Chuck Mangione Feels So Good!!! 1977 or 78! I was in 3rd grade and lived in Key West,Florida. My father was in the U.S. Navy. Boca Cicha Naval Airstation!!! That brings back memories!
Just found this clip. Loved it. I once had a Sansui AU 719 (and the TU 719 as well) connected to AR 14 speakers. This set up served me twenty years! From the very early 80's till about 2002.
Wow!! The original AR 10pi....They look brand new....I had the AR 11 which were essentially the same speaker but without the environmental control..... These were extremely popular in the mid 70's.... Thanks for sharing.....
I used to own a pair of AR 11, driven by the AR aplifier. Now I must be content with a set od Dynaudio contour 30's, driven by a Naim Supernait 2. I still miss the AR-sound.
Sono nato e cresciuto con le AR10 Pi-Greco di mio padre, c'erano quando sono entrato in casa con pochi giorni di vita e ci sono ancora oggi dopo 40 anni. Un po' di manutenzione con la riconatura dei woofer e la sostituzione della cavetteria interna ma per il resto sono praticamente "come nuove". Mio padre purtroppo non c'è più ma le sue AR10 Pi-Greco continuano a suonare e a tenermi compagnia tutte le settimane insieme al resto dell'impianto stereo che con passione aveva assemblato un pezzo per volta. Pre e finale Carver, giradischi Thorens e lettore Cd Aiwa Excelia. E' un impianto sicuramente "vintage" ma è il "suo" e tale mi piace che rimanga. ^_^
Stefano Massobrio che Insieme stupendo! Ho appena installato le mie pi-greco, con lettore vinili e stereo Pioneer. Anche un lascito famigliare .. Suonano meravigliosamente! Mi incuriosiscono i bellissimi rialzi per le tue pi-greco, sono acquistabili o li hai creati tu? Complimenti !!! Giulia
non sono riuscito a trovare foto del crossover originale ma se sui medi ed alti ci sono degli elettrolitici andrebbero cambiati con dei plastici ... il suono si apre piuttosto. Ho letto che qualche volta anche le resistenze possono cambiare valore ma basta fare una risposta in frequenza e vedere se ci sono buchi esagerati. Il woofer ha bisogno di tanta corrente. Io le ho sentite suonare alla grande con un finalone di Aloia. Reggono tanta potenza davvero. Che bordate con la sinfonica.
@@gino3286 venivano utilizzate capacità "plastiche" che, per la tecnologia dell'epoca, erano molto ingombranti. Nel caso fossero presenti condensatori elettrolitici sarebbe sicuramente opportuno sostituirli tutti e, come dice giustamente Lei, meglio utilizzare condensatori in film plastico. Infine, è concettualmente errato pensare che sia necessaria molta corrente per pilotare quel tipo di diffusori; la corrente è necessaria per pilotare carichi ad impedenza molto bassa ma quel tipo di diffusori aveva (ed ha) impedenza che difficilmente scendeva sotto i 5 Ohm. È necessaria una buona amplificazione in termini di potenza, questo sì, per il fatto che i woofer dell'epoca avevano scarsa sensibilità.
@@giuseppe5580 grazie mille per la gentile risposta e interessante spiegazione Ricordo un amico che le aveva e di ostinava a pilotarle con un valvolare non potente Ottima gamma media zero bsssi Ma diffusori magnifici Credo che sarebbero ancora attuali saluti Gino
@@gino3286 assolutamente d'accordo con Lei. Vilchur (co-fondatore della AR) era uno dei pochi ingegneri che sapeva veramente il fatto suo nel campo dell'HI-FI. Tra le mie esperienze annovero la riparazione di una coppia di AR-3 che montava gli stessi tweeter e mid-range delle 10 e PI-GRECO; bassa efficienza ma suono veramente raffinato per l'epoca (non dimentichiamoci che i primi esemplari di questi altoparlanti "Made in U.S.A." risalgono agli anni '60!). Vilchur, rientrato in patria (Svizzera) ha poi fondato la ROWEN e, utilizzando gli stessi altoparlanti della serie 10, 2a, 3a e Pi-G, ha realizzato una serie di diffusori "particolari" (modelli: R1, R2, R3, R1+1) dalle caratteristiche tecniche e sonore veramente sbalorditive. Le R1, di cui ne posseggo una coppia, sono diffusori in sospensione pneumatica con efficienza dichiarata di 91 dB e risposta in frequenza a partire dai 30 Hz. Il filtro crossover è del tipo "serie" (una vera chicca perché raramente i costruttori si cimentano a realizzare filtri del genere in quanto difficilmente valutabili, dal punto di vista del funzionamento, a livello teorico). Nel caso lo avesse o sia in grado di reperirlo, se Le può interessare, sul N° 75 di Audio Review del 1988 è pubblicata una bella prova delle ROWEN R1 in mio possesso. La avviso, però, del fatto che lo schema del crossover riportato non è corretto; i valori delle capacità (a parte una) sono completamente diversi. Cordfdiali saluti.
