The belt squat has done great for me I''ve had neck, shoulder and miner low back pain(nothing serious just not taking the risk of loading my spine). The belt squat has helped me continue to help me squat more weight pain free and make a difference in feeling it in my quads in a good way.
I love belt squats! Two 18'' platforms, a bench to set the weights on, in front of my squat rack, holding a pole threaded horizontally through the Henny straps on the rack. A Super Squats belt for comfort, Usually I do four sets of twenty increasing the weight each set, fifth set all-out to momentary failure. I don't do this as a finisher, but for pre-exhaustion.
@@WenningStrength You cannot modify it. Make a "belt" that grips the shoulders instead of the lower back. Like those straps that the strongest men use when they pull an airplane ??? .
man we have one in the gym but i never used it cause i didnt know how. i avoid squats cause of a previous back injury so this will be great thanks great video!
I love this so much. For me personally I us this machine a lot because I have terrible arthritis in my hands. So certain exercises at some point become difficult on certain days due to my hands not wanting to grip / hold weight well. Not sure if anyone who trains has considered using this for someone in my situation. As someone who squats 14 plates on this machine in the gym for sets. It is a game changer for someone like me.
Awesome tips , thanks ! Doing belt squats with feet close together then shoulder width apart then wide stance makes and all around squat day? What’s your take and where can i order your machine?
Don't forget about legs shoulder width feet turned outwards to hit inner quad I used to do all three 2 sets each 6 sets total and I had 32 inch quads and I was all natural the different angles make a huge difference
we just got one in our gym and so far i love it. I get shoulder pain when i do regular squats so this is a great substitute. My question is if it's as effective as a regular barbell squat? it would appear so cause its pretty much the same movement but Id like to hear what an expert thinks of it. thanks
I plan on getting a belt squat machine next year. This looks nice especially since no pulleys are on it. Hopefully discounts or something comes around next year!
Hi Matt. I have severe back issues and just cannot use conventional squats although I used to love them. Is this machine available in Australia. And yes, needs to be in commercial gyms
So I see you've got the glute bridge attachment up and live for this and it's great that the core machine is quite a bit less expensive than the Hammer Strength belt squat. But here in this video, you stated the reason you included an adjustable stop to keep from getting trapped under the machine as a big advantage (and I've been trapped under the Hammer on a failure set). It looks like the glute bridge attachment puts you far from the racking mechanism. Isn't that going to trap you if you are working on your own?
I've heard about belt squats fix pelvic tilt. Is that just anterior and posterior tilt, or will it help with one of my hips being higher than the other when at depth?
hello matt do u think i could get a 220kilo squat im 5 foot 7 and ive been training for a year and im currently on 150kilos ive hit a huge plateau and need a new program any ideas ??
Easy to assemble just follow pictures- use the little screwdriver for the bottom pieces. For pedals, screw in with hands & then use small wrench to tighten the bolt so it stays put.Range of motion is a little awkward unless you’re sitting directly above the machine, like being on a regular bike. Even at awkward angle (sitting on sofa) it works different muscle groups, pedaling is harder and you can feel the burn.Also try sitting above it on a high chair, put hands behind the chair & feel the workout in stomach core.Great machine for small spaces. Don’t pedal like it’s a real bike - use a little more leg muscle and keep the foot pressure low on pedal, it should last that way (hopefully!). If machine is pushing away on the ground, that is a sign to use more leg muscle (burn) than foot pressure.Not always sure what the screen is showing, but it’s helpful to see some stats like number of pedals and time spent pedaling. Got one for my mom & she also likes it.
My gym has one of these. My issue is that when I get to the bottom (I go deep) the belt REALLY digs into my inner thighs. I need to find a way around this.
@@WenningStrength the rogue belt squat, I’ve been having issues where the side of the belt digs into the side of my groin. Any reasoning behind it like belt position being wrong or am I just being a baby about it?
Dude..These guys putting up big numbers training natural..Creatine and proteinsnacks are all u need to squat 900 lbs..Roids were back in the 80's..These guys r all natural..
