He was in a trio called the near dew Wells and their typical dress code while performing was early sixties car salesman attire. Think ward cleaver. The exception to the dress code was Halloween of 92 when they showed up in homemade classic star trek uniforms and went by the name the William Shatner's. All of the songs were TREK themed and it was fucking hilarious. They always put on a good show
who's here from this american life?
He sets the wrong hand on fire.
Born to do dishes.
My fucking heros... lmao... #dishpit #dishpitlife #theydoitiwatch #dishbitch
That's his buddy from arcata, I forget his name. It's in the book. He is a,nice guy, I bugged him on Facebook years ago.
Jess Hilliard- great dude!
He was in a trio called the near dew Wells and their typical dress code while performing was early sixties car salesman attire. Think ward cleaver. The exception to the dress code was Halloween of 92 when they showed up in homemade classic star trek uniforms and went by the name the William Shatner's. All of the songs were TREK themed and it was fucking hilarious. They always put on a good show