This Is How To Unclog Your Heater Core For Free In Minutes At Home | Easy

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @craigschmidt48
    @craigschmidt48 2 роки тому +326

    That’s why I love UA-cam, it allows young men like me learn, growing up with no father figure and no one to show me these kind of things really was a downfall but I’m learning.

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  2 роки тому +34

      I agree with you and that's one of the reasons why I also love UA-cam, that's also one of the reasons why I make videos. Enjoy the rest of your day and thanks for the support.

    • @FoodTrucksForDummies
      @FoodTrucksForDummies 2 роки тому +9

      Always learning

    • @TheGuy4ever
      @TheGuy4ever 2 роки тому +16

      Same bro! I learn so much from these OGs on YT. Pops wasn't really there. I don't mind liking and subscribing for this knowledge.

    • @kevincortez3279
      @kevincortez3279 2 роки тому +9

      This kinda got depressing outta nowhere

    • @stevenwing472
      @stevenwing472 2 роки тому +1

      Don’t be misled by such false statements. These will not clean your heater core. Any better than just running a water hose. Flushing water flow backwards.

  • @davidfry5824
    @davidfry5824 Рік тому +49

    I appreciate your instructions and how well your video was created! It’s people like you who are living life through service and kindness, and that deserves respect. Thank you!

  • @adrianhanna6577
    @adrianhanna6577 2 роки тому +23


  • @aaronmenchinger
    @aaronmenchinger 2 роки тому +23

    You are the man. Straight forward, no BS or annoying skits you have to suffer through until making it to the point where you get to the reason for clicking on the video. If I knew where you were I'd give you a nice crispy bill for a tip. Thank you Boss

  • @maxpo1223
    @maxpo1223 3 роки тому +21

    Just saying thanks this worked for me. I'm alone out here and didn't know what to do. I had trouble getting one of the hoses off the heater core, eventually I got it off, and I didn't have access to a garden hose, so I used a pressure washer at a car wash. With so many shady and expensive repair shops out there, information like this can save people a bundle.

  • @Hunter1st
    @Hunter1st 3 роки тому +130

    I gotta say I was skeptical as hell, but I tried this and the car I was working on went from no heat whatsoever to working perfectly. I didn't even need any fittings just held my hose sprayer to the hose of the heater core. Awesome video.

    • @opinionatorX
      @opinionatorX 3 роки тому +6

      You did well kid.

    • @tmo6517
      @tmo6517 2 роки тому +2

      Wowwwwww! Trying on my 2004 sentra🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

    • @1stisraelitessweetness17
      @1stisraelitessweetness17 Рік тому +3

      Thanks for sharing your comment, because I was afraid to try it just with placing the water holes to the heater core. Thank you as well!

  • @Houndingtheearth
    @Houndingtheearth 2 роки тому +10

    You are the man! Just did this on my 2004 Honda Element cuz I was getting little to no heat. Took about 30 mins total and heater blows super hot now. Thanks for saving me money and time!

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  2 роки тому +2

      You're welcome and thanks for letting me know it worked. It is pretty amazing how something so simple the car dealerships charge so much to replace the heater core. Perfect timing too cuz winter is just about to start.

  • @FoxyMulder
    @FoxyMulder 2 роки тому +7

    You really seem like an honest mechanic I wished I could find you here in N. Tx because I have been lied to and robbed by a couple of mechanics and I do believe this is the problem with my car SO I REALLY APPRECIATE YOU FOR THIS VIDEO cus I'll try to do the work myself. THANK YOU!

  • @sheehy933
    @sheehy933 2 роки тому +23

    Last winter I had heat that was barely lukewarm. After scouring the internet for a solution to my problem and checking every other possible cause, I figured I'd give this a try. To my amazement it worked like a charm, the heater is blowing HOT now.
    Thank you for a simple, straight forward video. And BTW, I have plier envy. Those pliers would come in handy for lots of situations.

