I was wondering how it could be in the time of the beast and the mark, family wouldn’t help family that didn’t want to receive the mark. Now through Covid and politics, I can see how families would turn on each other in a heartbeat.
When i got a revelation from God not to take thevac. And we even had our doctor telling us not to take it because it would be worst on our system when we alrady had the natural unti Bods. My husband and i tried to advice our family nembers. And even after they've been taking them over and over, and getting the CNineteen over and over, they have turned against us. They are even rejecting God in a very aggressive way and prohibited us to speak to them about Jesus. And is not like we were imposing God to them. They say they believe in God, but they get very angered when we mention Him, try to pray for them, or even show love to them. Which seems to trigger them in a very negative way. We know is their religion and sin, and the enemy who is making them reject Jesus. But when the Holy Spirit finally showed us is not us whom are going to lead them to Christ, after a constant mocking of us and mocking of God and His people, we decided to stay away. And now we just pray for them and call on God's mercy for them🙏🏽😥
Friends also will turn on you. What happened showed the coldness and wickedness of humanity. In 4 yrs we have seen society change. The Truth of God has been thrown out and confusion and chaos is here. Beware of the great deception or illusion God allows. Even the Elect could be deceived if possible. We will know this from God allowing what man wants. This is reality but most don’t believe it’s truly happening. They think the world will get better. The Antichrist will come out right after the Rapture to help the world in chaos. Pray and share the Gospel. Hell is very real. The hearts of many grow cold.
I feel like I am being given special knowledge. I’ve been listening to biblical teachings for about 6 years and have not ever heard some of these explanations I am truly blessed
I so agree! He is so detailed in the explanations of everything. Makes it so easy to understand. Thank you Lord that I was directed to Pastor Allan so I can understand Your Word! Hallelujah
@@pamahardy103 You should now watch the mark of the beast by hope through prophecy and compare the difference. Never just follow without checking. Scripture tells us to test everything. To be fair, Allan is spot on with some things, but he's very wrong on others! If you study the Scripture passages for yourself you will see he's adding and taking away!
Hopefully you've found a better source of information since you posted this. Study scripture and compare to what Allan is saying. There are some very big errors in lots of areas! He's mixing truth with fantasy!
You can 100% tell Pastor Nolan has given his life to teaching this gospel with knowledge and correctness. He truly is doing Gods work and saving Gods people, GOD BLESS THIS MAN
Yeah this is a trial run. They are testing to see how complacent the population of the world is. But it appears there are too many Canadian truckers and freedom loving people around the world still, to make everyone comply.
No, this mark is not for Christians as the bride of Christ is snatched away before Tribulation begins. During Tribulation the 14400 and the two witnesses preach the gospel and many get saved and are warned not to take the mark or they will partake in the wrath of God nobody gets "fired"
Aleluia all praises for Jesus of Nazareth! Jesus says that "before Abraham was I am"! May God(Yeshua) continue to bless and keep you from the evil one amen
Pastor Allen, thank you so very much for you teaching and your wisdom that comes directly from the Holly Spirit. I have started watching your videos and it has changed my heart. I can tell you for sure that my faith in God has grown in the last few weeks since I started listening to your teachings. I want to declare Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord. I believe and recognize that Jesus our Lord died for our sins. 24:15 Glory to God The Most Holly! May God bless you and your fellowship. Amen !
Ik I just now watched this video, but thank you pastor so much for explaining the tribulation and the mark of the beast and when it begins and everything. Now I understand.
My name is Victoria Dupree. I am thoroughly enjoying these Endtimes sermons. I Thankyou all for simplyfing these messages for our understanding. The Lord says, in all of your getting, get understanding. I would like to have your study materials for each part of this series. I don’t know if there is a charge, and although I am a Social Security Recipient, I am willing to pay for these very much needed materials. To have these study materials are very usual for us now, but also for the unsaved who are left behind (God forbid) will be able to find out as to why they are left behind. 🙏🏽. Thank you
I'll start by saying I love this series. I love your detail and how you cross reference and your supporting with the definition of words in Greek. Maybe looking for another of your teachings after this one is over. Keep up the good work Pastor Nolan your a natural!!
My third listen 01/29/25... I hate that you missed covering REV 14:1-5 😢... So the Mark can be the number, Mark of his name, or anything representing the both... I'm updating my bible notes! Thank you Pastor!
Wow, what a deep teaching. Thank you Pastor. May God give you more revelations and wisdom. God bless you, your family, ministry and church. Much love from the Philippines.🇵🇭
this part of the punishment of God has had we in tears...to be honest since about two videos ago I've been distressed...God save as many as you can...Jesus co(me soon! It's looking very real now...it's not in the future, it's happening now (the setup for all of this of course)...
Wake up you must think this is make beleive but this the truth get saved now are you will be left when Jesus comes back in the rapture accept Jesus as your personal savior now.
Dear reader: Mark of the Beast 666 incoming fast, if you haven't yet accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour please don't wait, call on Jesus TODAY, there isn't much time left. All that's required is belief in your heart ❤ in the Gospel found at 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 🙏
CORONA means CROWN, CORONA added up like Revelations tells us to Calculate the number 666 In the WORD CORONA There are 6 letters, and the individual letters add up to 66 so Hence 6 and 66. In this math the first number is the total Number of letters. A is 1st letter of the alphabet, and C is the 3rd letter of the alpha Bet, so: C=3 O=15 R=18 O=15 N=14 A=1 Sub total 66 Total (total number of letters is the first 6) _________________________ 666 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan(A) works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders(B) that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.(C) They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.(D) 11 For this reason God sends them(E) a powerful delusion(F) so that they will believe the lie(G)
The mark of the beast is after the snatching away of those believers in Christ, His bride. We are not part of that, unbelievers who are preached to by 144 000 andcthdctwo witnesses get saved and are warned not to accept the mark of the beast otherwisecthey partake in the wrath of God
@Lynette Streak satan already has the non-christians. The mark is targeted at tricking the Christians. Pre-trib rapture doctrine was pushed by the evil jesuits as they have infiltrated all protestant seminaries. Most Christians have already taken the mark...
@@lynnes5561 Sorry, but scripture doesn't support any of that. You've got it mixed up. There is no pre tribulation rapture. Jesus comes a 2nd time, not 2nd and 3rd. The 144,000 are saved from the tribulation and didn't take the mark, meaning they were there and had a choice!
Amazing teaching. Everything, but I do Beleive forever and ever means destruction. Not eternal torment. God chastised the Israelites for sacrificing their children to Baal. Judges They have built pagan shrines to Baal, and there they burn their sons as sacrifices to Baal. I have never commanded such a horrible deed; it never even crossed my mind to command such a thing! If it never crossed his mind to put children through the fire, which is once; death for their children. How could he then burn his own children forever and ever? I don’t know. Everything else you’ve said is amazing. Listened to the Olivet discourse, and now all revelation teaching. Amazing work, thank you. Taught me so much
The spiritual warfare is after pastor Nolan and his team . Just read the comments on here and see how many try and distract from sound doctrine. Prayers for all
That's nice and clear. Just going through the comments is enough to send you crazy. Is our God, a God of confusion because these comments clearly show this.
🙏. Bible study is a must and what you're doing is the right way to Preach the truth but, our Church leader's and even our Pastors don't teach like you Preach and I want is so much knowledge of the truth about the revelation but since I am never been to Theology class no one will believe me so, I beg anyone who think it's important even to teach to all nation if only someone would sponsor me to learn the Bible coz I can't afford to study even in India and whoever comes out with degree don't teach like you so can somebody help me in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏
This will ROCK your 🌎....... my question to the flock...... Has the books (book of life ect) of the Father ALREADY BEEN WRITTEN or is He writing as He goes along???????? Rev 13: 8 ..... I ask this because people say the marking of the beast has not happed yet. I know this question will awaken thoughts you’ve never had but to the one's who have real faith in Jesus will rejoice in the Father!!!!
Rev 13 17This animal was once alive, but it is not alive now. Soon it will come up out of the deep hole again and God will destroy it completely. This will surprise many people who live on the earth. They know that the animal was alive. And they know that it is not alive now. So, it will really surprise them when it appears again. They are the people whose names are not in God’s book. That book says who will live with God always. God wrote people’s names down in his book BEFORE he made the world. the one's who are not written in the book of life has the mark of beast. Name were written in the beginning.....BEFORE. you true sheep read/study for yourself
I say this out of love but y'all really need to go through a re order these playlists. I just finished part 45 wich was the end of chapter 13 and now I see in part 46 we've skipped verses 1-5 of Ch. 14? Where is that video and why is not part 46?
