Thank you so much. I have an extremely high IQ but cannot remember any of my life not even last week. I am comfortable with that, but must admit I have wondered... why? And, if it matters? I feel relieved that the possible reason is Karmic cleanliness. PS: I can remember 34K pages of complicated case materials, and what each defendant said to the other. I just cannot remember if my husband took me to Paris for dinner, last week. Your video has openned me to the feeling of se la vie about lack of memory..
During SRI RAMAKRISHNAS sadhana he saw that by giving people higher states of consciousness,IE briefly moving their consciousness into a higher chakra,their negative karmas that previously blocked this from happening,had a karmic boomerang effect for him. With his divine inner vision he saw how his CAUSAL BODY,which is the repository of our KARMA,now had these negative energies that worked their way into his body as a throat cancer. This same "KARMIC TRANSFERRANCE" DYNAMIC could also be seen in the cancer of RAMANA MAHARSHI.. NAMASTE
If happiness is simply hormones in our bodies. Then it is simply Memory, triggered by memory. Everything as we can see it is essentially memory. How does one find happiness in the third eye? Seeing things with the third eye would eliminate the connection with karma. But then what is happiness if we see nothing with karma? Is happiness even needed when one is enlightened? For without darkness light simply is all there is. And the other way around. Sunrise and sunset. Will we only understand once we develope our third eye? Can one even truly disconnect themselves from karma? How is it that so many people are seemingly happy with their lives even though they don't even know about karma as it is. Is it desirable to see things for how they are and to deny karma based happiness for the sake of seeing beyond karma? Am I even making sense anymore? What is the purpose of one's existence if nothing truly matters anymore? Isn't it equally as desirable to hide behind life's illusions if they make you happy? Is this already me not being truly fulfilled by life's illusions? Will I ever be truly happy without going the way of a yogic? I am one confused bundle of karma 😅 Edit: I think you don't forsake karma when you open your third eye. You simply use it as a tool. A tool to find and execute your true purpose in your karma based existence...
The Thumbnail or topic of video is so different. I was here to understand how karma works or how to break its cyclic nature. But I learned how memories work What a misleading click bait. Anyway something new i learned. 🙏❤️
If u have done anything bad in ur past to someone than don't feel won't come ur life freely and get ur interest served by hurting someone. Memory will fade away eventually. Untill than keep experimenting with other's life.
Namaskar Sadhguru. May I ask; which 'karma' constitute 'Karma-yoga'? E.g. simple charity (karma) don't comprise of Karma-Yoga; or helping poor don't comprise of Karma Yoga. I think; awakening people TOWARDS Yoga/salvation/spiritual practices like Sadhana comprise of karma yoga. Please guide me to expand my understanding on this point. Thanks.
Something, really something! What could be a better gift? I just don't know! Oh G-D bless you! What a feeling and sense of you I got . Ha! Right in the pocket ! Even to glimpse it is just as good as it is . Meaning In the instant of pure understandings d connectedness I sense myself this way of living. As if I I've been living this way all along. I get a true sense of myself. Thank you..... Really really really! Thank you! Wow you know this! Meaning you know not only of my gratitude but so many others too. No wonder your always joyous! What a task. Ha! Why is itpercived as "what a Task? Maybe cause I learned to be critical . It's against myself and sneaks in at every opportunity.... Well maybe not so impossible. I mean what do you think. I mean what do I think. Can't go on forever not knowing what's really going on! Got to run out of distractions at some point.... It's a complete let go. Can I do this . In my same surroundings. In big leaps????? Back to the critical thingy... Sneezing right in there. It's everywhere. In layers. Well r least I'm doing something worth doing.. Thank you for the opportunity to state this . It is like a fortified thought that becomes real cause I said it out loud . Well kinda loud.
