im 18 i wish i could move back to Poland! Gwara ago we moved out because there was no work... and now years later Poland looks so beautifull and has enough work places
I lived in UK, come back after 11 years. 3 years later, and I cant wait to escape from here. Dont be stupid and stay away. You can of coz came back, but take some money, and open some biz.
Improve your Polish as much as you can beforehand by reading articles, listening to music, watching movies & series (easy nowadays with services like UA-cam, Netflix, and Spotify + a cheap vpn for region-locked content). Also, make sure you're fluent in at least one of these three languages: English, German, French. Afterwards, look at the fields you're interested in, see which ones offer you the best opportunities in Poland, and act accordingly. It might be a good idea to finish your studies right where you are if you have access to affordable higher education in well-ranked universities. If you're in a very-high-income country, consider saving up some money before making the big move. With a good downpayment on a house or a condo, life is much easier.
"W przypadku Warszawy warto pamiętać, że tak naprawdę do zniszczenia miasta doprowadziła pochopna akcja konspiracyjnej armii: powstanie" - @Krzysztof Janowski Gówno prawda, Plany zniszczenia warszawy były przed wojną. Warszawa miała przestać istnieć jako potężne miasto, a stać się niemieckim miasteczkiem, powstanie tylko i wyłacznie przyśpieszyło proces o pół roku(jeśli dobrze pamiętam) i może dzięki powstaniu uratowała ludność. Według pierwotnego planu ludność warszawy miała zostać zgładzona (w KL Warschau) oraz wywieziona na prace, a do nowej " Die neue Deutsche Stadt Warschau" mieli przybyć politycy do zarządzania podbitymi terenami i miał mieć wielkośc 40.000 mieszkańców, miasto miało spełniać role czysto tranzytową. Poczytaj trochę zanim zaczniesz powtarzać głupoty... Zapoznaj się z planami Groß-a... Dodam tylko, że zniszczone miało być ok 95% zabudowy, a reszta przebudowana... Chociaż nie wiem czy w głowie Pabsta nie pojawiły się inne chore pomysły...
Good job Warsaw! Don't forget to rebuild in the old way as well, nice to hear about possibly Saxon, and Bruhl Palace's being rebuilt, but also Kotowski and Karasia Palace's should be rebuilt as well. This will help make Warsaw even more amazing!
to an insider: hasnt part of the boulevard at the riverbank already been realized? or will they completely remove what is there right now? Ive been there in summer and loved it
C'mon, if you want to have "cinematic look" then don't just add black stripes at the top and the bottom of the screen. Just render it with 2560x1080 quality
Looks very car-centric and concrete jungle-y. Like an American city in the 1980's. It would be a lot more pleasant if parking and car lanes were converted into protected bike lanes and greenery.
I visited Warsaw a couple of weeks ago and I was suprised by all parks and green areas, all in a pretty close vicinity to the centre, for example Łazienki, Park im. Rydza-Śmigłego, Ogród Saski, Park Skaryszewski and so on. it's not that bad as it seems, at least for now
W Warszawie tylko te biurowce i galerie handlowe. A gdzie miejsca, gdzie naprawdę coś powstaje? Gdzie przemysł, gdzie laboratoria? Poza tym Warszawa jest paskudna. I tylko czekać aż zawali się pierwszy blok z wielkiej płyty. Zresztą nowe budownictwo nie jest lepsze. Czas wrócić do kamienic, które przetrwają kilkaset lat...
Niedługo zaczyna się budowa ośrodka badawczego przy Koperniku. Bulwary oddają rzekę miastu. 40% powierzchni Wawy to tereny rekreacyjne. Biznes tętni życiem, podobnie gastronomia. Mam wrażenie, że widzisz Warszawę taką jaką chcesz ją widzieć. Moja jest inna. Zajebiście dynamiczna i pozytywna.
That plan is not an accurate depiction of prewar Warsaw. I wish a rebuilding plan of of prewar Warsaw tenements was enacted where its still possible (not blocked by skyscrapers).
Haha there are two possibilities to delete the Pałac Kultury i Nauki from Warsaw Skyline. The first would be the cheapest. Tear down the building and replace it. But Warsaw hide it behind tons of other higher skyskrapers, so that nobody ever will see the silhuetto from far away. Well done.
Varso has a top floor height of 230m, this isn't close to being the tallest building in the EU. If you add the antenna yes it goes to 310m but this is cheating and still only makes it joint with the Shard in London, and in most categories of tallest builings it's about top floor height. So still not the tallest in the EU.
