Thank you for the podcast. Happy to see Pastor David and to hear his sincere talk . We respect him ! Now days rare we can see a Pastor like him . May the Lord bless him and his family and the wishes that he has do to in his city is a very great idea, blessings 🙌🏻 and Privet from Anis family ( Atlanta )
Thank you for the podcast. Happy to see Pastor David and to hear his sincere talk . We respect him ! Now days rare we can see a Pastor like him . May the Lord bless him and his family and the wishes that he has do to in his city is a very great idea, blessings 🙌🏻 and Privet from Anis family ( Atlanta )
Давид спасиба вам за вашу искренность,простоту и открытость и скромность вы настоящий христианин христианин и пастор. Да благословит вас Господь.
Amen 🙏
Ein starkes Zeugnis 🙏 Gott segne Sie und ihre Lieben 🙏🙏
Салом! Пастор Давид Шестаков - замечательный; ; семья - золотая
❤ Слава Богу ❤
И такое в жизни возможно.
9lk mk 6b