    • @Meche697
      @Meche697 Рік тому +3

      Those are from Harbor Freight

  • @charlesoneill970
    @charlesoneill970 2 роки тому +3

    I watched a couple of videos from different people and you just have a good way of talking that’s easy to understand and follow. Everyone can teach “how” but you show “why” you do things a certain way. Thanks for the video.

  • @juniorsmith3508
    @juniorsmith3508 3 роки тому +33

    This is an excellent, high quality, no nonsense, helpful video.

  • @freymoon
    @freymoon Місяць тому +2

    Dig your calm delivery, background music and simple approach. Best video ov 10 that I've seen so far - keep on keepin' on

  • @jnicholson061905
    @jnicholson061905 2 роки тому +30

    I recently paid $400 for a shop to do something, and I'm pretty sure this is all they did. But I think it needs to be done again, and I'll be damned if I pay them another $400 for this. Gonna try this asap! Fingers crossed!

    • @jnicholson061905
      @jnicholson061905 2 роки тому +2

      I had previously done a stop leak for a coolant leak a few years ago, so I suspect this is the lingering effects. Already finally replaced the radiator after it blew.

    • @mnewln1800
      @mnewln1800 10 місяців тому

      You should read the receipt that the shop gave you. There's two parts. One,, where you authorized specific repairs. Two, why it cost $400.

    • @TonySmith-hu1is
      @TonySmith-hu1is 6 місяців тому

      Miss Nicholson you don't have to be damned I would do it for you for free you are sensational ​@@jnicholson061905

    • @thewitchertales
      @thewitchertales 24 дні тому +1

      Theres alot of reasons it could be clogged and this could help that was key, not do this and it works 100% of the time ask what your shop did next time youll have itemized charges on the reciept.
      Sometimes they just need to be replaced.

    • @marcusfishtanks7395
      @marcusfishtanks7395 20 днів тому

      @@thewitchertalesI have a 2020 ford explorer xlt and it blows warm air but never hot and I’ve been reading it’s likely the heater core. At what point do you determine when it’s time to replace vs just clean out like this?

  • @falseproffitt
    @falseproffitt 3 роки тому +4

    This cat’s personality just earned him a solid subscribe

  • @pastorfred3460
    @pastorfred3460 Рік тому +5

    We did ours recently...there is a tool specifically designed for the tension hose clamps, I highly recommend getting one, so much easier. Also, different cars have various psi limits for their heater cores so I'd recommend staring with a light flow of water and keep increasing slightly until clog is dislodged.

  • @johnrockley9472
    @johnrockley9472 Рік тому +2

    Great video. Many years ago I put 'leak stopper' in an old Renault 5. Stopped the radiator leak, but performance was terrible in the cold weather. Vehicle had a water heated inlet manifold and the small pipes that fed it had got blocked by the leak stopper gunk! I replaced the radiator and spent a while blasting out the system with a hose. Happy days! 😀

  • @bobthebass72
    @bobthebass72 Рік тому +2

    Thank you, You just saved me €500 by not having to buy a new Heater Core from Toyota !!!!
    Thanks again from Dublin Ireland 🇮🇪

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  Рік тому +2

      I love UA-cam. It's amazing that two people from different parts of the world are able to communicate with each other. All the way from California United States. Thanks for watching and you have a good day.

    • @garymangan2761
      @garymangan2761 Рік тому

      Sweet video

    • @garymangan2761
      @garymangan2761 Рік тому

      I'm in Dublin .how did you do .I'm gonna try .what car u have

  • @carlosbarron5725
    @carlosbarron5725 2 роки тому +3

    As many others I was doubtful about it since I used some bar's leak head gasket repair kit, I thought this product had gone through the tiny water passages but it only clogged the entrance of every small passage, when I pushed water hard everything came out, it was so clogged! water was having a hard time going through pretty bad, after flushing it several times water could go through the heater core so freely.
    I was about to replace the heater core, it's a big job, you have to remove the entire dashboard, it was going to be a mess, thank you Sir, much appreciated

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  2 роки тому +3

      I truly understand and thanks for watching. Plus I appreciate your story.