Men speak of deserved and undeserved fate, of reward and punishment, retribution and karma. All these are only part-designations of a Law resting in Creation: The Law of Reciprocal Action! A Law which lies in the entire Creation from its earliest beginning, which has been inseparably interwoven with the great, never-ceasing evolution as an essential part of creating itself, and of development. Like a gigantic system of the finest nerve-strands, it supports and animates the mighty Universe, and promotes continual movement, an eternal giving and taking! Plainly and simply, and yet so aptly, the Great Bringer of Truth Jesus Christ has already expressed it: “What a man sows that shall he reap!” These few words render the picture of the activity and life in the entire Creation so excellently that it can hardly be expressed differently. The meaning of the words is inflexibly interwoven with life. Immovable, inviolable, incorruptible in its continual operation. You can see it if you want to see! Begin by observing the surroundings now visible to you. What you call Laws of Nature are, of course, the Divine Laws, are the Creator’s Will. You will quickly recognize how unswerving they are in constant activity; for if you sow wheat you will not reap rye, and if you scatter rye it cannot bring you rice! This is so obvious to every man that he simply never reflects on the actual process. Therefore he does not become at all conscious of the strict and great Law resting in it. And yet here he faces the answer to a riddle, which need be no riddle to him. Now the same Law which you are able to observe here takes effect with equal certainty and force also in the most delicate things, which you are only able to discern through magnifying glasses, and, going still further, in the ethereal part of the whole Creation, which is by far the larger part. It lies immutably in every happening, also in the most delicate development of your thoughts, which also have a certain element of material substance since otherwise they could not produce any effect. How could you imagine that it should be different just where you would like to have it so? Your doubts are in reality nothing more than the expression of your inner wishes! In all existence, visible and invisible to you, it is no different, but each kind produces its own kind, no matter what the substance. Just as continual are the growing and developing, the bearing of fruit and reproducing of the same kind. This process runs uniformly through everything, it makes no distinctions, leaves no gap, it does not stop at some other part of Creation, but carries the effects through like an unbreakable thread, without interruption or cessation. Even though the greater part of mankind, in their limitation and conceit, have isolated themselves from the Universe, the Divine or Natural Laws have not ceased on that account to regard them as belonging to it, and to go on working without change, calmly and evenly. The Law of Reciprocal Action also stipulates that whatever a man sows, thus where he causes an effect or consequence, he must also reap! Only at the beginning of every matter is man free to resolve, free to decide where the Omnipotent Power flowing through him is to be guided, in what direction. He must then bear the consequences arising from the Power that was set in motion in the direction willed by him. In spite of this, many persist in asserting that even so man has no free will if he is subject to fate! This foolishness is only meant to serve as a narcotic, or to be a grudging submission to something inevitable, a discontented resignation, but mainly a self-excuse; for each of these consequences falling back on him had a beginning, and at this beginning the cause of the subsequent effect lay in a previous free decision by man. With a first volition man has each time produced or created something in which he himself has to live afterwards, sooner or later. When this will happen, however, varies greatly. It can still be in the same earth-life in which his first volition made the beginning for it, but it can equally well happen in the Ethereal World, when the gross material body has been laid aside, or later still in yet another gross material earth-life. The variations are not important here, they do not free man from the consequences. He carries the connecting threads with him continually, until he is redeemed from them, that is to say, “detached” through the final effect that ensues through the Law of Reciprocal Action. The one who creates is bound to his own creation, even if he has intended it for others! If therefore a man today decides to do another an ill turn, either in thought, word or deed, he has thereby “put something into the world” quite irrespective of whether this is generally visible or not, thus whether gross material or ethereal; it has within it power and therefore life, which continues to develop and work on in the desired direction. It is different with him who through his decision and his volition has given rise to this movement, that is to say, who was its producer. His product remains unconditionally bound to him, and after a short or long journeying in the Universe returns to him reinforced, laden like a bee, through the attraction of similar species. Through