Abraham was born in a cave as his father hid his wife so his son could be born alive and grow without being murdered by Nimrod! Many people will head for the mountains and caves before they are taken : having weapons and helping each other......... Robin hood and his band of men fought the king for many years before Richard the Lionheart came back from the crusades........ Thousands of Jews tried to make a last attempt at freedom from the Nazis........many survived in forests even during the winter!!
Is the mark a physical mark OR is it an acceptance idea that you end up believing and thus you go along with it in contributing by speaking the thought & physically doing the thought. You think it to be right & physically promoting it? What the mind believes the body can achieve?
It is physical since it will be either on your right arm or forehead. It can't be the va× either, since many people received it in the left arm. I think the va× was just a test to check how many people are willing to comply just to continue to "enjoy life."
@@debbiesherman3215 What you said isn't the mob, but it's definitely the system they will use to enforce it along with a social credit system. This gives global control over buy and sell. The mark itself comes down to worship. We need to follow God's laws, not man's. God's law is Saturday Sabbath! Look at scripture as to how many will be saved. The words many and few are used frequently. Now apply this to Sabbath keeping. Hope this was helpful.
CORONA means CROWN, CORONA added up like Revelations tells us to Calculate the number 666 In the WORD CORONA There are 6 letters, and the individual letters add up to 66 so Hence 6 and 66. In this math the first number is the total Number of letters. A is 1st letter of the alphabet, and C is the 3rd letter of the alpha Bet, so: C=3 O=15 R=18 O=15 N=14 A=1 Sub total 66 Total (total number of letters is the first 6) _________________________ 666 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan(A) works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders(B) that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.(C) They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.(D) 11 For this reason God sends them(E) a powerful delusion(F) so that they will believe the lie(G)
Did you know that the Mark of the Beast has THREE FORMS? People think it's just "a chip". Check out the three options listed in Revelation 13:17, which says, "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, OR the name of the beast, OR the number of his name." MARK, NAME, OR NUMBER!!!!!!
The Mark of the beast will be Sunday worship which is not the Sabbath the sabbath is on Saturday it says in the bible one will change that and the catholic church did an abomination and changed the day back in 415 AD .....THE MARK IS BOT A RFID CHIP .....WE won't be here anyways the rapture takes place before the Tribulation and that is biblical God bless and be with us all ❤
This is how I see it, name of the beast, you are a part of the beast, number of the beast, you work for them and enforce their rules, mark of the beast, anyone else.
Amen it's vast, I can't get enough, so glad to be educated in this very neglected subject,and I've been saved 72 years!!! Hope y'all are passing it on virally
I'm just wondering, if you hold out refusing to take the Mark of the Beast, can the antichrist forceably give it to you by having 2 of his lackey's hold you down and put it on you? If this happens, will the Christian still be condemned? Sorry if this is a dumb question..I'm new to the faith, and trying to learn.
In my opinion, God would know you did not willingly take it in that case, and you would be forgiven. However, I feel it will not be forgiven it someone willingly takes it. Welcome to faith. May God bless you.
The mark though it is a physical mark of some sort it also about worship of the beast. The receiver will be worshiping the beast along with the physical mark. Worship is what has been desired by satan from the beginning. When Jesus was tempted just after baptism devil just wanted Jesus to worship him to receive the kingdom’s of the earth. So receiver wil have to swear allegiance as put of receiving the mark. But every possible pressure will be placed on every person hence can’t buy or sell. The vax verses unvax we have just been through is child’s play compared to then.
It will be a physical chip, they chip will mess with your brain and emotions, making you emotionless. They will not force you to take it, they will ask, and if you refuse, they will end your life right there.
Hello I had a question I know this video was recorded years back and I see things now in our world that are leading to what the pastor is saying and my question is will anyone be tricked into taking this mark ?or will you know that the mark is ?
I think that people who know the word of God and follow Jesus Christ will know immediately what the mark is. If you refuse to receive it, you won't be able to trade, to buy or to sell. There will be restrictions. And I think it has to do with digital currency and a limited amount. You've seen that many people are paying using their palms now. No mark means that many people will be homeless, have no food and no safety. Knowing that, I think that many will take it even if they will know what they're doing and what it means.
Read Revelation 17 the woman that rides the Beast is described as the whore. the Beast represents the devil. notice where she comes from ,the seven mountains where the woman sits. if you Google the seven mountains where the woman sits .it will tell you it is Vatican City. if you get the Greek coin. the Greek Uro the woman that rides the Beast is on one side.. that image is on one side on that ..it is a greek coin.. I think it was produced in the '80s.. it is that depiction that same depiction,, is in front of many political buildings in Europe,, it connected to Greek mythology ..but if you understand the Greek mythology. it parallels perfectly with what the Bible,its definition) just a spin on it.) it's just that the meaning of it!!! that they say it is! they say the Beast is Zeus, and he sees Europa which Europa is the namesake of Europe... he spies her on the beach he gets there on his back, he takes her into the water, and he has his way with her, they conceived a son, which is called the prince of Heaven, in another one which is slightly different interpretation but means the same thing ,,he finds her in a field of flowers or some crazy thing like, that they don't understand what they're saying ,,because God explains it perfectly when you understand it in Revelation 17,, but they don't know what God is actually saying ,,so so Zeus represents the devil ,which is who he would be! Europa represents Europe and between them two, they come up with the Antichrist ..you see it's all right there .but they don't know what they're saying. and God in the Bible tells you exactly what's happening.
It's pagan and comes from the feast of ishtar. Eggs and a rabbit are fertility symbols. Pope Gregory changed the callendar to bring pagan festivals in line with Christian festivals. There is a reason hot cross buns have a cross on them. It's not Christian, it's pagan. Same with Christmas tree. It's pagan idol worship. You bow down before it to place presents under it and you do the same when you open them. The Christmas tree is specifically mentioned in scripture. Sorry, but with a little research you'll find the roots of both are in paganism. Tamuz was also represented with a Christmas tree.
@@ghaynes3271 Please watch a video on a site called truthunedited called history of Easter: is it a pagan holiday. He's very thorough and goes into great detail, providing scripture references. He also has another one on Christmas. A man called Walter Veitch has another very detailed video on Christmas. He also has an amazing series called total onslaught which I highly recommend. Hope you find this helpful.
I had a hard time understanding the Mark, until I came upon a video that opened my eyes, ok, if I take the Mark of the beast on my right hand or my forehead I would Die, but if refused the mark i would be killed for my love of my Lord Jesus Christ, so I will gladly die
Dumb question but....", was the covid vaccine considered to be the "mark"? I always shrugged it off because the teaching said forehead or hand, not the upper arm, but if the Greek word for "hand" is a mistranslation for "arm" then there might be a lot of us in deep trouble. We did get to the point of, "Take it or lose your job" in this country.
It’s not the mark. The mark is implemented and enforced by the Antichrist and the false prophet. You won’t be fooled into it. It’ll be a conscious decision that everyone will have to make. Regardless, stay skeptical of those McJabs. The “leaders” pushing it the hardest don’t have our best interests in mind.
My question would be, and maybe I'm an idiot and don't get it but if people see an angel flying overhead, why would they not instantly repent.... SEE AN ANGEL!!, IN PERSON FLYING OVERHEAD ...and not repent! What's wrong with people?!
Great Biblical preaching. I enjoy and appreciate your video series immensely. I don’t see anything on Ch.14:1-5. Is it included in a video I’ve missed or just not covered?
CORONA means CROWN, CORONA added up like Revelations tells us to Calculate the number 666 In the WORD CORONA There are 6 letters, and the individual letters add up to 66 so Hence 6 and 66. In this math the first number is the total Number of letters. A is 1st letter of the alphabet, and C is the 3rd letter of the alpha Bet, so: C=3 O=15 R=18 O=15 N=14 A=1 Sub total 66 Total (total number of letters is the first 6) _________________________ 666 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan(A) works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders(B) that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.(C) They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.(D) 11 For this reason God sends them(E) a powerful delusion(F) so that they will believe the lie(G)
No that's another system, it's not the mark of the beast because that comes after the rapture, when Tribulation starts, and this is in the 2nd half of Tribulation, we are not there yet, it's a copy to force you to their system
Can you show me a scripture verse that says the tribulation is 7 years long? .I noticed he said the last half of the tribulation. nowhere in the Bible can I read a statement saying the tribulation is 7 years long.