  • @richardmiller1845
    @richardmiller1845 10 місяців тому

    Thank you for your video. I had a clamped on male hose fitting like you so I just took that male end off and clamped my hose to one of my heater core tubes. One-man operation. Easy peasy.

  • @joebust234
    @joebust234 Рік тому +1

    I just did this on a 2002 Chevy s10 and it worked it’s like a new car. Thank you for this.

  • @hard13heavymetal
    @hard13heavymetal 2 роки тому +4

    Damn great! Instead of ripping out the entire damn dashboard to get to the heater core itself! Love ya, bro!

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  2 роки тому +1

      I completely agree. That's a 3 to 10 hour job versus 30 minutes. If it helped and work let me know. I appreciate the comment and thanks for watching.

  • @tmo6517
    @tmo6517 2 роки тому +3

    Pure genius.... and if doesn’t work on my car-you’re still a genius!😊

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you. One of my favorite comments. Let me know your results. Have a good one.

    • @tmo6517
      @tmo6517 2 роки тому +1

      @@oxmanagain will do!🙏🏾

  • @kingZeuz
    @kingZeuz 2 роки тому +3

    this has by far been the best video and to the point that i have seen in a long time!!! going to try it tonight

  • @GeorgeLimon-t2g
    @GeorgeLimon-t2g Місяць тому

    It's guys like him that help other learn, and make it simple to understand. I appreciate you for helping out the pepple .thank you 8:05

  • @TeamLyphe
    @TeamLyphe 2 роки тому +7

    What a great video! The information was easy by understand, the film and edit was on point, and it was to the point. Thank you for sharing! 🙌🏾💯

  • @ridinrancher9443
    @ridinrancher9443 2 роки тому +7

    Good look. I wish I knew this 15 yrs ago. I spent 9 hrs in the snow replacing a heater core. I had heat afterwards but the process sucked to say the least.

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  2 роки тому +2

      I agree. They made it so hard to change. I had a Chevy Suburban and it took days to do it. So that is when I started thinking of a faster way. I have done this technique of 5 or so cars. Thanks for watching.

  • @pwgphoto
    @pwgphoto Рік тому +1

    Thanks. Appreciate it. Did a coolant change on my wife's car today and no heat. Coolant was filthy and probably clogged the heater core. Seeing how simple it is to clean this will be my first step. I got hot coolant going in but the out house is cool. So probably clogged. Thanks again

  • @shurpie8232
    @shurpie8232 Рік тому +1

    Would there be residual liquid/coolant in the pipes before you take the clamps off? Does it have to get emptied before you do anything?

  • @marykalinowski3730
    @marykalinowski3730 3 роки тому +3

    Have used this method before and it works . Another car has to be done hopefully it works as well as the last time

  • @donnafaircloth192
    @donnafaircloth192 Рік тому

    Very informative and easy to understand. Single, fixed income, so I have to fix my own problems. I appreciate your video and your help. Will be watching more.😊

  • @deannbelliveau6327
    @deannbelliveau6327 2 роки тому +1

    And you're right about the gasket repair. Most people pour it in one shot all right in at once. You have to pour a little at a time till the leak stops. Pouring it all in at once is not only a waste but gets in all sorts of places its not meant for.

  • @robert5
    @robert5 Рік тому

    Thumbs up for being clear and concise on exactly what to do and how to do it. I will be using a drill powered pump and buckets to circulate some cleaner designed for this purpose. I will ether use CLR or Irontite ThoroFlush with as hot of water as i can get and circulate it for a while. Then I will do a final flush exactly as you have done.

  • @jasonmariani1258
    @jasonmariani1258 2 роки тому +1

    I like you already my friend! It’s cool you went on UA-cam and showed us how to do this…… you’re a good man!

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  2 роки тому

      I appreciate your comment. I hope it helps you, if it does let me know. You have a good day.

  • @greghobbs1728
    @greghobbs1728 3 роки тому +8

    1) Never use stop leak in a bottle unless it's a dire emergency ( Humvee broke down in the desert etc. )
    2) Be careful using too much high pressure in your heater core.
    3) Thanks for catching the crud/fluid for proper disposal. You would be surprised how many people let it percolate right into the ground right above their well or other irresponsible things.