I remember my father telling me about Sansui in germany in 1969 and seeing the first black components made with steel cabinets; very sinister at the time and I gravitated towards the Pioneer silver family in due course, but thumbs up to quality and tradition.
AR 10pi is the model. The mids and tweeters were much improved versions of similar looking drivers used on earlier the AR 3A and AR 5. This is a final evolution of classic AR 3 and AR 3a using phenolic domes. In my opinion the AR 10pi and AR 11 were far and away the best versions of that iconic design. The cheaper AR 11 was substantially the same speaker minus the environmental bass control. It's drivers sit a bit higher in the box which might be a plus in some setups.
My brother used to own a Sansui amplifier back in '70's, so when I first saw this video I'm thinking "That's a Sansui. I know that's a Sansui." And it turned out to be one but what took me by surprise is that it still has a midrange control. I can't believe Sansui hasn't changed much during the last 50 years!
I've never cared about Chuck Mangione until hearing this demo, lol. Sounds incredible, thanks for sharing! I've never even heard of these particular AR models. Very nice indeed.
@@Mellonen-Galadh That's not the point. In the late 80's, audio companies started charging arbitrary high prices. $13,000 for a two way bookshelf? None of the companies gouged that badly back in the day. So what if I can find gently used Hamilton bookshelf speakers for $6500, it's still an arm and a leg and way overpriced for what it is.
Q Acoustics 3020i less than 400 dollars and sound really amazing. I heard them in person and they already sound better than my old 601 series I despite being bottlenecked by a lepai mini amplifier. Mix a high quality vintage stereo receiver with these affordable bookshelf speakers. Your ears will be in heaven. The Q acoustics concept 500 is a 6000ish dollar floorstanding speaker but, attention to detail in the engineering of these speakers makes them worth every penny and rival the sound of sonus faber aida speakers that costs over 100gs.
If your talking about the dollar amount that these components listed for back then, you'll have to multiply that by 4 or 5 times for the equivalent in todays dollars to account for inflation. Minimum wage at that time hovered around 2 dollars an hour. I think very good sound is attainable cheaper than ever.
Wow! GREAT AR-10pi and GREAT CHUCK! I've a pair of 11's - same period (1978-1979 - Teledyne Acoustic Research, with relief logos and original syntetic sponge grilles). More Amazing, After All These Years. Compliments.
I'd love to put my aDs 910s vs these AR 10s. The 910s also have dome mids/tweets plus dual 10.5" drivers installed into their own separate bass enclosures inside the cabs, thus the 100lbs/each. ( 130lbs with the stands ) The 910s are my end-gamers.
I still have a pair of AR18s I bought new way back when l just started working for $428 . A lot smaller than the 10s but you can only buy what you can afford back then.
Hi, Sommelier. You have made, maybe, your best sound take with the AR10!!! If they sound like they do in the demo, they're ideal for having party..., and for ending that party at the Police station! 😄
It's very difficult to beat the Sansui sound as it's tireless listening and keeps the lucky listener interested with great headroom and dynamic if you get the correct speaker pairing. I've put my Marantz 2265B aside and reconnected my Sansui Sx 1130 paired with Jbl's Lx 66 and honestly people it's the sound I've searched for my whole life. Crisp highs through the titanium tweeters snare drums are amazing a great punchy bass and mids deliver exceptional separation. And the best bit you don't need to break the bank at all as I believe these are under the audiophile radar.....And I've had loads of equipment over the years. You can get fantastic sound for cheap...can be an expensive hobby trial and error as I definitely know...Great track by the way Chuck Mangione
Acoustic research AR 10 pi, baby, I was introduced to HiFi by my father with those exact speakers, our sansui au717 struggled to drive them as they were rated at only four ohms.
