This part is interesting, understanding the global order is so critical in order to think globally and act locally. Contingency approach to change management in the Ethiopian context is so important.
You remind me my university year's back in late 80s. Oh I really miss my great profs back in the years.Good analysis of current global politics in general and Ethiopian politics in particular. It is an eye opener to me.
In my opinion, the Ethiopian government should work hard on identifying priorities to bring about real change in all aspects, the need to think critically and integrative approaches.
I liked how the Professor crafted this delicate and profound topic, "politics," in an excitingly engaging manner. The surest way out from our vicious mire and escape the snares of diplomatic pressures and deceptive conspiracies is to reformulate the political trend of the country. Dialogue-based discourses, debates, and alternatives yield incremental returns while solidifying this new trend to get firm ground.
Politics is really difficult, especially when everyone dreams of becoming a politician. The problem in our country is that most members of society are activists or politicians, but we don't see innovators, entrepreneurs, philosophers, psychologists, researchers, scientists, investors or even policymakers ... it's terribly sad that our politicians don't know what politics or do not have deep knowledge in this area. Please, my siblings, change your position even if you are already a politician, because there are enough politicians in our country. And if you're not a politician, thank you, keep your shining.
But, do you understand why politics become attractive or necessary for many? With a unworkable and idiotic constitution which took things like property (land) rights from individuals and gave it to cadres in the name of ethnic federalism, which makes freedom of movement impossible by taking the sovereignty of the country and individuals and gave it to ethnc units and their thug leaders, which enforced first past the post election system on top of ethnic demarcation leaving no room for possible proportional representation, etc. All this laws and institutions made politics the only livelihood of many. You don’t change that all is BS talk!
This is a very interesting lecture and very educational! I hope this will help most of us to see the big picture! Thanks, professor! Keep up the great work 👍
Bire your presentation was excellent as you said"We are in a period of confusion" because it is the end of the world this is true so the solution is the creature he is Jesus we have to believe in him he is coming.Thanks God bless you!
Good analysis but missed the time and the momentom. Your deductive analysis is not any longer convinciing for most people in Ethiopia. What I encourage you is considering the potential you have " Stop going around the bush " and face the reality of Ethiopia. Man you don't train dying people :) Who really cares about deep alalysis of global or local politics while his own sons and daughters are dying in front of his own eyes? You started the game well but now why you turned to the back sit? My humble oppenion! Give your younger politicians true cure that will help them walk right and in light ....
This is a warning for all Ethiopian. Otherwise, you will find your country as worest as Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Lebanon, or Ukraine. The Last Warning!
For the question you raised? What is the solution? Allow them full self adminitration by providing guidances by law and order as well as by reform of the Ethiopian Constitution. Then accommodate them in the Federal Government. The chance or opportunities are for the whole regions. The Amhara, the Oromoes,the Tigray,the southern regions,the somali region and Afar. Sorry I jump the Guragie region you know why? The Gurragie region is centeral region that even control overall Ethiopian Govenment. Even if any unilatera government controls Ethiopian Government the Gurragie Ethicnation is the subordinate for the whole. The Autonomous Administration is not designed for desintigration but for self economic developments, stability and peace. Best Regads! Uso Mohamed Musa.
Prof Thanks....Yes, it is a unique period, where crisis and cheos become common phenomenon. Surprisingly, there are people who watched this video who doubt your lecture, but prefer to listen to or blindly follow a highschooler facebook activist !!
Let us return to your admistration Prosperty unilateral party,is the assumed party realy functioning as expected ? Can you practically predict the next conditions of the country and the public wellbeing? Best Regards. Uso Mohamed.
FORECAST FOR ETHIOPIAN NEW YEAR: Abiy's army will be defeated, Fano will enter Addis with victory, the officials will surrender to go to jail, Abiy will flee by himself preventing his entourage to escape , and Fano will call a conference to form a transitional government. It will be a relief and happy ending for Ethiopians. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! BEST WISHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To all elites in Ethiopia you better take Birhanu Nega's speech on Politics Good insight This is what narrow minded wicked elites of OLF and TPLF lack which extended to PP, worsening to Amharas who were nationalist Panafricanist. I think most EPRDF=PP don't know the true meaning of politics and objectives of the ideology they joined. Let all ethnic politics riders take this lecture..The most precious and worsthy resource is human being.But foolish Oromos mistreat assassinate and displaced other ethnics, couldn't learn from China,( population policy revision, thousands of ethnics live in harmony)and why USA UK German Italy seek labour Human beings consumers for marketi. Politics for most elites is quick fix,most uneducated unmerited narrow minded incapacitated ignorants.