Its a shame we have such socialist goverment with taxes and red tape everywhere...Its hard to develop anything in such conditions. I like the british approach to economy. Very flexible, and really businsess friendly. In Poland the medium class is being destroyed by heavy taxation and hard tax office approach.
Brat Brat Do you live in Poland?? I'm just curious, as I'm a Polish-American with a background in Economics and I'm trying to learn more about the Polish Economic structure. My training in Economics is VERY business-friendly, so I'm wondering what type of Economic theory is being taught in Polish colleges.
@@charlies.5777 Im polish....I dont live there right now, but of course I know what is going on over there....I dont know what they teach in universities...I guess in theorie its free market, but really all Europe is slowly turning into socialist/communist paradise....
+Brat Brat Hey, thanks for getting back to me. Although my grandparents emigrated to the USA from Warsaw, I've never been to Poland; I hope to visit there soon. My research on Poland leads me to believe that Poles are very smart, educated and hard-working (my grandparents proved that to me )people, SO I think that they have the ability to compete with any country. While I'm certainly NOT an expert on Polish history, It just seems to me that throughout its history, Poland has been prevented from reaching its full potential due to internal or external (e.g. Russia) politics/policies,which is a damn shame!! Am I sort of correct, OR am I completely off base ??
@@charlies.5777 Well....Poland is a nice countrie, definatelly worth of seeing. Especially today, when globalism in western world is everywhere, and the far left, culltural marxist narrative seems to winning everywhere, Poland and this part of Europe is still somehow different. Its most likely those nations were not brainwashed, like the west of Europe for instance. When it comes to politics, there is a definately large influence from Germany, Russia, also US...They all play their game in the region. Its very complicated. Russia always collaborated against us with Germany, they wanted Poland weak, and they want it weak today. They know that strong Poland means weak Germany or Russia. Look at the maps of Europe between 13 and late 17 century where Poland was one of the top an european powerhouses. The most important thing is, that this powerhouse was mostly created on foundation of freedom not enslavement, like in Russia or even most of the western Europe at that time. Poland had second constitution in the world after US, and was very advanced, when it comes to real tolerance, freedom of individuals etc. It was a huge countrie, and fairly peacfull. Since the end of the Mongol rules, the young Muscovity Principality( early Russia) started to "push" to the west towards polish-lithuanian commonwealth. Thats how the first wars with Russia started. The advantage of Russia was always that, they had no natrual enemies in the east, north, and south( Mongolian rules finished), unlike Poland who had enemies from west(Germans), south(Turkey) and north(Sweden). That was one of the reasons, this powerfull countrie went into bankrupcy in the 18 century. Germany and Russia were always natural allies, and they are allies today.
+Brat Brat Thanks for the information and the historical background- I appreciate it as I'm really trying to learn as much about Poland as I can. Again, ALL of my relatives that emigrated to the USA did really well in their professional careers, so I know firsthand that the Polish people are very capable. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I just feel that less government(inside and outside of Poland) "interference" and a more entrepreneurial governmental mindset would benefit the Polish economy. Also, as a Polish-American, it's REALLY tough for me to trust Russia on any level as they've always been" a bit of a problem " for both Poland and the USA Plus, my background is in Economics, and my professors all HATED centrally- planned governments!! I really don't think that Germany trusts Russia, but has to rely on them for some of their resources, like oil . I recently read that Poland AND the USA might build a joint military base in Poland. I'm not sure how the Polish people feel about this, BUT If it does happen, I hope it benefits both Countries as I believe that Poland and the US are good friends and allies, and I would obviously like to see that continue.
A ja się pytam, skoro już trzeba budować te szklane maszkary to dlaczego nie można ich nazwać po polsku? Żyjemy w pięknym i bogatym kulturowo i historycznie kraju. Mamy wspaniały język i dlaczego musimy nazywać te budowle w innym języku? Czy w imię postępowości musimy się wstydzić tego co nasze i podążać za tandetnymi trendami?
Pewnie dlatego, ze robi sie tak wszedzie na swicie w miastach nastawionych na rozwoj i inwestorow z calego swiata. Nawet w dalekiej Azji, gdzie jezyk jest czyms totalnie innym niz te oparte na lacinie. Jesli chcemy kojarzyc sie dobrze wsrod biznesu to musimy byc przyjazni rowniez pod katem jezyka miedzynarodowego jakim jest angielski. Koniec dyskusji.
Respect from Austria
Thx Austria. U're beautiful. Greets from Poland.
I love Vienna.
Thanks, Vienna rules as well :) I lived there for 4 years. Wienerisch is awesome :)
Poland is so beautiful by naturally. My love to Poland..
Respect from U. S.
Oh Trev I see ur comments under almost all films about Poland.
