No Lincoln started it. He created a national federal government after the Civil War. That's why government has so much power. The federal government is OP!
@@hastyhillfarmand4x480 Elizabeth Willing Powel: "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" Benjamin Franklin's response: “A republic, if you can keep it.” Because of uneducated people like you voting, looks like we didn't keep it.
go watch a documentary called "HOW BIG OIL CONQUERED THE WORLD" to know why the secret is the OIL COMPANIES running the Public SCHOOLS to create morons on purpose.
I got sick of his voice after 1 minute. I like Press NH Now because he tells police to shut up and that he doesn't want to hear cop splaining. He knows the cop is NOT ever trying to "help" him so if they are running their mouths it is not in the citizen's interest. They think they are brilliant and they are going to outsmart the citizen and get them to give up their rights. That's the prison guard mentality. They see citizens as dumb convicts, not citizens who know their rights.
I run bread routes as a contractor and they just hired a guy and only reason he had a job, he is a yes sir man... Only what the boss says, no matter what... That's what they want Yes sir people. People who work for there self and or run there own business, they are the ones they are afraid of....
I agree but I am giving the cop points for at least trying to be informed. He read something, he just stopped too early in his self-directed education. There are cops standing right next to “Poster 7” for example, who refuse to simply turn around and read it. Yeah the bar is low but he seemed earnest in his effort to learn more.
@@paulineplittlelady he VIOLATED the rights of US citizen. Nacis where also nice when they escorted the jevs in Dachau concentration camp. Use your brain.
I love how Santos realized he was under no obligation to tell McCarthy that he knew your name. He at least respected your right not to tell McCarthy your name.
Officer Santos was pretending to be nice, cordial, and friendly while taking our rights away. That’s how it works; we don’t realize until they have taken our rights away, all while smiling. Shameful
His opinion about established law is ignorant. For an officer assigned to enforce entry and behaviour in a public building, he is worthless. It’s always the same…these employees have con themselves they have special rights that extinguish constitutional protections. It’s crazy, sad, and disgusting.
"Officer, I am very uncomfortable with the fact that you are armed. Because you are armed, I do not feel safe enough to enter and do my business. By your own words, you are now a disruption to this building, correct?"
@@Riawade2you don't even need that to be a competent and logical person and know the limits of your power. There's a reason certain people end up in the force.
I'm uncomfortable with their policies and I'm uncomfortable with tax-funded law enforcement officers being used to enforce these policies and violate the most basic civil Rights we have.
Cops are not educated nor qualified to enforce law. Police... policee... policy. Cops do not follow the law, the operate under policy, that is why they are called police and not lawyers. Only judges can enforce the law. Cops merely fabricate allegations mostly based on suspicion, aka feelings.
, no big deal just goofing being silly.… Are you saying that this man is being polite is so East Coast because you guys deal with passive aggressive People so much more
@@DirtyPlumbusYes but, the system they set has to be followed or you get nowhere. What is needed can’t be discussed nor will you ever get enough to do it. You know as well as I do, that’s the standing army. Took years but, there they are and not going away.
@@DirtyPlumbus A citizen is a participatory member of a political community. Citizenship is gained by meeting the legal requirements of a national, state, or local government. A nation grants certain rights and privileges to its citizens. In return, citizens are expected to obey. Don't be one.
This has got to stop, cant get in City Hall without an appointment, get real!! This has got to stop, seriously if they think they can get away with doing that whats next
Just wait…there are always more rules, restrictions and powers that fascists are imposing. The government right now protect their agents, the police, as they slowly but surely turn us into powerless drones.
The fact that you were completely stating the obvious.… Is what atrocious is.… Do you have an original thought in your head sometimes don’t you good grief
I mean, come on man yeah that’s right that’s what the whole fucking videos about.… Yeah, it’s atrocious that the cops are such meathead. Yeah yeah that’s what
It's to prevent overusage. If everyone came and requested public information every hour, the services would be locked. Remember, it also costs time and the quality of service to provide you that information. Sure this can be optimized, but you see, this is the first/basic precaution to slow people down with possibly unnecessary rain of requests. It's a shame that after a while, these public service locations think they are there to protect the information from the public. That's why they react agressively to cameras/mic people with any kind of aware activities.
I agree people shouldn't be forced to pay for anything on top of what we already pay in taxes, but to be fair all of the things people ask for are available online if they truly do want the information and aren't just trying to prove a point. I also understand the law says they have to have a physical copy but anyone who watches these videos no the government doesn't have to follow the law
@@rsnip9888 Not everyone has access to a computer or the internet. These records are supposed to be held at the facilities in physical form to be viewed upon demand. When the government no longer has to follow the laws or the Constitution, we have a big problem.
Well 21 Nazi leaders at Nuremberg in 1945/46 with close ties to Hitler nearly all claimed they were obedient dogs of the Fürher "following orders!." Really lame and pitiful argument simlier to how eight year old kids bunked off school saying "they were sick" brains to think and reason, well that the theory!
Yeah and sometimes I think it’s worse than a outright tyrant. He just wants to avoid conflict and pick up a paycheck and pension and doesn’t actually care about upholding the law especially the Constitution
I want to see the auditor that requests it in advance. Brings it along with them when they audit and when the employees inevitably complain about being filmed, they pulled up the footage and ask "You mean like you are every day?".
@@bartmeeus9033 Yes it would, it's become common for people to try and explain to these people that complain that they are being recorded all the time and we have access to it. They then claim they don't mind those because "no one is really watching them". Perfect time to show them that anyone can be watching them instead so they shut up.
It is unconstitutional to not provide in person access to public/ government buildings. The citizens of this city should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to even happen.
This officer is completely wasting his breath what’s going on here couldn’t be more clear. They are restricting the citizens access to a building that they pay for and exist solely for their use and convenience.
This “ facility “ must be … 100 million dollars ? My God - like a castle ! Rediculous . 😅 Why ? WTF ? Top secret government security , FN Joke - Ship of Fools !