  • @terricomitz9731
    @terricomitz9731 3 роки тому +17

    Thank you for the video. You kept it simple and easy. Well-informed video.

  • @mcdavidhome100
    @mcdavidhome100 Рік тому

    Great video bro! You demonstrated the "3S" principle to the tee. "SHORT, SWEET, AND SIMPLE!

  • @trabburks275
    @trabburks275 Рік тому

    Thank you… I tried it and it worked and I got heat…and it saved me $500

  • @BackToTheFutura
    @BackToTheFutura 11 місяців тому +1

    Great tip, thank you. Excellent job with the video, you are really good with the way you show how to do things, clear, easy to understand and better yet, a fantastic tip that saves you a lot of dough! Thanks for the tip and the lesson.

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  11 місяців тому

      Glad it was helpful!

  • @yahlitamoore2928
    @yahlitamoore2928 3 роки тому +5

    Thanks so much for your time and patience for this demonstration and knowledge

  • @sandilandz2210
    @sandilandz2210 Місяць тому

    Im definitely gonna try this method its simple and straightforward. I will share feedback once I'm done. Thanks Sir

  • @garyny4073
    @garyny4073 Місяць тому

    Oxman , that was incredible , mine is clogged on my 2008 merc milan premiere , ive been told it would be $ 1200 .00 with labor and parts and the whole dash of the car has to come out im gonna try this , thanx for showing people these unusual things on cars even for a car and chopper guy like me 😅😊👍🤘👊.

  • @marks8368
    @marks8368 11 місяців тому +1

    Modern stop leak additives typically do not clog heater cores, "but" they do coat their passages, and any of that at all, or scaling, will significantly reduce the heat transfer performance. You can flush your core and see great flow through of clean water and still end up with little heat to show for it. You can use CLR, but it needs to be flushed very well or it can eat at seals and head gaskets.

  • @matteobianchini4443
    @matteobianchini4443 2 роки тому +1

    I just flushed it as in the video and heating started working like magic.
    Thank you.

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  2 роки тому

      I'm glad it works for you. And I appreciate you letting me know and thanks for watching the video.

  • @luv2luv720
    @luv2luv720 Рік тому +2

    Omg, dude you just helped me fix my heater 😁😁 Thank you Do Much!!!

  • @NorthWriter
    @NorthWriter Рік тому +1

    This totally worked! I now have proper heat!

  • @ALBowen
    @ALBowen 3 роки тому +1

    Just found your video today,, thank you for your good knowledge, MY Question is I just put a thermostat in my Lexus gs 300,, in still no heat,so a mechanic I know don't want to change my heatercoil,again thank you King,, I will try this weekend

  • @Bandwidth24
    @Bandwidth24 23 дні тому +3

    I go to the car wash, remove the heater core hoses ,use the high pressure car wash hose on the rinse setting for 30 seconds or so and reconnect the heater core hoses.

    • @beexiong2171
      @beexiong2171 10 днів тому

      I gotta try ur technique soon I have no heat just blow cold air so cold I’m freezing lol

  • @jamesbagos3459
    @jamesbagos3459 11 місяців тому

    I’ve done something similar to this but I used a trigger type hose sprayer that has a threaded end on it you can attach another short garden his to which enables you to pull the trigger on the hose end while you hold the hose with the other hand.

  • @frankmacri6238
    @frankmacri6238 2 роки тому +2

    Thank You for that valuable tip
    Very well produced video
    I’m sure you saved a lot of people some money. 👍👍

  • @dequonpolk5196
    @dequonpolk5196 2 роки тому +3

    Wow and I just paid 600 hundred dollars for this Job,thanks

  • @Tengeda1
    @Tengeda1 Рік тому

    I had a problem with my prius no heat and follow this I solved my problem.
    Great video and explanation!!!
    Thank you

  • @billsmith2212
    @billsmith2212 2 роки тому +2

    That tapered end is a great idea . Most people have 60 lbs. of water pressure . The cooling system operates around 17 lbs. MAX . Restricting that pressure is a good idea . Those caps from Lucas or similar additives mat fit .