this reinforcement an ever greater density also occurs until there finally arises from it a gross material precipitation, in which the one-time producer must now live and experience to the full what he once willed, in order at last to be freed from it. That is the origin and development of the so dreaded and misunderstood fate! It is just, down to the most minute and finest shading, because through the attraction of only similar species it can never bring in the returning radiation anything other than what was actually willed personally in the beginning. Whether for a particular individual or in general makes no difference here; The kind of volition which he decides upon determines the fruits he must eventually reap. Thus countless ethereal threads cling to man, or he to them, all of which let whatever he once earnestly willed flow back to him. These currents result in a mixture that constantly has a strong influence on the forming of his character. Thus in the mighty machinery of the Universe there are many things which contribute to how man “fares” but there is nothing to which man has not himself first given cause. He furnishes the threads out of which in the untiring loom of life the cloak he has to wear is made. Christ plainly and distinctly expressed the same when He said: “What a man sows, that shall he reap”. He did not say, “can” he reap, but he “shall.” That is the same as saying that he must reap what he sows. How often does one hear otherwise very sensible people say: “It is incomprehensible to me that God should allow such a thing!” But it is incomprehensible that men can speak thus. How small they imagine God to be with this remark. They prove thereby that they think of Him as an “arbitrarily acting God.” But God does not at all directly intervene in all these small and great cares of men, such as wars, misery and other earthly matters! From the very beginning He has woven into Creation His perfect Laws, which automatically carry out their incorruptible work so that all is accurately fulfilled, forever taking effect uniformly, thus preventing any preference as well as any prejudice, an injustice being impossible. Hence God has no need to trouble Himself especially about this, His Work is without flaws. But one of the principal mistakes so many people make is that they only judge according to gross matter, regarding themselves as the center therein, and taking into consideration one earth-life, whereas in reality they already have several earth-lives behind them. These, as well as the intervening times in the Ethereal World, are equal to one uniform existence, through which the threads are tightly stretched without breaking, so that in the effects of a particular earthly existence only a small part of these threads therefore becomes visible. Hence it is a great mistake to believe that at birth an absolutely new life begins, that a child is thus “innocent” and that all happenings can be accounted for in only the short life on earth. If this were true, then the existing Justice would naturally require the combined causes, effects and reactions to occur during the span of one earth-life. Turn away from this error. You will then soon discover in everything that happens the logic and justice which are now so often missed! Grail Message by Abd-ru-shin
Simple and the FACT of LIFE, we Human Never UNDERSTAND, Yet the So Called EGO is the BOSS of Our selves.
One has to Understand PRARABDHA Karma well, to understand the madness and suffering in our lives!!
today is the first day ; I saw this man..
I fell in love.💜
Love Sadhguru's sense of humor.
Sadguru ji makes us understand every aspect of life in a very basic, logical , comfortable and positive manner !!! 🙏🌹🤗
Thank you for sharing your love and wisdom with the world. Our most sincere respect and appreciation from New York.🙏❤️
Memories never died! We have to rid of the bad memories in our mind & letting go of the negativities! 🙏🙏🙏👌✌🤘🤚
Loving Sadhguru day after day! Thanks a lot, thanks for sharing all this in such a simple and rational way!
Thank you so much. I have an extremely high IQ but cannot remember any of my life not even last week. I am comfortable with that, but must admit I have wondered... why? And, if it matters? I feel relieved that the possible reason is Karmic cleanliness. PS: I can remember 34K pages of complicated case materials, and what each defendant said to the other. I just cannot remember if my husband took me to Paris for dinner, last week. Your video has openned me to the feeling of se la vie about lack of memory..
Thank you so much for being here...And simplify the life
xtremely lighter feeling after going through with this particular sessiy
What a extremely profound truth it is ! Thank you Sadhguru !
During SRI RAMAKRISHNAS sadhana he saw that by giving people higher states of consciousness,IE briefly moving their consciousness into a higher chakra,their negative karmas that previously blocked this from happening,had a karmic boomerang effect for him.
With his divine inner vision he saw how his CAUSAL BODY,which is the repository of our KARMA,now had these negative energies that worked their way into his body as a throat cancer.
This same "KARMIC TRANSFERRANCE" DYNAMIC could also be seen in the cancer of RAMANA MAHARSHI..