Raxy Benex that was my set up, 10 pis driven by the au 717. The 717 was a tremendous amp but I wish I had spent the extra money and got the more powerful 919 instead.
Tra i miei diffusori è presente una bellissima coppia di ROWEN R1 del '91, diffusori progettati e realizzati da Edgar Vilchur che è stato il co-fondatore dell'americana AR e che, ritiratosi nella sua terra natale (la Svizzera) ha appunto fondato la ROWEN. La R1 è caratterizzata dal fatto che gli altoparlanti utilizzati sono esattamente proprio gli originali AR che venivano utilizzati per realizzare le AR-10 o le PI-GRECO (tweeter e mid-range), mentre i woofer sono da 20cm di diametro, quindi piu piccolo (per ogni diffusore ne venivano impiegati 2. Per chi fosse interessato, è presente la prova sul numero 75 di AUDIO REVIEW del 1988 ma vi dico già che lo schema del crossover non corrisponde al vero (spesso questo è voluto proprio dal costruttore e non è colpa dell'editore).
Caro Soundsommelier....che sound ...e che look!!!!!! Era un pò che non vedevo qualcosa che mi emozionava nei tuoi pur bei (e professionali) video :-) io proibirei qualsiasi altro look per un diffusore che non sia almeno simile a questo . Ho notato comunque che si sta tornando a fare assomigliare e suonare dei diffusori...a dei diffusori! :-) Oltre alla serie legacy di Tannoy e le solite Klipsch Heritage ora anche JBL sta ritornando a proporre casse serie (tipo le nuove L100),poi ci sono le Magnat Transpuls che stanno facendo parlare il mondo audio come non capitava da tempo,se per caso le avessi sentite o ti capitasse di sentirle magari fai una breve recensione che mi fido delle tue orecchie :-)
margix 😄 sapevo che questo video ti avrebbe fatto uscire dalla tana 😜 Le Magnat sono poco diffuse in Italia, sarà dura... invece sulle JBL L100 spero (a breve) di poterci mettere le mani sopra!
It’s such a shame that a wonderful company like AR could be taken down the drain and left to die. When I was a young audiophile this was what I dreamt about. When I had grown up to afford it just a few years later, the hifi industry was starting its decline, with things like cables costing a months income. Sad
Beautifull Sansui, you have the Loudness on so it will make an equalization emphasys on the lows and hights, I have just repaired a Sansui AU-717 which is as good as that AU6900, very good gear
See imgur . com/a/VIARZn5 ( Remove spaces ) With a little bit of repair work, my old speakers just kept on working. I bought the AKAI 630D reel to reel tape recorder back in 1978. MY DENON DCD-900 CD player that I bought in 1987 is still going strong as well. It started to randomly skip during playing, or miss certain songs all together. That was due to the LED CD scanner not being able to keep up with the proper scanning of the CD. So all I had to do was add a couple of drops of electric shaver oil to the mechanical gear system, and bingo, it was working as good as new again. The speakers are what I built all by myself back in 1978. It is amazing that after all these years they still sound so good. But I have to be careful. The police once showed up due to a sound noise complaint. There is plenty of volume coming out of these old babies. I did have to once eventually rebuild the woofers though. Due to age, the rubber rings that attach the centre cone to the outer metal chassis, had literally turned to dust. But for a mere $27, I purchased new rubber rings for the two woofers. It took about one hour and a half to repair each woofer. But it was worth it, and suddenly they had came back to life again, all back to being as good as new again.
I had some AR91's, but didn't like them as much as some other speakers I had. I used to have a single AR12 that sounded nice, which is why I got the AR91, but it wasn't the same sound.
Ohh you have my speakers the L-112...those were the best speakers on it's size in that era of 80's, they were the first to be mirror image pairs, they have the best tweeter JBL made ever
@@luisrodriguez8639 Yeah! Love 'em! I've had these since late 70's, or shorty after they became available...I'm thinking that I've had the woofers serviced twice over the years I've had them.
