regimes myxomycetes and / others done with them

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • regimes myxomycetes and others
    done with them
    want to be done with it nothing
    more to be done with it worn out
    with the doing of it too many of
    them too much of them honestly
    could sleep with the doing of it,
    part slime of mold our field-work
    slime the mold eco field-work
    states: the the eco electronic
    states: part electronic our
    literature slime molds, constants.
    constants. slime bacteria, molds
    molds literature a of slight
    slight dampness. dampness. dawn's
    dawn's incessant incessant pollen
    pollen mold) of mycology, fungi,
    images lichen, white trying wine
    stop trying headache stop knew
    times Opera do no Opera going none
    to going do deconstructions
    presume deconstructions minority
    headache re minority fragility re
    we're I'm I'm headache bordering
    we're supposed stop say be tip a
    gone headache away part real the
    try what's sect on what's period
    actually No period try
    to be done with them honestly, too
    many of them, to many everywhere,
    why just turn about round about,
    more of them, more new of them,
    more everywhere everywhen of them,
    them in the day in the night sleep
    dream of them daydream of them all
    about around of them so many great
    of them, No period try again. that
    period there then