A true genius love him REALLY WISH I COULD MEET HIM GOSH 🙏🏽
Millions thanks sadhguruji you are amazing!!!
Excellent Sadhguru!!!
You amazed me by the clarity of your explanation!!!
talk to me. .. I truly APPRECIATE being in this presence
SADHGURU you have a great gift in every way I love listening to you always 👏🙏🏽❤️👍
If happiness is simply hormones in our bodies. Then it is simply Memory, triggered by memory. Everything as we can see it is essentially memory. How does one find happiness in the third eye? Seeing things with the third eye would eliminate the connection with karma. But then what is happiness if we see nothing with karma? Is happiness even needed when one is enlightened? For without darkness light simply is all there is. And the other way around. Sunrise and sunset. Will we only understand once we develope our third eye? Can one even truly disconnect themselves from karma? How is it that so many people are seemingly happy with their lives even though they don't even know about karma as it is. Is it desirable to see things for how they are and to deny karma based happiness for the sake of seeing beyond karma? Am I even making sense anymore? What is the purpose of one's existence if nothing truly matters anymore?
Isn't it equally as desirable to hide behind life's illusions if they make you happy?
Is this already me not being truly fulfilled by life's illusions? Will I ever be truly happy without going the way of a yogic? I am one confused bundle of karma 😅
I think you don't forsake karma when you open your third eye. You simply use it as a tool. A tool to find and execute your true purpose in your karma based existence...
Thank you for yet another great lesson...and as always...I think every man shoulddress like that
Thank you everyone who made this video and bring this for me and the others.
Lot of thanks.I understand about karma.Fantastic... speech.Ordinary person can not explain this topic only can sadhguru .
Extremely enlightening.
Sadhguru.. you are just awesome :)
he is so profound and inspirational
This is really great; simple and useful
Memorable speech...much love
The Thumbnail or topic of video is so different. I was here to understand how karma works or how to break its cyclic nature. But I learned how memories work
What a misleading click bait.
Anyway something new i learned. 🙏❤️
Sadhguru, thank you
Love your videos, thank you so much from Australia 😍❤️❤️
Excellent explanation. Never thought of these facts.
Keep me in your prayers
Very clear explanation of karma. I understand say karma already exists in our body. Thank you sadguru.
thank you Sadhguru
such a great visualisation! Pranam Sadhguru Ji!
If u have done anything bad in ur past to someone than don't feel won't come ur life freely and get ur interest served by hurting someone.
Memory will fade away eventually. Untill than keep experimenting with other's life.
depth of karma !
Well defined and so simple to understand! Thank you...
Please upload the complete video .... A kind request
Sadhguru means clarity, dhanyawaad.
Inspirational sadhguru.
U are just awesome Sadhguru ji...
Hes amazing. I learn so much from him.
Watching you speak is a delightful experience @sadhguru !!
Bow down🙏🙏🙏🙇🙇
Love you Sadhguruji
🙏 Sadhguru ji, thanks for enlightening our life... Ohm namah Sivay.. 🙏🙏🙏
fantastic, very clear explainations
Wow this was amazing..thank you so much sadhguruji...Pranam _/\_
Brain training is the future.
thanks a lot sadhguru....
Thanks !
Thank you guruji! 🙏
beautiful and meaningful
thank you
Wow Mind blowing Facts, Great Master
thank you!
Thanks sadguru
He is a great man. 🙏🙏🙏
This man is modern Einstein.
Like this man
Namaskar Sadhguru. May I ask; which 'karma' constitute 'Karma-yoga'? E.g. simple charity (karma) don't comprise of Karma-Yoga; or helping poor don't comprise of Karma Yoga. I think; awakening people TOWARDS Yoga/salvation/spiritual practices like Sadhana comprise of karma yoga. Please guide me to expand my understanding on this point. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing
Namaskar. awesome clarity on Karma.
I would like to see the sun from outside of the atmosphere
great divine man
how amazing is this
What is detached karma and does detached karma count in prarabdha?