It is funny and embarrassing if the crowd have no idea about yuval noah harrari and his books 😢 the whole "lecture" is plagiarized from multiple lecture of his two books (sapiens and homo deus) and he (birhanu) present the same paper (as a preface) on international economic forum last month. ጠቅላዩም መደመር እያለ መፅሐፍ ብሎ በጠረዘው ወረቀት ያደነቆረን ፀሐፊው (yuval) በመፅሀፉ cooperation ሲል ስለ ሰው ልጅ የሚናገረውን ነው ።
How come the Professor did not learn English? Was he teaching in the US? You should’ve learned speaking with your hand it doesn’t replace speaking well
I am sorry for this person or he is professor for me he is killer instinct Amhara this professor he will check he edecution really he is a professor because he is Boss' Aiby Amanda he is Rusmume he is not available to lead in Ethiopia
This part is interesting, understanding the global order is so critical in order to think globally and act locally. Contingency approach to change management in the Ethiopian context is so important.
Great lecture..... With Insightful content and Explanation.
Thanks Prof.
The speech educating beyond the public!
Best Regards!
Uso Mohamed.
You remind me my university year's back in late 80s. Oh I really miss my great profs back in the years.Good analysis of current global politics in general and Ethiopian politics in particular. It is an eye opener to me.
Thankyou, It is a very pleasant expression, expected from an educated person.Recpect !!
In my opinion, the Ethiopian government should work hard on identifying priorities to bring about real change in all aspects, the need to think critically and integrative approaches.
Prof. U are very wise, genuine, and real politician! Big respect!
I liked how the Professor crafted this delicate and profound topic, "politics," in an excitingly engaging manner. The surest way out from our vicious mire and escape the snares of diplomatic pressures and deceptive conspiracies is to reformulate the political trend of the country. Dialogue-based discourses, debates, and alternatives yield incremental returns while solidifying this new trend to get firm ground.
Politics is really difficult, especially when everyone dreams of becoming a politician.
The problem in our country is that most members of society are activists or politicians, but we don't see innovators, entrepreneurs, philosophers, psychologists, researchers, scientists, investors or even policymakers ... it's terribly sad that our politicians don't know what politics or do not have deep knowledge in this area.
Please, my siblings, change your position even if you are already a politician, because there are enough politicians in our country. And if you're not a politician, thank you, keep your shining.
But, do you understand why politics become attractive or necessary for many? With a unworkable and idiotic constitution which took things like property (land) rights from individuals and gave it to cadres in the name of ethnic federalism, which makes freedom of movement impossible by taking the sovereignty of the country and individuals and gave it to ethnc units and their thug leaders, which enforced first past the post election system on top of ethnic demarcation leaving no room for possible proportional representation, etc. All this laws and institutions made politics the only livelihood of many. You don’t change that all is BS talk!
Wow i was thinking about that, thank you
Very constructive speech!
It is also basic education for the public.
Best Regards!
Uso Mohamed Musa.
የተማረ ይግደለኝ አለ ያገሬ ሰው❤ ወዶ አይደለም::
ነገር ግን አሁንም እውነታና ችግርን ከመተንተን ባለፈ መፍትሄ አማራጮችን መተንተን ላይ ድክመት አለ::
ብርሽ ምርጥ ምሁር ተባረክ
What an explanation 🎉 thank you, Prof.
በጣም ግሩም ትምህርት በተማረ ፕሮፌሰር ብርሀኑ ነጋ የ ኢዜማ ዋና መሪ💚💛❤️
እባክዎትን ጊዜ ወስደው ይህን መጽሐፍ አድርገው ያስነብቡን???
I agree, was thinking the same.
ፋሽዝምና ኮሚኒዚም የሚያመሳስላቸው ነገር የሀሳብ ልዩነቶችን የማይቀበሉና ልዩነቶችን በመጨፍለቅ ፤ ልሙጥና አንድወጥ ወጥ የሆነ እንዲሁም አምባገነናዊ የሆነሥርአትን መፍጠር ነው።
Good explanation
This is a very interesting lecture and very educational!