@@robertwheeler4068 Oh yeah the woofer suspension gets damage by humidity over the years, I change it myself, never change the original white ceramic frosted cone as the sound will not be the same if you change the cone, this speaker can last 100 years only changing the foam suspensions
@@luisrodriguez8639 Hi Luis! Yeah...thanks for all that info. but on both occasions I shipped my woofers to a JBL service center to have their "outer compliances" replaced...I DON'T TRUST MYSELF TO EVEN TRY IT!?😧🤣 I've watched several videos on the whole procedure, and it doesn't look like "ROCKET SCIENCE" but, I still feel more assertive having more qualified trained hands taking care of those "BABIES"!😉
this youtube recording of this particular speaker sounds better than your other youtube recording of other speakers. can you recomend us similar products available today on the market ? i mean similar type of sound. Thank you for this video !
Interesting...Never heard of the 10. If I'm not mistaken, my Ar-5's are the smaller 11. It sounds wonderful and the bass seems tighter than 10 but not as deep.
A matter of choice, this brightness. I have a pair myself and you can adjust the low, mid and high on the speakers using three switches situated on top behind a cover. And you are right, the tweets are pretty high in performance! I, for one, have the tweets on the lowest position -6db. And woofs and mids on normal. It creates a warm dark sound, like you have in a theater. Again, it is a matter of choice. And, I have to add, he is playing a cd here, which also explains the brightness. Vinyl is a total different story, you should here a 70's record on these baby's! I haste to say that new records also sound very, very well! (Amp: Creek 5350SE, Thorens turntable with Nagaoka JN-P110 needle. Just to create the picture.)
Great speakers, and thank you for not playing a boring reverb drenched female vocal.
Would have liked your comment twice, if it was possible. Those tracks are really awful, especially with the extra textured double bass... blahhhh
Chuck Mangione Feels So Good!!! 1977 or 78! I was in 3rd grade and lived in Key West,Florida. My father was in the U.S. Navy. Boca Cicha Naval Airstation!!! That brings back memories!
In 1978 was building my own speakers. See ibb . co/jSWGOo ( Remove Spaces ) They are still working as good as new today.
Here is another pic if the first is non-accessible.
Brilliant track of sound which allows to hear full spectrum of the sound. Sansui nicely matching with the AR.
One of the most ucoloured and natural speakers ever made.
My exact thoughts Lol come join the subscriber channel i could use more good commentors.
Just found this clip. Loved it. I once had a Sansui AU 719 (and the TU 719 as well) connected to AR 14 speakers. This set up served me twenty years! From the very early 80's till about 2002.
Beautiful speakers! Love that Sansui amplifier. Incredible sound, great choice of music for the system demonstration!
grande accoppiata SANSUI e AR , storici , quando gli apparecchi hifi avevano un'anima !
Wow!! The original AR 10pi....They look brand new....I had the AR 11 which were essentially the same speaker but without the environmental control..... These were extremely popular in the mid 70's.... Thanks for sharing.....
I used to own a pair of AR 11, driven by the AR aplifier. Now I must be content with a set od Dynaudio contour 30's, driven by a Naim Supernait 2. I still miss the AR-sound.
Sono nato e cresciuto con le AR10 Pi-Greco di mio padre, c'erano quando sono entrato in casa con pochi giorni di vita e ci sono ancora oggi dopo 40 anni. Un po' di manutenzione con la riconatura dei woofer e la sostituzione della cavetteria interna ma per il resto sono praticamente "come nuove". Mio padre purtroppo non c'è più ma le sue AR10 Pi-Greco continuano a suonare e a tenermi compagnia tutte le settimane insieme al resto dell'impianto stereo che con passione aveva assemblato un pezzo per volta. Pre e finale Carver, giradischi Thorens e lettore Cd Aiwa Excelia. E' un impianto sicuramente "vintage" ma è il "suo" e tale mi piace che rimanga. ^_^
Stefano Massobrio che Insieme stupendo!
Ho appena installato le mie pi-greco, con lettore vinili e stereo Pioneer. Anche un lascito famigliare ..
Suonano meravigliosamente!
Mi incuriosiscono i bellissimi rialzi per le tue pi-greco, sono acquistabili o li hai creati tu?
Complimenti !!!
non sono riuscito a trovare foto del crossover originale ma se sui medi ed alti ci sono degli elettrolitici andrebbero cambiati con dei plastici ... il suono si apre piuttosto. Ho letto che qualche volta anche le resistenze possono cambiare valore ma basta fare una risposta in frequenza e vedere se ci sono buchi esagerati. Il woofer ha bisogno di tanta corrente. Io le ho sentite suonare alla grande con un finalone di Aloia. Reggono tanta potenza davvero. Che bordate con la sinfonica.