Want to listen after....
Thank you
Something, really something!
What could be a better gift?
I just don't know!
Oh G-D bless you!
What a feeling and sense of you I got .
Ha! Right in the pocket !
Even to glimpse it is just as good as it is .
Meaning In the instant of pure understandings d connectedness I sense myself this way of living.
As if I I've been living this way all along.
I get a true sense of myself.
Thank you.....
Really really really!
Thank you!
Wow you know this!
Meaning you know not only of my gratitude but so many others too.
No wonder your always joyous!
What a task.
Why is itpercived as "what a Task?
Maybe cause I learned to be critical .
It's against myself and sneaks in at every opportunity....
Well maybe not so impossible.
I mean what do you think.
I mean what do I think.
Can't go on forever not knowing what's really going on!
Got to run out of distractions at some point....
It's a complete let go.
Can I do this . In my same surroundings.
In big leaps?????
Back to the critical thingy...
Sneezing right in there.
It's everywhere.
In layers.
Well r least I'm doing something worth doing..
Thank you for the opportunity to state this .
It is like a fortified thought that becomes real cause I said it out loud .
Well kinda loud.
perfect truth
What a spellbinding audition!
Awesome my guruve 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😊
Great talk
Men speak of deserved and undeserved fate, of reward and punishment, retribution and karma.
All these are only part-designations of a Law resting in Creation: The Law of Reciprocal Action!
A Law which lies in the entire Creation from its earliest beginning, which has been inseparably interwoven with the great, never-ceasing evolution as an essential part of creating itself, and of development. Like a gigantic system of the finest nerve-strands, it supports and animates the mighty Universe, and promotes continual movement, an eternal giving and taking!
Plainly and simply, and yet so aptly, the Great Bringer of Truth Jesus Christ has already expressed it: “What a man sows that shall he reap!”
These few words render the picture of the activity and life in the entire Creation so excellently that it can hardly be expressed differently. The meaning of the words is inflexibly interwoven with life. Immovable, inviolable, incorruptible in its continual operation.
You can see it if you want to see! Begin by observing the surroundings now visible to you. What you call Laws of Nature are, of course, the Divine Laws, are the Creator’s Will. You will quickly recognize how unswerving they are in constant activity; for if you sow wheat you will not reap rye, and if you scatter rye it cannot bring you rice! This is so obvious to every man that he simply never reflects on the actual process. Therefore he does not become at all conscious of the strict and great Law resting in it. And yet here he faces the answer to a riddle, which need be no riddle to him.
Now the same Law which you are able to observe here takes effect with equal certainty and force also in the most delicate things, which you are only able to discern through magnifying glasses, and, going still further, in the ethereal part of the whole Creation, which is by far the larger part. It lies immutably in every happening, also in the most delicate development of your thoughts, which also have a certain element of material substance since otherwise they could not produce any effect.
How could you imagine that it should be different just where you would like to have it so? Your doubts are in reality nothing more than the expression of your inner wishes!
In all existence, visible and invisible to you, it is no different, but each kind produces its own kind, no matter what the substance. Just as continual are the growing and developing, the bearing of fruit and reproducing of the same kind. This process runs uniformly through everything, it makes no distinctions, leaves no gap, it does not stop at some other part of Creation, but carries the effects through like an unbreakable thread, without interruption or cessation. Even though the greater part of mankind, in their limitation and conceit, have isolated themselves from the Universe, the Divine or Natural Laws have not ceased on that account to regard them as belonging to it, and to go on working without change, calmly and evenly.
The Law of Reciprocal Action also stipulates that whatever a man sows, thus where he causes an effect or consequence, he must also reap!
Only at the beginning of every matter is man free to resolve, free to decide where the Omnipotent Power flowing through him is to be guided, in what direction. He must then bear the consequences arising from the Power that was set in motion in the direction willed by him. In spite of this, many persist in asserting that even so man has no free will if he is subject to fate!