Harvey, Harvey, Harvey the wonder intern! He doesn't bite, He just likes to stare. Those beautiful blue eyes Make us tingle down there! Harvey, Harvey, Harvey the wonder intern! Hey Harvey!
Adding belt squats as a finisher on the days when I do deadlift variations has been one of the best additions to my training
For sure!!!!
@@brucerosin4884 I was doing both when I wrote this comment
Finally got one and I love it!! My hips appreciate it too after a massive leg press injury
Glad to help brother!!!!
Care to elaborate on the injury you got leg pressing?
The belt squat has done great for me I''ve had neck, shoulder and miner low back pain(nothing serious just not taking the risk of loading my spine). The belt squat has helped me continue to help me squat more weight pain free and make a difference in feeling it in my quads in a good way.
Give us an update, Mr Johnny. Are you still using it? Any problems you encountered along the way since your original comment?
@Bunrya_VR yes but no back pain. Ty gor asking.
@@Bunrya_VR This is my fitness channel
I love belt squats! Two 18'' platforms, a bench to set the weights on, in front of my squat rack, holding a pole threaded horizontally through the Henny straps on the rack. A Super Squats belt for comfort, Usually I do four sets of twenty increasing the weight each set, fifth set all-out to momentary failure. I don't do this as a finisher, but for pre-exhaustion.
I keep watching Matt’s videos involving belt squats, even though I have no access to one
Thanks for all the tips and variation 💪🏽🙏🏽🫡
Can’t wait to own one of these!!!!
You can also use it to do marches for stronger hips. Love all the new ideas!!
You're a great coach and teacher. Lot of knowledge and imagination for new solutions!
Love mine! I've been using it with box squats, single leg squats, and hip thrusts. Machine is amazing! 🩷 thank you for all the extra use ideas.
Used this for the first time today at a gym at Fort Carson. New favorite way to squat!
Matt bring the podcasts back!
When the UA-cam channel makes real money to where I can offer guests compensation I’ll think about it.
Wenning Strength you gotta start with legendary strength coach Jason blaha
@@WenningStrength You cannot modify it. Make a "belt" that grips the shoulders instead of the lower back. Like those straps that the strongest men use when they pull an airplane ??? .
I’ve used yours and the rogue Rino. Yours is hands down the best.
Heard that at least a dozen times
Only if my gym would invest in one of these.
Hopefully one day.
This is such an importnant machine. Especially for back health. A local gym to me have got one in and it is now my new gym.
Hell yea!!! Order at
Brilliant. Enjoyed the video, made me realise the versatility of this machine. Thanks for posting 👍
This really is the best machine I've ever seen it's so versatile I am determined to get one of these one day ⌛!
man we have one in the gym but i never used it cause i didnt know how. i avoid squats cause of a previous back injury so this will be great thanks great video!
Hell yea ⭐️⭐️
Interesting piece of equipment. Would love to try it out someday.
Dude, so awesome!
The Wenning belt squat, the Simmons reverse hyper and the Nautilus pullover are the top three best muscle building machines ever invented.
Ah yes my favorite piece of equipment that I’ve never seen in any gym; the belt squat. Matt, when I’m rich I’m gonna buy one of these fine machines.
Def need to be in every facility!!! Just shipped 7 more this week
@@WenningStrength you just saved EVERYTHING for me sir. I got the Titan one in today and combined with the Isochain, legs bout to explode. Thanks!💪
I read about this machine on another UA-cam channel. Had to check it out.
My gym in Nowhere, La has one. Love it
Yea commercial gyms don’t really. I go to a warehouse style gym and we have one 👌🏻👌🏻
Great video. Exactly what I was needing to justify the purchase for my new PT studio :)
Glad to help 💯
This is fantastic
I love this so much. For me personally I us this machine a lot because I have terrible arthritis in my hands. So certain exercises at some point become difficult on certain days due to my hands not wanting to grip / hold weight well. Not sure if anyone who trains has considered using this for someone in my situation. As someone who squats 14 plates on this machine in the gym for sets. It is a game changer for someone like me.
good tips. thx
I have seen Wesley Vissers do RDL's with it and I must say this is a perfect machine for that.
