Up 2 - 원어민이 자주 쓰는 Up 구동사 내걸로 만들기!! Go up 올라가다 아님! Make up 그 많은 뜻 한번에 잡힘!

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • Catch up(To reach the same level or standard as somebody who was better or more advanced) 따라잡다
    Catch up(To do something that you have not been able to do recently) 따라잡다, 보충하다
    Check up(To make sure that somebody is doing what they should be doing): My parents are always checking upon me. 감시하다
    Dress up(To wear a fancy dress, a costume to disguise yourself): He dressed up as a pirate, for the party. 차려입다
    Eat up(To eat all the food that you’ve been given): If you eat up all your vegetables, you can have dessert. 다먹다
    End up(Eventually do/decide): We ended up going to the theatre instead of the gallery. 결국 ~ 되다
    Get up(Get out of bed): I got up early this morning and went for a walk.
    Give up(To abandon to do something/To stop doing something): Time to give up! 포기하다
    Go up : 다가가다
    Grow up(To become an adult): 자라다
    Heat up(To make hotter): 데우다
    Look up(Find, search for): 샅샅이 찾아 보다
    Make up: 날조하다, 해내다, 보상하다
    Open up: 활짝 열다
    Show up(Arrive): 나타나다
    Speak up(To speak with a stronger voice): 크게 말하다