  • @Elwooddudes
    @Elwooddudes 3 роки тому +3

    Thanks for the video! On my Citroen berlingo van the pipes are so difficult to get to 😅 I’ve replaced thermostat etc, but I feel the core is clogged, as the heater in the cabin only heats the window and not the footwell very well! Probably try this at some point when it gets warmer here in the UK

    • @dariendudley9716
      @dariendudley9716 2 роки тому

      Your blend door may not be working correctly happens often in which case a a uator controls blend door unless electric

  • @simchou7828
    @simchou7828 Місяць тому

    Excellent source of information and many mechanics just b/s around to make the customer shell out more money to pay the mechanic

  • @texaslookout5382
    @texaslookout5382 2 роки тому

    Thank You for a Easy Way without all the Drama of unclogging the heater core.

  • @michealangelo3326
    @michealangelo3326 Місяць тому +1

    Which hose should be drain the left hose or right hose whenever you drain it with the water

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  Місяць тому +1

      @@michealangelo3326 I do both just to make sure it's not clogged either way.

  • @markandersonsdiscjockeyatt4955

    Nice work! Thank you for these tips, I will give this a try on my heater core.

  • @nickc3121
    @nickc3121 3 роки тому +10

    Used the exact same Bar's sealant last night and instantly after following the instructions, the heater stopped blowing heat and my car starting overheating like the engine was about to blow up. I'm still not 100% that this is the only problem, bit I'm sure this video has something to do with how to fix it. Thanks.

    • @Anakthemutantmassenjoyer
      @Anakthemutantmassenjoyer 2 роки тому +2

      Was this any help? My car is doing the same thing and I’m trying to figure out what to do. Unfortunately I can’t use a hose as I live in a snowed area.

    • @tishyarobinson1358
      @tishyarobinson1358 8 місяців тому

      Currently having the same issue. I would like to know if it worked too. Before I spend money on a new heater core and the expensive labor..

  • @adrianbellsound
    @adrianbellsound Рік тому

    You are indeed the man. I’m going to try this next weekend. Thanks for posting

  • @Damien-qk7in
    @Damien-qk7in 2 роки тому

    Those fasteners are such a pain! Thank for the video man. You got a sub for sure.
    Also what was that knocking I heard when you started the vehicle? I know it's been two years but I would like to know what to Identify when I hear it! Thanks

  • @MarkChristopherBergeron
    @MarkChristopherBergeron Рік тому +1

    I am going to try this on my 2014 Chevy Silverado Lt v8 ! I we I'll let you now how it goes ! Thanks bro !

  • @AcumenTV
    @AcumenTV 2 роки тому

    Nicely explained and demonstrated! I will try this as I did use the head gasket leak stuff and the heater now blows, but no heat :( Thanks for the video OXMAN!

  • @Tino_Moreno
    @Tino_Moreno 7 місяців тому +1

    awesome man thanks I will try this out on my old lady's van!

  • @josephcatalan3161
    @josephcatalan3161 2 роки тому

    Thank you sir. Have you done this on your LR3?

  • @EricJohnson-om8im
    @EricJohnson-om8im 2 роки тому

    Great! Were are the lines at on 2011 jaguar xjl like yours need to flush my out. Thanks appreciate it

  • @sharpshooterofky
    @sharpshooterofky Рік тому +1

    Thanks brother!!! You make this task so simple!! Great easy to follow instructions!! GOD bless!!

  • @mosesbarron4200
    @mosesbarron4200 Рік тому

    Thank you very much for this! Is there any reason why one couldn’t use compressed air if it happened to be more convenient than a hose?

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  Рік тому +1

      I imagine you could use an air compressor. I just think water is a little bit more effective because water isn't going to damage the walls of the heater core.

  • @DayTrader__
    @DayTrader__ 2 роки тому

    Water balloon attachment, good thinking…
    Thanks for the video

  • @rachelcampbell1734
    @rachelcampbell1734 2 роки тому

    I thought I was going to have to spend 2000$ to replace my heater core, but thought I would try this first. This was such a helpful video. I ended up removing the clips on the other side of the hoses. Flushed twice and now heater is working perfectly. Thank you!!!

