  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @peterschwerdt5800
    @peterschwerdt5800 Місяць тому +6

    Rob, you shot some belters but what's really lovely is you always appreciate someone else's great bird and tell them. It is also really nice you are shooting your own birds rather than other peoples birds which other influencers do on a regular basis...there is no need for greed. If you want to kill rather than tickle the top draw birds tighten the chokes to full and full and use 3 shot... I promise you will notice a big difference. well shot!

    • @alanrobinson3549
      @alanrobinson3549 Місяць тому +1

      Hi just a thought this is game shooting not Goose Shooting. It would be very interesting what the patterns like with 3 shot out at 70yrds. If that is what you like to use good Luke. Its the thought of shooting those big shells all day it must be hard work. A day out shooting has to be pleasurable.
      Alan Robinson

  • @mikemorris59
    @mikemorris59 Місяць тому +2

    Some cracking birds and beautiful scenery, well shot mate 👍🏼

  • @kieranblythe9722
    @kieranblythe9722 Місяць тому +1

    Absolutely fantastic video Rob, definitely my favourite to watch, hopefully see you in the field one day 👍🏻

  • @155GBH
    @155GBH Місяць тому +3

    Outstanding and well shot. I was sure you were going to put the drone in the bag!

  • @roymartingunsmiths814
    @roymartingunsmiths814 Місяць тому +1

    Some epic shooting there buddy! Thanks for the mention 👌

  • @christopherking9439
    @christopherking9439 Місяць тому

    Just amazing,well shot Rob.

  • @donniepowell7146
    @donniepowell7146 Місяць тому +1

    Beautiful countryside.

  • @steffenschmidt5339
    @steffenschmidt5339 Місяць тому +2

    Great film, and what a beautiful countryside - how tied chokes do you use ??

  • @oceanbeliever681
    @oceanbeliever681 Місяць тому

    That lab was ready to go!

  • @paulzyggy
    @paulzyggy 5 днів тому

    Has anyone seen the lion in the clouds on the first drive? Awesome birds.

  • @FourWays76
    @FourWays76 Місяць тому +1

    New subscriber, proper good vids..

  • @PedroSanchezAlvarado
    @PedroSanchezAlvarado Місяць тому

    Excelente lances de cazeria amigos saludos chevre caza

  • @alanrobinson3549
    @alanrobinson3549 Місяць тому

    Hi That was an epic day on some fantastic birds, Well shot. Some of your shotkam footage was great to. you showed one bird on the first drive the gap that was needed to kill the bird, plus on the same drive the massive gap you gave one bird which you missed. Would you do a video on your shotkam hits and misses. This will give a good indication on what is to much lead or to little lead or was you off line when you missed.
    Alan Robinson

  • @jarrodsmith649
    @jarrodsmith649 Місяць тому

    Wow rob that’s mega looks an amazing place how high are some of those birds you killed they looked bloody high 👍

  • @nigeldurn3538
    @nigeldurn3538 Місяць тому

    well shot Rob cracking video, any chance you could treat me and Ivan to a days shooting lol

  • @ghillie35
    @ghillie35 Місяць тому +1

    Don’t know wether you thought about it for merch but what about the bags that you put your empty’s in

  • @STTrout
    @STTrout Місяць тому

    What a privilege. How you are so calm just talking while there's hundreds of birds flying around 😂. Id be a dribbling wreck

  • @Skully4463
    @Skully4463 Місяць тому

    Love the videos. However, for the last two the sound has been weird. I always see them using headphones and somehow the sound only goes to the right ear, never got sound on the left. Ive tested with other videos, and only happens with yours. Anyway, great video as always

  • @WOLF-bx7tx
    @WOLF-bx7tx Місяць тому

    Love the content. Don't want to sound impatient, but when is the next video coming out

    • @fieldsportswithspeed
      @fieldsportswithspeed  Місяць тому

      🤣🤣 Glad you’re loving it bud!! 💪 I’m releasing new videos every other Tuesday at 5pm 😁

  • @2301Moose
    @2301Moose Місяць тому


  • @paulcleal3613
    @paulcleal3613 Місяць тому

    Looks like cricket malerbie birds😅 😆 lol...

  • @PedroSanchezAlvarado
    @PedroSanchezAlvarado Місяць тому


  • @gordonbaxteruk
    @gordonbaxteruk Місяць тому

    That bald guy keeps popping in your frames... no respect at all... great video though!

  • @woodruffwalker1868
    @woodruffwalker1868 Місяць тому

    Sorry mate not enough shotkam vid with your opinion on technique. Too much banal lad stuff and not enough pith.

    • @fieldsportswithspeed
      @fieldsportswithspeed  Місяць тому

      Gaps were too big and couldn’t see the bird wrapping up on the ShotKam. Trust me, I’d have put it in if I could have!!

    • @woodruffwalker1868
      @woodruffwalker1868 Місяць тому

      OK ; I take it back .What would be interesting is to give your views on how to modify from high tower clays to high birds. You seem to point track for a millisecond and then accelerate. fast . In a clay setting you will miss in front. A bit of analysis would be welcome.