Whomever wrote this policy needs to be immediately fired. Who the hell do these people think they are ? Their jobs don't come with crowns for a damn reason!
Black mayor. I find it disturbing that blacks in government are the first to put these illegal orders in place and also the first to call the cops. This, after they cry and cry that blacks are constantly victimized by cops and the government. If you were such constant victims, would you really call your oppressors? Guess absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Who do these people think they are? Look at the palaces they erect for themselves while the cities are filled with derelict buildings, homeless and poor. They're the elites, the ones who feel they are above everyone else. How dare a peasant question them.
The ruling in case that secured our rights to film police stated "the public has the right to hold public officials accountable, and to document them in the course of their duty" Not just police ALL PUBLIC OFFICIALS.
What is most amazing is had he went in with a hidden camera....everyone's day would have been completely different LOL. No clowns jumping around trying to violate someones rights.
If you look back and chronicle each year since the "constitution" was signed, each year, year by year they have dwindled our "rights". To ask for "more freedom" is to admit that your freedom is in the hands of someone else.
I have social anxiety & become uncomfortable in a lot of situations. I still wouldn't act like that because being uncomfortable is my problem not theirs. An auditor wouldn't even bother me anyway. Personally I just assume I'm being recorded whenever I leave my home & generally don't care. The exception being something like an up skirt photo. That would likely get you kicked or your phone stepped on 'accidentally' of course. But I very rarely even wear a skirt anyway & I doubt anyone would even want to photo up mine.
This policy is clearly not viewpoint neutral and the courts have already addressed that policies for a limited public forum must be viewpoint neutral. Establishing that this is a limited public forum and the policy is not viewpoint neutral is all that needs to be shown to have this thrown out under established Public Forum Doctrine.
@@AuditRecon Mark my words: the day will come when city halls and government buildings will be closed to the public. There will be a sign on the door that tells you everything is available on-line. Public stay out. Employees only. This is OUR building and you suckers get to pay for it.
Officers are trained to be effective. They generate revenue, and most genuinely attempt to ‘keep the peace,’ but rarely with any regard for the rights of any suspect or citizen.
What are they hiding? If everything is on line then why do we pay these public servants? Local Government rules or policies don't trump the Constitution.
The court system doesn't always agree with you. As far as I know, there's no absolute answer on what time, place and manner restrictions apply. People have been convicted of filming (charged with causing a disturbance or trespassing) inside libraries and court houses during regular opening hours, for example. Sean also had to appeal one of his charges in one of his first arrests. Don't remember the charge, and not sure if it was dismissed or still pending, but I remember he was acquitted of all charges except one.
It’s going to get worse. The building will be used when marshal law goes into effect. These people already have their victims locked up to be used as they want to.
A law abiding citizen is not responsible for someone's uncomfortable feelings , and law abiding citizens , are not responsible for the unhinged reaction of a citizen , towards a law abiding citizen. The fact this cop is Enforcing Feelings , and an Unlawful policy , that allows public servants to Violate a law abiding citizens Rights , shows how deep the corruption runs within our Public servants. Rules for the but not for me !
It takes a spineless coward to swear an oath to our constitution, then allow "policy" to override it. Where in their training were they taught policies and rules can supercede our Bill of Rights?
I believe that's covered in Copsplaining 101, where they also memorize certain phrases such as "stop resisting," "in this day and age," "with all that's happening these days," and "at the end of the day." I'm waiting for some auditor to write up their own "policies," so when some PS starts pointing at a written policy like it's law they can pull out their own policy and point to the relevant portion like it's law too.
I find it astounding that they write a policy declaring audio and video recording as “unlawful” and they actually believe it to be unlawful simply because they wrote the word “unlawful” without any law actually being passed. WTF??? 🤦🏻🤷🏻♂️
A trespass based on this policy is unlawful, but the reason is important. It is unlawful because policies must be able to stand up to constitutional scrutiny for the type of public forum they apply to. Here it fails the scrutiny required of limited public forum to be viewpoint neutral.
Tyrannical: The officer was enforcing policy, believing that policy trumps the Constitution. It was a crass case of ignorance, resulting from poor training and education. They all need to be educated.
If that "policy" isn't constitutional then its void as a public policy. That's what these people don't understand. Government officials/buildings are NOT PRIVATE and do not get private privileges
or a computer with access to the budget available to the public there at city hall. When they say it's online they should have a terminal at city hall to access them.
Tell that officer McCarthy that you are not comfortable being filmed or photographed and now he has to delete those files because he didn't have your consent.
I have noticed a very disturbing trend in this Government of hiring those from other countries and putting them in authority over those born here and then forcing their beliefs from where they came from in spite of our laws.
@@martingindulis5310 This started because of all the defunding of police and other things that happened, so being a police officer is no longer a desired job. It was a proposal by Joe Biden to push the immigrants to these positions.
Santos kept saying he is trying to find a solution. There already is one...The Constitution! Sean IS part of the Thank you, Sean, for your professional activism.
Exactly, this is disgusting! The government is basically saying, "We own you." Where was this? West Palm Beach, Florida? Isn't that supposed to be a Conservative city? Again, this is disgusting.
Just not right! I am so disappointed in our local government infringing on our constitutional rights. Thank you for your advocacy and commitment to exposing the weaknesses in local government.
There is no constitutional right to shoes of any color, worn or carried. While it would be ludicrous, the red shoe policy would actually be more reasonable to enforce! And yet, I suspect more people would flip out about the shoe policy than the policy that violates our constitutionally protected right to record in public.
Telling a citizen to abrogate their rights to "create common ground" is not acceptable. It's like police telling a woman in the act of being raped that she should let her attacker enter her just a few times to "create common ground". No difference.