Study Daniel 9:24-27 clearly laid out but study it slowly. Pastor Nolan has several videos on those verses. One in this series and also one in the olivet discourse
@@oathtogod7585 yes, the reason I asked the question in the first place , he's preaching as if there's a 7-year tribulation ,,there's nowhere in the Scripture it says there's a 7-year tribulation. The 70th week of Daniel is 1,260 days long, both from the start of the Covenant then after the Covenant is broken, nowhere in the scripture does it say the first 1,260 days or 42 months there is a tribulation !! when he breaks the( agreement )of Daniel 9:27 because Jesus said unless the time would be cut short no flesh would be saved !in Matthew 24 so it is a short 7 years. which is not true, of the first 69 weeks of Daniel 9
The Covenant will be made to many at the start of the WEEK........but in the "MIDDLE of the (WEEK = means 7) HE will dissolve it! And so half of 7 years is 42 months, 1,2060 days or 3•5 years approximately! And so, there must be a START DATE to find the middle of the 7 years.......and know that will be the time of the abomination of desolation standing where it should not! All the months on today's calenda are exactly 30 or 31 days except for a leap year.... But today in the UK, we start the 'LONGEST' month by putting the clock back by one hour every OCTOBER ( BRITISH WINTER TIME): where we also put this clock forward an hour to start British summer time! And so I'm sure God can move his clock to suite his purpose.........
Isaiah 21.8And he cried A lion My lord I stand continually upon the watch tower in the day time and I set in my ward whole nights And behold here cometh a chariot of men with a couple of horsemen And he answered and said Babylon is fallen is fallen and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken to the ground. O my threshing floor that which I have heard of the Lord of hosts the God of Israel have I declared unto you. Job 12.7 but ask now the beast and they shall teach thee and the fowls of the air and they shall teach thee. Jeremiah 31.27 Behold the days come saith the Lord that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man and with the seed of beast. Jeremiah 27.5 I have made the earth the man and the beast that are upon the ground by my great power and my outstretched arm and have given it unto whom it seemed meet unto me. And now have I given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon my servant and the beasts of the field have I given him also to serve him. Ecclesiastes 3.18 I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men that God might manifest them and that they might see that they themselves are beast. There would be no new testament without the old. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Ghost.
Would somebody please tell Dr. John Mc Arthur that he must correct what he said about taking the mark of the beast and still having a chance to be saved? That teaching is totally misleading and could condemn many souls to eternal damnation.
The prophets, the early church believers, and Jesus Himself suffered persecution unto death. Why should we believe that his last days church, the ones who arguably received more from God in terms of preparedness than any other Era, are going to be spared the opportunity to give up their lives for the truth of the gospel in the time of the greatest persecution the earth has ever seen? I'm having a very hard time believing that's the will of God for his last days church, one of the compeling reasons I believe the scripture teaches a post-trib rapture. The soft western church will also be here to have an opportunity to have the veracity of our faith tested in the crucible of persecution just like those who have gone before us and those who live under heavy persecution today. Don't faint.
Imagine if the "Mark" is purely Spiritual. "Right Hand" is mentioned 166 times. Strong symbolic meaning. I think it was Philip who asked to sit at Christs right hand in Heaven, was told it's not his to give, and you dont know what you're asking. Authority, Works, Strength, Power, you will submit, just as a Christian would for Christ, as you will believe, and think "He" is what he claims to be, the returned Messiah. It's not your flesh God, or Satan wants. Its worship.
The mark is not purely spiritual. You have to be living under a rock not to notice that the world is moving cashless and only digital currency that can be tracked will used in Rev 13.
@@bradmyers7109 I dont understand why people take the absolute most symbolic book of Bible, put their own interpretation, make things literal. It says that a "Beast rises out of the sea" too, but I highly doubt Godzilla will be attacking. Ask yourself, what "Mark" do you need to be a Christian? None? Maybe you are marked Spiritually by God, and it ain't literal.
@@timorean320 I sure hope you are a true believer in Jesus Christ. If not you will discover the hard way that there are many things that will take place LITERALLY in the future according to the book of Revelation.
@@bradmyers7109 What would make you think that I ain't? Doesnt the book say "many will be decieved?" I try to live, think, breathe "Spiritually". God does not care about your flesh. It cannot please him, or enter Heaven. Romans 8:8, 1Corinthians 15:50. The "Mark" is nothing but a cheap imitation of the 144K who have the name of God written IN their foreheads in Rev. 14, is that literal? Did God use a pencil, or pen?
@@timorean320 You have to be living under a rock not to notice that the world is moving cashless and only digital currency that can be tracked will used in Rev 13.
Nor do they understand what Grace is. . . God has given us all things pertaining to life and Godliness through Christ Jesus. . . Salvation is much more important than understanding the mark of the Breast. . If they are led by the Spirit, they will not take the mark ! Faith and Grace are the topics that must be understood in order to pass through heavens gates. . . and are also the bases for our relationship with the Father. . .
What if someone is restrained or rendered unconscious and they have the mark implanted by force? What happens to that person if they have been refusing all along and this situation occurs to them?
Nobody will be forced to take the mark. You have to be willing to take it. God will not condemn anyone if the mark was given to someone against their will.
Do you know that the Holy spirit can not be purchased nor can it be given by man! There for the world of academia qualifies you of nothing much except to man. Think on this...... the ones who have the mark of the beast NOW, they also will drink if the wrath of God! There are many Christians who seek and never find and many study but never find peace/clear vision. YOU are the one's who have the mark. Serving the world (babylon) while saying you serve the Lord! The word the Holy Spirit should give you clear desisive answers and pure peace but instead it heaps ashes in your face. You contort it, pick only certain portions but still it burns you. I hope this serves as an awakening
Did you listen to what he said because you seem to have your own version apart from scripture which is clearly explained by Allen. We are NOT in the Tribulation we have NOT taken the mark here on earth through the various ways you describe, where do you get this alternative bible from???
Ken: No One has The Mark, It's Not here Yet, When The Antichrist Shows Up He Will Cause All to Receive The Mark, The Whole World Will Know When he is HERE
The difference between you and I is , I look at what fruit comes from man's inner being you obviously develop you conclusions on the outer man. Man is not only marked by the beast but is ingulft by the beast! Do you not see the state of this would oh man?? Just for now you can have the last word......I listen to the lamb!!!!!
@@kenharrell6686 Man is Bathing in The Joy's Darkness, Just Like The Word Says, You Should try Reading or at least Read Revelation 13: 12-18 , That may Help Out of Your Own Little world Of Judging Others. Do You Know No One Comes to Christ Except The Father Calls ( John 6:44 ) If You Feel His Voice Tugging on Your Heart Ask Forgiveness, If He Answers, You Will be Washed by The Blood of The Lamb ( Revelation1:5 )
Please take note of the term Biometrics, this preludes as to what the scripture regarding the matter, this indicates the advent of the biochip implantation that will integrate with a cashless industry/ society, everyting you will be tracked, something like GPS tracking of every human on the planet.
The Lord is talking all his commandments. That means worship on Saturday. Jessus didn't change the holy day to Sunday. The vatican did, that's why they think they are christ on earth. Satan is coming after the Lord's commandment keeping people. That's why there will be a Sunday worship law. That's the mark of the beast. Saturday worship is Yahwehs mark, a covenant between him and us.
Remember Rev 22:18-19 There is almost no confusion over this passage. Just read it. All clear unless you are adding or deleting things. Nice point about the movie. Read Rev as a screenplay. Not the lines, but the broad strokes.
This is the the Days to get Ready to Meet Our LORD Jesus Christ in the Clouds Now! You Surely don't Want to be left behind here in the Seven Years Tribulation! And if Your don't get the Mark will be Beheaded! This is for those Who are not Saved, Be Very Wise and Repent and Except Jesus Christ as Your LORD and Saver!
I know you've been taught a 7-year tribulation. can you show me a scripture verse that says that ?I can see where it's 42 months long, or 3 and 1/2 years ,or a time times and a half a Time, or 1,260 days, but I can't find a scripture verse anywhere that says that it is 7 years long,, there is a 7-year agreement, that is made.. but it says he comes in peaceably.
Yes, you are correct 100%. Nowhere in the Bible does it say the day was changed. It was changed by man, not by GOD, not by Jesus, Not by the Holy Spirit.