Quite the fancy machine ya got there.
This is my favorite piece of gym equipment I own. Very heavy and built to support a lot of weight
T Dixon where did you purchase your belted squat machine?
What about your GM machine? Any videos on how to use the machine to target a specific muscle for example?
Matt where can I find info on your upcoming seminars? I’m dying to attend one. I’ll definitely make a drive from Michigan.
Just missed out during the Arnold
We can do a private one tho
Thanks, so smart. My shoulder does not allow me to back squat. So many ideas. I would Need a partner on that flute bridge
Let's all get this channel to 1 million subs! Who's in?
Man I could use help for sure!!
Matt you are the most underrated source of training information there is. I try and send anyone that asks me questions your way.
@theedgefitnessclubs need these asap
Awesome tips , thanks ! Doing belt squats with feet close together then shoulder width apart then wide stance makes and all around squat day? What’s your take and where can i order your machine?
I’m keen on selecting one position each training session. Order at
Wenning Strength thanks brother
Don't forget about legs shoulder width feet turned outwards to hit inner quad I used to do all three 2 sets each 6 sets total and I had 32 inch quads and I was all natural the different angles make a huge difference
Nice video.
What's the latest on the hip thrust add on?
It’s all ready to order 🏆🏆
we just got one in our gym and so far i love it. I get shoulder pain when i do regular squats so this is a great substitute. My question is if it's as effective as a regular barbell squat? it would appear so cause its pretty much the same movement but Id like to hear what an expert thinks of it. thanks
It can be with the right machine - with far less spinal mileage.
@@WenningStrength awesome. Thanks you bro.
Excellent post. What brand of machine do you use and where can I order one?
Love this machine!! Where did you get the fat handle for the bent over row?
We make them on the site
I plan on getting a belt squat machine next year. This looks nice especially since no pulleys are on it. Hopefully discounts or something comes around next year!
You mention for home gyms. Is there an affordable model for home gyms?
any thoughts on doing deadlifts on belt squat machine... i have one at my gym that’s never in use but platforms always seem to be.
Hi Matt. I have severe back issues and just cannot use conventional squats although I used to love them. Is this machine available in Australia. And yes, needs to be in commercial gyms
We shipped one there a few years ago
Is standing on a plate (with heels) to focus more on quads, okay for this type of machine?
My gym just got a belt squat and its my new favorite thing
Would wearing a weight lifting belt be a good or bad thing when doing belt squats?
So I see you've got the glute bridge attachment up and live for this and it's great that the core machine is quite a bit less expensive than the Hammer Strength belt squat.
But here in this video, you stated the reason you included an adjustable stop to keep from getting trapped under the machine as a big advantage (and I've been trapped under the Hammer on a failure set). It looks like the glute bridge attachment puts you far from the racking mechanism. Isn't that going to trap you if you are working on your own?
Nope I’ve gotten out of it a few times easily
I've heard about belt squats fix pelvic tilt. Is that just anterior and posterior tilt, or will it help with one of my hips being higher than the other when at depth?
Great question for patreon brother 💯💯💯
hello matt do u think i could get a 220kilo squat im 5 foot 7 and ive been training for a year and im currently on 150kilos ive hit a huge plateau and need a new program any ideas ??
Come on the site and check out online coaching !!
Is this similar to the Tru Squat machine?
No idea. I designed this in 2009
@@WenningStrength Think Tru Machine is older but this one looks much better tbh
Jayhawks baby!!!!!