Definitely need to be sued and re-educate these two public servants with humongous eagles that had their fingers crossed when they took the oath of the Constitution they need to go on the feelings squad the are liability to the department and they don't deserve to work for the public
The idiot, moron, ignorant, can't-learn-anything, big dummy cop isn't even worth the fertilizer value of a pile of crap that is his height, period. These idiot cops show up and THEY HAVE EVERY CHANCE TO LISTEN, LOOK INTO IT AND LEARN SOMETHING! As soon as cops become UNWILLING to do those simple things and they instead REJECT all of what is being clearly said to them, explained to them and being put forth as HOW the laws, rights, court rulings and Constitution ACTUALLY WORK, and DON'T WORK...that cop or cops ARE FAILURES, 100%, END OF STORY! And they were RECORDED MESSING UP SO BADLY AND GETTING EVERYTHING WRONG! What idiots would want to BE PROVEN TO BE IGNORANT, UNEDUCATED, NOT VERY SMART, ARROGANT, UNPROFESSIONAL AND INCAPABLE of being a cop by doing their job correctly? ANSWER: Only the bad ones.
You can’t call a person a tyrant when they are trying to be objective and fair. I agree with grading but not the attack. It serves no purpose. How many people do you know who have a real civic education? That have even a vague understanding of constitutional law? Or the history of how the constitutional law has evolved? Most people don’t even know when the bill rights incorporated to protect them from both state and federal governments. If a person is trying then you should discipline yourself encourage and not attack them.
The 1st amendment, freedom of the press, exists for all people to observe actions of our government and report to everyone so that corruption and tyrants can be rooted out. If tyrants can hide their actions, they can hide their corruption. There is no excuse to prevent transparency and accountability.
@@pablolasha238 Order followers don't get a pass 4 violating their oath. Enforcing an arbitrary n unConstitutional policy under threat of violence should merit capital punishment.
Good luck with that - not only will you have a chance at having your request denied, the videos will most likely be heavily redacted and/or blurred to preserve privacy.
The Supreme Court has already ruled that having a camera and recording is not considered a disruption. You are being paid to do a job. There are cameras at your job. If you are in a government building, everyone has access to those cameras. So how is recording, a disruption and making someone feel uncomfortable?
The problem is none of them pay for it so they don’t care. It gets put in the taxpayer. It’s time for personal responsibility and personal liability laws in government workers.
"Until philosophers are kings, or the kings and princes of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, and political greatness and wisdom meet in one, and those commoner natures who pursue either to the exclusion of the other are compelled to stand aside, cities will never have rest from their evils." - Plato, "The Republic", Book V (UA-cam: This is in the Public Domain, so don't be annoying about this.)
They know. But it’s Florida. Look at their governor and their cops. It’s one of the most tyrannical states in the country. And it’s a tyrannical country to begin with.
He had a grasp of the first amendment, also of limited public fora, his issue was not realising that restrictions on limited public forum must be viewpoint neutral and the policy in question is not.
Libraries are becoming more like community centers. If this trend continues we will have libraries that have no books. Then we will be told "you can go look it up on-line". Same as was said at this city hall.
In the criminal justice system, Uncomfortable based offenses are considered especially heinous. In West Palm Beach, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Uncomfortable Victims Unit. These are their stories
They are being recorded all day by their own cameras and they don't see the hypocrisy? Do they get everyone's permission, that comes through the door, to record them? Then the ole... our cameras are for safety purposes comes out. Well, an individual should be able to record for their personal safety too.
27:48 is that TOO APREE?
Yes 🤣
@@LongIslandAudit I think he's from Florida, or East Carolina, or whatever
Beck yeah!
Funny that they thought you were a comical representation of yourself!!!
There's no way this could be random but I love it 😂😂😂
This IS the government our forefathers warned us about.
The one they started?
@@hastyhillfarmand4x480What they created was and is not nearly as corrupt as our current days govt
No Lincoln started it. He created a national federal government after the Civil War. That's why government has so much power. The federal government is OP!
@@hastyhillfarmand4x480 tell us you know absolutely nothing about American history without telling us you know nothing about American history
Elizabeth Willing Powel: "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?"
Benjamin Franklin's response: “A republic, if you can keep it.”
Because of uneducated people like you voting, looks like we didn't keep it.
This officer went out of his way to educate himself yet remained uneducated
He's honestly not that smart. At first I thought he was being fake. After listening to him talk, I realized he's just not that smart
And Sean instead of standing his ground, folded and left.
Can't fix stupid.
He's listening but NOT totally comprehending...the dumbed down citizen.
go watch a documentary called "HOW BIG OIL CONQUERED THE WORLD" to know why the secret is the OIL COMPANIES running the Public SCHOOLS to create morons on purpose.
I've grown sick of this officer's voice trying to justify his oath breaking.
The copsplaing is painful 😣😖
I got sick of his voice after 1 minute. I like Press NH Now because he tells police to shut up and that he doesn't want to hear cop splaining. He knows the cop is NOT ever trying to "help" him so if they are running their mouths it is not in the citizen's interest. They think they are brilliant and they are going to outsmart the citizen and get them to give up their rights. That's the prison guard mentality. They see citizens as dumb convicts, not citizens who know their rights.
@@BabsKaz Made even more painful by the fact that Santos is dumb as a box of rocks. The Black cop is straight up gangster tyrant!
Me too but he was WAY better than the tyrant cop McCarthy who was an utter disgrace.
NaziAmerica 101
Ridiculous behavior. Thank you Sean for exposing their ignorance and unlawful policy.
Exposing? And what? Nothing was accomplished.
This whole appointment BS in public buildings is a joke. COVID is over. Our government employees need to get back to work. Like the rest of the world.
Yes 100%
Just the CHIPPING AWAY of American's RIGHTS...totally exposed for all the little clueless sheep to see...IF...they'd open their eyes and ears...
So you're saying it made sense during COVID?
They got extra powers during the cough cough plague, and they don't want to let go of it. They still have the plexiglas up, lol!