Christ rose at dawn on the 8th day! All Jewish males get the FLESH CUT OFF (preparation of everlasting covenant through ISAAC= resurrection) on the 8th day! Paul gathered and preached on the 8th day! The curtain within the temple had torn down the middle after Christ' death: Gentiles are allowed to be grafted into the Olive tree because now it is a good tree because Jesus is the BRANCH! ALL JEWS then have to be grafted into this same tree: where God CUT all 12 branches off! Unbelieving Jews are the FIG! Read COLOSSIANS chapter 2
"SAINT" The proper word to use is "Elect" in place of Saint, since scriptures tell us the following in Romans: Romans 3:10 As it is written , There is none righteous, no, not one The etymology of the word “saint” - its origin and meaning: It came into use in the English language around the 1100's, as an adjective used of those whom the Catholic Church had “beatified” and “canonized”. At that time, the meaning of the word “saint” was “holy”, corresponding to the Latin adjective sanctus which meant “holy”, “sacred” (related to the verb sancio, “to consecrate”). So, in the 1100s, “saint Eligius” simply meant “holy Eligius”. Later, in the 1300s or so, the word “saint” began to be used even as a noun, “a saint”, but it still referred to the Catholic “saints”, and was not used of living persons. The word Sacred is a sun deity name. , Holy is derived for the divinely honored sun. So it seems that since it did come from Rome, that Saint has something to do with the sun and sun worship. It was only in Protestant times, from the 1500s and onward, that the English word “saint” began to be used of (living) persons of “extraordinary holiness”, and then even of church members and so on. This would be like the word "rapture", which was used only in Jerome's Latin Vulgate and Christians still use that word today, so it seems that this also goes for the word "saint". Even the words “saintdom” and “sainthood” were originally Catholic concepts, referring to those whom the Catholic Church had “beatified” and “canonised”. A note: The words “sainthood” and “saintdom” do not appear in bible-translations, at least not in any of the most common ones. All of Catholic origin. This is how the English word “saint” came into being: The Greek (Erasmus) text of the New Testament has hagios (άγιος). Jerome's Latin Vulgate version translated that into Latin as sanctus. Wycliffe, whose 1395 English translation was based on the (Jerome's) Latin text and not on the Greek, did not translate the Latin sanctus but used it, in the transcribed form “seyntis”. Later, the spelling was changed further, to “sainctes” (Tyndale, 1525), “sayntes” (Coverdale, 1535), “saintes” (Geneva bible, 1560) and finally “saints” (Geneva bible, 1587). Pagan deities were made Christian saints. Bacchus became St. Bacchus Dionysius became St. Denys or Denis Brigid, Became Saint Brigid Dazhdbóg became saint Germain ERos became SAINT EROS, Demeter is now St. Demetrios Aphrodite became St. Aphrodite The Roman deities Mars was originally a deity who guarded wheat fields. He became St. Martin (esp. St. Martin-in-the-fields) The Roman deity Quirinus became St. Cyrinus, The Roman deities known as the Lares became St. Lawrence The Roman female deity Venus became St. Venera The Roman deities known as the Gemini, who were protectors of sailors in Roman pagan times, became the Sanctos Geminos The Greek deity Nike was picked up as Saint Nicholas, who was extremely popular wherever shipping was important. He is the patron saint of Russian, Holland and Germany, all on the north sea coast. "SANCTIFIED" = Sanctus, pagan deity, identified with Jupiter and Apollo.
I have a question I have asked many people and no one can give me a logical answer.. I'm hoping you can. When reading the bible I found that it tells us what we can and cannot eat. Once I read this I couldn't unread it regardless of how much I love bacon. When I have asked people I thought knew a lot about the bible etc I got mixed answers. The one that I remember most was "because we aren't jewish.... we're gentiles" It still didn't make sense, Can you tell me if we are forbidden to eat Pork, Shrimp, Rabbit etc or not. This has caused a great deal of confusion for me I because If I wrote a book I could fill it with the many (some very funny) reasons we can or cannot. Please help with this....... My mother wants Ham for Easter Dinner!
@@allennolan So as Christians we are only commanded to follow the moral laws and are considered "exempt" from the levitical and civil law? I understand this but not how they are not intended for us as well. I couldn't find anything in the bible that refers to this.
@@brainerdberry5356 I'm going to reply. Forgive me Pastor if I'm not in line with your teaching. There are people out there calling "the Sunday law" part of beast worship. I find that absurd. We celebrate The Lord's day. It's also our sabbath. If you're in the US, you know that Sunday is the end of the week for us, more or less. Jesus said that the sabbath was made fir man and not man for the sabbath. It's a day for us to focus on God and our family, as well as resting our bodies and minds. Some people have to work on Sunday. Again, Jesus said that the sabbath is made for us not us for the sabbath. The religious leaders of the day were upset because the apostles were picking corn (or whatever it was). Jesus said who wouldn't pull their ox out of the ditch on sabbath day? Just my thoughts. I could be wrong. One more personal opinion, no bible backs it up. I believe the reason for Jews not being allowed to eat pork and other unclean animals was for their benefit. If you've cooked pork, you know it has parasites that have to be cooked at very high temps for so long to kill them. Again just my opinion. Forgive me if I'm wrong. We see in the new testament that, being gentiles, we don't have "the law", but we have our own laws of right and wrong that The Lord sees as "a law".
I believe the dietary restrictions were for the Jews. Not the Gentiles. But if you read the foods that were mentioned to be unclean, it makes sense to not eat some of them. Gentiles are not to eat the food of idols, nor meat that has not had the blood drained from them. I love seafood but some people say they are unclean due to the fact they are bottom feeders. Perhaps this is why they are mentioned as unclean. But again, these rules were for the Jews and I believe God had his reasons for this. Peter's dream in Acts 10 is very interesting but I think the bottom line was not about foods but he was not to look at the Gentiles as unclean. And if you go to lunch with a Jewish friend, do not cause them to suffer by ordering a bloody steak. Respect their dietary laws and order fish or a salad.
You mentioned the eternal gospel and skipped over the COMMANDMENTS OF THE FATHER. It is the Gospel of the kingdom that Jesus Spoke of. You dropped the ball right there.
Thank you Pastor. Your dedication to teaching the Holy scriptures is such a blessing to me.
I was wondering how it could be in the time of the beast and the mark, family wouldn’t help family that didn’t want to receive the mark. Now through Covid and politics, I can see how families would turn on each other in a heartbeat.
When i got a revelation from God not to take thevac. And we even had our doctor telling us not to take it because it would be worst on our system when we alrady had the natural unti Bods. My husband and i tried to advice our family nembers. And even after they've been taking them over and over, and getting the CNineteen over and over, they have turned against us. They are even rejecting God in a very aggressive way and prohibited us to speak to them about Jesus. And is not like we were imposing God to them. They say they believe in God, but they get very angered when we mention Him, try to pray for them, or even show love to them. Which seems to trigger them in a very negative way. We know is their religion and sin, and the enemy who is making them reject Jesus. But when the Holy Spirit finally showed us is not us whom are going to lead them to Christ, after a constant mocking of us and mocking of God and His people, we decided to stay away. And now we just pray for them and call on God's mercy for them🙏🏽😥
Friends also will turn on you. What happened showed the coldness and wickedness of humanity. In 4 yrs we have seen society change. The Truth of God has been thrown out and confusion and chaos is here. Beware of the great deception or illusion God allows. Even the Elect could be deceived if possible. We will know this from God allowing what man wants. This is reality but most don’t believe it’s truly happening. They think the world will get better. The Antichrist will come out right after the Rapture to help the world in chaos. Pray and share the Gospel. Hell is very real. The hearts of many grow cold.
I feel like I am being given special knowledge. I’ve been listening to biblical teachings for about 6 years and have not ever heard some of these explanations
I am truly blessed
I so agree! He is so detailed in the explanations of everything. Makes it so easy to understand. Thank you Lord that I was directed to Pastor Allan so I can understand Your Word! Hallelujah
You should now watch the mark of the beast by hope through prophecy and compare the difference. Never just follow without checking. Scripture tells us to test everything. To be fair, Allan is spot on with some things, but he's very wrong on others! If you study the Scripture passages for yourself you will see he's adding and taking away!
Hopefully you've found a better source of information since you posted this. Study scripture and compare to what Allan is saying. There are some very big errors in lots of areas! He's mixing truth with fantasy!
God bless everyone in the name of Jesus amen.
Me also, I feel so blessed. Thank you Pastor.
You can 100% tell Pastor Nolan has given his life to teaching this gospel with knowledge and correctness. He truly is doing Gods work and saving Gods people, GOD BLESS THIS MAN
The finest out there by far
Praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for Pastor Allen's series on Revelation. God Bless!
I have prayed and continue prayer for people to believe in Jesus but there are some thatwon’t listen It is so sad.
Take the mark or you are fired… wow, how perfect is this applied to current times
Yeah this is a trial run. They are testing to see how complacent the population of the world is. But it appears there are too many Canadian truckers and freedom loving people around the world still, to make everyone comply.
Amen I love the book of revelation
You are not,'fired' you are condemned to hell
@@lynnes5561 if you don’t take the vax you are fired
No, this mark is not for Christians as the bride of Christ is snatched
away before Tribulation begins. During Tribulation the 14400 and the two witnesses preach the gospel and many get saved and are warned not to take the mark or they will partake in the wrath of God nobody gets "fired"
Aleluia all praises for Jesus of Nazareth! Jesus says that "before Abraham was I am"! May God(Yeshua) continue to bless and keep you from the evil one amen
Pastor Allen, thank you so very much for you teaching and your wisdom that comes directly from the Holly Spirit.