They have a ton of my belt squats
Easy to assemble just follow pictures- use the little screwdriver for the bottom pieces. For pedals, screw in with hands & then use small wrench to tighten the bolt so it stays put.Range of motion is a little awkward unless you’re sitting directly above the machine, like being on a regular bike. Even at awkward angle (sitting on sofa) it works different muscle groups, pedaling is harder and you can feel the burn.Also try sitting above it on a high chair, put hands behind the chair & feel the workout in stomach core.Great machine for small spaces. Don’t pedal like it’s a real bike - use a little more leg muscle and keep the foot pressure low on pedal, it should last that way (hopefully!). If machine is pushing away on the ground, that is a sign to use more leg muscle (burn) than foot pressure.Not always sure what the screen is showing, but it’s helpful to see some stats like number of pedals and time spent pedaling. Got one for my mom & she also likes it.
Belt squat or pendulum squat for power /strength purpose?
Ask on patreon my friend
Matt have you ever done a belt squat with a bar in your hand to help the deadlift?
I really want to try this machine, something I wonder is when the weight is stacked heavy - would it not pull and seperate LI - LV vertebrae?
Back feels awesome after 10 years
Just got done squatting 700 lbs on a machine today. If anything it feels like it helps to decompress my spine.
@@michaelnelson4013 I appreciate your feedback. I definitely want to try it out!
Any traction benefit from wearing the belt backwards?
Hmmmmm perhaps
Can you get deep enough that you can dead lift with a straight handle? Looks like the range of motion may be a bit thin.
Yep actually deeper than a normal deadlift
What’s the price Matt? Very interesting
Have u guys tested to see how much weight that machine could handle?
I’ve had 1025 on it
@@WenningStrength that's alotta weight. Was it full after u loaded the weight?
What about RDLs?
Can’t mention them all -
@@WenningStrength would it be better to be head on with the machine or with my back to it ?
My gym has one of these. My issue is that when I get to the bottom (I go deep) the belt REALLY digs into my inner thighs. I need to find a way around this.
Wrong belt
@@WenningStrength the belt the gym supplies is a Spud Inc belt.
Am I placing the belt wrong if I feel it pulling at my groin?
Which machine??
@@WenningStrength the rogue belt squat, I’ve been having issues where the side of the belt digs into the side of my groin. Any reasoning behind it like belt position being wrong or am I just being a baby about it?
can i do it if i have a lower back issue?
That’s what’s it’s made for!!
Interesting to see Matt wearing a KU shirt. I was born in Lawrence. 😄
They have a lot of my equipment and a great strength program
Rock chalk all day bro!
Do you sell this
can you do biceps in this?
Yup Hammer away
How about marching
For sure!!
Why dont u ship in EU?
We do kustomkit handles our orders
The belt always pinches my head. Wtf do i do?
When you squat in it, do you need to keep your foot aligned with a specific portion of the machine to keep the weight midfoot/heel?
Depends on the muscle groups you want to isolate
These things are like gold dust. I don't have one :(
Does not using your hands on the bar make the exercise harder, or does it matter.
No hands is harder
Jesus Christ! Joaquin Phoenix has really bulked up since the last time I saw him!
gothops he's still the same weight too
Hey Matt, just curious...are you still using any PED's like roids when you dont compete anymore? thanks
Dude..These guys putting up big numbers training natural..Creatine and proteinsnacks are all u need to squat 900 lbs..Roids were back in the 80's..These guys r all natural..
@@robbyterrill5707 shut up
@@robbyterrill5707 just stop crying
Liking that Navy flag in the background.
Trained quite a few guys in that branch
He built the belt squat?
Yep built the first few in my garage!!
Rock Chalk
Why do these wreck my knees
Prob doing them wrong
@@WenningStrength what would I be doing wrong do you think leaning back to much?
Harvey, Harvey,
Harvey the wonder intern!
He doesn't bite,
He just likes to stare.
Those beautiful blue eyes
Make us tingle down there!
Harvey, Harvey,
Harvey the wonder intern!
Hey Harvey!
$3,200 for this? I could build this.
Yea go ahead and try. Use alro steel 1/4 in and lemme know how much time and material costs you have !!! Good luck
Rogues belt squat is about 2k if you want a “cheeper” option lol.
yeah well good luck ordering it, the guy doesnt return any emails and you cant call either
When did you email??
Where can I buy this? And what's the price