Good Boi.
Did you ask her?
Happy for Poland. Love from Ukraine
If you study or work temporarily here - to help your family and your country - there's no problem.
Wish for your country best ;) We have to build new future for our nations. But first we have to deal with past. Pray for me Im gonna pray for u to sort it out
People from Ukraine are studying in Poland and thanks to us you have a job and a lesson
@@andi73c What if he wants to stay in Poland for good ? Got a problem with that ?
@@Gregory-gz3xc To study no problem, to work for 6 months to stay - not because this is not member state UE.
I remember it in 1982. Then, I went back 30 years later. Simply breathtaking.
even since 2012 pretty much has changed
@@bartoszstefaniak2279 You see, I moved to UK in 2005, and come back 2016, and in my 100k city NOTHING change.
OK. "Apartment Blocks" change colours :) and they've built a new swimming pool (11 years !!!! thats a huge improvement lol)
Do I swim in milk and honey now.
No Im not.
Im leaving again.
@@bullet1544 Which city ?
@@bullet1544 chory jesteś???
It changes so much every year
I am a muslim. I studied in warsaw and now im bacl home. Big love and big peace to warsaw. Always will remember u
had friends from Turkey study in Poland, great people. Glad You liked it.
I hope you have a good life here, we don't hate muslims, if they respect our culture we will respect your ✌️
@Alex Go elsewhere Alex
Warsaw: a city of incredible potential and magnetism. This film captured both aspects well.
I lived in Warsaw for a short period in the 70's. A totally different time and place. It was a dirty place with no hope for the future. Look at it now. WoW ! ( A time traveller from Australia ).
What Aussie was doing in 70s in that shame period in Poland:)?
@@bullet1544 Ale jesteś zakompleksiony! Pod każdym komentarzem tylko ten jad na temat Polski! Naucz sie historii, może wtedy bardziej docenisz nasz kraj!
@@grace52-X Ale gdzie tu jad. Zapytałem co robił w latach 70 w PL, była wtedy u nas głęboka komuna, o ile o tym wiesz i niewielu ludzi przyjeżdżało. Ty chyba szukasz dziury albo i nie bo masz 2.
@@bullet1544 No nie dosyć że zakompleksiony bo nazywasz lara 70" shame period" to jeczcze zwykły cham!
@@grace52-X Ja prdl pajęczyna między twymi nogami uderza ci na głowę kobieto. Wstań powiedz nie jestem sama i się ogarnij.
Hamką to ty jesteś ze masz czelność do dorosłego faceta takie głupoty wypisywać.
Jest równość podobno, nie ma już księżniczek i książąt od dawna.
Kompleksy to ty masz.
Zwróć uwagę do czego się doczepiłaś i pomyśl.
Wytęż szare komórki, jeśli takowe posiadasz.
Amazing simulation. Well done:)
Fantastic film.
Czesc Patrick,tak to prawda super film
@SaR 77 ha ha to nie jest zbieg okolicznosci :)
@@frequex tak jest!
Bravo 👏 Poland 🇵🇱 I remember my Father saying
We will NEVER give up we will get better and better
Again he was correct !
Warsaw is nowadays the City in Europe with the higer potential in terms of development. No other one is developing like Warsaw currently - and the process will still go on in the next years -. Warsaw is just an amazing City, and somehow is taking a revenge in front of its terrible history. No doubt that in a short future, Warsaw will belong to the most popular Cities in Europe, and it deserves it ! Varso VIE !!!
I prefer Krakow, good for Warsaw but Warsaw is my least favorite city of Poland, I rather have Krakow, wroclaw or Poznan.
Co ty pierdolisz?
"co ty pierdolisz"..:-)!!! fajne odpowiec. you make me laughing !!!
meanwhile Bucharest has the chance to become the most important city in south-eastern europe but the local and national gov was trash for most of the time until now
@Na Subskrypcje And how many of them are in Asia? Compare it to western World.
I'm proud to live here and see how Warsaw is raising up ❤🇵🇱
warszawa to brzydkie blokowisko, zobacz gdańsk
dj account Gdańsk jest jeszcze brzydszy XD
kolejowy maniak jak ci coś nie pasuje to nie musisz nikogo obrażać
Fajnie że tak oceniasz nasz kraj
@@Anna-wie A czy jest to złe? Patriotyzm polega w głównej mierze na realnej lecz subiektywnej ocenie zalet i przede wszystkim wad państwa, i dążeniu do naprawienia ich. Niestety polacy mylą patriotyzm z nacjonalizmem, a nawet z szowinizmem (patrz ---> hasła na wrocławskim marszu niepodległości). Nie wiem co robiłaś na Wos'ie, bo ja mam 13 lat i właśnie mamy ten temat. Pozdrawiam, miłego dnia.