Facts....they need to get back to work😂😂😂...with appointments they can bullish you not respond etc basically being lazy
The officer took all this time to read the policy and rules but never once read the law. What has this country become.
I run bread routes as a contractor and they just hired a guy and only reason he had a job, he is a yes sir man...
Only what the boss says, no matter what...
That's what they want Yes sir people.
People who work for there self and or run there own business, they are the ones they are afraid of....
Marxist/Socialist/NAZI MK ULTRA BS...
I agree but I am giving the cop points for at least trying to be informed. He read something, he just stopped too early in his self-directed education. There are cops standing right next to “Poster 7” for example, who refuse to simply turn around and read it. Yeah the bar is low but he seemed earnest in his effort to learn more.
Rights!! mean we are free to do what we want as long as we are not breaking laws. A Right is not a Right if you have to have permission 🙄
@@paulineplittlelady he VIOLATED the rights of US citizen. Nacis where also nice when they escorted the jevs in Dachau concentration camp. Use your brain.
"I just follow orders". One of the most dangerous lines in history.
That’s why I would never encourage my kids to be cops
Darth Vader was just following orders.... Peace/JT
Especially when it's said with a honey voice and a big friendly smile.
Those that followed Hitler said the same thing
Both cop are corrupted. The one cop tried to act like he cared. These are the type of cops that don’t know the law and would lie on police reports
File a lawsuit and make them change their policy. It is the people’s house.
Feeling uncomfortable about paying taxes should be an excuse not to pay.
Taxes are voluntary…read what you sign and you will learn.
Taxes are voluntary. Stop claiming income.
@@MarkPassioPizzedInMyMouf 100%..
You can't be taxed if you don't file, and sign the agreement to pay.
Police do not pay taxes - they live off of them.
I'm uncomfortable paying taxes. Can I stop? They take our money, then tell US how we can access our property. Time for change.
Totally REVERSED, from our original CONSTITUTION...before 1871.
You can but I wouldn’t recommend it
I did and now I live in Jamaica
@Beast1CocoPuffs I did and I live in Jamaica now, they don't have credit here either
Claim g i f t s and d o n a t i o n s rather than l n c o m e. Tax exempt status is a thing.
Perfect example of Government out of control!!
This is how rights disappear!!
Rights don't disappear. New consequences just emerge now when you invoke many of them.
@OoooooohIHadAnIssue True - but only if you have the time and the resources to fight it.
I love how Santos realized he was under no obligation to tell McCarthy that he knew your name. He at least respected your right not to tell McCarthy your name.
Officer Santos was pretending to be nice, cordial, and friendly while taking our rights away. That’s how it works; we don’t realize until they have taken our rights away, all while smiling. Shameful
😮 that " means " he is Hipocrita this Santos 👍
Like a wolf wearing sheep's clothing.
His opinion about established law is ignorant. For an officer assigned to enforce entry and behaviour in a public building, he is worthless. It’s always the same…these employees have con themselves they have special rights that extinguish constitutional protections. It’s crazy, sad, and disgusting.
The government can film you but you can't film the government. This was so embarrassing.
Yep, maybe someone can explain that to the people yelling in the library 21:15.
Embarrassing is not the right word. Authoritarian is the right word for how government operates.
there is no "film" these days. It's all digital. Replace "filming" by "recording".
@@power2084 It's a convention of speech.
Does this cop think he can enforce feelings?
Sean said it best, “Our education system is failing us.”
Public education was set up to keep the public uneducated. It’s up to the kids to, and each one of us , to educate ourselves.
Glad you came down to Florida. We have some of the most corrupt police and government officials in the Country! Thank you!
We MUST STOP ALL FEDERAL FUNDING from going to these places.
If they want to live in their own little kingdom, let them pay for it themselves!!!
I 100% guarantee you pay federal taxes.
@@Boleganchoright. Talks the talk but won't walk the walk
Take away all federal funding and let them pay for their own building I like that, who could we contact. Either go by a the construction or no money 👍
@@Bolegancho what if he's a pastor and exempt? then your word for the rest of your life will be meaningless. stop using 100% dork
@@MarkPassioPizzedInMyMoufit’s just wishful thinking.
That officer is painfully ignorant.
Nah,he just stupid.😂
Really stupid!
It's the steroids
"Officer, I am very uncomfortable with the fact that you are armed. Because you are armed, I do not feel safe enough to enter and do my business. By your own words, you are now a disruption to this building, correct?"
Lmao well said
Exactly. You can’t use subjective conjecture as a policy.
De Santos just paased a new law in Florida making it a illegal to record police while on duty .Sean nneds to challenge it in the supreme court .
Exactly it's not viewpoint neutral, so said policy fails to stand up to the constitutional scrutiny required of a limited public forum.
@@BabaYagaBabyBaddaBoom he absolutely didn’t
Why are govt employees so ignorant of the US Constitution?
Most have nothing past a High School education.
@@Riawade2you don't even need that to be a competent and logical person and know the limits of your power. There's a reason certain people end up in the force.
Because they took the Job for the guarantees it provides not the responsibilities it holds.
Low IQ.
I'm uncomfortable with their policies and I'm uncomfortable with tax-funded law enforcement officers being used to enforce these policies and violate the most basic civil Rights we have.
Stop paying taxes ? You're also paying taxes for genocide and you have been so your guilty of genocide according to the Nuremberg codes .
Well said!
Me too!
Unfortunately the only comfort levels that seem to matter are the comfort levels of public employees.
Cops are not educated nor qualified to enforce law. Police... policee... policy. Cops do not follow the law, the operate under policy, that is why they are called police and not lawyers. Only judges can enforce the law. Cops merely fabricate allegations mostly based on suspicion, aka feelings.
So this cop is being polite. But polite violations of rights are still violations of rights.
Passive aggression isn’t being polite.
