In 1992, a revival production was launched by producer Paul Dainty under the title The New Rocky Horror Show. Directed and designed by Nigel Triffitt, it toured Australia, boasting a troupe of well-known Australian soap stars and comedians. The tour commenced Melbourne Comedy Theatre 2 July 1992 and the cast featured Craig McLachlan as Frank-N-Furter (later Marcus Graham), Gina Riley as Janet Weiss (later Ally Fowler), Stephen Kearney as Brad Majors (later Glenn Butcher), Linda Nagle as Magenta/ Usherette, Peter Rowsthorn as Riff Raff, Alyssa-Jane Cook as Columbia, Wilbur Wilde as Eddie/Dr. Scott (later Frankie J Holden), Christopher Kirby as Rocky Horror, and Red Symons as The Narrator.
@@allysonabraham8051 No it did not tour to Brisbane, here are the tour dates: Comedy Theatre, Melbourne, 26 June 1992 - Oct 24, 1992 Her Majesty's Theatre, Adelaide, 2 Nov 1992 - 5 Dec 1992 Her Majesty's Theatre, Sydney 29 Dec 1992 - April 17 1993
Gina Riley is great 🎉
I wish I could have seen this production. It's a roll call of whose who in Melbourne in the early 90s.
Such a time capsule.
Kim and Brett getting cosier here than they ever would on Kath & Kim! ;)
Gina in this holy
In 1992, a revival production was launched by producer Paul Dainty under the title The New Rocky Horror Show. Directed and designed by Nigel Triffitt, it toured Australia, boasting a troupe of well-known Australian soap stars and comedians. The tour commenced Melbourne Comedy Theatre 2 July 1992 and the cast featured Craig McLachlan as Frank-N-Furter (later Marcus Graham), Gina Riley as Janet Weiss (later Ally Fowler), Stephen Kearney as Brad Majors (later Glenn Butcher), Linda Nagle as Magenta/ Usherette, Peter Rowsthorn as Riff Raff, Alyssa-Jane Cook as Columbia, Wilbur Wilde as Eddie/Dr. Scott (later Frankie J Holden), Christopher Kirby as Rocky Horror, and Red Symons as The Narrator.
Do you know if the show played in Brisbane at all in 1992?
@@allysonabraham8051 No it did not tour to Brisbane, here are the tour dates:
Comedy Theatre, Melbourne, 26 June 1992 - Oct 24, 1992
Her Majesty's Theatre, Adelaide, 2 Nov 1992 - 5 Dec 1992
Her Majesty's Theatre, Sydney 29 Dec 1992 - April 17 1993
0:59 cue Red symons
My recollection is that the songs on the associated tour of the RHPS were not faithful to this soundtrack.
Wow. Terrible. Why would Janet be singing Magenta's parts?? I heard the audio for this before, but this makes it seem like an even worse production.
I think this was made specifically for the advert, not from live performance. But you know your RHPS well sir.
True.Terrible lacks any heart; over produced; no true menace. horrid- Live show much better and this was not the true casting of parts
Horrible, I like covers but I hate it when people try to "improve" a classic and make it worse. Just IMHO!