I hope this will help most of us to see the big picture! Thanks, professor! Keep up the great work 👍
Really good discussion Thank you professor
it is really an insightful analysis. yet it has little relevance to the current deteriorated Ethiopia overall conditions.
ብሬ ብልህ ሰው❤
ብሬ ምንግዜም ቡችላ የኢህአደግ የኤርትራ ግብፅ አሁን የአቢይ
አሁን ሙህር ሆኖ መጣ
አደጋዎቹን ብዙዎች ለአይት ታይቷቸዋል። ልክ ከለውጡ በሗላም ዛሬ ያለንበት scenario በደምብ ተንብዮ ነበር። መፍትሄውም ይታውቅ ነበር፤ የአንድነት የፖለቲካ ጎራ ተደራጅቶ መጠንከር አለበት ተብሎ ነበር። በአንድነት እና ጎሰኞች መሃል ያለው የሀይል ሚዛን መስተካከል አለበት ኣለበለዘ በምኞት ብቻ ጤናማ ፖለቲካ አይመጣም ተብሎ ነበር። ግን አልሆነም። ይህ አለመሆኑ ነው ማሰረታዊ ችግራችን። የኢዜማ አይነቶች ህዝቡን በብልህነት ግን በብዛት መቀስቀስ አለመቻል ዋና ችግር ነው። Capacity building ላይ አትኩሩ።
ድንቅ አእምሮ!
Bire your presentation was excellent as you said"We are in a period of confusion" because it is the end of the world this is true so the solution is the creature he is Jesus we have to believe in him he is coming.Thanks God bless you!
ንገርልኝ profeser .ur the next peresedent
thanks professor Berhanu !
ከፕ/ር ብርሃኑ ጋር በፓለቲካል አይድዮሎጅ ላልስማማ እችላለሁ አልስማማምም ግን ልሰድበው አልችልም በጣም ይበልጠኛል
ዘረኛ ነክ ማለት ነው
Fano will solve all problems you mentioned, no worries Professor!
የኔ ብርሀኑ ❤
Good analysis but missed the time and the momentom. Your deductive analysis is not any longer convinciing for most people in Ethiopia. What I encourage you is considering the potential you have " Stop going around the bush " and face the reality of Ethiopia. Man you don't train dying people :) Who really cares about deep alalysis of global or local politics while his own sons and daughters are dying in front of his own eyes? You started the game well but now why you turned to the back sit? My humble oppenion! Give your younger politicians true cure that will help them walk right and in light ....
This is a warning for all Ethiopian. Otherwise, you will find your country as worest as Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Lebanon, or Ukraine. The Last Warning!
ወደአንድ ሰአት ገደማ ያወራኸው ኢዜማ በሀገሪቱ ውስጥ እየሆነና እየተፈፀመ ባለው ነገር ውስጥ አላየሁም: አልሰማሁም ብሎ ዝምታን መርጧል ለማለት ነው? ፓርቲ የመሰረትከው ለሀገርና ለህዝብ የተሻለ ስርአት ለማምጣት ካልሆነ ፓርቲ ምን ያደርግልሃል? ኢዜማ ምንድነው? ፓርቲ? የመረዳጃ ማህበር? እቁብ? እድር? ወይስ የመንግስት እክስተኛ? ብርሃኑ ነጋ ፖለቲካ ተነተንኩ ብለህ ማፈሪያ ማንነትህን ገለፅክልን።
For the question you raised?
What is the solution?
Allow them full self adminitration by providing guidances by law and order as well as by reform of the Ethiopian Constitution.
Then accommodate them in the Federal Government.
The chance or opportunities are for the whole regions.
The Amhara, the Oromoes,the Tigray,the southern regions,the somali region and Afar.
Sorry I jump the Guragie region you know why?
The Gurragie region is centeral region that even control overall Ethiopian Govenment.
Even if any unilatera government controls Ethiopian Government the Gurragie Ethicnation is the subordinate for the whole.
The Autonomous Administration is not designed for desintigration but for self economic developments, stability and peace.
Best Regads!
Uso Mohamed Musa.