Love from India to every citizen
Thank you❤️
@@porktuga1232 xd
Only pewdiepie
Visit Poland! :)
@@remainsofthepast one day for sure
poland get out of controling from communist, respect our brothers from vietnam
@@ramtamtam7277 yes,big respect
Thx you
Poland is powerhouse of Europe
Thank God for the Poles.
Thankyou JS
God does not exist. Same as Flat Earth.
PS: Nice playlist 😘
,,Flat Earth Proofs" 🤣😂🤣
@@mati1i690 Good one. I to prawda.
@@mati1i690 God does exist.
Some fantastic quality animations. Thanks to all the crew.
I cannot wait to see Warsaw when all the projects are complete!
It is not only Warsaw.
Wrocław, Gdańsk, Kraków, Poznań, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Toruń, Częstochowa, Katowice, Kielce, Rzeszów, Łódź.
When I came back from Germany to Poland for a vacation, I was shocked that in one year my village had fallen completely to its feet from a complete fall. New roads, sidewalks, bicycle paths, new stops, new rail and tram networks and renovated cemeteries, schools .... One year and my village is at a higher level than a small town in the western part of Germany. And what is the best? There is not even one store in this village. All these are forests, fields, meadows. Clean, ecologically, everything tidy, cleaned up .... My eyes have experienced a positive shock!
27 Billion dollars of investments spend wisely, too bad that nobody gives the EU any credit.
the same thing here in gorzow wlkp
@@danielrupert106 Too much credit. Everyone in Poland constantly talks about the EU. I've checked the facts. The EU contributes 10% or less to Poland's GNP. So it's 90% our own work. Starting from a Martian landscape left over by the socialists of PRL, and the German / Russian invasion of 1939. And no Marshall Plan for Poland. We have done most of it all by ourselves.
I am going to live there. Cannot wait!!
welcome :-)
Warszawa dzisiaj jest pięknym i wspaniałym miastem. Odwiedziłam niedawno i widziałam te wieżowce i inne inwestycje i budynki. Robią wrażenie! Dziękuję za wspaniały film.
It's so exciting to imagine how this city will look in 25 years from now! Hoping massive infrastructure projects like Silk Road 2.0 will also hit this city one day.
Like a wannabe New York with commie blocks in between...
@@ChillDudelD Ups we have here a man on a mission here! Look, these blocks were and are homes for hundred of thousands people. Yes they are ugly but it was the best and most effective way to give people (so many people) a place under the roof. If you don't understand this, better do not take a space here. Slowly and hopefully wisely, they will be replaced and modernized, so be patient. Another thing. Don't blame only 'commies' for it. Firstly blame Germans for the destruction of our Capital. Not only Warsaw had this problem. Take for instance London. Areas destroyed by bombs weren't rebuild in previous fashion. In most places they just build blocks of flats. And pretty they aren't at all.
And remember also, that pre war Warsaw wasn't that great either. Lots of poverty and bad architecture were present everywhere.
@@adamme8369 I know why they were built, because of necessity but also ideology. That's what I'm talking about, concrete blocks (especially the one from the 60-70s) wont last forever, the question is by what will they be replaced by. Of course I don't blame only the commies for it, but the commuist leadership decided to raze whole sections of even little damaged tenemens just because of ideology. That could be said for literally almost every big city, be it Berlin, Paris or New York.
@@aurora2537 even as a third world country Germany is 10x better then Poland. And don't forget, germany took your small country out once and it could do it again.
@@jameslegrand848 No it's not. And what, you think that you will take Poland again? :D In your wet dreams asshole, btw I'm not even Polish.
I love Poland..because I had love from Poland 😍😍😍
Poland and Poles. We are rising like a phoenix💪✌✋
Pokażcie mi drugie takie miasto zniszczone w 80% i wyglądające tak jak dziś. Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła, kiedy my żyjemy :)
Zobacz Lipsk, Drezno, Mannheim, Ludwigshafen czy Darmstadt. Samo gówno, nic tam nie ma. A najlepsze jak w Darmstadt idę i patrzę ruiny.... A tam co? Tabliczka z informacją, że kościół był zniszczony podczas 2WŚ. I miasto jak sama nazwa wskazuje (Jelitowo), wygląda jak kupa. Nic, nic i nic. Zwykłe bloki, domy, ulica, brud syf i śmierdzi. Nazwa trafna do realiów.
Niemcy się skończyły.
A co do polskich miast to Wrocław, Gdańsk, Kołobrzeg i wiele innych również były podobnie zniszczone jak Warszawa. A dziś wyglądają pięknie.
