Rudolph and snowman cheese balls

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @vangierobertson8201
    @vangierobertson8201 6 днів тому +1


  • @rickm5271
    @rickm5271 7 днів тому +2

    Hi Mary Ella! You made these look really easy! I really want to try this. I may add jalapeños to one of them because I love spicy food. I really love dill pickle too, so I think I'll try that. Great ideas, thanks, Mary Ella!

    • @Inthekitchenwithmaryella
      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella  6 днів тому +2

      Hi Rick. They are easy. What took me so long was the prepping because I had to prep for 3 different cheese balls. But if you're only making 1-2 of the same flavor it's easy. I like a little spice but most of the viewers don't like spice. I hear about it every time I use cayenne pepper in something. And you can make a cheese ball with whatever you want just use the base of cream cheese,sour cream, and some kind of shredded cheese then you add whatever you like to it. I figured that out when I was doing my research. Thank you for watching

  • @vangierobertson8201
    @vangierobertson8201 6 днів тому

    They look great. Merry Christmas Mary Ella!!

    • @Inthekitchenwithmaryella
      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella  6 днів тому +1

      Hi Vangie. Welcome to the channel. Merry Christmas to you too. Thank you. On Friday I'm having a virtual ugly sweater party for the holidays. Thank you for watching

  • @lindacurran4179
    @lindacurran4179 6 днів тому

    Merry cheeseball Christmas 😂. ❤. Shared to fb

    • @Inthekitchenwithmaryella
      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella  6 днів тому

      Hi Linda. But they are so cute. Merry Christmas to you. Thank you for sharing my videos.Thank you for watching

  • @Jim-n9b
    @Jim-n9b 6 днів тому

    Thank you these look so cute I love them and I know they will taste great

    • @Inthekitchenwithmaryella
      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella  6 днів тому +1

      Hi Jim. Watch Friday's video I will let you know how they taste. I'm having an ugly sweater virtual party for the holidays so come and join us. Thank you for watching

    • @Jim-n9b
      @Jim-n9b 6 днів тому

      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella your welcome I think you you have a great cooking show you are a good cook

    • @Inthekitchenwithmaryella
      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella  6 днів тому

      @Jim-n9b Thank you I like my cooking and most people who eat it like it. Thank you for watching