❤ መልካምናት ለራስ ነው ።
የሰው ልጅ በተፋጥሮው መልካም የሚያደርግለትንና በጎ የሚውልለትን አይወድም ።
ለሰው ልጅ ወደጁ ከፉ የሚውልለትን ነው ወደጁ ።
ይህንን ደግሞ ቃደምት በኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ለይ በገዘ ወጋኖቹ ነፍሰ ገደዩ ባርባን ተፋቶ ጌታችን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ይሰቃል ያሉት ግዜ አከተመ ።
ዘሬም መንግሥተችን ከሥዖል አውጥቶን በሰላም በፍቅር አብራችሁ ኑሩ በለበት እየተደረገ ያለውን እያዬሁኝ በመሆኑ ።
በጎናተችሁ ነፍሴን ቢያስደስታትም !!
የሰው ልጅ ለበጎ አድራግዎች ምለሹ የተገለበጦሽ በመሆኑ ልቤ ይሰበራል ።
በተረፈ ውለታን የማይዘነገ እግዚአብሔር ብድራተችሁን ይክፋል እለለሁ ።
ደስታዬ ወዳር የለውም ።
Yetemare sew yegedelnie😮❤
ምሁራዊ ቅዠት ኢትዮጵያ የሌላው አለም ሁኔታ አይፈታውም ለዚህ ነው ምሁር ችግር ከመፍታት ምክንያት ለመፈለግ አለምን ይሽከረከራል ምሁራዊ ድንቁርና
ምከረው ምከረው እምቢ ካለ መከራ ይምከረው ዜና አንባቢ ሁሉ ፓለቲካ ተንታኝ ሆናል
ፕሮፌሰር ብርሀኑ የሰጠህው መደምደሚያ ልብ ብሎ ላዳመጠው እጅግ አስደንጋጭ ነው😢 ። "መፍትሔው ምን እንደሆነ ማንም አያውቅም፣ ኢዜማ ቢያንስ እንደ ፓርቲ የጥፋቱ አካል ላለመሆን ነው የሚሞክረው"😮
ብሬ ጭሱ ይልመድብህ እየጠፋህ ክፍተት አትፍጠር።
Prof Thanks....Yes, it is a unique period, where crisis and cheos become common phenomenon. Surprisingly, there are people who watched this video who doubt your lecture, but prefer to listen to or blindly follow a highschooler facebook activist !!
The Man
ጥሎብኝ ይህንን ሰውዬ ከአብይ በመቀጠል እወደዋለው፡፡
Let us return to your admistration Prosperty unilateral party,is the assumed party realy functioning as expected ?
Can you practically predict the next conditions of the country and the public wellbeing?
Best Regards.
Uso Mohamed.
ሎሌው ፕሮፌሰር
የሴረኛው እና የሰሜን ኢትዮጵያ ጠሉ የብርሃኑ ነጋ የፖለቲክ አዙሪት እና ጉዞ!! 1) ኢህአፓ ===> 2) ኢህ አዴግ ===> 3) ቀስተ ዳምና ===> 4) ቅንጅት ===> 5) ግንቦት 7 ===> 6) ግንቦት 7 አርበኞች ግንባር ===> 7) ኢዜማ 8) ===> ብልጽግና ===> 9 ) ?????
ፋሺዝም the typical characteristics of Abiy's government. And, EZEMA is a collaborator of the the fascist government. ይህ ሁሉ discourse ለአሁኗ ኢትዮጵያ መፍትሔ አይሆንም። የኢቮሊሽናሪ ቲዮሪ ለአሁኑ የሀገሪቱ ቀውስ መፍትሔ አይሆንም። መሬት ላይ የወረደና እውነቱን ተነጋግሮ መፍትሔው አካል መሆን ነው በዚህ ጊዜ የሚጠበቀው። ይሄ lecture ዩኒቨርሲቲ ውስጥ ቢሰጥ የተሻለ ይሆን ነበር እንጂ የፓርቲውን አባላት ሰብስቦ ይህን ያህል ጠብ የሚል ነገር ለሌለው ዝም ብሎ
He is blood preson and corporated person
ስማ ያገሬ ቲክቶከር
Abiy's army will be defeated, Fano will enter Addis with victory, the officials will surrender to go to jail, Abiy will flee by himself preventing his entourage to escape , and Fano will call a conference to form a transitional government. It will be a relief and happy ending for Ethiopians.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! BEST WISHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Corporate information correct Brhun Naga he concer for Aiby
ሰላም ለሐገራችን ይሁንልን blessed 🙏🙏🙏🙏
ለጠቅላላ እውቀት ጥሩ ት/ም ነው:::ወደ ዝርዝሩና ወደ የኢትዮጵያ ሁኔታ ስታመጣው ግን ብዙ ግድፈቶች አሉ:: የገለፃህን አላማ ጥያቄ ውስጥ ያስገባል:: ችግሩን አለማቀፍ በማስመሰል ...