Samo się nie zrobiło. Wielkie brawa dla tamtego pokolenia, co nie dość że walczyło z komuną, to jeszcze taką pracę wykonało.
Z tym Dreznem się nie zgodzę. Może i nie funkcjonuje tam klasycznie amerykańska business district, ale poza tym jest ładnie i schludnie.
@@martyrologiapolski5007 Co do zniszczeń Wrocławia po Wojnie się nie wypowiem. Nie mam takiej wiedzy, ale pamiętam jak Wrocław wyglądał w latach 90 przed i po powodzi. Niesamowita kująca w oczy szarość i wszechobecny brud. Mieszkam tu całe swoje (30 letnie) życie i nie poznaje tego miasta, zmieniło się na lepsze! Dzisiaj jest naprawdę pięknie.
Ale z drugiej strony od 2 lat coraz zadziej na ulicach słyszę Polski a coraz częściej Rosyjski, lub upadliński.
nie podniecaj sie polaku,Rotterdam ,Drezno,Stalingrad ..........
Great Video! Thank's :) Don't forget about some other projects in Rondo Daszyńskiego area: 180 m high Generation Park with 38.000m2 and 180m2 high Spinnaker with 55.000m2. Other buildings: 150m City Tower, Praski Port with two towers 160 meters high each. I'm sure that in the few years Warsaw will be have best skyline in EU! Greetings from Warsaw :-)
Fantastic video. Well done, Richard Stephens.
I love it. I'm going to get me a nice place in Warszawa. Thanks for opening my eyes to the great present and an even greater future of Warszawa.
thank you for a movie. greetings from Warsaw
Long Live The Capital City of Warszawa !
Gratulacje dla osoby, która napisała labolatorium na ścianie w 6:17
nie rozumiem?
@@dejwuu2137 Labolatorium? O ile chodziło o słowo Laboratorium to masz tam błąd ortograficzny ;)
@@xszeregowy2011x a niech to! Rzeczywiście. Nie zauważyłem, a się chwilę głowiłem o co może chodzić xD
Ale masz oko...nieźle:-)
@@pieczar5000 pu
Poland can into space :)
Amazing. Great work! Subscribed.
great video!
Great, great job !! But this what was said is what is happening already. The questions is what will be the next step ? Where Warsaw will go. If it become European style capital with Financial, IT, Bank centers like Frankfurt or London (after Brexit) or it will become European tiger like Asian cities ? There are other cities in Europe more developed but here in Warsaw you can be part of the development and watch it every day. And that's just wonderful.
And..........most importantly for investors .....is cheaper there.
I love Poland
The future is going to be great. I hope so
great video and fantastic uprising city in the heart of Poland :)
Warsaw is progressing nicely and once all the projects are completed it will be breathtaking.
Great job, thank you very much.
truly stunning visual effects!
Poland is the best in Europe. If you don’t agree - u r jealous! Love from Israel ❤️❤️❤️
Dewiacyjny pogrzalo cie biedaku po co wgl tu piszesz XDDD miesiac temu
@@presidentduda6764 poco JA pisze?XDDDD napisało dziecko co udaje żyda ktory chwali Polske, dno
Dewiacyjny dno to ty bo nawet zlotowki nie masz w kieszeni. Tak bys nie pisal jakbys mial
@@presidentduda6764 To niezłe wnioski wyciągasz psychologu internetowy, tfu ci na ten głupi ryj
@@player_182 Dlaczego myślisz, że żyd by tak nie napisał? nie wszyscy są syjonistami. W każdym kraju znajdziesz ludzi, którzy bedą mieli jakieś uprzedzenia i tacy, którzy bedą mieli je w dupie chcąc spokoju. Wyjdź do życia poznaj ludzi.. Znasz jakiegoś żyda, że tak mówisz ? Internet głosi, ż e telewizja to propaganda a w nim też jest jej sporo. Zamiast myslec samodzielnie przeszczepiacie sobie cudze myśli. WYJDZ DO ŻYCIA
I'm so proud of my country and lovely Warsaw city :)
I think you should have also mentioned the Saxon Palace (Pałac Saski) which is going to be rebuilt in the near future
Rebuilding of Saxon Palace... that idea is a mistake. Luckily this will never happen. (I know the gov't just announced it) I bet you 5PLN that soon this idea will be pushed off again.
@@Sebastian-dx9qg Why do you think, that the Saxon Palace shouldn't be built? It was a remarkable and historical building, which could be another tourist attraction. You didn't give any logical arguments, so shut up...