, I understand what you’re saying.… But this man was not Being polite
, no big deal just goofing being silly.… Are you saying that this man is being polite is so East Coast because you guys deal with passive aggressive People so much more
These clowns need to learn policy is not law
We the people will never give up
I'd argue the citizens need to learn it is their *duty* to remove government agents like this, not sue the taxpayers.
@@DirtyPlumbusYes but, the system they set has to be followed or you get nowhere. What is needed can’t be discussed nor will you ever get enough to do it. You know as well as I do, that’s the standing army. Took years but, there they are and not going away.
@@DirtyPlumbus A citizen is a participatory member of a political community. Citizenship is gained by meeting the legal requirements of a national, state, or local government. A nation grants certain rights and privileges to its citizens. In return, citizens are expected to obey.
Don't be one.
yup Santos is one of the worse officers that try to play both sides, causing more harm than good. There are no good apples, he's just as bad.
This has got to stop, cant get in City Hall without an appointment, get real!! This has got to stop, seriously if they think they can get away with doing that whats next
Taxation without representation
Just wait…there are always more rules, restrictions and powers that fascists are imposing. The government right now protect their agents, the police, as they slowly but surely turn us into powerless drones.
The officer spent 30 minutes highlighting his ignorance of the law and of the constitution.
He didn't high light any law, he highlighted "POLICIES
He knows that he is going on Utube. He wants his fame.
He’s willingness to bow down. And not to the constitution. people question what happened in Germany? This is it.
This uncomfortable B.S. needs to stop.
All city buildings that have stopped our rights to be in should never receive a dime of taxpayer money.
That I would like to see💯
De Santos just paased a new law April 12th in Florida making it a illegal to record police while on duty
@@BabaYagaBabyBaddaBoomwhy fo yoi keep saying this misinformation?
Probably because you aren’t smart enough to understand sarcasm 😂
The people who wrote your constitution warned about all this. !!
The Fact that the cops don’t see where they’re wrong is atrocious
And their superiors are not only failing to correct them, they’re doubling-down and trying to rationalize the injustice 🤦🏻♂️
The fact that you were completely stating the obvious.… Is what atrocious is.… Do you have an original thought in your head sometimes don’t you good grief
I mean, come on man yeah that’s right that’s what the whole fucking videos about.… Yeah, it’s atrocious that the cops are such meathead. Yeah yeah that’s what
They're taught to never think they're wrong
They know. They don't care.
The dude from the mayor's office literally hid behind a column. LOL What a clown.
He moved behind that column like he was taking fire
He was a clown and a coward.
Santos is trying to figure.😂 He needs to figure the law. Mccarthy is even more stupid.
He even did put his sunglasses on 🤣🤣🤣 loose canon
Being charged $ for public information needs to end . WTF do they think our taxes are for.
Yes it does ! They fk you coming & going. A copy of a pig report is $10 another government fkn
It's to prevent overusage. If everyone came and requested public information every hour, the services would be locked.
Remember, it also costs time and the quality of service to provide you that information.
Sure this can be optimized, but you see, this is the first/basic precaution to slow people down with possibly unnecessary rain of requests.
It's a shame that after a while, these public service locations think they are there to protect the information from the public.
That's why they react agressively to cameras/mic people with any kind of aware activities.
@@ChargedPulsar That is their problem. We pay taxes for that information of OUR companies. It is already bought and paid for.
I agree people shouldn't be forced to pay for anything on top of what we already pay in taxes, but to be fair all of the things people ask for are available online if they truly do want the information and aren't just trying to prove a point. I also understand the law says they have to have a physical copy but anyone who watches these videos no the government doesn't have to follow the law
@@rsnip9888 Not everyone has access to a computer or the internet. These records are supposed to be held at the facilities in physical form to be viewed upon demand.
When the government no longer has to follow the laws or the Constitution, we have a big problem.
This cop made an effort and still got it wrong. He still admits to simply following orders. Ridiculous
It's not hard to understand either ...but they intentionally don't TRY to get it! Brick fucking wall of IGNORANCE!
Yah , what a gem , this offficer should head the new "Federal Feelings Department" for the government.
The US cops are not hired for their brains, they are hired to be unthinking order followers.
Well 21 Nazi leaders at Nuremberg in 1945/46 with close ties to Hitler nearly all claimed they were obedient dogs of the Fürher "following orders!." Really lame and pitiful argument simlier to how eight year old kids bunked off school saying "they were sick" brains to think and reason, well that the theory!
Santos claims he is trying to be amicable, yet he follows unlawful orders based on discomfort. Shame on him.
Yeah and sometimes I think it’s worse than a outright tyrant. He just wants to avoid conflict and pick up a paycheck and pension and doesn’t actually care about upholding the law especially the Constitution
Welcome to the Comfortable police,
Not the law enforcement officers.
Dumb cops.
As soon as a public servant says they don't feel comfortable in front of the camera, public records request all the CCTV footage.
I want to see the auditor that requests it in advance. Brings it along with them when they audit and when the employees inevitably complain about being filmed, they pulled up the footage and ask "You mean like you are every day?".
Only the Notsees have the rights to record , just obey , shhh up and pay your taxes so they can afford to take more of your rights away
If I say “I’m not comfortable being recorded in this public building “, do they turn off ALL the cameras in the building incase my feelings are hurt?
@@renaudnadeau That would be a nice move 😂
@@bartmeeus9033 Yes it would, it's become common for people to try and explain to these people that complain that they are being recorded all the time and we have access to it. They then claim they don't mind those because "no one is really watching them". Perfect time to show them that anyone can be watching them instead so they shut up.
Worst combo possible - A Passively Aggressive & Uneducated cop 😢
L.I.A. os not passive aggressive, he is professional
@@RightToFreedomGirlI’m sorry you can’t discern the difference.
It is unconstitutional to not provide in person access to public/ government buildings. The citizens of this city should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to even happen.
That is what happens when people get complacent about their rights.
Imagine being a puppet like that and completely spitting on your oath? What a sellout.
