Relationships Q & A part 1

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Iamminglee
    @Iamminglee 5 років тому +15

    Sooooo proud of you britttttt . Now come over n help me get my looks together

  • @keshyve8985
    @keshyve8985 5 років тому +4

    Swear to God this message hit home for me. I been messing with someone for 3 years. Been thru the bs, disappointments, break up to make ups. This summer I cried every night about his ass bc he was treating me like shit. Literally this week something in me just woke up. He came over on Monday and we got into and I made him leave. Told him it’s over don’t call me text me just go. I meant that shit and have not shed one tear. This was Monday night. He been texting me every day apologizing which he never does. I don’t give a damn I’m done and I mean that. I’m going into 2020 with no baggage no lingering bs. I feel cleansed and I’m so happy I finally I see the light. It’s nothing he can say to me. My sister just text me this morning and said she saw him at a gas station and she sent me a picture of him. I feel like that’s the devil working overtime. I deleted that shit so fast. Don’t want to see him talk to him or anything. I’m setting the tone all 2020 period.

  • @bossladykae8323
    @bossladykae8323 5 років тому +15

    This is her third yt post this week and she started two weeks ago she’s consistent already

  • @jamaican0721
    @jamaican0721 5 років тому +8

    Allot of relationships are based on convenience, help with rent, help with raising the kids, help with not being alone. The gag is, it’s always been that way. Genuine love without all that shit is rarely ever put at the forefront. I break toxic cycles so it ain’t my story. Stay strong sis.

  • @LG-bx3wl
    @LG-bx3wl 5 років тому +2

    So true. Don’t entertain what you don’t want at any capacity or in any way. Give zero energy to situations that you don’t want. If someone’s offering you less than what you want walk away and don’t look back.

  • @PromyseKidLANDTV
    @PromyseKidLANDTV 5 років тому +2

    I really like the fact that your doing more behind the scenes of running a fashion business and dropping little gems... makes me want to bring my brand back too life... much success.

  • @BK-tj4fw
    @BK-tj4fw 5 років тому +10

    I love your transparency & I’m proud of your grind 💙

  • @yasmineruffin6888
    @yasmineruffin6888 5 років тому +2

    I had to come watch and subscribe. You are such a great inspiration.

  • @BK-tj4fw
    @BK-tj4fw 5 років тому +9

    You’re such a Virgo, as am I. Lol your logic is just like mine.

  • @aeshaking4654
    @aeshaking4654 5 років тому +1

    Really loved your transparency... keep going 💪🏽

  • @miyaamiya3094
    @miyaamiya3094 5 років тому +3

    This is giving everybody of better look into who she is and I personally think that she's more than a pretty face and I no longer feel like she is a fool I see her Gathering her stuff together and being strong and for that I'm starting to admire her a lot more than before

  • @charlita25
    @charlita25 4 роки тому +1

    Kudos to her for going to counseling

  • @trineeco4533
    @trineeco4533 5 років тому +2

    🤣😂🤣😂😂 the phone call “boyyyyy YESSS” he acting like we don’t kno Toya!

    • @kyeinet7857
      @kyeinet7857 5 років тому

      Trinee Co lmaoooo that was too funny

    • @trineeco4533
      @trineeco4533 5 років тому

      Iced Corp lolol yesss

  • @cruisegroove50
    @cruisegroove50 5 років тому +1

    So proud of your growth on this journey called life!!

  • @fanciedhair216
    @fanciedhair216 5 років тому +1

    Yes nothing but FACTS!

  • @inshallahdon
    @inshallahdon 4 роки тому

    im glad I found this page, I enjoy your videos!

  • @jasminenicolec
    @jasminenicolec 5 років тому

    Loved watching this and definitely needed to hear this! Thank you ❤️

  • @amberj6618
    @amberj6618 5 років тому +1

    I never really comment on a video. But that "chinggggg I NEVER" took me tf out😂😂!!!! But I totally understand what you mean. SUBSCRIBED!!

  • @luluchelor5496
    @luluchelor5496 5 років тому

    Omg thank u Britt ❤ I've been back tracking for years now and I'm not getting anywhere , but I'm not accepting this anymore thus day !! Luhh u so much

  • @Goldenxo90
    @Goldenxo90 3 роки тому

    6:30 hit hard

  • @starrboxx26
    @starrboxx26 5 років тому

    Love your personality ❤️❤️

  • @tylertiaraa
    @tylertiaraa 5 років тому +3

    do a business q&a😩

  • @creammindmotivated1
    @creammindmotivated1 4 роки тому

    Ok with the Milwaukee hoodie my town 😘

  • @qnvirgo
    @qnvirgo 5 років тому

    Inconsistent consistent situation...... 😔

  • @hustlehairboutique9498
    @hustlehairboutique9498 4 роки тому


  • @charlita25
    @charlita25 4 роки тому

    Red flag 🚩 🏃🏾‍♀️👉🏾

  • @charlita25
    @charlita25 4 роки тому

    Oooh gurl I can’t stand a cheap man 👨🏻 neither . It’s a #Virgo thang ♍️

  • @alexisallen5686
    @alexisallen5686 5 років тому

    U look like Wendy Williams ❗️