From what I’m aware off. Just shows on the LED. If you send it out on low battery, and the battery dies, unfortunately it will be stuck out in the water. The controller will bleep. When turning it on. 4 bleeps 100%, 3 bleeps 75%, 2 bleeps 50% and 1 bleep 25%. Hope this helps 🙂
Nice one 👍 saved me killing the controller from brand new
Glad it helped 🙂. I see a lot of people asking so thought i would pass this information on to help others 🙂
What does flashing green light on handset mean, when in use?
Borrowing a mates boat for France.
What does it mean if it's flashes geen while red? While charging bigger battery 10 ah
Hi mate, one question, does the boat respond by itself if have a low battery when is on the water? Of just LEDs on boat let you know?
From what I’m aware off. Just shows on the LED. If you send it out on low battery, and the battery dies, unfortunately it will be stuck out in the water.
The controller will bleep. When turning it on. 4 bleeps 100%, 3 bleeps 75%, 2 bleeps 50% and 1 bleep 25%.
Hope this helps 🙂
I've just got this boat but can't find 5v 1amp plug anywhere
Have you looked on eBay?
Does the controller need to be paired everytime the boat is turned on ? Some say yes and others say no . Can you clarify please .
Hi. I have never had to repair controller every time boat is turned on. Hope this helps.
5v 2amp I use been fine
Good to know. Thanks 🙂
It's not good to store a lithium battery at 100 % it ruines them
why is this in my feed and what is it because I have actually no clue
Hi. It’s how to charge a boat used to drop bait for fishing. Sorry unfortunately have to idea why it’s in your feed.
@@KBCarping ur chilling i actually fly fish lol