This officer is completely wasting his breath what’s going on here couldn’t be more clear. They are restricting the citizens access to a building that they pay for and exist solely for their use and convenience.
“I don’t feel comfortable” is just an extension of “Officer safety”.
Great comment ! So true -
This “ facility “ must be … 100 million dollars ? My God - like a castle ! Rediculous . 😅 Why ? WTF ? Top secret government security , FN Joke - Ship of Fools !
Whomever wrote this policy needs to be immediately fired. Who the hell do these people think they are ? Their jobs don't come with crowns for a damn reason!
Black mayor. I find it disturbing that blacks in government are the first to put these illegal orders in place and also the first to call the cops. This, after they cry and cry that blacks are constantly victimized by cops and the government. If you were such constant victims, would you really call your oppressors? Guess absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Who do these people think they are? Look at the palaces they erect for themselves while the cities are filled with derelict buildings, homeless and poor. They're the elites, the ones who feel they are above everyone else. How dare a peasant question them.
Come on now , we Americans know that feelings trump the silly old constipation . (constitution)
The ruling in case that secured our rights to film police stated "the public has the right to hold public officials accountable, and to document them in the course of their duty"
The building belongs to
Do they forget that there is no expectation of privacy in public period...
That, to me, IS the whole thing...simple...🤷♀️🤦♀️
What is most amazing is had he went in with a hidden camera....everyone's day would have been completely different LOL. No clowns jumping around trying to violate someones rights.
Katz test says otherwise.
Federal Feelinings Department trumps everyrhing
They didn't forget. They are ignorant.
''Just following orders'' those are by far the most frightening words one could ever hear.
The first cop is just looking for a solution…maybe try the Constitution? What a cluster of scared, ignorant public workers
You forgot stupid.
Once again ty
Great job.
This shows our government is taking away one right at a time.
If you look back and chronicle each year since the "constitution" was signed, each year, year by year they have dwindled our "rights". To ask for "more freedom" is to admit that your freedom is in the hands of someone else.
I find it it disgusting when a human being is not willing or able to listen.
When was the last time you saw a government worker capable of either of those?
@@jlcinternet 20% of the time
This BS about someone “not being comfortable”, should be addressed by the courts, and settled sooner rather than later or never. It’s total BS.
They need teddy bears and warm milk.
I have social anxiety & become uncomfortable in a lot of situations.
I still wouldn't act like that because being uncomfortable is my problem not theirs.
An auditor wouldn't even bother me anyway.
Personally I just assume I'm being recorded whenever I leave my home & generally don't care.
The exception being something like an up skirt photo.
That would likely get you kicked or your phone stepped on 'accidentally' of course.
But I very rarely even wear a skirt anyway & I doubt anyone would even want to photo up mine.
These things have been settled in court but the tyrants just keep doing what tyrants do.
This policy is clearly not viewpoint neutral and the courts have already addressed that policies for a limited public forum must be viewpoint neutral. Establishing that this is a limited public forum and the policy is not viewpoint neutral is all that needs to be shown to have this thrown out under established Public Forum Doctrine.
This is based on feelings not law.
We have the right to film public servants during the course of their duty.
The officer knows what he is saying is wrong but he's just blindly following orders.
They always follow the paycheck writers. They are government servants not servants to the people. Prove me wrong.
He doesn’t know, he knows what he’s told.
There was another group that said they were only following orders in Nuremberg
He makes a wonderful nazi. Doesn't care about law at all.
@@YokeDog At Nuremberg trials, that excuse did NOT fly!
I don't want a fucking tour! I want my public building to be open to the public!
Florida is run like a Kingdom. Imagine coming to Saudi Arabia with a camera in their gov't building 🤣🤣
@@alb12345672I would never want to live in such a country
@@es4242 As our constitution requires no test of religious faith, I'll respectfully not be thanking any gods.
What they don’t understand is this building is Ours. We own it. For them to not allow Us to record inside Our building is unlawful.
@@AuditRecon Mark my words: the day will come when city halls and government buildings will be closed to the public. There will be a sign on the door that tells you everything is available on-line. Public stay out. Employees only. This is OUR building and you suckers get to pay for it.
The policy allows a single person's feelings to control all situations.
Pathetic. These officers don't even know the law. Why have they not been trained?
Officers are trained to be effective. They generate revenue, and most genuinely attempt to ‘keep the peace,’ but rarely with any regard for the rights of any suspect or citizen.
They train to skirt the constatution
They know, they’re willfully ignorant since qualified immunity hinges on plausible deniability
What are they hiding? If everything is on line then why do we pay these public servants? Local Government rules or policies don't trump the Constitution.
The court system doesn't always agree with you. As far as I know, there's no absolute answer on what time, place and manner restrictions apply. People have been convicted of filming (charged with causing a disturbance or trespassing) inside libraries and court houses during regular opening hours, for example.
Sean also had to appeal one of his charges in one of his first arrests. Don't remember the charge, and not sure if it was dismissed or still pending, but I remember he was acquitted of all charges except one.
Who did you see actually working out if all of the people on camera? Mmm hmm.
I'm stunned and saddened by how many people are so easily frightened...including men with guns.
Yah , what a gem , this offficer should head the new "Federal Feelings Department" for the government.
So you need an appointment to enter a building we fund ? What a joke
It’s going to get worse. The building will be used when marshal law goes into effect. These people already have their victims locked up to be used as they want to.
And you have to give up your rights to enter....
A law abiding citizen is not responsible for someone's uncomfortable feelings , and law abiding citizens , are not responsible for the unhinged reaction of a citizen , towards a law abiding citizen.
The fact this cop is Enforcing Feelings , and an Unlawful policy , that allows public servants to Violate a law abiding citizens Rights , shows how deep the corruption runs within our Public servants.
Rules for the but not for me !
No policy supersedes the US Constitution, EVER.