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  2 роки тому +1

      I'm glad it worked out for you.

  • @davidruiz5383
    @davidruiz5383 2 роки тому +1

    Amazing, will the process effect the AC system. Thanks

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  2 роки тому +1

      No it has never affected any of mine.

  • @tonys78rpmrecords
    @tonys78rpmrecords 4 місяці тому +1

    Good video. Its good not having a perfect seal when pushing the water through the heater core because you would not want to burst the heater core and than having the large job and experience of having the heater core replaced. But cleaning the heater core is a great idea and makes a great improvement to interior heating. I sort of starting to maybe like the stock spring band style hose clamps thay can seem faster and don't need Re tightening

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  4 місяці тому +1

      @@tonys78rpmrecords those were great points I appreciate the tips. Thanks for watching

  • @emikearizona
    @emikearizona Рік тому

    This is the best video I've seen on this subject thank you so much

  • @Sarah-un6gs
    @Sarah-un6gs Рік тому

    Thanks for the video! I don’t have a dad to help me and I’m currently on a tight budget so I’m thinking about trying this on my car, which only blows hot when I rev the engine to over 2000 rpm. But I just want to make sure I understand all the way before I do (and don’t my car cause a problem)… I was wondering, when you refilled the radiator, was that antifreeze? I only ask because it looked like water in the jug? Can I just use the 50/50 pre diluted stuff that I normally put in my car?

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  Рік тому +1

      I put water in right then to test it and then I filled it with the appropriate mixture

  • @TheSloansFour
    @TheSloansFour 2 роки тому +1

    I’m going to try this. Had to replace my radiator on my Ram and it overheated. Bled the air out and now the temp gauge stays low and I have no heat. How do you know which hose is into the core and which is out?

  • @lur3950
    @lur3950 Місяць тому

    Hello there, great video. Have you ever worked on a Nissan Altima 2002 to 2006? Winter is approaching & I have no heater. What are those attachment adaptors?

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  Місяць тому

      @@lur3950 hello and thanks for watching. No I have never worked on a Nissan. When you say what adapters what exactly are you talking about?

  • @thomasreto2997
    @thomasreto2997 2 роки тому +2

    Thanks man! I am going to give this a try on my old Malibu 🌈😃🤙

  • @brytefame
    @brytefame 2 роки тому

    i saw someone do the cold side so the water is going in the opposite direction that it normally does. you can the reverse it. they also dumped some CLR in there and let it sit in the heater core for a while and then flushed it...

  • @dariendudley9716
    @dariendudley9716 2 роки тому +2

    I did this once this summer changed theromostat,water pump,and radiator still no heat and now it's-20°-40 ° so this will be difficult in this weather havent had any heat since I got it brutally cold out

  • @caramellohoney
    @caramellohoney 2 роки тому +4

    What are the symptoms of a blocked heater core?

    • @skip741x3
      @skip741x3 2 роки тому +1

      reduced heat when ur heaters on max or in worst case ,no heat if the core is completely plugged

  • @josephbohme7917
    @josephbohme7917 2 роки тому

    And sometimes the other ends of the hose are more handy to use or if you are really safe and careful the hose downtown.

  • @SaymSsik
    @SaymSsik 3 роки тому +4

    Great video! Good information, very professional

  • @Joshua-uc2xu
    @Joshua-uc2xu Місяць тому +1

    Best video and right to the point!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

  • @maikan4371
    @maikan4371 3 роки тому +1

    Sweet and clear video. You got style bro

  • @marshagurganious301
    @marshagurganious301 2 роки тому

    Craig I have a gmc sierra 1500 my heater core is not putting out enough heat I do most of my work myself what I can't do I'll have to take to man.

  • @dennisgentile888
    @dennisgentile888 4 роки тому +5

    Great information good clear presentation

  • @flexiblestrategist9922
    @flexiblestrategist9922 12 днів тому

    Good video. I had to do this on my 2004 Ford Freestar.