@@JanKowalski-hk8wy It was purposefully left out when rebuilding Warsaw. As a reminder of sad history. That money will be better spent fixing potholes or put towards new metro lines.
@@Sebastian-dx9qg pałace Brühla i saskie były wizytówkami Paryża wschodu. Niech wieżowce zostaną czymś Amerykańskim lub Chińskim.
@@Sebastian-dx9qg fragment kolumnady czyli grób nieznanego żołnierza został zostawiony ponieważ brakowało pieniędzy na wszystko w tamtych czasach więc woleli na tym zaoszczędzić a że grób jest symbolem to uznano to za sensowne rozwiązanie. czasy sir zmienily, pieniądze są, nie widzę przeciwwskazań aby odbudować pałac tylko może w innej formie niż byl przed wojną
I just wanted to say that i really liked this channel and i'm waiting for the next videos!
A jeszcze Port Praski, hmm? :)
wow really high quality video, great!
Amazing video!
That modern art museum is going to be a modern monstrosity. It's just a box like what the heck..
You're right, all of these concrete modernist buildings should never be built, they look very ugly and dull!! Look at Sinfonia Varsovia as well, a beautiful building, is blocked by a big ugly wall.... Who designed such an ugly building? This is Warsaw, it should be built the way it was before, classic beautiful buildings, not this ugly modernist architecture!
It was a stunning view of all new skysrapers
The speed of those changes is spectacular!
When im 18 i wish i could move back to Poland! Gwara ago we moved out because there was no work... and now years later Poland looks so beautifull and has enough work places
Be smart, make money and safe it in your country where you are now and move to Poland and bring the money with you
I lived in UK, come back after 11 years. 3 years later, and I cant wait to escape from here. Dont be stupid and stay away. You can of coz came back, but take some money, and open some biz.
@@bullet1544 shut up!
@@ch36799 I just cant. Thats how I love that country.
Improve your Polish as much as you can beforehand by reading articles, listening to music, watching movies & series (easy nowadays with services like UA-cam, Netflix, and Spotify + a cheap vpn for region-locked content). Also, make sure you're fluent in at least one of these three languages: English, German, French.
Afterwards, look at the fields you're interested in, see which ones offer you the best opportunities in Poland, and act accordingly. It might be a good idea to finish your studies right where you are if you have access to affordable higher education in well-ranked universities. If you're in a very-high-income country, consider saving up some money before making the big move. With a good downpayment on a house or a condo, life is much easier.
"W przypadku Warszawy warto pamiętać, że tak naprawdę do zniszczenia miasta doprowadziła pochopna akcja konspiracyjnej armii: powstanie" -
@Krzysztof Janowski Gówno prawda, Plany zniszczenia warszawy były przed wojną. Warszawa miała przestać istnieć jako potężne miasto, a stać się niemieckim miasteczkiem, powstanie tylko i wyłacznie przyśpieszyło proces o pół roku(jeśli dobrze pamiętam) i może dzięki powstaniu uratowała ludność. Według pierwotnego planu ludność warszawy miała zostać zgładzona (w KL Warschau) oraz wywieziona na prace, a do nowej " Die neue Deutsche Stadt Warschau" mieli przybyć politycy do zarządzania podbitymi terenami i miał mieć wielkośc 40.000 mieszkańców, miasto miało spełniać role czysto tranzytową. Poczytaj trochę zanim zaczniesz powtarzać głupoty... Zapoznaj się z planami Groß-a... Dodam tylko, że zniszczone miało być ok 95% zabudowy, a reszta przebudowana... Chociaż nie wiem czy w głowie Pabsta nie pojawiły się inne chore pomysły...
I would prefer more reconstructions and revitalizations of historical buildings than Skyscrapers in the Śródmieście and Praga.
Exactly! Enough is enough. Otherwise we will end up only with skyscrapers.
10 Hawell yes! Restore Warsaw Philharmonic Hall to the 1938 look, rebuild Kotowski Palace and Karasia Palace.
Super. Szklane domy się spełniają.
Tak ❤️
Swietny Film!
A great video and very well produced!
Great Video my congratulations for a wonderful presentation.
Fantastic 😊
Good job Warsaw! Don't forget to rebuild in the old way as well, nice to hear about possibly Saxon, and Bruhl Palace's being rebuilt, but also Kotowski and Karasia Palace's should be rebuilt as well. This will help make Warsaw even more amazing!
Polska jest wielka! piękna! stop trollom w necie!
Uwielbiam Warszawę
Pozdrawiam z Izraelem
Very nice video. It shows only a few of many projects that are realized or planned in our capitol :-)
Warsaw is the Hearth of Europe. And don't forget to plant the trees.