@@gino3286 venivano utilizzate capacità "plastiche" che, per la tecnologia dell'epoca, erano molto ingombranti. Nel caso fossero presenti condensatori elettrolitici sarebbe sicuramente opportuno sostituirli tutti e, come dice giustamente Lei, meglio utilizzare condensatori in film plastico.
Infine, è concettualmente errato pensare che sia necessaria molta corrente per pilotare quel tipo di diffusori; la corrente è necessaria per pilotare carichi ad impedenza molto bassa ma quel tipo di diffusori aveva (ed ha) impedenza che difficilmente scendeva sotto i 5 Ohm. È necessaria una buona amplificazione in termini di potenza, questo sì, per il fatto che i woofer dell'epoca avevano scarsa sensibilità.
@@giuseppe5580 grazie mille per la gentile risposta e interessante spiegazione
Ricordo un amico che le aveva e di ostinava a pilotarle con un valvolare non potente Ottima gamma media zero bsssi Ma diffusori magnifici Credo che sarebbero ancora attuali saluti Gino
@@gino3286 assolutamente d'accordo con Lei. Vilchur (co-fondatore della AR) era uno dei pochi ingegneri che sapeva veramente il fatto suo nel campo dell'HI-FI. Tra le mie esperienze annovero la riparazione di una coppia di AR-3 che montava gli stessi tweeter e mid-range delle 10 e PI-GRECO; bassa efficienza ma suono veramente raffinato per l'epoca (non dimentichiamoci che i primi esemplari di questi altoparlanti "Made in U.S.A." risalgono agli anni '60!).
Vilchur, rientrato in patria (Svizzera) ha poi fondato la ROWEN e, utilizzando gli stessi altoparlanti della serie 10, 2a, 3a e Pi-G, ha realizzato una serie di diffusori "particolari" (modelli: R1, R2, R3, R1+1) dalle caratteristiche tecniche e sonore veramente sbalorditive. Le R1, di cui ne posseggo una coppia, sono diffusori in sospensione pneumatica con efficienza dichiarata di 91 dB e risposta in frequenza a partire dai 30 Hz.
Il filtro crossover è del tipo "serie" (una vera chicca perché raramente i costruttori si cimentano a realizzare filtri del genere in quanto difficilmente valutabili, dal punto di vista del funzionamento, a livello teorico).
Nel caso lo avesse o sia in grado di reperirlo, se Le può interessare, sul N° 75 di Audio Review del 1988 è pubblicata una bella prova delle ROWEN R1 in mio possesso. La avviso, però, del fatto che lo schema del crossover riportato non è corretto; i valori delle capacità (a parte una) sono completamente diversi.
Cordfdiali saluti.
I miss those days. I had a great setup. the sound fidelity was outstanding especially with an actual CD.
I remember my father telling me about Sansui in germany in 1969 and seeing the first black components made
with steel cabinets; very sinister at the time and I gravitated towards the Pioneer silver family in due course, but thumbs up to quality and tradition.
Wow that sounded beautiful, I listen to it multiple times & you can’t beat that Vintage Sound.
One of the best “box speaker” vids I’ve heard on YT. Impressive!
Dang, the early 70 were pouring out of my monitors... sweet refresher of that era's sound that formed my notion of hifi.
So musical, lively and fun. Great sounding vintage.
AR 10pi is the model. The mids and tweeters were much improved versions of similar looking drivers used on earlier the AR 3A and AR 5. This is a final evolution of classic AR 3 and AR 3a using phenolic domes. In my opinion the AR 10pi and AR 11 were far and away the best versions of that iconic design.
The cheaper AR 11 was substantially the same speaker minus the environmental bass control. It's drivers sit a bit higher in the box which might be a plus in some setups.
I still have AR-3a speakers and still love them since 1970.
had a pair of ar11 they were destroyed in a storage fire replaced with ar303.
Music is an event on this video. Fantastic ambiance !
bellissimi, questi diffusori storici ar sono meravigliosi!
Beautiful set of old ARs. Great sound and paired up nice with the Sansui...nice job!
