White apple of thunder (Ryhor Baradulin) White apple of thunder black gardens of troubled years. The apple to anyone shall not suggest. Naked apple of thunder horror overtaken by dusk. It seems that the devil himself remembers the bitter taste. Bright apple of thunder with Nightingale Vigil. Gentle apple fatigue bit it one day. Silent apple of thunder, first dears anger. The look is young wanted to see Eve. Good apple of thunder joy filled around! Let it not be broken your branches ever. White apple of thunder the whisper is caring And on the last heights clearly you ascend with me.
Барадулін - зэ бэст! Саладуха - аут!
Вечар добры у хату!
Long Live Lavon!!! Адна з найлепшых калыбельных сучаснасц1.
Неверагодна. ❤️
Якая асалода. Дзякуй.
Пераслухоуваю з задавальненнем!
Вялікі дзякуй!
Усяго наілепшага!!!
Mega cudo!
Хадановіч накіраваӯ да вас. Дзякуй. Яму за параду. Вам за твор.
Прывітанне спадару Хадановічу. Ды Вам зразумела.
Жыве любимая Беларусь!
Вельмі прыгожае выкананне
Ну классно же, классно!!!
Чаму так сумна пяеце?)
Прошло столь лет, а песня актуальна!
White apple of thunder (Ryhor Baradulin)
White apple of thunder
black gardens of troubled years.
The apple to anyone
shall not suggest.
Naked apple of thunder
horror overtaken by dusk.
It seems that the devil himself
remembers the bitter taste.
Bright apple of thunder
with Nightingale Vigil.
Gentle apple fatigue
bit it one day.
Silent apple of thunder,
first dears anger.
The look is young
wanted to see Eve.
Good apple of thunder
joy filled around!
Let it not be broken
your branches ever.
White apple of thunder
the whisper is caring
And on the last heights
clearly you ascend with me.
Are those the lyrics