😻 🇵🇱 ❣️ widzimy się na rondzie Dmowskiego o 14 w niedzielę 11.11.18
dobra, to idź.
kultury trochę :)
2 marszu nie odwołali. Mogłaś iść. Ja radziłbym się przyjrzeć twojemu kanałowi bardziej :_
Pięknie było 11.11!! 🇵🇱💪
Bardzo dumny od mojej Polskę ❤️🇵🇱🇵🇱
Great work!
Warsaw will become a high-deweloped financial center of Europe.
No matter how impressive ...
Just remember..it’s the people that
Make the place ..
Warsaw has around 2 million ihabitants in the city proper and 3 milion in metropolitan area, you can find really lots of different people there.
Nice vlog :)
Love this town ❤
I am impressed! 😍 like a New York in Europe 💪👌👍👏 but lot more safety on the streets.
11:59 i like this animation
War + saw = Warsaw
Angielskie tłumaczenie Warszawa bardzo dobrze oddaje to co tam miało miejsce.
Polski komentarz dla zasięgu 🇵🇱
to an insider: hasnt part of the boulevard at the riverbank already been realized? or will they completely remove what is there right now? Ive been there in summer and loved it
I’ve been here for a year. It’s unbelievable how much has changed in just that short time.
And more stuff is coming!
Very nice
I love Warsaw, but find this disappointing. Mostly backward-looking skyscrapers made of concrete and glass. Modern architecture is green.
C'mon, if you want to have "cinematic look" then don't just add black stripes at the top and the bottom of the screen. Just render it with 2560x1080 quality
@Poland Strong xD
Y Love my Country!💪🇵🇱💪😘
Nobody Care.
@@stonks1993 what is your Problem?? If why do you answer that???🤔🤔You are hater?!?!or Nazi??
@@ziomekziomek7302 i jest Tell The tuth
Yes i am nazi
@@stonks1993keep it to yourself nobody care😉
You ask
I answer.
Looks very car-centric and concrete jungle-y. Like an American city in the 1980's. It would be a lot more pleasant if parking and car lanes were converted into protected bike lanes and greenery.
I visited Warsaw a couple of weeks ago and I was suprised by all parks and green areas, all in a pretty close vicinity to the centre, for example Łazienki, Park im. Rydza-Śmigłego, Ogród Saski, Park Skaryszewski and so on. it's not that bad as it seems, at least for now
Yeah! GO Warsaw!
Is this narrated by Iwan Rheon? That voice sounds so familiar.
W Warszawie tylko te biurowce i galerie handlowe. A gdzie miejsca, gdzie naprawdę coś powstaje? Gdzie przemysł, gdzie laboratoria?
Poza tym Warszawa jest paskudna. I tylko czekać aż zawali się pierwszy blok z wielkiej płyty. Zresztą nowe budownictwo nie jest lepsze. Czas wrócić do kamienic, które przetrwają kilkaset lat...
Niedługo zaczyna się budowa ośrodka badawczego przy Koperniku. Bulwary oddają rzekę miastu. 40% powierzchni Wawy to tereny rekreacyjne. Biznes tętni życiem, podobnie gastronomia. Mam wrażenie, że widzisz Warszawę taką jaką chcesz ją widzieć. Moja jest inna. Zajebiście dynamiczna i pozytywna.
I'd much rather had the plan of PIG Architekci to rebuild the pre World War 2 buildings at Defilad square realized :/
That plan is not an accurate depiction of prewar Warsaw. I wish a rebuilding plan of of prewar Warsaw tenements was enacted where its still possible (not blocked by skyscrapers).
Why you didn't told anything about reconstruction Saxon Palace?
Zlota 44 z daleka to arcydzielo z bliska lata 90te
Haha there are two possibilities to delete the Pałac Kultury i Nauki from Warsaw Skyline. The first would be the cheapest. Tear down the building and replace it. But Warsaw hide it behind tons of other higher skyskrapers, so that nobody ever will see the silhuetto from far away. Well done.
@thr02 it's b***s***t, not a great architecture
awesome! We long ago would have built that but for the communists and the soviet military in our country
What about the future of Kraków?
There will be like 2 times more of new investments as shown here. I know it from my private sources
Varso has a top floor height of 230m, this isn't close to being the tallest building in the EU. If you add the antenna yes it goes to 310m but this is cheating and still only makes it joint with the Shard in London, and in most categories of tallest builings it's about top floor height. So still not the tallest in the EU.
it still is :p look it up
wszystko fajnie elegancko, gonimy zachód, ale kiedy nam zaczną wypłacać takie duże pensje jak na zachodzie?