አቶ ብርሃኑ !
ፖለቲካ ማለት ስልጣን ሲሰጥ ከተፎካካሪነት መውጣት ማለት አይደለም ።
What about north korea
To all elites in Ethiopia you better take Birhanu Nega's speech on Politics
Good insight
This is what narrow minded wicked elites of OLF and TPLF lack which extended to PP, worsening to Amharas who were nationalist Panafricanist.
I think most EPRDF=PP don't know the true meaning of politics and objectives of the ideology they joined.
Let all ethnic politics riders take this lecture..The most precious and worsthy resource is human being.But foolish Oromos mistreat assassinate and displaced other ethnics, couldn't learn from China,( population policy revision, thousands of ethnics live in harmony)and why USA UK German Italy seek labour Human beings consumers for marketi.
Politics for most elites is quick fix,most uneducated unmerited narrow minded incapacitated ignorants.
ከዘጠኙ ቅዱሳን ብኋዋላ የመጣው ኦርቶዶክስ አስተምሮ ነው ኢትዮጵያን ያዳከመት ብለዋል ተባል ? ? ?
Is he teaching us Yuval Harari's philosophical thinking? I thought he was a professor. Shame on him.
እይ ብርሃኑ ነጋ መደምደሚያውን አበላሸኸው፤ ምነው አንደኛውን ኢዜማን ከብልጽግና ጋር አዋህደህ ሰላም ብትሰጠን፡፡ የአድነት ኃይሉን በመከፋፈልና በማዳከም ለአብይ ትልቅ ባለውለታው ሆነሀል።
እባካችሆ አማራ ነን የምትሎ የዝህን የአራጅ አሳራጅ ስራት የምትቃወሞ የዝህን የአብይ ገረድ ቻናል ሪፖርት እያደረጋችሆ የድርሻችሆን ተወጡ ይህ የአማራ ጠላት የሆነው ገረዶ አብይ ቻናል ነው
It is funny and embarrassing if the crowd have no idea about yuval noah harrari and his books 😢 the whole "lecture" is plagiarized from multiple lecture of his two books (sapiens and homo deus) and he (birhanu) present the same paper (as a preface) on international economic forum last month. ጠቅላዩም መደመር እያለ መፅሐፍ ብሎ በጠረዘው ወረቀት ያደነቆረን ፀሐፊው (yuval) በመፅሀፉ cooperation ሲል ስለ ሰው ልጅ የሚናገረውን ነው ።
No body respecting you are blood' handed
በሆዱ ሚገዛ አጋሰስ
ቄስ ሞገሴ ተባኖብሃል አትጃጃል!!ጀዝባ ሽማግሌ።
"ወያኔ ሲሸነፍ ነው አገራችን እዛም እዛም ግጭት መፈናቀል ሰላም ማጣት የተፈጠረው" ያልከው ብቻ ይበቃ ነበር ይሄማ ደሞ ወሳኝ መልክት ነው።
ቀባጣሪ። ጦርነት ደግፈህ ስታበቃ የችግሩ አካል አልሆነም ትላለህ?
ይህ ሰውዬ ብርሃኑ ከመጣ ብዙ ጣጣና ስቃይ ኢትጵያዊያን ላይ ጭኗል ይባላል.
ሴቶች በእምነታቸው ምክንያት ትምህርት እንዳይማሩ አረገ. ትልቅ ወንጀል ነው.
ለህግ/ለፍርድ መቅረብ አለበት.