I have started watching your videos and it has changed my heart. I can tell you for sure that my faith in God has grown in the last few weeks since I started listening to your teachings.
I want to declare Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord. I believe and recognize that Jesus our Lord died for our sins. 24:15
Glory to God The Most Holly!
May God bless you and your fellowship. Amen !
Thank you Pastor Allen
Good work explaining your view
Ik I just now watched this video, but thank you pastor so much for explaining the tribulation and the mark of the beast and when it begins and everything. Now I understand.
Thank you for this study. It has had a huge impact on my life. You are on my prayer list Pastor Nolan.
Thank you pastor. Some of the details I didn’t understand I can see now. God’s word is so unbelievably perfect!
My name is Victoria Dupree. I am thoroughly enjoying these Endtimes sermons. I Thankyou all for simplyfing these messages for our understanding. The Lord says, in all of your getting, get understanding. I would like to have your study materials for each part of this series. I don’t know if there is a charge, and although I am a Social Security Recipient, I am willing to pay for these very much needed materials. To have these study materials are very usual for us now, but also for the unsaved who are left behind (God forbid) will be able to find out as to why they are left behind. 🙏🏽. Thank you
The description of this video has a link for the notes you can download or print for free.
The first comment on this video has the link for the notes.
@@melissag1176 Please watch "The Mark of the Beast" by Hope Through Prophecy
@@MountCarmel007 thank you. I just looked it up and I will watch. God bless
I'll start by saying I love this series. I love your detail and how you cross reference and your supporting with the definition of words in Greek. Maybe looking for another of your teachings after this one is over. Keep up the good work Pastor Nolan your a natural!!
Such good stuff pastor allen
"Thank you, Lord for my daily bread"
They can threaten my body but not my soul.
God bless you
My third listen 01/29/25...
I hate that you missed covering REV 14:1-5 😢... So the Mark can be the number, Mark of his name, or anything representing the both...
I'm updating my bible notes! Thank you Pastor!
Fear God is a understatement
It's a very clear, definite, wake up proclamation
The "Mark Of The Beast" is approaching fast.
Wow, what a deep teaching. Thank you Pastor. May God give you more revelations and wisdom. God bless you, your family, ministry and church. Much love from the Philippines.🇵🇭
Thank you very much 🙏
this part of the punishment of God has had we in tears...to be honest since about two videos ago I've been distressed...God save as many as you can...Jesus co(me soon! It's looking very real now...it's not in the future, it's happening now (the setup for all of this of course)...
Wake up you must think this is make beleive but this the truth get saved now are you will be left when Jesus comes back in the rapture accept Jesus as your personal savior now.
This guy is great, thank you
Love this pastor! God bless his ministry ❤
Dear reader: Mark of the Beast 666 incoming fast, if you haven't yet accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour please don't wait, call on Jesus TODAY, there isn't much time left. All that's required is belief in your heart ❤ in the Gospel found at 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 🙏
CORONA means CROWN, CORONA added up like Revelations tells us to
Calculate the number 666
There are 6 letters, and the individual letters add up to 66 so
Hence 6 and 66. In this math the first number is the total
Number of letters.
A is 1st letter of the alphabet, and C is the 3rd letter of the alpha
Bet, so:
Sub total 66
Total (total number of letters is the first 6)
2 Thessalonians 2:9-11
9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan(A) works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders(B) that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.(C) They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.(D) 11 For this reason God sends them(E) a powerful delusion(F) so that they will believe the lie(G)
The mark of the beast is after the snatching away of those believers in Christ, His bride. We are not part of that, unbelievers who are preached to by 144 000 andcthdctwo witnesses get saved and are warned not to accept the mark of the beast otherwisecthey partake in the wrath of God
Correction: those who get saved as a result of this preaching.....not all get saved though
@Lynette Streak satan already has the non-christians. The mark is targeted at tricking the Christians. Pre-trib rapture doctrine was pushed by the evil jesuits as they have infiltrated all protestant seminaries. Most Christians have already taken the mark...
Sorry, but scripture doesn't support any of that. You've got it mixed up. There is no pre tribulation rapture. Jesus comes a 2nd time, not 2nd and 3rd. The 144,000 are saved from the tribulation and didn't take the mark, meaning they were there and had a choice!
Amazing teaching. Everything, but I do Beleive forever and ever means destruction. Not eternal torment. God chastised the Israelites for sacrificing their children to Baal.
Judges They have built pagan shrines to Baal, and there they burn their sons as sacrifices to Baal. I have never commanded such a horrible deed; it never even crossed my mind to command such a thing!
If it never crossed his mind to put children through the fire, which is once; death for their children. How could he then burn his own children forever and ever? I don’t know. Everything else you’ve said is amazing. Listened to the Olivet discourse, and now all revelation teaching. Amazing work, thank you. Taught me so much
The spiritual warfare is after pastor Nolan and his team . Just read the comments on here and see how many try and distract from sound doctrine. Prayers for all
That's nice and clear. Just going through the comments is enough to send you crazy.
Is our God, a God of confusion because these comments clearly show this.
🙏. Bible study is a must and what you're doing is the right way to Preach the truth but, our Church leader's and even our Pastors don't teach like you Preach and I want is so much knowledge of the truth about the revelation but since I am never been to Theology class no one will believe me so, I beg anyone who think it's important even to teach to all nation if only someone would sponsor me to learn the Bible coz I can't afford to study even in India and whoever comes out with degree don't teach like you so can somebody help me in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏
There is an excellent channel called hope through prophecy that you can find on UA-cam. They have really accurate information.
I have enjoyed this entire teaching. Missing is the teaching of Revelation 14:1-5. Am I overlooking it?
Follow in order and you will be ok. The Lord bless you.
This will ROCK your 🌎....... my question to the flock...... Has the books (book of life ect) of the Father ALREADY BEEN WRITTEN or is He writing as He goes along???????? Rev 13: 8 ..... I ask this because people say the marking of the beast has not happed yet. I know this question will awaken thoughts you’ve never had but to the one's who have real faith in Jesus will rejoice in the Father!!!!
Rev 13 17This animal was once alive, but it is not alive now. Soon it will come up out of the deep hole again and God will destroy it completely. This will surprise many people who live on the earth. They know that the animal was alive. And they know that it is not alive now. So, it will really surprise them when it appears again. They are the people whose names are not in God’s book. That book says who will live with God always. God wrote people’s names down in his book BEFORE he made the world. the one's who are not written in the book of life has the mark of beast. Name were written in the beginning.....BEFORE. you true sheep read/study for yourself
Do you starve to death if you can't Buy food ? You cant steal it because that would be a sin too right?
I say this out of love but y'all really need to go through a re order these playlists. I just finished part 45 wich was the end of chapter 13 and now I see in part 46 we've skipped verses 1-5 of Ch. 14? Where is that video and why is not part 46?
Then there will be no where you can live without the mark
Abraham was born in a cave as his father hid his wife so his son could be born alive and grow without being murdered by Nimrod!
Many people will head for the mountains and caves before they are taken : having weapons and helping each other.........
Robin hood and his band of men fought the king for many years before Richard the Lionheart came back from the crusades........
Thousands of Jews tried to make a last attempt at freedom from the Nazis........many survived in forests even during the winter!!
Is the mark a physical mark OR is it an acceptance idea that you end up believing and thus you go along with it in contributing by speaking the thought & physically doing the thought. You think it to be right & physically promoting it? What the mind believes the body can achieve?
It's the digital ID . A chip in your hand or on your forehead. Can't buy or sell without it. They want to start it next year.
It is physical since it will be either on your right arm or forehead. It can't be the va× either, since many people received it in the left arm. I think the va× was just a test to check how many people are willing to comply just to continue to "enjoy life."
What you said isn't the mob, but it's definitely the system they will use to enforce it along with a social credit system. This gives global control over buy and sell. The mark itself comes down to worship. We need to follow God's laws, not man's. God's law is Saturday Sabbath! Look at scripture as to how many will be saved. The words many and few are used frequently. Now apply this to Sabbath keeping. Hope this was helpful.
I feel like i missed something here too....the calculation of the number of the beast
CORONA means CROWN, CORONA added up like Revelations tells us to
Calculate the number 666
There are 6 letters, and the individual letters add up to 66 so
Hence 6 and 66. In this math the first number is the total
Number of letters.
A is 1st letter of the alphabet, and C is the 3rd letter of the alpha
Bet, so:
Sub total 66
Total (total number of letters is the first 6)
2 Thessalonians 2:9-11
9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan(A) works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders(B) that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.(C) They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.(D) 11 For this reason God sends them(E) a powerful delusion(F) so that they will believe the lie(G)
Did you know that the Mark of the Beast has THREE FORMS? People think it's just "a chip". Check out the three options listed in Revelation 13:17, which says, "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, OR the name of the beast, OR the number of his name." MARK, NAME, OR NUMBER!!!!!!