Its a shame we have such socialist goverment with taxes and red tape everywhere...Its hard to develop anything in such conditions. I like the british approach to economy. Very flexible, and really businsess friendly. In Poland the medium class is being destroyed by heavy taxation and hard tax office approach.
Brat Brat
Do you live in Poland?? I'm just curious, as I'm a Polish-American with a background in Economics and I'm trying to learn more about the Polish Economic structure. My training in Economics is VERY business-friendly, so I'm wondering what type of Economic theory is being taught in Polish colleges.
@@charlies.5777 Im polish....I dont live there right now, but of course I know what is going on over there....I dont know what they teach in universities...I guess in theorie its free market, but really all Europe is slowly turning into socialist/communist paradise....
+Brat Brat
Hey, thanks for getting back to me. Although my grandparents emigrated to the USA from Warsaw, I've never been to Poland; I hope to visit there soon. My research on Poland leads me to believe that Poles are very smart, educated and hard-working (my grandparents proved that to me )people, SO I think that they have the ability to compete with any country. While I'm certainly NOT an expert on Polish history, It just seems to me that throughout its history, Poland has been prevented from reaching its full potential due to internal or external (e.g. Russia) politics/policies,which is a damn shame!! Am I sort of correct, OR am I completely off base ??
@@charlies.5777 Well....Poland is a nice countrie, definatelly worth of seeing. Especially today, when globalism in western world is everywhere, and the far left, culltural marxist narrative seems to winning everywhere, Poland and this part of Europe is still somehow different. Its most likely those nations were not brainwashed, like the west of Europe for instance. When it comes to politics, there is a definately large influence from Germany, Russia, also US...They all play their game in the region. Its very complicated. Russia always collaborated against us with Germany, they wanted Poland weak, and they want it weak today. They know that strong Poland means weak Germany or Russia. Look at the maps of Europe between 13 and late 17 century where Poland was one of the top an european powerhouses. The most important thing is, that this powerhouse was mostly created on foundation of freedom not enslavement, like in Russia or even most of the western Europe at that time. Poland had second constitution in the world after US, and was very advanced, when it comes to real tolerance, freedom of individuals etc. It was a huge countrie, and fairly peacfull.
Since the end of the Mongol rules, the young Muscovity Principality( early Russia) started to "push" to the west towards polish-lithuanian commonwealth. Thats how the first wars with Russia started. The advantage of Russia was always that, they had no natrual enemies in the east, north, and south( Mongolian rules finished), unlike Poland who had enemies from west(Germans), south(Turkey) and north(Sweden). That was one of the reasons, this powerfull countrie went into bankrupcy in the 18 century. Germany and Russia were always natural allies, and they are allies today.
+Brat Brat
Thanks for the information and the historical background- I appreciate it as I'm really trying to learn as much about Poland as I can. Again, ALL of my relatives that emigrated to the USA did really well in their professional careers, so I know firsthand that the Polish people are very capable. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I just feel that less government(inside and outside of Poland) "interference" and a more entrepreneurial governmental mindset would benefit the Polish economy. Also, as a Polish-American, it's REALLY tough for me to trust Russia on any level as they've always been" a bit of a problem " for both Poland and the USA
Plus, my background is in Economics, and my professors all HATED centrally- planned governments!! I really don't think that Germany trusts Russia, but has to rely on them for some of their resources, like oil . I recently read that Poland AND the USA might build a joint military base in Poland. I'm not sure how the Polish people feel about this, BUT If it does happen, I hope it benefits both Countries as I believe that Poland and the US are good friends and allies, and I would obviously like to see that continue.
great!more concrete,less green places
A ja się pytam, skoro już trzeba budować te szklane maszkary to dlaczego nie można ich nazwać po polsku? Żyjemy w pięknym i bogatym kulturowo i historycznie kraju. Mamy wspaniały język i dlaczego musimy nazywać te budowle w innym języku? Czy w imię postępowości musimy się wstydzić tego co nasze i podążać za tandetnymi trendami?
Pewnie dlatego, ze robi sie tak wszedzie na swicie w miastach nastawionych na rozwoj i inwestorow z calego swiata. Nawet w dalekiej Azji, gdzie jezyk jest czyms totalnie innym niz te oparte na lacinie. Jesli chcemy kojarzyc sie dobrze wsrod biznesu to musimy byc przyjazni rowniez pod katem jezyka miedzynarodowego jakim jest angielski. Koniec dyskusji.
te budynki stawiają po prostu zagraniczni inwestorzy. dlatego nazywają się po angielsku.
A komu to przeszkadza
Czy jezyk angielski to tandety trend?