My brother used to own a Sansui amplifier back in '70's, so when I first saw this video I'm thinking "That's a Sansui. I know that's a Sansui." And it turned out to be one but what took me by surprise is that it still has a midrange control. I can't believe Sansui hasn't changed much during the last 50 years!
I've never cared about Chuck Mangione until hearing this demo, lol. Sounds incredible, thanks for sharing! I've never even heard of these particular AR models. Very nice indeed.
Great sound. Chuck sounding real sweet. Miss these days, back when Hi-Fidelity didn't cost you an arm and leg.
It still doesn't cost an arm and a leg, if you browse patiently for second-hand or even third-hand gear.
@@Mellonen-Galadh That's not the point. In the late 80's, audio companies started charging arbitrary high prices. $13,000 for a two way bookshelf? None of the companies gouged that badly back in the day. So what if I can find gently used Hamilton bookshelf speakers for $6500, it's still an arm and a leg and way overpriced for what it is.
Q Acoustics 3020i less than 400 dollars and sound really amazing. I heard them in person and they already sound better than my old 601 series I despite being bottlenecked by a lepai mini amplifier. Mix a high quality vintage stereo receiver with these affordable bookshelf speakers. Your ears will be in heaven. The Q acoustics concept 500 is a 6000ish dollar floorstanding speaker but, attention to detail in the engineering of these speakers makes them worth every penny and rival the sound of sonus faber aida speakers that costs over 100gs.
If your talking about the dollar amount that these components listed for back then, you'll have to multiply that by 4 or 5 times for the equivalent in todays dollars to account for inflation. Minimum wage at that time hovered around 2 dollars an hour.
I think very good sound is attainable cheaper than ever.
@@davidperry4013 Better sound than Bose 601? Ofcourse almost every speaker beats Bose...
Sunday afternoon song to listen to when I was a kid .
I remember seeing a few of those during my high school years, but never heard them.
Sansui AU-6900/7900 for me are the best model ever by Sansui! Fantastic amp and sound!
Wow! GREAT AR-10pi and GREAT CHUCK! I've a pair of 11's - same period (1978-1979 - Teledyne Acoustic Research, with relief logos and original syntetic sponge grilles). More Amazing, After All These Years.
exellent dinamics, good presence , natural sound
great speakers, great sound, greetings from Germany, thank you
Your vid's are always great. Thanks very enjoyable as always!!!!!
Wonderful vintage Speakers
Thank you for this demonstration and uploading it
Perfect Video and Sound Recording
What a track!!!!!!!!!! You have serious taste and knowledge of music 👍👍👍👍👍
Dorothy Ashby- Afro Harping
AR models with the dome mids were some of the best speakers ever made... Including these. And they sound much better with analog!!
I'd love to put my aDs 910s vs these AR 10s. The 910s also have dome mids/tweets plus dual 10.5" drivers installed into their own separate bass enclosures inside the cabs, thus the 100lbs/each. ( 130lbs with the stands ) The 910s are my end-gamers.
Awesome sound and great music selection
Really nice. Thanks for the memories, loved that series of Sansui amps.
Sounds excellent even on my phone & to think you have even bigger speakers in the back.
Awesome sound and great song selection! Thoroughly enjoyed this! Cheers - Luther
I still have a pair of AR18s I bought new way back when l just started working for $428 . A lot smaller than the 10s but you can only buy what you can afford back then.
Excelente sonido👏👏👏👀.Saludos desde España🙋♂
Hi, Sommelier.
You have made, maybe, your best sound take with the AR10!!!
If they sound like they do in the demo, they're ideal for having party..., and for ending that party at the Police station! 😄
My favourite kind of parties 😂😂😂😂
It's very difficult to beat the Sansui sound as it's tireless listening and keeps the lucky listener interested with great headroom and dynamic if you get the correct speaker pairing.
I've put my Marantz 2265B aside and reconnected my Sansui Sx 1130 paired with Jbl's Lx 66
and honestly people it's the sound I've searched for my whole life. Crisp highs through the titanium tweeters snare drums are amazing a great punchy bass and mids deliver exceptional separation. And the best bit you don't need to break the bank at all as I believe these are under the audiophile radar.....And I've had loads of equipment over the years. You can get fantastic sound for cheap...can be an expensive hobby trial and error as I definitely know...Great track by the way Chuck Mangione
great amplifier, great speaker, eargasm
Very nice! I want a pair. :-)
nice speakers good sound
Thats a killer amp, used to have one.