The Mark of the beast will be Sunday worship which is not the Sabbath the sabbath is on Saturday it says in the bible one will change that and the catholic church did an abomination and changed the day back in 415 AD .....THE MARK IS BOT A RFID CHIP .....WE won't be here anyways the rapture takes place before the Tribulation and that is biblical God bless and be with us all ❤
This is how I see it, name of the beast, you are a part of the beast, number of the beast, you work for them and enforce their rules, mark of the beast, anyone else.
What's wrong with everyone? The mark - a mark distinguishes; the name, number or a chip are MARKS.
Cornersatone fellowship. Pastor allen nolan, will the 144,000 and the two witnesses appear on earth at the same time? The lord bless you.
The two witnesses come at the beginning of the 7 year tribulation. They start the tribulation period.
There seems like a ton more content on this channel over night! Maranatha!
Amen it's vast, I can't get enough, so glad to be educated in this very neglected subject,and I've been saved 72 years!!! Hope y'all are passing it on virally
How do the hundred and forty four thousand survive past the statue bit?? Are they in hiding ?? Thank you brother 🙏
I believe that Chapter 14 Verses 1-5 are not on this playlist nor on the study notes. Were they removed?
Brother Allen , m
Is there any update on the video that covers 14:1-5? It wasn’t covered in the last video.
Sir where is the sermon for Rev 14:1-5 ??
Please reply 🙏
Sir where is the sermon for Rev 14:1-5 and Rev 14:15-18
What happened to Chapter 14:1-5?
Pastor Kenneth Cox has a Revelation series on the seven angels
I have loved hearing you teach. Thank you.
So what is the name of the angels that you speak of is angels good or evil angels?
You don't take the mark of the beast, you RECEIVE IT.
But you will have the choice to take it or die.
@@CARNIVORE-RN You do know, that if you do, you will soon break out in painful sores?
I'm just wondering, if you hold out refusing to take the Mark of the Beast, can the antichrist forceably give it to you by having 2 of his lackey's hold you down and put it on you? If this happens, will the Christian still be condemned? Sorry if this is a dumb question..I'm new to the faith, and trying to learn.
In my opinion, God would know you did not willingly take it in that case, and you would be forgiven. However, I feel it will not be forgiven it someone willingly takes it. Welcome to faith. May God bless you.
I dont think they can force it, its magic, so you have to give consent.
The mark though it is a physical mark of some sort it also about worship of the beast. The receiver will be worshiping the beast along with the physical mark. Worship is what has been desired by satan from the beginning. When Jesus was tempted just after baptism devil just wanted Jesus to worship him to receive the kingdom’s of the earth. So receiver wil have to swear allegiance as put of receiving the mark. But every possible pressure will be placed on every person hence can’t buy or sell. The vax verses unvax we have just been through is child’s play compared to then.
It will be a physical chip, they chip will mess with your brain and emotions, making you emotionless.
They will not force you to take it, they will ask, and if you refuse, they will end your life right there.
Hello I had a question I know this video was recorded years back and I see things now in our world that are leading to what the pastor is saying and my question is will anyone be tricked into taking this mark ?or will you know that the mark is ?
I think that people who know the word of God and follow Jesus Christ will know immediately what the mark is. If you refuse to receive it, you won't be able to trade, to buy or to sell. There will be restrictions. And I think it has to do with digital currency and a limited amount.
You've seen that many people are paying using their palms now.
No mark means that many people will be homeless, have no food and no safety.
Knowing that, I think that many will take it even if they will know what they're doing and what it means.
..if you cant keep up with the Walkman how will you keep up with the horseman?
Loved ur video! But you said you were going to tell us who is Babylon!?
It is Rome in Rev 16, 17 and 18.
Read Revelation 17 the woman that rides the Beast is described as the whore. the Beast represents the devil. notice where she comes from ,the seven mountains where the woman sits. if you Google the seven mountains where the woman sits .it will tell you it is Vatican City. if you get the Greek coin. the Greek Uro the woman that rides the Beast is on one side.. that image is on one side on that ..it is a greek coin.. I think it was produced in the '80s.. it is that depiction that same depiction,, is in front of many political buildings in Europe,, it connected to Greek mythology ..but if you understand the Greek mythology. it parallels perfectly with what the Bible,its definition) just a spin on it.) it's just that the meaning of it!!! that they say it is! they say the Beast is Zeus, and he sees Europa which Europa is the namesake of Europe... he spies her on the beach he gets there on his back, he takes her into the water, and he has his way with her, they conceived a son, which is called the prince of Heaven, in another one which is slightly different interpretation but means the same thing ,,he finds her in a field of flowers or some crazy thing like, that they don't understand what they're saying ,,because God explains it perfectly when you understand it in Revelation 17,, but they don't know what God is actually saying ,,so so Zeus represents the devil ,which is who he would be! Europa represents Europe and between them two, they come up with the Antichrist ..you see it's all right there .but they don't know what they're saying. and God in the Bible tells you exactly what's happening.
Babylonia is in Iraq
The littlest things scare and amuse the dumbest people.
Fresh air needed.
Please watch "The Mark of the Beast" by Hope Through Prophecy
yes brother
@@glaze4296 Thank you!
He makes it sound not to bad , when it comes to the mark of the beast . To be real you will be living in the woods . That is the size of it !
I would like a video on Easter and where it originated.
@@tc25d Yes if you can send me some scripture on Easter and where the word Easter comes from. That would be great.
Easter is pagan Goggle it. Has nothing to do with Jesus. No such thing as a chocolate Easter bunny laying eggs. It's a worship to the Goddess Ishtar.
It's pagan and comes from the feast of ishtar. Eggs and a rabbit are fertility symbols. Pope Gregory changed the callendar to bring pagan festivals in line with Christian festivals. There is a reason hot cross buns have a cross on them. It's not Christian, it's pagan. Same with Christmas tree. It's pagan idol worship. You bow down before it to place presents under it and you do the same when you open them. The Christmas tree is specifically mentioned in scripture. Sorry, but with a little research you'll find the roots of both are in paganism. Tamuz was also represented with a Christmas tree.
Please watch a video on a site called truthunedited called history of Easter: is it a pagan holiday. He's very thorough and goes into great detail, providing scripture references. He also has another one on Christmas. A man called Walter Veitch has another very detailed video on Christmas. He also has an amazing series called total onslaught which I highly recommend. Hope you find this helpful.
I had a hard time understanding the Mark, until I came upon a video that opened my eyes, ok, if I take the Mark of the beast on my right hand or my forehead I would Die, but if refused the mark i would be killed for my love of my Lord Jesus Christ, so I will gladly die
Dumb question but....", was the covid vaccine considered to be the "mark"? I always shrugged it off because the teaching said forehead or hand, not the upper arm, but if the Greek word for "hand" is a mistranslation for "arm" then there might be a lot of us in deep trouble. We did get to the point of, "Take it or lose your job" in this country.
It’s not the mark. The mark is implemented and enforced by the Antichrist and the false prophet. You won’t be fooled into it. It’ll be a conscious decision that everyone will have to make.
Regardless, stay skeptical of those McJabs. The “leaders” pushing it the hardest don’t have our best interests in mind.
No it's not dumb question it's smart one.
I think of it as the practice run. How their going to get people to take it . Mark is very defined , right hand or forehead .
Listen to this video Again. It will be happening in the Second part of the tribulation and we are NOT there yet.
God is not going to send people to hell for taking a covid 19 vaccine to kill a virus.
My question would be, and maybe I'm an idiot and don't get it but if people see an angel flying overhead, why would they not instantly repent.... SEE AN ANGEL!!, IN PERSON FLYING OVERHEAD ...and not repent! What's wrong with people?!
I believe we are the nation of Babylon.
Preview try the show starts 30 minutes due to previews
Beauty an the beast wow. If one has God what is there to fear?
Fantastic teaching!
Pastor Allen . Is Mark of the Beast 666 ?
Great Biblical preaching. I enjoy and appreciate your video series immensely. I don’t see anything on Ch.14:1-5. Is it included in a video I’ve missed or just not covered?
@@allennolan Is it available now? I have watched the first 45 sections. I really watch it continuously. Thanks a lot.
I believe that the mark has something to do with our genetic s.
Yes, right on. I think you might be interested in Dr. Laura Sanger lectures on the Nephilim, defilement of the seed of Adam.
It's in the Digital ID that's coming.
That's also in Revelation 9:16 but I also see the 10,000 Saints (Jude 14) upon the spiritual horses
fire, smoke, and brimstone.
