Dr. Deen Bandhu Chandora- What are the Core Values of Sanatan-Vedic-Hindu Society?

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024
  • The Core Values of Sanatan-Vedic-Hindu system, improves one’s own courage, firm-determination, stamina, mental acuity, self-respect, self-image that motivates to explore one’s role in society. Sankhya Philosophy says, Ahamkaar/अहंकार is the first developmental stage, best described as an infantile stage of the mind. It starts with -‘I, me, and mine,’ kind of mindset. It is an infantile kind of immature mind thinking, which in long term has cost irreplaceable heavy cultural, intellectual, Dharmic, social, and political price to Hindus. ’ How can one change this kind of mental thinking? The core values can change. Neglecting these Core values for last one thousand years by Hindus of Bharat has led to this degenerative, negativistic attitude and decline. The Core Values of Vedic-Sanatan-Hindu Dharm, if taught properly, positively, and progressively the new generation will understand better. Guided by these core values, long term value creation integrates social responsibility of an individual to produce societal impact. These Core Values will infuse resiliency to incorporate lifestyle change that helps transform society to implement, with new goals and outcomes - colonial, imperial, immature, and its self-centered mindset may be changed . Actually, speaking the whole generation of young people is looking for this adventure. It can be done. A practical and sustainable society does flourish. Peaceful coexistence leading to collectiveness makes Rastra. It may take time to think and process these Core Values in life. I am certain this whole process of rejuvenation of natural Sanatan-Vedic-Hindu Core Value system does make a change in epigenetic marks of Hindu genes, that will have worldwide impact and its contribution to humanity will be felt throughout the world. It will be a gift of Sanatan-Vedic-Hindu values to build a better, healthier unprejudiced, unbiased, more objective, and equitable world for us all. Core values will be presented.