This foolishness is only meant to serve as a narcotic, or to be a grudging submission to something inevitable, a discontented resignation, but mainly a self-excuse; for each of these consequences falling back on him had a beginning, and at this beginning the cause of the subsequent effect lay in a previous free decision by man.
With a first volition man has each time produced or created something in which he himself has to live afterwards, sooner or later. When this will happen, however, varies greatly. It can still be in the same earth-life in which his first volition made the beginning for it, but it can equally well happen in the Ethereal World, when the gross material body has been laid aside, or later still in yet another gross material earth-life. The variations are not important here, they do not free man from the consequences. He carries the connecting threads with him continually, until he is redeemed from them, that is to say, “detached” through the final effect that ensues through the Law of Reciprocal Action.
The one who creates is bound to his own creation, even if he has intended it for others!
If therefore a man today decides to do another an ill turn, either in thought, word or deed, he has thereby “put something into the world” quite irrespective of whether this is generally visible or not, thus whether gross material or ethereal; it has within it power and therefore life, which continues to develop and work on in the desired direction.
It is different with him who through his decision and his volition has given rise to this movement, that is to say, who was its producer. His product remains unconditionally bound to him, and after a short or long journeying in the Universe returns to him reinforced, laden like a bee, through the attraction of similar species.
Through this reinforcement an ever greater density also occurs until there finally arises from it a gross material precipitation, in which the one-time producer must now live and experience to the full what he once willed, in order at last to be freed from it. That is the origin and development of the so dreaded and misunderstood fate! It is just, down to the most minute and finest shading, because through the attraction of only similar species it can never bring in the returning radiation anything other than what was actually willed personally in the beginning. Whether for a particular individual or in general makes no difference here;
The kind of volition which he decides upon determines the fruits he must eventually reap. Thus countless ethereal threads cling to man, or he to them, all of which let whatever he once earnestly willed flow back to him. These currents result in a mixture that constantly has a strong influence on the forming of his character.
Thus in the mighty machinery of the Universe there are many things which contribute to how man “fares” but there is nothing to which man has not himself first given cause.
He furnishes the threads out of which in the untiring loom of life the cloak he has to wear is made.
Christ plainly and distinctly expressed the same when He said: “What a man sows, that shall he reap”. He did not say, “can” he reap, but he “shall.” That is the same as saying that he must reap what he sows.
How often does one hear otherwise very sensible people say: “It is incomprehensible to me that God should allow such a thing!”
But it is incomprehensible that men can speak thus. How small they imagine God to be with this remark. They prove thereby that they think of Him as an “arbitrarily acting God.”
But God does not at all directly intervene in all these small and great cares of men, such as wars, misery and other earthly matters! From the very beginning He has woven into Creation His perfect Laws, which automatically carry out their incorruptible work so that all is accurately fulfilled, forever taking effect uniformly, thus preventing any preference as well as any prejudice, an injustice being impossible. Hence God has no need to trouble Himself especially about this, His Work is without flaws.
But one of the principal mistakes so many people make is that they only judge according to gross matter, regarding themselves as the center therein, and taking into consideration one earth-life, whereas in reality they already have several earth-lives behind them. These, as well as the intervening times in the Ethereal World, are equal to one uniform existence, through which the threads are tightly stretched without breaking, so that in the effects of a particular earthly existence only a small part of these threads therefore becomes visible.
Hence it is a great mistake to believe that at birth an absolutely new life begins, that a child is thus “innocent” and that all happenings can be accounted for in only the short life on earth. If this were true, then the existing Justice would naturally require the combined causes, effects and reactions to occur during the span of one earth-life.
Turn away from this error. You will then soon discover in everything that happens the logic and justice which are now so often missed!
Grail Message by Abd-ru-shin
Thank you for sharing
very nicely explained!! Thank you!!
This is so deep
thank you guruji
I am grateful.
Dr. Emoto said water has memory
good to develop the introspection & meditation
baba ji u r awsm
wow simply great
Thank youuuuuu
pranam gurudev
no words
What is the pure element ?