Acoustic research AR 10 pi, baby, I was introduced to HiFi by my father with those exact speakers, our sansui au717 struggled to drive them as they were rated at only four ohms.
Raxy Benex that was my set up, 10 pis driven by the au 717. The 717 was a tremendous amp but I wish I had spent the extra money and got the more powerful 919 instead.
Sounds beautiful
Beautiful set up awesome !!!
Sounds so sweet 💯👍✌️
Sansui is a hammer
wao nice sound .i enjoy every sec of the sound.thank you for sharing
impecable el sonido realismo total felicitaciones
equipo con magia y estilo sólo para conocedores dé este arte
Vauuuuuuuuuu, i love you!
Une cuvée qui a bien vieilli :)
Tra i miei diffusori è presente una bellissima coppia di ROWEN R1 del '91, diffusori progettati e realizzati da Edgar Vilchur che è stato il co-fondatore dell'americana AR e che, ritiratosi nella sua terra natale (la Svizzera) ha appunto fondato la ROWEN.
La R1 è caratterizzata dal fatto che gli altoparlanti utilizzati sono esattamente proprio gli originali AR che venivano utilizzati per realizzare le AR-10 o le PI-GRECO (tweeter e mid-range), mentre i woofer sono da 20cm di diametro, quindi piu piccolo (per ogni diffusore ne venivano impiegati 2.
Per chi fosse interessato, è presente la prova sul numero 75 di AUDIO REVIEW del 1988 ma vi dico già che lo schema del crossover non corrisponde al vero (spesso questo è voluto proprio dal costruttore e non è colpa dell'editore).
Sansui just sounds right
I say WHOA!
Nice system you got there!
Caro Soundsommelier....che sound ...e che look!!!!!! Era un pò che non vedevo qualcosa che mi emozionava nei tuoi pur bei (e professionali) video :-) io proibirei qualsiasi altro look per un diffusore che non sia almeno simile a questo . Ho notato comunque che si sta tornando a fare assomigliare e suonare dei diffusori...a dei diffusori! :-) Oltre alla serie legacy di Tannoy e le solite Klipsch Heritage ora anche JBL sta ritornando a proporre casse serie (tipo le nuove L100),poi ci sono le Magnat Transpuls che stanno facendo parlare il mondo audio come non capitava da tempo,se per caso le avessi sentite o ti capitasse di sentirle magari fai una breve recensione che mi fido delle tue orecchie :-)
margix 😄 sapevo che questo video ti avrebbe fatto uscire dalla tana 😜 Le Magnat sono poco diffuse in Italia, sarà dura... invece sulle JBL L100 spero (a breve) di poterci mettere le mani sopra!
@@SoundSommelier Grazie caro e complimenti per i video ...e buon anno!!!!!
Great sounding speakers. They don't make them like that anymore.
I like the Chris Vadala tenor solo
What model of Boston Acoustics are those black ones?
Is that your house?? That looks like a showroom! 🤩😎
This makes me wanna upgrade my stupid microphones for my channel !
I have the Sansui G-8000 and it sound crazy good with my HPM-100
It’s such a shame that a wonderful company like AR could be taken down the drain and left to die. When I was a young audiophile this was what I dreamt about. When I had grown up to afford it just a few years later, the hifi industry was starting its decline, with things like cables costing a months income. Sad
I was wondering what happened to A.R.
Not all cables do cost a monthly salary …. choose other ones and be good!
Beautifull Sansui, you have the Loudness on so it will make an equalization emphasys on the lows and hights, I have just repaired a Sansui AU-717 which is as good as that AU6900, very good gear
Wait a minute...How the hell can you tell that the "LOUDNESS" is on???🙄🤔
@@robertwheeler4068 Jajajajaja the loudness switch is down in the IN POSITION ;)
@@luisrodriguez8639 OK Luis... My bad...🙄
I have a pair of these, looking for suitable stands 1' off the ground like these.
Ярко очень японская школа!
what a the large floor speakers in the rear?? thanks
Hello, I just bought them, have no emblems on them and no grills, but for the rest they are fine and play well....
What about dome mid speaker? It's sound reflects on all the walls and goods around, I think... :)
yes, toeing in these speakers does nothing.