Why does a police state over power my constition
trump thinks he is higher than our constitution.. thats been proven and still almost half this country wants to vote for him
Right on! 😎
It takes a spineless coward to swear an oath to our constitution, then allow "policy" to override it. Where in their training were they taught policies and rules can supercede our Bill of Rights?
True, dirty Games, Disgusting.
They are dumb, they can’t help it.
And LEO’s never think twice about obeying their paycheck writing overlords. Damn the law.
I believe that's covered in Copsplaining 101, where they also memorize certain phrases such as "stop resisting," "in this day and age," "with all that's happening these days," and "at the end of the day." I'm waiting for some auditor to write up their own "policies," so when some PS starts pointing at a written policy like it's law they can pull out their own policy and point to the relevant portion like it's law too.
They only mumble the oath to get the job. Then they are allowed to do whatever they want.
I find it astounding that they write a policy declaring audio and video recording as “unlawful” and they actually believe it to be unlawful simply because they wrote the word “unlawful” without any law actually being passed.
WTF??? 🤦🏻🤷🏻♂️
They feel that they are the masters and it's their kingdom to command. They need to be reminded exactly who pays them.
De Santos passed a new law on April 12 making it a crime to record police while on duty
A trespass based on this policy is unlawful, but the reason is important. It is unlawful because policies must be able to stand up to constitutional scrutiny for the type of public forum they apply to. Here it fails the scrutiny required of limited public forum to be viewpoint neutral.
It is astounding, but I know people who believe police are law. They truly don't know the difference between law and law enforcement.
Corrupt tyrants doing corrupt tyrant things... disgusting and disgraceful
Tyrannical: The officer was enforcing policy, believing that policy trumps the Constitution. It was a crass case of ignorance, resulting from poor training and education. They all need to be educated.
Re Educated in GITMO maybe.
I would have just told him " Unconstitutional rules don't override the Constitution of The United States of America!
Tax payers foot the bill for the copier, toner, paper, and labor to produce a public record.
So, why does the public have to pay twice?
Good point!
They do that to keep ppl from asking for copies. It’s an avoidance tactic.
because you think voting works aka gullible AF and the smart ppl don't want to band with all you crabs in the same basket
A copy fee is reasonable. Like 5-10c a page. The extreme limit of access to the building is absurd.
You will justify your comment.
I get that.
How do you justify your comment?
Am I being unreasonable?
If that "policy" isn't constitutional then its void as a public policy. That's what these people don't understand. Government officials/buildings are NOT PRIVATE and do not get private privileges
Cop is a total gaslighter.
Yah , what a gem , this offficer should head the new "Federal Feelings Department" for the government.
The friggin' building belongs to the people! Not the government employees! Policy does not top the constitution!!!!!!!!!
Policy can stand up to constitutional scrutiny. Here it doesn't, but that doesn't mean other policies can't.
Federal Feeling Enforcement Department trumps all rights and laws .
@@nic.h Federal Feelings Enforcement Department trumps all rights and laws .
It amazes me how people just don't understand why we have the constitution.
Feelings trrump the constitution , just ask the federal feelings enforcement department , it's located at the woke department at the white house
It's cause of the whites lol
That cop will be the first one to take the Mark of the Beast. Sad, very Sad.
They have to have that budget hardcopy, available there, NOT just online. They are violating the sunshine laws
They could care less about the supreme law...
or a computer with access to the budget available to the public there at city hall. When they say it's online they should have a terminal at city hall to access them.
If they charge a copy fee or 5-10c a page that is reasonable.
Tell that officer McCarthy that you are not comfortable being filmed or photographed and now he has to delete those files because he didn't have your consent.
I have noticed a very disturbing trend in this Government of hiring those from other countries and putting them in authority over those born here and then forcing their beliefs from where they came from in spite of our laws.
@@martingindulis5310 This started because of all the defunding of police and other things that happened, so being a police officer is no longer a desired job. It was a proposal by Joe Biden to push the immigrants to these positions.
Yah , what a gem , this offficer should head the new "Federal Feelings Department" for the government.
@@martingindulis5310 Yah , what a gem , this offficer should head the new "Federal Feelings Department" for the government.
@@BabaYagaBabyBaddaBoomno. No need tokeep copy and pasting this too.
Written policy of not recording in public places Is CONFESSION of a violation of Rights!!!
For $50,000 we can get that sign and policy removed. It probably cost them $200 to put it up and write it.
No the admission here is that the policy is not viewpoint neutral. That is the reason why this trespass warning was unconstitutional.
Any citizen can FOIA the camera footage in city hall of everyone who is filmed on the cameras
Please arrest the people that put this policy together right now officer as you swore to uphold the Constitution.
Those officers have no idea what the hell they are doing
Santos kept saying he is trying to find a solution. There already is one...The Constitution! Sean IS part of the Thank you, Sean, for your professional activism.
Exactly, this is disgusting! The government is basically saying, "We own you." Where was this? West Palm Beach, Florida? Isn't that supposed to be a Conservative city? Again, this is disgusting.
Just not right! I am so disappointed in our local government infringing on our constitutional rights. Thank you for your advocacy and commitment to exposing the weaknesses in local government.
Policy is not law, it doesn't supercede the law, and it doesn't have the force of law.. Not in We The People's building! 🦅🇺🇸
EXACTLY !! Not all of us, are dumbed down sheepies.
The cop & most citizens can't seem to comprehend that
The greatest fear of all public employees is a taxpayer trying to what they’re paying for.
It is a violation of the law.
@@gabiehaziewhat law? Please define.
We all know, If there was a sign that said " No Red Shoes in this Building ", these Officers would blindly enforce that Policy!!
There is no constitutional right to shoes of any color, worn or carried. While it would be ludicrous, the red shoe policy would actually be more reasonable to enforce! And yet, I suspect more people would flip out about the shoe policy than the policy that violates our constitutionally protected right to record in public.