Is this perhaps "10000 of His saints"
Without your covic card you can buy sell or trade,loose your job today,,it's here
CORONA means CROWN, CORONA added up like Revelations tells us to
Calculate the number 666
There are 6 letters, and the individual letters add up to 66 so
Hence 6 and 66. In this math the first number is the total
Number of letters.
A is 1st letter of the alphabet, and C is the 3rd letter of the alpha
Bet, so:
Sub total 66
Total (total number of letters is the first 6)
2 Thessalonians 2:9-11
9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan(A) works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders(B) that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.(C) They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.(D) 11 For this reason God sends them(E) a powerful delusion(F) so that they will believe the lie(G)
No that's another system, it's not the mark of the beast because that comes after the rapture, when Tribulation starts, and this is in the 2nd half of Tribulation, we are not there yet, it's a copy to force you to their system
18 to life
Can you show me a scripture verse that says the tribulation is 7 years long? .I noticed he said the last half of the tribulation. nowhere in the Bible can I read a statement saying the tribulation is 7 years long.
Study Daniel 9:24-27 clearly laid out but study it slowly. Pastor Nolan has several videos on those verses. One in this series and also one in the olivet discourse
It’s based on 360 day yr 1260 days first half 1260 days second half.
@@oathtogod7585 yes, the reason I asked the question in the first place , he's preaching as if there's a 7-year tribulation ,,there's nowhere in the Scripture it says there's a 7-year tribulation. The 70th week of Daniel is 1,260 days long, both from the start of the Covenant then after the Covenant is broken, nowhere in the scripture does it say the first 1,260 days or 42 months there is a tribulation !! when he breaks the( agreement )of Daniel 9:27 because Jesus said unless the time would be cut short no flesh would be saved !in Matthew 24 so it is a short 7 years. which is not true, of the first 69 weeks of Daniel 9
The Covenant will be made to many at the start of the WEEK........but in the "MIDDLE of the (WEEK = means 7) HE will dissolve it!
And so half of 7 years is 42 months, 1,2060 days or 3•5 years approximately!
And so, there must be a START DATE to find the middle of the 7 years.......and know that will be the time of the abomination of desolation standing where it should not!
All the months on today's calenda are exactly 30 or 31 days except for a leap year....
But today in the UK, we start the 'LONGEST' month by putting the clock back by one hour every OCTOBER ( BRITISH WINTER TIME): where we also put this clock forward an hour to start British summer time!
And so I'm sure God can move his clock to suite his purpose.........
❤ 33:25
Are you guys doing okay 👍
Did I miss something or was there a piece purposefully omitted?
@@allennolan Will we be able to access it somehow? Thank you.
@@allennolan no problem. Always glad to know I am not losing it 😊
Why omit? If something is preached as part of a series, shouldn’t it be shown with that series? I’m confused.
Yes. Missing the teaching of the vision of the 144,000 singing a new song... vs 1-5
The mark of the beast is looking like some sort of (digital) currency link to the SIN number.
Confirmation of what Gary Hamrick, Cornerstone Church, teaches.......
Isaiah 21.8And he cried A lion My lord I stand continually upon the watch tower in the day time and I set in my ward whole nights And behold here cometh a chariot of men with a couple of horsemen And he answered and said Babylon is fallen is fallen and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken to the ground. O my threshing floor that which I have heard of the Lord of hosts the God of Israel have I declared unto you. Job 12.7 but ask now the beast and they shall teach thee and the fowls of the air and they shall teach thee. Jeremiah 31.27 Behold the days come saith the Lord that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man and with the seed of beast. Jeremiah 27.5 I have made the earth the man and the beast that are upon the ground by my great power and my outstretched arm and have given it unto whom it seemed meet unto me. And now have I given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon my servant and the beasts of the field have I given him also to serve him. Ecclesiastes 3.18 I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men that God might manifest them and that they might see that they themselves are beast. There would be no new testament without the old. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Ghost.
Would somebody please tell Dr. John Mc Arthur that he must correct what he said about taking the mark of the beast and still having a chance to be saved?
That teaching is totally misleading and could condemn many souls to eternal damnation.
The prophets, the early church believers, and Jesus Himself suffered persecution unto death. Why should we believe that his last days church, the ones who arguably received more from God in terms of preparedness than any other Era, are going to be spared the opportunity to give up their lives for the truth of the gospel in the time of the greatest persecution the earth has ever seen? I'm having a very hard time believing that's the will of God for his last days church, one of the compeling reasons I believe the scripture teaches a post-trib rapture. The soft western church will also be here to have an opportunity to have the veracity of our faith tested in the crucible of persecution just like those who have gone before us and those who live under heavy persecution today. Don't faint.
Imagine if the "Mark" is purely Spiritual. "Right Hand" is mentioned 166 times. Strong symbolic meaning. I think it was Philip who asked to sit at Christs right hand in Heaven, was told it's not his to give, and you dont know what you're asking. Authority, Works, Strength, Power, you will submit, just as a Christian would for Christ, as you will believe, and think "He" is what he claims to be, the returned Messiah. It's not your flesh God, or Satan wants. Its worship.
The mark is not purely spiritual. You have to be living under a rock not to notice that the world is moving cashless and only digital currency that can be tracked will used in Rev 13.
@@bradmyers7109 I dont understand why people take the absolute most symbolic book of Bible, put their own interpretation, make things literal. It says that a "Beast rises out of the sea" too, but I highly doubt Godzilla will be attacking. Ask yourself, what "Mark" do you need to be a Christian? None? Maybe you are marked Spiritually by God, and it ain't literal.
@@timorean320 I sure hope you are a true believer in Jesus Christ. If not you will discover the hard way that there are many things that will take place LITERALLY in the future according to the book of Revelation.
@@bradmyers7109 What would make you think that I ain't? Doesnt the book say "many will be decieved?" I try to live, think, breathe "Spiritually". God does not care about your flesh. It cannot please him, or enter Heaven. Romans 8:8, 1Corinthians 15:50. The "Mark" is nothing but a cheap imitation of the 144K who have the name of God written IN their foreheads in Rev. 14, is that literal? Did God use a pencil, or pen?
@@timorean320 You have to be living under a rock not to notice that the world is moving cashless and only digital currency that can be tracked will used in Rev 13.
The Church does not understand living in Faith ! Why not teach on this, until they do understand it ?
Nor do they understand what Grace is. . . God has given us all things pertaining to life and Godliness through Christ Jesus. . . Salvation is much more important than understanding the mark of the Breast. . If they are led by the Spirit, they will not take the mark ! Faith and Grace are the topics that must be understood in order to pass through heavens gates. . . and are also the bases for our relationship with the Father. . .
What if someone is restrained or rendered unconscious and they have the mark implanted by force? What happens to that person if they have been refusing all along and this situation occurs to them?
Nobody will be forced to take the mark. You have to be willing to take it. God will not condemn anyone if the mark was given to someone against their will.
Do you know that the Holy spirit can not be purchased nor can it be given by man! There for the world of academia qualifies you of nothing much except to man. Think on this...... the ones who have the mark of the beast NOW, they also will drink if the wrath of God! There are many Christians who seek and never find and many study but never find peace/clear vision. YOU are the one's who have the mark. Serving the world (babylon) while saying you serve the Lord! The word the Holy Spirit should give you clear desisive answers and pure peace but instead it heaps ashes in your face. You contort it, pick only certain portions but still it burns you. I hope this serves as an awakening
Did you listen to what he said because you seem to have your own version apart from scripture which is clearly explained by Allen. We are NOT in the Tribulation we have NOT taken the mark here on earth through the various ways you describe, where do you get this alternative bible from???
@@lynnes5561 The Tribulation Started About 2000yrs ago and Will Continue Until The Rapture, Tribulation is Satan Attacking God's People
Ken: No One has The Mark, It's Not here Yet, When The Antichrist Shows Up He Will Cause All to Receive The Mark, The Whole World Will Know When he is HERE
The difference between you and I is , I look at what fruit comes from man's inner being you obviously develop you conclusions on the outer man. Man is not only marked by the beast but is ingulft by the beast! Do you not see the state of this would oh man?? Just for now you can have the last word......I listen to the lamb!!!!!
@@kenharrell6686 Man is Bathing in The Joy's Darkness, Just Like The Word Says, You Should try Reading or at least Read Revelation 13: 12-18 , That may Help Out of Your Own Little world Of Judging Others. Do You Know No One Comes to Christ Except The Father Calls ( John 6:44 ) If You Feel His Voice Tugging on Your Heart Ask Forgiveness, If He Answers, You Will be Washed by The Blood of The Lamb ( Revelation1:5 )
WHAT consists of "the Mark of the Beast"? WHAT is it? I understand the consequences of it, but WHAT is it? Thank you
It's been rolled out for the last 10 months.