በእርግጥ ይህንን መሠሎች ማስረዳት ከባድ ነው
Hahaha he is the size person
Failed state ብለህ South Africa 😂ኢትዮጲያ ማለት አስፈራህ አንተ ቀሽም
Every thing that you said very true except about me i do not blame you
Because the snake man forced you
ብርሽ ከማርቲን ሉተር በፊት ግን በኢትዮጵያ ምድር ተሃድሶ ያሉትን ደቂቃ ስጢፉኖስን ባለማስቀደሙ ቅር ብሎኛል
ይህ ከርከሮ የጃጀ ሽማግሌ እየፀለየ ምቱን አይጠበቅም የጥቅሱ መጨረሻ ኮ/ር አብይ
You received millions of dollars from Egyp to take over TPL F .
ያሳዝናል። እንደገና የ 16ኛውን የሶስዮ ፖለቲካ ጅማሮ አምጥቶ በ 21ኛው ክ/ዘመን ሰውን ማደንቆር ምን ይባላል? ኢዜማ የፖለቲካ ሞት እየሞተ ነው። ያሳዝናል። ኢዜማን ካሁን በኋላ፤ አማራነው የሚመርጠው? አዲስ አበባ ነው የሚመርጠው? ጉራጌ ነው የሚመርጠው? ኢዜማ እንደ political party ራሱን አጥፍቷል።
Barbara Walter ስለ ኢትዮጲያ Civil War አይቀሬነት አብይ አህመድ ሲመጣ ያለችውን ለምን አታወራም ምንም የማያውቁ ሰዎች ሰብስበህ ታወራለህ አንተ የማትረባ
Unducted professor undecuted Grad
አይ ብርሀኑ ያል መሰረትከው ፓርቲ የለም ግን ምንግዜም ልጥፍ ነህ ውታፍ ነቃይ...ፈረንጅ ያለው እንደሚመችህ ማቅረብ እውቀት ሆነ
Banda. 🐷
He doesn’t have courage and lost supporters.
Hie is Dr. pagume
ፖለቲካ ማለት ፖርቲ መስርቶ ለሌላ ፖርቲ አፍቃሪ መሆን ነው።
ሬሳ ነህ የማትረባ
I wonder the whole crisis in Ethiopia is this guy he is justifying the genocide people of Ethiopias
Political trader
ትክክለኛና እውነተኛ የኦፖዚሽን ፓርቲ ግዴታህን ሳትወጣ እና አቋምህን ሳትይዝ የግል ጥቅምህን እያሳደድክ፤ ባረጀ እና በሰለቸን የነጮች (የአውሮፓውያን) ታሪክ እያመጣህ አታደንቁረን። እንደ ኦፖዚሽን ፓርቲ፤ ለሚጨፈጨፈው አማራ ምን አረክ? በርሃብ ለሚያልቀው ይትግራይና የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ምን አረክ?
How come the Professor did not learn English? Was he teaching in the US? You should’ve learned speaking with your hand it doesn’t replace speaking well
Empty talk
Ato berhanu nega it was better to be silent you are a puppet of abiy ahmed you don’t have moral to lecture for others
U will be jailed when the Ethiopian regime is fall down soon 🔜
This is ur dream.profeser the next presdent
Leba 45:33
ዘረኛ ወያኔ ሸኔንም...ተቃውመህ:
ፋኖን ከደገፍከው አንተም ጽንፈኝ ነህ!
በአልሸሹም ዞር አሉ የተበላ ቁማር:
በእሳት አትጫወት ማለቂያው ላያምር::
የሀገርን ሠራዊት ጦር ሰብቆ የወጋ:
ለመሆን አይችልም ኢትዮጵየዊ ዜጋ:
ታሪክ እንዳይወቅስህ...ለሠላም እጅ ዘርጋ::
Undecided preson Brunch Naga
በሆዱ ሚያድር ጅብ
Yebeketek ye tewuld atela tarek yeker yemayelew sera new yesrahew
i can see a lot of Esayas Afwerki on him talking too much no fruit on it
I am sorry for this person or he is professor for me he is killer instinct Amhara this professor he will check he edecution really he is a professor because he is Boss' Aiby Amanda he is Rusmume he is not available to lead in Ethiopia
አንተን ሰው ብለው ለመስማት የመጡት ያሳፍራሉ የሆንክ የጎባጣ አሽከር
He has brain unlike you
Ante wesha ye wesha lij ende ante aynet wesha Zeregha teketekto amede yhpnal
@@abenezersalemu6146 ante neh yewsha lj
Ye abiy buchila😂😂
Ye Egypt wesha nehe ante ye ahya lij