@@theMochaFiend you have freedom of expression. Your choice of clothing is definitely a form of expression
No Doubt
Telling a citizen to abrogate their rights to "create common ground" is not acceptable.
It's like police telling a woman in the act of being raped that she should let her attacker enter her just a few times to "create common ground". No difference.
Definitely need to be sued and re-educate these two public servants with humongous eagles that had their fingers crossed when they took the oath of the Constitution they need to go on the feelings squad the are liability to the department and they don't deserve to work for the public
Tyrant Cop gets an "A" for effort, but an "F" in understanding the Law.....
The more he talked, the stupider he sounds.
The idiot, moron, ignorant, can't-learn-anything, big dummy cop isn't even worth the fertilizer value of a pile of crap that is his height, period. These idiot cops show up and THEY HAVE EVERY CHANCE TO LISTEN, LOOK INTO IT AND LEARN SOMETHING! As soon as cops become UNWILLING to do those simple things and they instead REJECT all of what is being clearly said to them, explained to them and being put forth as HOW the laws, rights, court rulings and Constitution ACTUALLY WORK, and DON'T WORK...that cop or cops ARE FAILURES, 100%, END OF STORY! And they were RECORDED MESSING UP SO BADLY AND GETTING EVERYTHING WRONG! What idiots would want to BE PROVEN TO BE IGNORANT, UNEDUCATED, NOT VERY SMART, ARROGANT, UNPROFESSIONAL AND INCAPABLE of being a cop by doing their job correctly? ANSWER: Only the bad ones.
Reminds me of the last part of verse of Matthew 6, verse 7.
You can’t call a person a tyrant when they are trying to be objective and fair. I agree with grading but not the attack. It serves no purpose. How many people do you know who have a real civic education? That have even a vague understanding of constitutional law? Or the history of how the constitutional law has evolved? Most people don’t even know when the bill rights incorporated to protect them from both state and federal governments. If a person is trying then you should discipline yourself encourage and not attack them.
The 1st amendment, freedom of the press, exists for all people to observe actions of our government and report to everyone so that corruption and tyrants can be rooted out. If tyrants can hide their actions, they can hide their corruption. There is no excuse to prevent transparency and accountability.
Order followers don't get a pass 4 violating their oath. Enforcing an arbitrary n unConstitutional policy under threat of violence should merit capital punishment.
Someone should start FOIA requesting all the lobby cameras in all these public buildings and putting them on utube.
Good luck with that - not only will you have a chance at having your request denied, the videos will most likely be heavily redacted and/or blurred to preserve privacy.
These are the same people that celebrate the 4th of July, but they don't know our rights or care for them.
They even get a paid holiday
Yep, they likley sing the "land of the free" part with no concept of what that means
You damn right
The Supreme Court has already ruled that having a camera and recording is not considered a disruption. You are being paid to do a job. There are cameras at your job. If you are in a government building, everyone has access to those cameras. So how is recording, a disruption and making someone feel uncomfortable?
They bring idiotic lawsuits on themselves out of ignorance.
The problem is none of them pay for it so they don’t care. It gets put in the taxpayer. It’s time for personal responsibility and personal liability laws in government workers.
it amazes me that these public individuals don’t research the constitution but rather end up losing in litigation
Because it's not about the law, it's about power.
"Until philosophers are kings, or the kings and princes of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, and political greatness and wisdom meet in one, and those commoner natures who pursue either to the exclusion of the other are compelled to stand aside, cities will never have rest from their evils." - Plato, "The Republic", Book V
(UA-cam: This is in the Public Domain, so don't be annoying about this.)
They need appointments so they can cover up all the bad things they are doing while we are paying them.
Damn that cop seemed like he was going to uphold the constitution and then nope.
That officer knows Saun, but doesn't know what First Amendment is 🤡
They know. But it’s Florida. Look at their governor and their cops. It’s one of the most tyrannical states in the country. And it’s a tyrannical country to begin with.
Have you watched videos of cops "training" for 1st amendment auditors?
He had a grasp of the first amendment, also of limited public fora, his issue was not realising that restrictions on limited public forum must be viewpoint neutral and the policy in question is not.
70% of the people that are in that library I guarantee have never read a book, maybe illiterate
A lot of homeless....I use that library..
Libraries are becoming more like community centers. If this trend continues we will have libraries that have no books. Then we will be told "you can go look it up on-line". Same as was said at this city hall.
I would have told them that I was not comfortable being recorded by their cameras and get them to turn off ALL their security cameras. Ridiculous.
You and Too Apree are literal legends in the making. The best part is, you do it in your own way.
And I, as the tax-cattle of America, have considered this entire building worthless and derelict.
I think you mean tax chattle. Lol😅 unless you really are a cow 🐄😂
Maybe he meant sheeple?
I find it more disturbing seeing a cop who's so chilled and calm knowing he's breaking his oath.
And committing a committing a crime by threatening illegal arrest, and doing nothing about another cop doing the same
@@johnsherwood9960 It isn't a law. They even said that.
Defo Plod
That officer has a lot of things on that vest to inflict pain on the public.
Cops think they are Batman, they just wish they had a cowl and mask to go with their “utility belt”
Wait until he says how scared amd in danger he is
“Criminals”. There I fixed what u meant. Welcome
@@practicalparenting In the free time they do wear white hoods tough.
This was painful. We don't need a tour. We are grown adults checking up on our Govt, period, the end.
This was such a cringy conversation to listen to. The officer has no idea what his job is. 🤡
In the criminal justice system, Uncomfortable based offenses are considered especially heinous. In West Palm Beach, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Uncomfortable Victims Unit. These are their stories
DONG DONG....LMAO. Nice comment
Hahahaha. Dude you killed me. This comment is the best
Spit out my cereal . Hilarious
They are being recorded all day by their own cameras and they don't see the hypocrisy? Do they get everyone's permission, that comes through the door, to record them? Then the ole... our cameras are for safety purposes comes out. Well, an individual should be able to record for their personal safety too.