@@peterburton3095 So can U answer my question?~ Thx
It is the jabbaroo.
It's not the vaccine their is nothing in reverlation 13 to indicate this
@@peteroliver7943 Yes there is!
Please take note of the term Biometrics, this preludes as to what the scripture regarding the matter, this indicates the advent of the biochip implantation that will integrate with a cashless industry/ society, everyting you will be tracked, something like GPS tracking of every human on the planet.
The Lord is talking all his commandments. That means worship on Saturday. Jessus didn't change the holy day to Sunday. The vatican did, that's why they think they are christ on earth. Satan is coming after the Lord's commandment keeping people. That's why there will be a Sunday worship law. That's the mark of the beast. Saturday worship is Yahwehs mark, a covenant between him and us.
We are to worship God everyday. But true, Saturday is the Sabbath.
🎯 spot on!
Remember Rev 22:18-19
There is almost no confusion over this passage.
Just read it. All clear unless you are adding or deleting things.
Nice point about the movie. Read Rev as a screenplay. Not the lines, but the broad strokes.
This is the the Days to get Ready to Meet Our LORD Jesus Christ in the Clouds Now! You Surely don't Want to be left behind here in the Seven Years Tribulation! And if Your don't get the Mark will be Beheaded! This is for those Who are not Saved, Be Very Wise and Repent and Except Jesus Christ as Your LORD and Saver!
I know you've been taught a 7-year tribulation. can you show me a scripture verse that says that ?I can see where it's 42 months long, or 3 and 1/2 years ,or a time times and a half a Time, or 1,260 days, but I can't find a scripture verse anywhere that says that it is 7 years long,, there is a 7-year agreement, that is made.. but it says he comes in peaceably.
remember to keep the Sabbath day holy Sunday is not a holy day it's a pagan day
Yes, you are correct 100%.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say the day was changed. It was changed by man, not by GOD, not by Jesus, Not by the Holy Spirit.
Christ rose at dawn on the 8th day!
All Jewish males get the FLESH CUT OFF (preparation of everlasting covenant through ISAAC= resurrection) on the 8th day!
Paul gathered and preached on the 8th day!
The curtain within the temple had torn down the middle after Christ' death: Gentiles are allowed to be grafted into the Olive tree because now it is a good tree because Jesus is the BRANCH!
ALL JEWS then have to be grafted into this same tree: where God CUT all 12 branches off!
Unbelieving Jews are the FIG!
Read COLOSSIANS chapter 2
What is the mark of the beast
The "medicine" being coerced on everyone worldwide for the last 1.5 years + the test.
Go to revelations of jesus christ site.
Themtube has deleted most videos describing it. Most of my comments get deleted.
Anthony Patch is excellent on the technical side.
Mark of the beast = sunday worship
Babylon coarsed people to take the mark?
That means so many are already doomed...
The proper word to use is "Elect" in place of Saint, since scriptures tell us the following in Romans:
Romans 3:10 As it is written , There is none righteous, no, not one
The etymology of the word “saint” - its origin and meaning: It came into use in the English language around the 1100's, as an adjective used of those whom the Catholic Church had “beatified” and “canonized”. At that time, the meaning of the word “saint” was “holy”, corresponding to the Latin adjective sanctus which meant “holy”, “sacred” (related to the verb sancio, “to consecrate”). So, in the 1100s, “saint Eligius” simply meant “holy Eligius”. Later, in the 1300s or so, the word “saint” began to be used even as a noun, “a saint”, but it still referred to the Catholic “saints”, and was not used of living persons.
The word Sacred is a sun deity name. , Holy is derived for the divinely honored sun. So it seems that since it did come from Rome, that Saint has something to do with the sun and sun worship.
It was only in Protestant times, from the 1500s and onward, that the English word “saint” began to be used of (living) persons of “extraordinary holiness”, and then even of church members and so on.
This would be like the word "rapture", which was used only in Jerome's Latin Vulgate and Christians still use that word today, so it seems that this also goes for the word "saint".
Even the words “saintdom” and “sainthood” were originally Catholic concepts, referring to those whom the Catholic Church had “beatified” and “canonised”. A note: The words “sainthood” and “saintdom” do not appear in bible-translations, at least not in any of the most common ones. All of Catholic origin.
This is how the English word “saint” came into being:
The Greek (Erasmus) text of the New Testament has hagios (άγιος). Jerome's Latin Vulgate version translated that into Latin as sanctus.
Wycliffe, whose 1395 English translation was based on the (Jerome's) Latin text and not on the Greek, did not translate the Latin sanctus but used it, in the transcribed form “seyntis”.
Later, the spelling was changed further, to “sainctes” (Tyndale, 1525), “sayntes” (Coverdale, 1535), “saintes” (Geneva bible, 1560) and finally “saints” (Geneva bible, 1587).
Pagan deities were made Christian saints.
Bacchus became St. Bacchus
Dionysius became St. Denys or Denis
Brigid, Became Saint Brigid
Dazhdbóg became saint Germain
ERos became SAINT EROS,
Demeter is now St. Demetrios
Aphrodite became St. Aphrodite
The Roman deities Mars was originally a deity who guarded wheat fields. He became St. Martin (esp. St. Martin-in-the-fields)
The Roman deity Quirinus became St. Cyrinus,
The Roman deities known as the Lares became St. Lawrence
The Roman female deity Venus became St. Venera
The Roman deities known as the Gemini, who were protectors of sailors in Roman pagan times, became the Sanctos Geminos
The Greek deity Nike was picked up as Saint Nicholas, who was extremely popular wherever shipping was important. He is the patron saint of Russian, Holland and Germany, all on the north sea coast.
"SANCTIFIED" = Sanctus, pagan deity, identified with Jupiter and Apollo.
The bible didn't record everything that went on between Ms. Sheba and Solomon. Pertinent facts were left out.
I have a question I have asked many people and no one can give me a logical answer.. I'm hoping you can. When reading the bible I found that it tells us what we can and cannot eat. Once I read this I couldn't unread it regardless of how much I love bacon. When I have asked people I thought knew a lot about the bible etc I got mixed answers. The one that I remember most was "because we aren't jewish.... we're gentiles" It still didn't make sense, Can you tell me if we are forbidden to eat Pork, Shrimp, Rabbit etc or not. This has caused a great deal of confusion for me I because If I wrote a book I could fill it with the many (some very funny) reasons we can or cannot. Please help with this....... My mother wants Ham for Easter Dinner!
@@allennolan So as Christians we are only commanded to follow the moral laws and are considered "exempt" from the levitical and civil law? I understand this but not how they are not intended for us as well. I couldn't find anything in the bible that refers to this.
@@allennolan yes it does and tyvm. for responding and helping me understand the differemce
@@allennolanI have a confusion regarding this. If the ten Commandments apply to us, shouldn't we follow the sabbath
@@brainerdberry5356 I'm going to reply. Forgive me Pastor if I'm not in line with your teaching. There are people out there calling "the Sunday law" part of beast worship. I find that absurd. We celebrate The Lord's day. It's also our sabbath. If you're in the US, you know that Sunday is the end of the week for us, more or less. Jesus said that the sabbath was made fir man and not man for the sabbath. It's a day for us to focus on God and our family, as well as resting our bodies and minds. Some people have to work on Sunday. Again, Jesus said that the sabbath is made for us not us for the sabbath. The religious leaders of the day were upset because the apostles were picking corn (or whatever it was). Jesus said who wouldn't pull their ox out of the ditch on sabbath day? Just my thoughts. I could be wrong. One more personal opinion, no bible backs it up. I believe the reason for Jews not being allowed to eat pork and other unclean animals was for their benefit. If you've cooked pork, you know it has parasites that have to be cooked at very high temps for so long to kill them. Again just my opinion. Forgive me if I'm wrong. We see in the new testament that, being gentiles, we don't have "the law", but we have our own laws of right and wrong that The Lord sees as "a law".
I believe the dietary restrictions were for the Jews. Not the Gentiles. But if you read the foods that were mentioned to be unclean, it makes sense to not eat some of them. Gentiles are not to eat the food of idols, nor meat that has not had the blood drained from them. I love seafood but some people say they are unclean due to the fact they are bottom feeders. Perhaps this is why they are mentioned as unclean. But again, these rules were for the Jews and I believe God had his reasons for this. Peter's dream in Acts 10 is very interesting but I think the bottom line was not about foods but he was not to look at the Gentiles as unclean. And if you go to lunch with a Jewish friend, do not cause them to suffer by ordering a bloody steak. Respect their dietary laws and order fish or a salad.
You mentioned the eternal gospel and skipped over the COMMANDMENTS OF THE FATHER. It is the Gospel of the kingdom that Jesus Spoke of. You dropped the ball right there.
its already happening with 15 minute cities