  • @raymondsantosjr.1312
    @raymondsantosjr.1312 2 роки тому +1

    Great video thank you so much for showing how to do the flush, it worked just like you said. Looking forward for more helpful info 👍

  • @conquerandwin
    @conquerandwin 3 роки тому +2

    My cooling system is suffering from rust issues and I thought that clogged the heater core after the last flush, but it may have been the gasket sealer. Never even thought about that being an issue. Do you do anything to get the tap water out?

    • @hailey1997
      @hailey1997 2 роки тому +1

      this is what I was wondering as well as calcium buildup and rust from the tap is what can cause this issue.

  • @SWSniper89
    @SWSniper89 9 місяців тому

    They use those clamps because of heat expansion, keeps the same tension as the part expands with heat, also contracts when it cools so the piping doesnt crack or distort. 👌🏼

  • @RyanNaranjo
    @RyanNaranjo 3 роки тому

    This video was soo helpful man , I have a Tacoma giving me issues and this looks like a good solution for that, thank you!

  • @ThatIsDopeBro
    @ThatIsDopeBro 2 роки тому

    I'm going to try this tomorrow on my 2002 camry LE. I'm not even sure if the tubes I've identified are the right ones because they're placed vertically above and below eachother instead of side by side like the car in the video. I'm really hoping this works for my car is completely undrivable due to it over heating. The fact that no heat is coming thru when I try the heater all the way on trick (seems to make the tempature meter go even higher) makes me think that it's just clogged. My radiator hose burst opened because of all the pressure that built up and I'm hoping this prevents it from happening again for I do not have any funds to take it to a mechanic.

  • @danrodrigues3531
    @danrodrigues3531 3 роки тому +12

    You should have added that people shouldn't open the hose pressure too high because you don't want to blow the heater core with excessive pressure...

  • @1stb1
    @1stb1 2 місяці тому

    those springy hose clamps are supposed to reduce the risk of the clamp cutting into the hose material over time. i think the correct clamps are called constant tension clamps. i believe there are some forms of constant tension clamps that have a coil spring around a screw, though. have to check the label to make sure they're not ordinary worm gear clamps

  • @brandichenn4202
    @brandichenn4202 2 роки тому +1

    Can this cause water to leak into the floor of my car? I just got my head gasket replaced but now my car is leaking a lot of water underneath and on the passenger side carpet. The radiator hose had some swelling but my mechanic said it’s fine now? they say the carpet being well is just from the rain. Which makes no sense. I don’t have a sunroof and the weather strips on my doors are fine..

    • @oxmanagain
      @oxmanagain  2 роки тому +2

      If you have water on your passenger side floor mats. It's a good chance that your heater core is either clogged or somehow bypassed. If you can check under or within your glove compartment you can see if it's leaking from over there.

  • @stevesturdy4549
    @stevesturdy4549 19 днів тому

    They make a hose clamp removal tool just for that style of clamps. Under $20 bucks everywhere and well worth the money for these clamps in hard to reach places.

  • @steveoatway7001
    @steveoatway7001 Рік тому +1

    That is not a "fastener" on the hose it is a CLAMP, specifically a "Cat Spring Band Clamp". If you want the type that have a screw to loosen or tighten they are simply called a Cat Clamp. After you remove that small hose you easily switch the clamp for a screw type BUT make sure you will be able to get it off in the future. Any auto supply store or hardware store has them.

  • @shirley9066
    @shirley9066 Рік тому

    Mine was broke for 3 years until i moved, driving over road bumps in the road to slow u down, fixed it.

  • @RobGibbonsW
    @RobGibbonsW 4 роки тому +5

    Great video, thanks for the information!

  • @thomastorre8352
    @thomastorre8352 2 роки тому +4

    To the point. Great job! 👍

  • @JorgeGonzalez-yh1ku
    @JorgeGonzalez-yh1ku 2 роки тому

    I have a milkshake motor do I need to change oil before putting the product on or do I just put the product in, in a milkshake motor