See imgur . com/a/VIARZn5 ( Remove spaces ) With a little bit of repair work, my old speakers just kept on working. I bought the AKAI 630D reel to reel tape recorder back in 1978. MY DENON DCD-900 CD player that I bought in 1987 is still going strong as well. It started to randomly skip during playing, or miss certain songs all together. That was due to the LED CD scanner not being able to keep up with the proper scanning of the CD. So all I had to do was add a couple of drops of electric shaver oil to the mechanical gear system, and bingo, it was working as good as new again. The speakers are what I built all by myself back in 1978. It is amazing that after all these years they still sound so good. But I have to be careful. The police once showed up due to a sound noise complaint. There is plenty of volume coming out of these old babies. I did have to once eventually rebuild the woofers though. Due to age, the rubber rings that attach the centre cone to the outer metal chassis, had literally turned to dust. But for a mere $27, I purchased new rubber rings for the two woofers. It took about one hour and a half to repair each woofer. But it was worth it, and suddenly they had came back to life again, all back to being as good as new again.
I had some AR91's, but didn't like them as much as some other speakers I had. I used to have a single AR12 that sounded nice, which is why I got the AR91, but it wasn't the same sound.
How do these match up against a set of JBL L100s?
Ohh you have my speakers the L-112...those were the best speakers on it's size in that era of 80's, they were the first to be mirror image pairs, they have the best tweeter JBL made ever
@@luisrodriguez8639 Yeah! Love 'em! I've had these since late 70's, or shorty after they became available...I'm thinking that I've had the woofers serviced twice over the years I've had them.
@@robertwheeler4068 Oh yeah the woofer suspension gets damage by humidity over the years, I change it myself, never change the original white ceramic frosted cone as the sound will not be the same if you change the cone, this speaker can last 100 years only changing the foam suspensions
@@luisrodriguez8639 Hi Luis! Yeah...thanks for all that info. but on both occasions I shipped my woofers to a JBL service center to have their "outer compliances" replaced...I DON'T TRUST MYSELF TO EVEN TRY IT!?😧🤣 I've watched several videos on the whole procedure, and it doesn't look like "ROCKET SCIENCE" but, I still feel more assertive having more qualified trained hands taking care of those "BABIES"!😉
this youtube recording of this particular speaker sounds better than your other youtube recording of other speakers. can you recomend us similar products available today on the market ? i mean similar type of sound. Thank you for this video
Jamo concert series. Thank me later
Interesting...Never heard of the 10. If I'm not mistaken, my Ar-5's are the smaller 11. It sounds wonderful and the bass seems tighter than 10 but not as deep.
The speaker drivers are made in Bulgaria for GAMMA.
What is type name that music?
Is that a NAD CDP there?
Which album are you playing?
Amândio Spínola Chuck Mangione - Feel so good
@@SoundSommelier, thank you 🙂
Does anybody know what the large speakers in the back are? I'm guessing Tanoy by the cabinet, but really don't know. Those AR10s sound amazing.
It's Tannoy Kingdom 15 ;-)
may i know this album song good
Great sound is a nice match.
Are you using the Sansui as a preamp?
I have the AU 999 and I use it as a preamp
The way music used to sound
Distorted flawed and realistic
nice sounding and lively speakers, a tad bright though. Will be interested to hear the bigger speaker behind it.
A matter of choice, this brightness. I have a pair myself and you can adjust the low, mid and high on the speakers using three switches situated on top behind a cover. And you are right, the tweets are pretty high in performance! I, for one, have the tweets on the lowest position -6db. And woofs and mids on normal. It creates a warm dark sound, like you have in a theater. Again, it is a matter of choice. And, I have to add, he is playing a cd here, which also explains the brightness. Vinyl is a total different story, you should here a 70's record on these baby's! I haste to say that new records also sound very, very well! (Amp: Creek 5350SE, Thorens turntable with Nagaoka JN-P110 needle. Just to create the picture.)
Should be playing a vintage album!
Для такой аппаратуры моглибы и позаботиться об акустической подготовке помещения.
Love a hifi video without the cat
Aveva ragione il Colonnello...
These sound as good if not better than the extremely expensive Wilson Alexandria XLF or Sonus Faber Aida speakers.
Not even!
Bright room. Yes?
amp doesnt have enough headroom to drive the low impedance load...give it a quality hi end amp